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Nina Sofiana, S.Pd., M.Pd.


1. TITLE : The Student’s Anxiety in Learning English of Seventh Grade

Students at MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan in Academic Year 2022/2023
2.1 Background of Study
Nowadays, learning English is an important aspect because some
people think that English is more difficult to learn. Especially in
schools, teachers find it difficult to teach their students where students
sometimes do not understand what the teacher is saying and this
problem can make students lazy to learn English. Meanwhile, during
the writer’s teaching practice in a junior high school, MTs Al Ikhlas
Tubanan, the writer found signs of anxiety among the students. Some
of them became anxious, making avoidance and participating in class
reduced. They worried about making mistakes with the target
language and feeling afraid and ashamed to do. In this case the target
language is English. There are those who think, the teacher will be
angry when they made a mistake and friends will mock them. So the
students prefer to be quiet and passive. While some of them also
believe that English is a difficult lesson. Then some of them have
beliefs that can affect and make them worry in class. Some English
opinions were a difficult lesson for them. In other words, anxiety can
hinder the students from attaining the objectives of their English
learning. Students can learn from the purpose of their English
learning. Many factors can cause anxiety. In this study the writer
intend to identify what factors cause students’ anxiety in learning
English. The writer's expectations after knowing various factors in this
study, teachers and students can minimize the occurrence of anxiety in
learning English. And the reason the writer took the title of this thesis
was because when the writer observed at MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan, the
writer found that some students felt anxious when learning English in
2.2 Research Question
Based on the background above, this proposed study is guided by two
research questions as follows:
1. What kinds of anxiety were experienced by the students in learning
English at the Seventh Grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan?
2. What factors that caused the students’ anxiety in learning English
at the Seventh Grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan?
2.3 The Objective of Research
1. To find out kinds of anxiety were experienced by the students in
learning English at the Seventh Grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan?
2. To find out the factors caused the students’ anxiety in learning
English at the Seventh Grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan?
2.4 The Scope of Research
This research focused on the what factors are more causing anxiety as
perceived by the students at the Seventh Grade of MTs Al Ikhlas
3.1 Previous Research
There are several investigation the issue of foreign language anxiety from
different perspective. The cause of language learning anxiety found that
speaking activities, inability to comprehend, negative classroom
experiences, fear of negative evaluation, native speakers, methodology,
pedagogical practices and the teachers themselves as the main causes of
learning anxiety. Their findings indicated that anxiety was most often
associated with the output and processing stages of the learning process.
Furthermore, they found that fear of receiving negative evaluation,
speaking in front of class, and random selection; procedure that the teacher
used for calling the students were cited as sources of anxiety. In a similar
study research investigated Indonesia students’ foreign language anxiety.
The investigated find out the types of anxiety experienced by foreign
language learners and the strategies they used to cope with their anxiety.
The similarity between previous research and this research is that it has
similarities in examining student anxiety, the causes of anxiety, and the
difference between previous research and this research is that previous
research focused more on overcoming student anxiety in learning English
while this study focused more on the factors that cause anxiety in learn
3.2 Anxiety
3.2.1 The Definition of Anxiety
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might
cause feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can
normal reaction to stress. Anxiety is one of the most well
documented psychological phenomena. In general anxiety
appears from human body as a response to a particular
situation. Commonly anxiety can be identified as a feeling of
being threatened, apprehension, tension, or worry. There are
several definitions of anxiety which are found by the writer.
Furthermore, anxiety arises as a response to a particular
situation. people are naturally feels anxious when they are
worry. From the definition explained above, it can be
concluded that anxiety is a feeling of being threatened, of
apprehension, tension, and worry as a response to a particular
situation or something that might happen in the future.
3.2.2 Types of Anxiety
Several kinds of anxiety have been described. Two of the most
well-known is state anxiety and trait anxiety. Anxiety that
arises when confronted with specific situations is called state
anxiety. Most people experienced state anxiety which also
known as a normal anxiety. This type of anxiety arises in a
particular situation or in a stressful event and hence is not
permanent. In other words, it is a situational anxious feeling
that disappears when threatening situation goes away.
However, in certain cases, anxiety comes more intense and
lasted for long. This kind of anxiety is called trait anxiety. Such
anxiety is a part of a person’s character. People with trait
anxiety tend to worry more than most people and feel
inappropriately threatened by several things in the
environment. In other words, trait anxiety is the tendency of a
person to be nervous or feel anxious irrespective of the
situation he/she is exposed to. Based on the intensity, duration
and situations, anxiety can be divided into two types: State
anxiety; feeling of apprehension and nervousness as reaction to
particular situation, and trait anxiety; more intense anxiety that
depends on ones individual regardless of the situation.
3.2.3 Levels of Anxiety
There are three levels of learning anxiety, from pscychological
aspect, anxiety is differentiated into three levels, they are High
anxiety, moderate anxiety, and Low anxiety.
1). High Anxiety This is the highest level of anxiety. High
anxiety is the feeling caused by the believes that something is
different which makes them feel that they are being threaten by
their surroundings. This usually comes from the response of
fear and distress. The characteristics of people with several
anxiety can be seen from their behavior or feeling that always
wants to be free, very anxious, agitated, confused, poor eye
contact, withdrawal, denial, the need for increased space,
shaking, etc.
2). Moderate Anxiety Moderate anxiety is disturbing feeling
caused by something different which makes people with
moderate anxiety become nervous or agitated. The
characteristics of people with moderate anxiety are the feelings
of being uncomfortable, sensitive, unconciousness, sound
changes, sweating, headaches, back pain, etc.
3). Low Anxiety Low anxiety is a feeling that something is
different and people with mild anxiety requires special
attention. Low anxiety is associated with the tension of
everyday life events.
3.3 The Causes of Anxiety
3.3.1 Communication Apprehension (CA)
Students’ personality traits such as shyness, quietness, and
reticence are considered frequently precipitate CA. The feeling
of shyness is different from one individual to another
individual, and from situation to situation. There are seven
factors that could result in students’ quiet: (1) Low intellectual
skills, (2) low speech skill, (3) voluntary social introversion, (4)
social alienation, (5) communication anxiety, (6) low social
selfesteem, and (7) ethnic/cultural divergence in
communication norms.
3.3.2 Test Anxiety
Another source of anxiety is related to a test. Test is also
relevant to the discussion of foreign language anxiety. Test
anxiety, as explained refers to a type of performance anxiety
stemming from a fear of failure. In learning a foreign language,
a learner may experience test anxiety that prevent his or her
3.3.3 Fear of Negative Evaluation
Fear of negative evaluation is an extension of the second
component (test anxiety) of second/foreign language anxiety
because it is not limited to test taking situations, but, it may
occur in any social, evaluative situation, such as interviewing
for a job or speaking in second/foreign language class. It is also
broader in the sense that it pertains not only to the teacher’s
evaluation of the students but also to the perceived reaction of
other students as well. Based on the explanations above, it can
be concluded that there are three kinds of the causes of anxiety.
The writer will use this theory to find out the factors caused the
students’ anxiety in at the seventh Grade of MTs Al Ikhlas
4.1 Research Design
This research used a qualitative descriptive method to obtain the data
needed. Qualitative descriptive research generates a descriptive
summary of events in everyday terms are experienced by people and
an appropriate research design when a straight forward description of
a phenomenon is desired. The description of students’ anxiety was
explored using this method. Like any other qualitative research
design, the goal of qualitative descriptive study is a comprehensive
summarization in terms of specific events that were experienced by
individuals or groups. Therefore, this research used a descriptive
method to reveal the phenomena of students’ anxiety on learning
English at seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan.
4.2 Subject of Research
The subjects of this study were students MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan in the
academic year of 2022/2023
4.3 Data Collecting Procedure
This research uses three kinds of technique to collect the data. They
are observations, interviews and documentation. It can be seen in the
explanations below:
1. Observation The writer uses this technique to observe students’
anxiety in learning English at the seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas
Tubanan. The writers comes and sits in the class to see the students’
activities while learning English with the teacher. In doing it, the
researcher also used the videos to see students’ anxiety in learning
English and observation field used to find out students’ anxiety with
wring the important points on students’ anxiety in learning English.
From these data the writer could see the students’ expression while
learning English and their anxiety could be seen from the videos.

