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ORACLE: someone or something MONGOLS: tribes of nomads currently living

believed to disclose hidden mainly in Mongolia

knowledge, information, or secrets The Mongols moved with their herds until
A famous oracle in Western history was Genghis Khan captured China’s capital city
at the shrine of Apollo at Delphi. and ruled China.
An oracle is a person or object that is They were known as the Mongols, and they
believed to reveal hidden knowledge. lived on the vast grasslands of central Asia.
(p. 3) (p. 12)

PHILOSOPHERS: seekers of wisdom

PORCELAIN: a hard but delicate type of fine or enlightenment who offer thoughts
china made with a special kind of clay on profound questions or problems of
Ming porcelain vases command high prices ethics
at auctions, and many can be found in art Confucius and Laozi were important
museums. Chinese philosophers.
They also made beautiful works in porcelain, One of China’s most important
a very fine china. (p. 15) philosophers, or thinkers, lived near the
end of the Zhou dynasty. (p. 4)

SILK ROAD: a network or circuit of ancient

trade routes that connected China, the SEISMOGRAPH: an instrument that measures
Middle East, and Europe seismic waves, or vibrations, in earthquakes

The Silk Road, also called the Silk Route, The seismograph even showed the direction
was followed by Marco Polo to reach that the vibrations came from.
Cathay, an old name for China. In 132 CE, Chang Heng created the first
The Silk Road was not an actual road. It seismograph, an instrument to detect and
was a system of overland trade routes that measure earthquakes. (p. 8)
linked China with Europe. (p. 9)

TYPHOONS: a hurricane that occurs in

the northwestern Pacific Ocean
_________________ According to the National Ocean Service,
hurricanes and typhoons are exactly the
_________________ same kind of storm.
Mongol fleets trying to invade Japan were
_________________ destroyed by typhoons, or “divine
winds,” as the Japanese called them.
(p. 13)


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