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Essay Topic: A Comparison of the Bildungsroman Genre in Encanto (2021) and Mulan (1998)

Thesis Statement: Through the coming-of-age stories of Mirabel and Mulan, Encanto (2021) and

Mulan (1998) respectively demonstrate the key features of the bildungsroman genre, such as the

moral journey of self-discovery and identity transformation, which ultimately leads to each

protagonist’s newfound maturity and confidence.

Essay Proposal

Topic 1: Coming of Age

Topic Sentence: Both Encanto (2021) and Mulan (1998) are bildungsroman films, in which the

protagonists undergo a process of self-discovery, ultimately culminating in a newfound maturity.

Evidence/Example 1: In Encanto, Mirabel's journey begins with her feeling an outsider in her

own family due to her lack of a special power. She is constantly belittled for her lack of a

superpower, and she is treated differently than her siblings due to it ("Waiting on A Miracle"


o Commentary: This sets the stage for Mirabel's journey of self-discovery, in which she

gradually matures and learns to accept herself for who she is, even without a superpower.

Evidence/Example 2: In Mulan, Mulan is similarly an outsider, feeling out of place in her family

as she is unable to fulfill the traditional role expected of her as a woman ("Reflection" 00:03:52).

o Commentary: This is the beginning of Mulan's coming-of-age journey, in which she learns to

accept herself as an individual with her own strengths and capabilities.

Evidence/Example 3: Both films show their protagonists developing a newfound maturity and

confidence, ultimately accepting themselves for who they are. In Encanto, Mirabel learns from

her father that it is her courage and determination that are her true gifts, not the special powers

("Dos Oruguitas" 01:15:03). Similarly, in Mulan, Mulan accepts herself for who she is, and is

emboldened to stand up for her beliefs and fight for what is right, ultimately leading to her

becoming a war hero ("A Girl Worth Fighting For" 00:42:30).

o Commentary: This newfound maturity and confidence is the result of the protagonists'

processes of self-discovery, showing the key features of the bildungsroman genre.

Topic 2: Moral Journey of Self-Discovery

Evidence/Example 1: In Encanto (2021), Mirabel embarks on a moral journey of self-discovery

as she comes to terms with the consequences of her family’s misfortunes and her own part in

them (1:33:00).

Commentary: Mirabel is initially portrayed as an outsider, who is excluded from her family and

treated differently due to her lack of a superhuman power. As the movie progresses, she

discovers her role in her family’s suffering and accepts the consequences of her actions. This is a

pivotal point in her journey as it marks the beginning of her self-discovery and understanding of

her own strengths and weaknesses in the face of adversity.

Evidence/Example 2: Similarly, Mulan (1998) follows Mulan’s journey of self-discovery as she

learns to accept and embrace her own capabilities, rather than relying on other people’s

expectations of her (1:04:00).

Commentary: Throughout the movie, Mulan is consistently trying to live up to her family’s

expectations of her, and is deeply ashamed of her inability to do so. However, as she discovers

her own strength, courage, and cleverness, she finally comes to terms with who she is and learns

to accept her own capabilities. This is a key part of her moral journey of self-discovery as it

marks a turning point in her life and allows her to discover and embrace her own strength.

Evidence/Example 3: In both Encanto (2021) and Mulan (1998), the protagonists are able to

learn from their mistakes and ultimately come to terms with their faults and strengths. (Encanto

1:33:00; Mulan 1:04:00)

Commentary: Both Mirabel and Mulan make mistakes and suffer the consequences of their

actions, yet are able to learn from them and come to terms with their faults and strengths. This is

a key feature of the bildungsroman genre, as it allows the protagonists to discover themselves

and ultimately blossom into their full potential. Through this journey, they are able to move

forward and embrace the challenges that come their way.

Topic 3: The Theme of Identity Transformation

Topic Sentence: Both Encanto (2021) and Mulan (1998) show how a protagonist’s identity

transformation leads to a journey of self-discovery.

Evidence/Example 1: In Encanto (2021), Mirabel Madrigal’s journey of self-discovery begins

when she realizes her family has been vilifying her brother Bruno (00:17:25).

Commentary: By recognizing this injustice, Mirabel’s quest to save the magical Casita forces her

to confront her family and learn the source of her brother’s power (00:17:25).

Evidence/Example 2: Similarly, Mulan (1998) shows how Mulan’s identity transformation is part

of her journey of self-discovery (00:26:50).

Commentary: By disguising herself as a man and joining the Chinese army, Mulan learns to

accept her strengths and weaknesses and prove her worth (00:26:50).

Evidence/Example 3: Furthermore, both protagonists demonstrate how an identity transformation

can lead to an acceptance of one’s true self (00:14:29; 01:19:17).

Commentary: In Encanto (2021), Mirabel ultimately accepts her unique gifts and learns to

embrace her identity (00:14:29). In Mulan (1998), Mulan learns to accept her true self when the

Emperor bows to her in respect (01:19:17).

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