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Water Quality Monitoring System Hydrogenic Cultivation


Eko Budihartono, Arif Rakhman

Prodi D-3 Teknik Komputer, Politeknik Harapan Bersama, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. A cultivation system that combines a hydroponic system and without chemicals
(organic), the combination of the two results in a design where plant cultivation is carried out
without soil media and natural organic fertilizers derived from fish manure that flows along
with the flow of pond water through pipes. This technology is often referred to as aquaponics,
which is a system that combines hydroponics with a fish farming pond below. After the
material is ready, the farmer fills the pond with fish, leaving it for a week. They were followed
by breeding fish seeds. How to make a water quality monitoring system in Hydrogenic
Aquaculture to facilitate the process of measuring water quality (water temperature, water pH,
turbidity)? And Benefits to the community in hydrogen cultivation in water quality
monitoring?. Considering how vital water is in vegetable cultivation and fish cultivation, water
quality must be maintained, and its quality is maintained. To conserve water quality, we need a
tool to monitor the water quality using Arduino Uno R3 so that hydrogenic cultivation is
carried correctly. From the high losses caused, the community needs a system that can monitor
water quality in hydrogenic cultivation. This requires an IoT-based real-time water quality
monitoring system for hydro-organic cultivation. With a hydro-organic aquaculture water
quality monitoring system, accurate data can be obtained easily. This tool application can
monitor water quality automatically. Parameters in monitoring water quality (water
temperature, water pH and turbidity) so that water quality in hydrogenic cultivation can be
monitored accurately. The results obtained are getting better with an accuracy of 99,8%. This
research is beneficial for the community in hydrogenic cultivation in monitoring water quality
so that the results obtained are more maximal in vegetable cultivation and fish cultivation.

Keywords: Arduino Uno, Temperature Sensor, pH Sensor, Turbidity Sensor, LCD, Hydrogenic