2. Interview The interview is also used to answer the formulation of

the study, related to the objectives of the students’ anxiety in learning
English at the seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan. An
unstructured interview is used to collect data and the researcher asks
the students of seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan. The writer
starts with a general guiding question based on formulation and allow
the teacher and the students to talk freely and to avoid
misunderstanding the teacher and students will be interviewer in
Indonesia language Later the interview take shape as themes emerged
from the information given by the teacher and students.
3. Documentation The last technique is documentation.
Documentation is used to collect expression in learning English at the
students of seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan., materials and
photos. The writer will collect the notes, pictures of the conditions
while teaching and learning process. The documentation of their notes
will help the researcher gets additional data
4.4 Data Analysis
The technique of data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis.
Using this technique, the writer collects, arranges and presents the
data. The qualitative method is a kind of research without using any
calculation or statistic procedures. The scheme above is the techniques
in analyzing data by;
1. Data Reduction During the field notes processes, the data gains
grow much and complex. The data need to be reduced. Data reduction
means to summarize, to choose the points, to focus on students’
anxiety in learning English at the seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas
Tubanan, in order to find the answer. The writer reduces from the
whole data collected and gets the more suitable data that would be
2. Presentation The data are organized and managed for they are able
to be understood. Data presentation enables the writer to understand
the teacher’s strategies and the whole situation. Presentation of data
gives possibility of taking of conclusion and taking action. In this
study presentation of data is descriptive. Descriptive means giving
description of students’ anxiety in learning English in the narrative
3. Conclusion The conclusion needed to be verified for its credibility.
Verification is some programs to check the writer’s carefulness and to
the accurate data. Taking conclusion is only the part of activity in
though configuration. The writer begins to seek supporting
information, then the reduction data, presentation data, and the last
was making conclusion. After reduced and presented the data, the last
step the writer made the conclusion about students’ anxiety in learning
English at the seventh grade of MTs Al Ikhlas Tubanan.

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