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Lisakhanya Mkhize is the name. I am 28 years old and I am a doctor by profession. An otolaryngologist to
be exact also known as ENT doctor short for ear-nose-throat doctor. So what I do is I deal with disorders
related to the ear nose and throat as well as related areas such as the head and the neck. I treat people
with chronic diseases such as hearing impairment middle ear infections so on. I love what I do hence I
studied it. Anyways I work at Net Care Private Hospital. I am very much content with my life. I have
everything I want and need although I am sick at heart.

I've been hurt by people I hold dear to my heart. I've been taken advantage of and hurt in the most
horrible way. I guess that's why I'm like this. Emotionless Broken and just exhausted. I have a coping
mechanism though. As some of y'all may know that in the medical field cocaine is used as an anaesthetic
in operations of the ear



Broken and just exhausted. I have a coping mechanism though. As some of y'all may know that in the
medical field cocaine is used as an anaesthetic in operations of the ear nose & throat and it is also used
in a preparation given to alleviate pain of terminal diseases. So I use that. I sniff cocaine and my it's
heaven! As an otolaryngologist it's easy to get access to cocaine as I use it a lot when I'm operating my
patients. Cocaine is just my escape. My lover that one. It's the only thing that is able to numb the pain
that always finds a way to suffocate me. As I doctor I know how dangerous it is but I just don't care. It
takes me where I wanna go it doesn't heal but it gives escape. That's all I need an escape..


Like usual I woke up early in the morning and got myself ready for work. I wore a navy blue women's suit
and white nike air force sneakers. I did final touch ups on my simple make up and ate my breakfast while
browsing through instagram I got a few inboxes but I didn't answer I mean why would they inbox
someone who doesn't post anything has no display photo and has a weird name like Anonymous. Like tf?
Anyways after eating i grabbed my bag and car keys and drove to work while blasting music in my car.

I checked in at work and started doing my rounds. After all that I went back to my office and dealt with
paperwork oh how I hate paperwork! The telephone in my office rang and I answered.

Me: hello?
"Mam your 10am appointment is here."

Me: Oh thanks send them in.

I hung up. That was my PA Jocelyn. I wore my coat and just then there was a knock on the door.

Me: Come in..

A beautiful woman walked in holding a child in her arms. She was so occupied minding her crying child
she didn't even close the door. I went to close the door for her.

Me: Morning mam. How can I help you today?

The child looked at me and literally stared wailing. Okay? What's going on? For the first time since she
got here the woman looked at me and her eyes popped out. Okay guys what's happening? Do I have
something on my face? The woman literally ran out with her child. I followed them.

Me: Mam wait! What's wrong?

"Yoh Jesus save me!"

She said still running. Finally Dr Miller stopped her. Dr Miler is one of the shareholders in this hospital so
he's technically my boss.

Miller: Slow down mam what is going on?

Woman: My child is scared of that woman and I am too I mean look at her!
Miller: I don't see anything wrong with Dr Mkhize mam.

Woman: I'm going to sue this hospital why do you hire such people? You guys will kill us instead of saving
us! This woman is cursed and I heard that it's contagious! Yoh no I can't!

Miller: Mam calm down what you heard is totally wrong because-

Woman: Its either you get me another doctor and fire her or I'll go to another hospital.

Miller: I won't lose one of my best doctors because you failed to do your research and you are being
dramatic if you don't need our help then you can gladly leave.

Woman: You so going to regret this!

She stomped out and I just looked at her blankly. I can never get used to this. It has been happening my
whole life but i can never be used to it. It hurts like it's the first time each and every time someone does

Miller: I'm sorry Lisa.

I just nodded and went back to my office. See thing is I have skin condition called vitiligo. This is a
condition where the skin loses its ability to produce melanin pigment causing white patches to form on
your skin. I have a huge patch on the right side of my face and other parts of my body. I started
experiencing this when I was doing my first year at varsity. It was a very tough time for me. I was bullied


if you don't need our help then you can gladly leave.

Woman: You so going to regret this!

She stomped out and I just looked at her blankly. I can never get used to this. It has been happening my
whole life but i can never be used to it. It hurts like it's the first time each and every time someone does

Miller: I'm sorry Lisa.

I just nodded and went back to my office. See thing is I have skin condition called vitiligo. This is a
condition where the skin loses its ability to produce melanin pigment causing white patches to form on
your skin. I have a huge patch on the right side of my face and other parts of my body. I started
experiencing this when I was doing my first year at varsity. It was a very tough time for me. I was bullied
called by names. People in my community even said I'm a witch and my evil doings are catching up with
me hence my skin is changing. Only a few people said nice things about me like the patch on my face
looks good on me but truth is those few compliments don't mask the thousands of nasty comments I get
especially from my patients and my family. I got to my office and locked the door as I felt like my lungs
were closing in on me. I took out the cocaine in my bag and a fixed a line using my card. I took out a R200
note from my purse and rolled it into a pipe and sniffed the line. Ahh now this is heaven. I thought to
myself as I threw my head back moaning.

The rest of the day was fine When the clock hit 18:00. I packed my things and drove home. When I got to
my house I took a bath and threw myself on the bed. Just then my phone rang. It was Nonhlanhla my

Nono: Hey bitch!!!

Me: Yoh the noise Nono.

Nono: Aii get out of here. How are you friend?

Me: I'm fine how about You?

Nono: I'm okay girl. Look I was invited to a wedding by this other friend of mine one of her cousins is
getting married so she told me I is could being a plus one and I thought of you.

Me: Uhmm. I'm sorry but I'll pass friend.

