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Release Crash at Sat Jun 03 16:20:04 2023

; Reason Uncaught exception in Main::WndProc... probably should not happen

Last error:
Exception is access violation
WinMain at 401720
Description: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which
it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address:00000000 was read from.

Stack Dump:
<Unknown>(-1) : <Unknown> 0x6BEFFCC5
<Unknown>(-1) : <Unknown> 0x0074C41A

Register dump...
Eip:6BEFFCC5 Esp:00197E18 Ebp:00197E48
Eax:090C3540 Ebx:08F9C644 Ecx:090C3540
Edx:08F9C940 Esi:6BF0F0B0 Edi:00000000
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0053 GS:002b
EIP bytes dump...

Bytes at CS:EIP (6BEFFCC5) : 8B 07 FF 71 20 8B B0 18 01 00 00 8B CE FF 15 10 C5 F5

6B 8B CF FF D6 8B 45 EC C7 40 1C 00 00 00

Current stack:

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