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Morning Meeting 10 mins

Greeting: Snowball
- Write your name on a piece of paper and toss it to the other person
- Read the name and then say hi to the other person

- What’s your favorite type of candy/halloween candy?
- If you celebrate it, what are you going to be for Halloween?

- Rock paper scissors

Good morning Ayden and Alaiah,
Thank you for letting me visit you in class today! I am looking forward to getting to know you
better over the next few weeks. Today we will be exploring our self portraits a little more.

Ms. McCann

Self Portraits 20 mins

Have students look over each others self portraits and comment on anything they would like to
(kind things)

Questions from slide show

Plan for the Next Few Weeks 5 mins

Read and discuss the plan from the slide show

Work on Classwork? 10 mins

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