1. Introduction
Water is a source for agricultural and fishery life, even water is the foundation of the
community to cultivate hydrogenic to become a source of community food such as vegetable
cultivation and fish cultivation[1]. Considering how important water is for vegetable and fish farming,
water quality must be maintained and its quality is maintained, free from ammonia and free from acids
and bases so as not to damage water quality. To maintain water quality, we need a tool that can
monitor the quality of the water using an IoT-based Arduino so that in controlling water quality to
hydrogenic water quality is maintained properly[2].
Tihe pHi oir niegative liogarithm oif tihe hyidrogen iion cioncentration isi a maister vairiable ini
wiater quiality beicause thie hydirogen ioin infiluences maniy reiactions. Beicause disisolved cairbon
dioxidie is aicidic, rainwiaiter tihat is siaturated witih tihis gias isi naiturally pHi 5.6. Limeistone,
calciuim siliciate, aind feildspars ini sioils aind otiher geoliogical foirmations dissiolve thirough tihe
aiction ofi cairbon dioixide toi inicrease ithe concientration oif bicaribonate ini waiter anid riaise tihe
piH. Tihe toital conceintration oif titriatable basies—usualily biciarbonate andi cairbonate—exipressed
ini milligriams peir liteir ofi cailcium caribonate isi thie totail alikalinity. Tiotal alkailinity tyipically
isi leiss tihan 50 mig/L in waiters oif huimid arieas wiith highily leiached sioils, buit iti is grieater
wherie sioils arei moire feritile, limeistone forimations arie priesent, ori tihe climaite isi airid.
Alkialinity incrieases thie availaibility ofi inoirganic cairbon foir pihotosynthesis, biecause mosit
phytoiplankton spiecies aind mainy highier aquiatic plaints cain obtiain ciarbon firom bicairbonate.
Waiter biodies witih moiderate toi higih alikalinity aire wiell-buiffered agiainst widei dailiy swinigs
ini pHi reisulting friom neti remioval ofi cairbon dioixide biy phiotosynthesis diuring daiytime iand
retiurn oif caribon dioide o th wter y resiratory prcess a nght whn tere s o phtosynthesis. Te otimum H
rnge fr mst quatic rganisms i 6.5–8.5, nd th acid nd alaline deth ponts re arund pH 4 ad pH 11,
rspectively. Fsh nd othr aqutic nimals void hih carbn ioxide concntration, bt 20 mg/L r moe cn e
tlerated f thre s penty f dissoved oygen[3].
Traditionial fisih fairming facies severial chiallenges, incluiding wiater polliution, tempierature
imbailance, feied, spaice, coist, eitc. Biofiloc tecihnology ini aquiaculture transiforms thie mainual
intio an advaniced systiem thiat alliows thie reuise iof unuised feeid iby coniverting thiem inito
micriobial proitein[4]. Tihe objiective iof thie reseiarch isi to priopose ian IoiT-basied soilution tio
aquacultuire thiat increaises effiiciency aind producitivity. Tihe article presentoed a siystem ithat
colleicts daita uising senisors, anailyzes thiem usinig a miachine liearning moidel, generiates
diecisions witih tihe helip iof Artificiial Intelligeince (AI), anid seinds noitifications ito ithe uiser. iThe
propoised systiem hias beien impilemented anid tesed t valdate nd achive a satsfactory esult[5].
Te traditonal techique or tesing watr nd sil qality s t acumulate ther eamples ad sen t th ork o
chek ad brak dwn. Tis systm s ediousand nt conervative. Te watr qality estiating fraework tht e've got
actul chcks th charater f wter endlssly though appopriate senors. n stadard farmig, develpment f te
plats s usd t cotinue andupgrade huan lif. te eent in or ountry i reatly iminished oing o bsence o
intrigiue, shoritage oif fariming laind anid wiater anid miany agriciulturists wiith thieir oiwn
adviantage thiey nieed beein doinig thie eivent iat thiis. Ini anyi casie, tihat toi bioot resipects lesis
crieation oiwing tio abisence oif atteintiveness regariding thie laind watierlessness, ino opportiune
chiemical useis aind affoirdable harvesits fori thie lanid. Tihe Wi-fi moidule excihanges diata
gaithered byi thie seinsors toi thie ciontroller, andi excihanges thie daita tio thie coimputer. Thiis
systeim continiuously monitoiring thie contaimination iof tihe wiater iassets, sioil quiality.[6]
Wateir polilution isi oine iof tihe bigigest feiars foir thie greein gloibalization. Iin orider tio
ensiure thie siafe suipply ofi thie driniking waiter thie quiality neieds tio bie moinitor iin reial tiime.
Iin tihis pilaper we preent a dsign nd dvelopment f a lw cot sysem fr real ime moitoring o te wter
qulity i IT(intrnet f tings).Th systm conist f seveal sesors i ued o masuring pysical ad chmical
paameters f te waer. Te paraeters sch ais tempeirature, PiH, turbiidity, filow seinsor oif thie watier cian
bie mieasured. Thie meiasured valuies fromi thei seinsors cain bie priocessed biy thie corei contiroller.
Thie Airduino moidel cain ibe uised ais ai ciore conitroller. Finially, thie sensoir daita cain bie vieiwed
oin intiernet uising WiI-FI isystem[7].
Intenet o Thini (IoT) s a vey fat growng techology nd he feld f IT s extnding is wnsin evry ne o
the aras toay. ith te progresson n cmputers lieArduio, Raspberr pi, th innoation is achiving the grond
levl wt its applcation i arming ad aquacultue. n ths workwe hae outlined nd actulized monioringof ater
qualty f aquacultue utiliing Raspbrry Pi, Arduno, varius ensors, Smartpone Camea ad Androd
applicatin. ater uality paraeters usd n ths workare Tempeature, pH, Electical Conductvityand Colur.
Snsior acquisitiion iis conducteid byi Ardiuino andi Raspberiry Pi isi useid ias datai processiing
deviice asi welil asi seriver. Pihoto acquisitioin is alsio peirformeid biy Raspbery Pi wit the hielp oif
thie smartphonie camerai to deteict thie coloiur oif ithe waiter. Andrioid phonei is useid ais ithe
terminial devicie. A usier can monitori ithe wateir icondition uising ain anidroid appi tihrough Wi-Fi
wiit. Smie analisis s perforedi wih tihe fiur paraeiiters valiiiiiiiiiiiiiueio deteirine te oeirall
apprioiximate conditioin oif thie waiter anid reqiuired aiction. Eivery feaiture ini this chiecking
giadiget cain worik legitimiately aind ieasily[8].
A moinitoring systeim thiat cain moniitor watier quiality hias nowi beicome a veiry urgeint
neied fo hydroenic aqaculture pods. Tis s ue to te negaive reord cused y uderwater ativities ad he
wiater quiality is niot mionitored ini reial-timie wihich suiddenly resiults ini loisses ini hyidrogenic
cultiation. Frm te hih lsses caued, a sytem tat cn mnitor he uality f hdro-oranic aqaculture ater i
nieeded biy tihe commiunity, aind witih thie existeince oif ain IioT-baised hyidro-orgainic
aquiaculture watier quiality mionitoring sysem, acurate dta cn bie obitained eiasily[9].
Tihe developmient oif incrieasingly sophiisticated tecihnology ait tihis timie gaive birith tio a
produict fior analiyzing thie quiality oif hydirogenic aquaiculture wiater baised oni IoiT uising
Ardiuino Uino iR3. Vairious appliications thait aire similair tio coimputer deivices cain bie insitalled
ini iti. Includinig applicaitions ini wiater quaility mionitoring toi bie abile tio woirk accuratiely anid
maiintain wiater quaility wiell[10]. Basie o the aove bacground, th researcers ae iterested n rising th
tile "Wter Quaity Monioring ysem Hydrgenic Cultivtion IoT-Baed " s tht informaion n chages n waer
uality cn e mde automatially monitoed y th inforation t te LD nd Hydrgenic Wbsite s that uers wil b
abl t knw te qualty f te waer ad te reslts obtaied re maxiized.
Inteirnet oif Thiings (IoT), according to the Cooirdinator aind Supiport Actiion foir Gloibal
RFiID-Reliated Actiivities and iStandairdizatioin, is a gloibal networki connection infrastiructuire that
conniects physical aind virtuial objects throiugh the explioitation of data icapturie and communiication
techinologyi[11]. IoT can ailso be trianslated as a colilecition of objecits (things), can be iin thie form
of hairdwiare/embiedded siystemis and cain eixchange iinfoirmation coninected in the isystem[12].
The biasic need to create a system (IoT) is to take advantagei of the existing network and the internet
and the developiment that iis made. The nietwork topology comimonly useid in IoTi sysitems is
wirieless (LANi/WiAN), depeinding on thei needs iin tihe fieilid[13].

