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####### Data volumes ######

1. Simple docker volumes

mkdir /data ***Create directory in host machine***
docker run --name u1 -it -v /data ubuntu

2. Sharable docker volumes

docker run --name c1 -it -v /data centos
docker run --name c2 -it --volumes-from c1 centos

3. Docker volume containers

docker volume create myvolume *** To create docker volumein host
docker volume inspect *** To get the detailed information
of the data volume created on the host machine***
docker run --name u1 -it -v myvolume:/tmp ubuntu **** To access the data
volume in the containers***

###### Creating docker images from Docker File #####

dockerfile ////docker file to customize images ..Images can be deleted once

dockerfile is created which will greatly save space ///

Executing dockerfile :

docker build -t mynginx . *** creates image from dockerfile in the

current directory***

dockerfile is created using some Keywords as below :

RUN [RUN apt-get install -y git ///Builts image with git app
installation ...RUNs the sripts]
EXPOSE [ EXPOSE 90 ///image with additional port will be created]
USER [USER root ///IMAGE with USER root will be created which will have
previliges to install softwares]
ADD [ADD ...image will be created that
downloads from the given url]
COPY /// COPY / ...Copy the script from host machine to /root
directory in container
VOLUME [VOLUME /data ////iMAGE IS built that creates a volume when container is
CMD [same as endpoint only difference is we can change the default
process of the container at the time of docker run ]
ENTRYPOINT [ to specify the default process of the container]

###### cache busting #######

docker build --no-cache -t myubuntu . (execute from the scratch)

##### Opening Container in Interactive terminal #####

docker exec -it j1 bash ////j1 is container name///

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