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Question 3

Question 3
Identify an area of information technology and explore how this technology might be useful for
supporting global business strategies. For instance, you might choose an area such as digital
telecommunication (Eg, email , wireless communications value added network) enterprise
systems collaborative work group software or the internet. It will be necessary to choose a
business scenario to discuss the technology. You might choose for instance, an automobile
franchiser or a clothing franchise.

The internet connects the world together. Its significance in the society especially in the
discipline of business has been seen as ultimately influencing the business activities to the level
of easily fulfilling the business goals.
The internet has helped several business managers to easily explore, identify and apply some of
the business strategies that will help them achieve their goals such as growth goal, profit
maximization goal.
For instance, in the Hotel and Restaurant franchise where food is the main item of trade and
the kind of service delivery emphasized is also what matters a lot. Hotel managers truly can
choose on internet as form of communicating , learning and even way through which their staff
can learn new upcoming technology. Through the internet , affordable ,efficient and dynamic
ways of handling customers can be learned easily without strain with a click of a button. the
internet can also serve good turtorial from which a visionary hotel staff can learn kind gestures
that ill later allow them have an overflowing number of customer. This will lead to profit
maximization and expansion.
Secondly ,management skills can also be learned through the internet. The hotel industry I also
sensitive and similary this kind of trade requires super visionary kind of supervision. When good
managerial skills ,which of course are incorporated in the internet are learned then with an
overwhelming management the business will probably flow.
Thirdly ,the internet is a field of fibre which is the strength of connectivity. Customers in the
business can connect with the management ,can raise their complain over the food they are
consuming and services they are receiving. Moreover the customers can also send
appreciations through disciplines of the internet such as emails ,such communications can be
received tendally and easily .where and when certain strengths are realised ,the hotel
management capitalizes on them hence improving productivity at the same time.
The internet also is helping hotel companies to lower cots dramatically across their supply and
demand chains ,take their customer services into a different league .Markets creating
additional revenue streams and also redefining the relationship.

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