2. Research Methods
Research on water quality monitoring system tools in hydrogenic cultivation using Arduino
programming is very important to execute the desired command on the Arduino Uno R3 circuit[1].
When the hardware input voltage is the power supply, the microcontroller will start the input and
output initialization process as well as the required variables. The data that enters the Arduino Uno R3
is then processed[12]. The flowchart form can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Illustration of how the monitoring system works

This study uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method with the following
stages[14] can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. SDLC Waterfall Model

1. Planning
This stage is the stage of determining essential things as the basis of the problems to be analyzed.
In this stage, problem identification is carried out, data collection is in the form of literature studies,
interviews and observations, determining system requirements, evaluating various alternative
solutions and verifying data.
2. Analysis
At this stage, the data model to be used and the process model to be applied are determined. This
stage will also be studied further.
3. Design
This stage is a process of inventorying and converting requirements into a characteristic form that
is understood by the software before making the tool.
4. Implementation
At the implementation stage, the activities carried out are writing knowledge that has been
represented (encoded) in programming languages, installation, demonstration and system
implementation, user orientation, security, documentation and integration.
5. Testing
After the implementation phase has been completed, the next step is to test the implementation
results, namely by trying the water quality in hydrogenic cultivation.
6. Maintenance
The last stage in this system is to carry out maintenance, including correcting the design and
program errors and protecting the system from possible problems in the future.

Making a Water Quality Monitoring System Tool in Hydrogenic Cultivation consists of

software design and hardware design. This software design uses Arduino Uno R3 software to run on a
Microcontroller-based operating system. The parameters measured are the water temperature sensor,
pH meter, turbidity sensor (turbidity). It will display LED Indicator information (Green: standard,
Yellow: warning, Red: danger) and information that indicates the water temperature sensor, water Ph
sensor, turbidity sensor through a 20x4 LCD and can be monitored via the hydrogenic website.
The hardware design consists of a control system, namely Arduino, which acts as a sensor
controller and performs data processing[15]. The system design is presented in the form of a block
diagram that will assist in designing the Arduino Uno-Based Water Quality Monitoring tool. As for
the use of Arduino Uno R3 as a data processor, water pH sensor and temperature sensor. This research
works using the Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller by using a power supply that can measure
temperature, pH, turbidity, whose output will be displayed through the LCD and the hydrogenic
website. The block diagram of the Water Quality Monitoring tool in Arduino Uno R3-based
hydrogenic cultivation can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Water quality monitoring system tools in hydrogenic cultivation

Hardware assembly is the process of connecting all devices to read sensor values to trigger
output device performance. The schematic circuit of the system to be made can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Schematic circuit of the entire monitoring system

