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Importance of the project

The research project is based on the proposals of the Ministry of National

Education -MEN- in the Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies (2008), from which it is

intended to include "new approaches to the national pedagogical debate on the

conceptual and methodological possibilities of assuming multiculturalism and

interculturalism from the educational field"1. Thus, the Afro-Pacific literature is an axis

to include within the Spanish language curricula of the Educational Institutions of basic

education and media, to contribute to the construction of identities and the development

of intercultural processes from the classroom.

As background, we can cite the publication of the Library of Afro-Colombian

Literature by the Ministry of Culture in 2010. The project: "Marco referencial de la

formación de docentes en el área de Humanidades y lengua Castellana a nivel

nacional" carried out in 2015. Then, another project carried out in the year 2017

"Aportes de la Literatura Afro-Pacífica colombiana en la formación de estudiantes de

grado décimo y undécimo del Pacífico y Bogotá".

Finally, the work of Afro-Colombian literature in educational institutions

presents a rather complex scenario. For this reason, the proposal we make is innovative

and aims to improve the quality of education in the 20 educational institutions linked to

the project. They participated in the first phase of characterization between 2017 - 2018.

In addition, the curriculum will be redesigned, teacher training will be conducted to

improve teaching practices within the classroom, identities will be strengthened through

the reading of regional writers, which will allow students to recognize themselves as

Afro-Colombians and thus be able to confront the naturalized racism of society. In

Translated from Spanish.
addition, they will improve their reading processes and gain cultural knowledge from


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