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Book 15

- Hera+Zeus make love, zeue wake up mad

- tells messager to stop Poseidon from Helping the achaians
- the achians got beaten back to the ship and the trojan burned some vessel.

Book 16
Book 19
- Shield of Achilleus
- Achilleus make peace with the crew
- agamemnon bring back the girl
- eat/rested, achilles got his armor
Book 20
- The Avengers
- Achileus fight Aineas ( posidon throw him out )
- Achilleus kill bunch of others then Hektor brother, fight hektior but apollo
- Achilleus kill bunch of other people again
Book 21
- chase the trojan and make them cross a river, Achilleus kill bunch of trojans in
the water with sword, capturwed 10
- Mercilessly stabbed Lykaon on his knees.
- killed Asteropais the kill a shit ton of Paionians
- The River gets mad ( Skamandros) washed away the corps, hide the living
trojanssss cast a water current at Achilleus
- Ackilleus graped an Elm tree, up root it, the tree blockd the river accidently,
he runs away but the river chased him.
- River is about to drown Achilleus but Athene and Posidon save him.

- Xanthos (Skamandros) Call MOies for help, Hera + Hephaitos make a fire storm to
subdue the river
-Athene beat the shit out of Ares+ Aphrodite
- Artemis got boxed in the ear by hera and her bpw taken away like a child
-The trojan run back into their city
- Angenor stand his groudn and want to buy tiem for the Trojans, Apollo would not
let him face Achilleus
-Apollo disguise as Angenor and lead Achilleus away from the trojans.

book 22
-Achilles chase HEktor around the city 3 times
- Achilleus stabbed Hektor in the collarbone area, Hekto beg Achilleus to give his
body back to the Trojans but Achilleus was not move.
- dragged hektor body to the ship, all the trojans weep in lamentation for Hektor
- Astyanax fate is filled
book 23
- Burn Patroklos body
- games to Honor Patroklos
Chariot racing
throwing Iron
Spear throw
book 24
-Priam ransom Hektor back
- Hektor Funeral

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