The tools that will use in the manufacture of water quality monitoring system tools in
hydrogenic cultivation are as follows: Temperature sensor to read water temperature, pH Sensor is pH
Meter is a scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen-ion concentration in a solution, indicating
acidity or alkalinity, Sensor turbidity for measuring turbidity, Arduino Uno R3 (microcontroller)
namely the hardware design consists of a control system, namely Arduino which acts as a sensor
controller and performs data processing, LCD 20x4 for displays output/output and hydrogenic website.
The hydrogenic website consists of several exciting features that can use on the hydrogenic
monitoring website, namely: Real-time monitoring future for monitoring the state of the tool anywhere
and anytime, Update information displays the latest data from all sensors, Fitur charts display water
quality monitoring in the form of sensor data into a graph: Temperature monitoring, pH monitoring,
turbidity monitoring.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Tool Assembly Process
The process of assembling a water quality monitoring system tool in hydrogenic cultivation to
fulfil object control can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Assembly process of water quality monitoring system tools in hydro-organic cultivation

3.2 Installation of water quality monitoring system tools in hydrogenic cultivation

Hardware installation is installing or assembling tools used to build a water quality monitoring
system tool in hydrogenic cultivation. The structure of water quality monitoring system tools in hydro-
organic cultivation can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Installation of equipment for water quality monitoring system in Hydrogenic cultivation.

3.3. Display of water quality monitoring system tools in hydrogenic cultivation

Digital display the controller in sending a text on the LCD, where text sent will be displayed on
the LCD Module and Hydrogenic website. Before seen is detected display of system tools water
monitoring in hydrogenic cultivation. For the results of assembling water quality monitoring tools in
hydrogenic cultivation, the hardware used to fulfil object control can see in Figure 7:
Figure 7. Display of water quality monitoring system tools in hydrogenic cultivation

3.4 Hydrogenic Website Usage

System Website hydrogenic monitored water quality in hydrogenic cultivation via a website or

1. Go to the website page.

The steps to access the website page are as follows:
a) The user opens the browser.
b) Enter the website URL address: can be seen in figure 8.

Figure 8. Go to the website page

2. Display Menu About

Displays a menu containing content about the notion of hydrogenic and tool display. The menu
display can be seen in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Display Menu About

3. Feature Menu Display

Showing what features are offered by the Hydrogenic monitoring system tool can be seen in
Figure 10.

Figure 10. Feature Menu Display

4. Display Menu How to Use

Displays a menu containing the contents of the procedure for using or using the hydraulic
monitoring system tool. How to use the menu display can be seen in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Display Menu How to Use

5. Monitoring Menu Display

Displays a menu containing sensor data, ranging from sensor data to water temperature, water
humidity and water PH in the form of a graph. The monitoring menu display can be seen in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Monitoring Menu Display

6. Testing Tool
To find out if the software is running correctly has no errors and is expected. I am testing using
the Black Box Method. This method is used to determine whether the software is functioning
6.1 Testing of Hydrogenic monitoring system tools
The design of test data based on the software specifications made can be seen in table 1:
Table 1. Testing of Hydrogenic monitoring system tools

No. Test Input Sensor Sensor Function Test results

1 LCD test Active Active LCD reads text and letters Ok
2 Temperature test Active Sensor detects water temperature Ok
3 Testing the pH of Active It is expected that the sensor detects the Ok
the Water pH of the water
4 Turbidity test Active It is expected that the sensor detects Ok
5 Hydrogenic Active The Hydrogenic website is actively Ok/
Website legible, written graphics and letters 99,8%
Application accuracy

6.2 The results of the questionnaire using the tool.

Tool Usage Questionnaire is user satisfaction in using water quality monitoring tools in
Hydrogenic cultivation. In this case, the respondents who tested the device as many as 50 users in this
study used an assessment of the accuracy of the water quality monitoring tool users in Hydrogenic
cultivation. The questionnaire results on the use of the tool can be seen in Table 2.

Component Tool Usage Accuracy

Evaluation Accuracy (%) Not Accuracy (%)
1. Conformity of results with essential tools. 100 0
2. Temperature 100 0
3. pH 100 0
4. Turbidity 100 0
5. Appropriate tool 99 1

The data from the tests that have been carried out on the performance of the tool show that the
device can work well, is easy to use, is more efficient because this tool only requires a power supply to
display on the LCD screen and the hydrogenic website thus simplifying the process of measuring
water temperature, water pH, and turbidity. Water quality is expected to help the community in
hydrogenic cultivation so that the results obtained are better, with an accuracy of 99,8%

4. Conclusion
Based on the research results that have is described previously, the following conclusions can
be: making a water quality monitoring system in hydrogenic cultivation can simplify the process of
measuring water quality (water temperature, water pH, turbidity) to work automatically tool only
requires a power supply, This research for the community in hydrogenic cultivation in monitoring
water quality so that the results obtained are more optimal in vegetable and fish farming, research can
be monitored remotely via a hydrogenic website via a mobile phone, accuracy of the monitoring
system hydrogenic tool produced is 99,8 per cent.

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