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Problems with business?

Need work advice?

Can't get around to a roadblock in your organization?

I just want you to know that I'm taking in business consulting questions.

I would love to help you and answer any questions you have in mind.

So there's good news and there's better news.

Good news is: We do it every week - Thursday 8pm - 9pm (PHT) - just sign up at and click on this link to add the event to your calendar:
Problems with business?

Need work advice?

Can't get around to a roadblock in your organization?

I just want you to know that I'm taking in business consulting questions.

I would love to help you and answer any questions you have in mind.

So there's good news and there's better news.

Good news is: We do it every week - Thursday 8pm - 9pm (PHT) - just sign up at and click on this link to add the event to your calendar:

Problems with business?

Need work advice?

Can't get around to a roadblock in your organization?

I just want you to know that I'm taking in business consulting questions.

I would love to help you and answer any questions you have in mind.

So there's good news and there's better news.

Good news is: We do it every week - Thursday 8pm - 9pm (PHT) - just sign up at and click on this link to add the event to your calendar:
Problems with business?

Need work advice?

Can't get around to a roadblock in your organization?

I just want you to know that I'm taking in business consulting questions.

I would love to help you and answer any questions you have in mind.

So there's good news and there's better news.

Good news is: We do it every week - Thursday 8pm - 9pm (PHT) - just sign up at and click on this link to add the event to your calendar:

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