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경희대학교 외국인 자기소개 및

Statement of purpose ( Self Introduction and Study plan)

Application Number
▶ 인적사항 / Personal Data
영문( 여권상) in English (as written in the passport)
전형구분 ■ 신입학 □ 편입학
Abdusoliyev Dilshodbek Admission Type Freshman Transfer
Name 한글 in Korean
캠퍼스구분 ■ 서울캠퍼스 □ 국제캠퍼스
Campus Seoul Campus Global Campus 사진
지원학부(과) Hospitality and
Intended Management
3cm ? 4cm
Department or

국 적(모두기재) 생년월일
Country of Uzbekistan Date of Birth 2005.02.07
Citizenship (yy/mm/dd)

* 자신에 대한 소개를 학력사항, 언어능력, 기타(취미, 특기 등)의 사항을 포함하여 기술하시오. (300 자 이내)
Describe about yourself including educational backgound and language ability. You may include information about
your hobby, talents, and etc (minimum 150 words)

My name is Abdusoliyev Dilshodbek. I finished high school which is Lyceum of Gulistan State University in 2022. I was a participant
In many competitions when I was in school. I took part in many National math and English Olympiads and had perfect results. Another
benefit of competing with other intelligent people was making friends. I made a lot of acquaintances and it helps me to surround myself
with people who has the same goal as me. it was really helpful. As for me, I am a positive and reliable person. I consider myself as a
leader, especially in a teamwork because I have been chosen as a captain by my friends and classmates till now and I have never
disappointed them. I also have computer skills like Mc Excel, Word and Searching on the Internet. I have been involved in computers a
lot since I was young, through which I have gained experience working on a computer. Academically, I finished high school with high
GPA and while I was studying at school, I took International certificates. For example, I learned English and took IELTS exam.
Fortunately, I got 7. Apart from that, I am really good at math. That’s why, I also took SAT exam and got 1280 overall. As I said before I
took part in a lot of math competitions, thus, math section of SAT was easy for me and I got 750 out of 800 which is a really good result.
I am also interested in sport. I am good at playing football, basketbool and table tennis. Table tennis is my favorite sport and I
in lot of table tennis competitions too.

본인이 경희대학교에 입학하기 위해서 어떠한 노력을 했는지 기술하시오. (300 자 이내) What kind of efforts have you made
to enter Kyung Hee University (minimum 150 words)?
I have always been interested in studying Korea since when I was 14 years old. After deciding to study in Korea, I started
learning English and focused to learn math deeper. Every job has its challenges. I also faced a number of challenges when
choosing an University. One of them was choosing one of the Korean universities in the field I was interested in. It is known that
there are many universities in South Korea. These include private, national universities and universities ranked in the world’s top
rankings. I hesitated a bit in the selection and then took advice from my dad and friends. They recommended Top-1000
universities because the quality of course, conditions and teachers at these universities are recognized in several world rankings
such as QS World University Ranking, Times Higher Education World University Rankings. And I started to choose one of the
Korean universities that made it into the Top-1000. I chose several universities in the field I wanted. Among them was Kyung
Hee University. To be honest, at first, private universities were a bit of a value to me. The grants and scholarships announced by
the University later gave me hope and I decided to choose this university. My next task was to get acquainted with the
requirements of the university. Another challenge was the translation and notarization of these required documents. This is due to
the fact that today there are many companies that produce fake documents, and their cost is very high. I searched a lot and found
a reliable, cheap firm. They prepared my documents and wished me luck. The rest of the process wasn’t that complicated because
I understood it myself.

경희대학교를 지원하게 된 사유 및 지원학과를 선택한 이유를 기술하시오. (300 자 이내) Explain why you chose Kyung Hee
University and this particular major (minimum 150 words).
Careers in the tourism and hospitality industry are amongst the fastest growing areas of employment in the world. A degree in
Hospitality Management teaches students about business management, marketing fundamentals, human resources, project
management, sustainability and cross-cultural awareness, will equip you for a successful profession that will allow you to advance
to a variety of high-level jobs. Because the hotel sector is so diverse, my employment search will never be limited. I can manage
hotels, improve the ‘customer service' aspect of old hospitals, or establish my own restaurant. The number of international tourists
is expected to exceed 1.8 billion. This means that those who work in the hospitality industry will be in great demand all around the
world. Hospitality is defined as the act of welcoming another. Depending on whatever sector of the industry I work in, I might meet
a wide range of foreign travelers with a wide range of tales to relate. As a hospitality leader, diversity isn't something I can just turn
on and enjoy; it's something I have to strive for. Hospitality, on the other hand, is the ideal setting for cultivating a diverse and
inclusive staff and client base.
As a student, I decided to study all of this at Kyung Hee University, where I get a variety of skills and advice from professionals
and experienced teachers. During my research, I discovered that Kyung Hee tries to create an academic culture which students can
learn to their hearts' content and professors can teach to their hearts' content, allowing students to develop their imagination,
creativity, and practical ability to lead future society while professors pursue their dreams of becoming great scholars, maestros,
and virtuosos. The University has also worked to develop a culture that values intellectual diversity as well as the unique features
of each department and institution, including graduate schools. As a result of these efforts, all university disciplines, including
humanities, social studies, natural sciences, engineering, arts and music, physical education, and medical, have seen steady growth
and global reputation commensurate with their academic sophistication. As seen by the substantial rise in the University's ranks in
various assessments, excellence in each field leads to the University's growth. One of the things that motivated me to choose this
university were the famous people who graduated from this university. Two presidents of South Korea, many authors and poets, a
lot of sportsmen, actors and singers are alumni of this university. I believe that I will achieve results more than they did in the

본인이 합격할 경우 전공과 연계하여 졸업 후 무엇을 하고 싶으며, 그와 관련하여 대학에서 수학 계획은 무엇인지 기술하시오.
(300 자 이내) If you get accepted, what would you want to do after graduation in relation to your major, and what
are the academic plans to achieve it
Today, Uzbekistan is one of the developing countries, and therefore it is undergoing significant changes, updates and modernization.
We can clearly see that the construction of skyscrapers and hotels has already begun through large investments. For example,
NestOne, Hilton, Hampton, Trillant and others. It is obvious that such buildings and structures definitely need qualified specialists.
There are many undiscovered and untouched historical places, new constructions for hotels and tourism agencies. It will need new
innovative projects and experience. My goal is to work in the largest hotel in Uzbekistan in my specialty after I complete my
bachelor’s degree, especially as a hotel manager. For this, I have to study hard and learn all the secrets of my field from my teachers.
I put into practice the knowledge and skills I have learned during my studies and gain experience through this. In the future I desire
to start a modern technology-based business in Uzbekistan through what I have learned and experienced at Kyung Hee University. I
strongly believe that I will be the specialist that Uzbekistan is searching. This, in turn, will help strengthen ties by establishing
cooperation with South Korea. I believe that I will definitely achieve my goal, I will carry out each of my plans one by one. When a
person sets a goal and strives for it, he will surely achieve it, and the whole being will motivate him to achieve his goal.

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