Nono: I'm not taking no for an answer.

Me: I have plans Nono.

Nono: I know you don't. Anyways see you tomorrow my place 10 am sharp! Bye friend love You!

And she hung up..Lord which universe did Nono emerge from? I sighed. Now I have to look for an outfit.
God knows I hate going to out. Having Vitiligo is not easy it's the same as people with Albinism we just
get crucified we something we didn't choose to have..Anyway i went to warm up some pizza and ate up
while thinking of what I'll wear tomorrow. Oh God Nono didn't even tell me whether it's going to be a
traditional or a white wedding. I sighed and asked her via text and she said it's a traditional wedding..I
sighed and looked around my walk in closet...


My annoying alarm rang waking me up from my peaceful sleep. I groaned in frustration. I had planned to
sleep the weekend away but no Nono had to make plans on my behalf. Arghh! I cleaned up my room
before going to take a bath and got ready for the wedding. Last night I finally decided to wear a black and
white flare Xhosa print dress that is just above the knees with white Stan smith sneakers. I tied my hair
into a puff and did my edges perfectly. I didn't put any makeup I just put on some lip gloss and grabbed
my black clutch bag and filled it with stuff I might need. Just then my phone rang. It was the none other
than Nonhlanhla Msibi.

Me: Nono.

Nono: Friend please bring your black G63.

Me: Yoh Nono.

I hung up and grabbed my car keys. I have three cars the white range rover a black toyota amarok and a
black G63. I have done well for myself and I'm very much proud of the level I'm at currently. I got out of
the house making sure to lock. I got inside the G63 and drove to Nono's place while Fake Smiles by Phora
was blasting through my speakers. I got to Nono's place and the clock read 09:58. I got out of my car and
she screamed when she saw me.

Nono: girl!!!!! Fuck you look beautiful bitch!

I chuckled.

Me: thank You you also look beautiful.

She was wearing a blue and white seshweshwe print dress with blue block heels.

Nono: No marn I just can't get over this beauty man!

I smiled at her. We got inside her house and grabbed her bag and we left for the wedding. She gave me
the location of where the wedding will take place and i put in on GPS the place was easy to find.

Nono: I'm liking the vibes already.

I nodded. It was pretty evident that it was a wedding. People were drinking traditional beer women were
ululating some were taking pictures just outside the gate. It was beautiful really.

Nono: Lets get in.

I looked at the amount of people crowding this place and I swallowed. If I had taken my fix before leaving
I wouldn't have cared about these people I would've walked in like a diva with no care in the world.

Me: Nono I can't. Look at these people.

Nono: Friend Don't mind them. You are here with me.

Me: Its easy for you to say you are not the one who's being crucified for how you look.
She sighed.

Nono: Lets go in friend. I will sure panelbeat any hoe that dares say something nasty to you.

I sighed and nodded. We got out of the car and I locked it. We walked towards the gate and already
people were staring at me. I looked down maybe I shouldn't have worn this dress in fact I shouldn't have
come here to start with.

Nono: Don't mind them friend. They are not used to such beauty.

I swallowed hard and nodded. We finally made it inside the yard. I still got stares and I could hear people
gasping and whispering. Can the ground just open up and swallow me. A gorgeous lady came towards us
seems like she knows Nono.

Nono: My friend.
They hugged. The friend looked at me with total disgust.

Her: uhm hi.

Me: hi.

Nono: Lisa this is my friend Buhle Buhle this is also my friend Lisa.

Buhle: nice to meet you.

Me: likewise.

I said and looked around. This house is beautiful. Even the decor inside the stretch tent is nice and
Nono: Where is your brother friend?

Buhle: Oh you mean Mr hulk?

Nono nodded while giggling

Buhle: He went out to buy more alcohol but he'll be back.

Nono: Please let me know when he gets back and this time I need to get his numbers.

Buhle: lol I can already imagine you being my sister in law.

They did a high five and laughed out loud.

Buhle: Y'all can go sit over there I'll sort you out with drinks. What would you like to have?

Nono: Wine my friend Lisa?

Me: Juice will be fine. Thank you.

She nodded and left. We walked to where she said we should sit. A old drunk man came over to us..

Old man: Mhh sexy baby how much for one round?

Is he talking to me?
Nono: Sorry are you speaking to us?

Old man: I'm talking to her.

He pointed at me.

Nono: You-

"Aii malume! Leave my friends alone!"

Buhle appeared.
Malume: Mshana talk to your friend to give me some I heard that their kind is hot in bed.

I swallowed and Buhle frowned.

Buhle: malume leave tu.

He snorted and left.

Buhle: Sorry about that.

She handed us the drinks and we thanked her. We conversed well they conversed about "Mr Hulk" while
I played a game on my phone to keep myself sane. Buhle's phone rang and she answered and spoke for a
Buhle: Friend he's here.

Nono squealed in excitement.

Nono: Lets go. Lisa we'll be back neh.

I nodded and they left.

I am really excited to meet Mr hulk. I've been crushing on Buhle's brother for as long as I can remember.
And he has given me a few hints that he might feel the same way. And today is the thee day. I ain't gon
leave here without making things official with him. Don't look at me like that! I'm the kind that takes
what they want no questions asked. I'm just a go getter by nature.

Buhle: Who's that friend of yours who looks like a cow?

I frowned. I honestly hate it when people make nasty comments about Lisa. She's such a sweet soul and
she would never hurt a fly. She doesn't deserve this. She didn't ask to have vitiligo.

Me: She's not a cow Nobuhle.

Buhle: chill why are you getting worked up?

Me: Its just that I don't like it when people make nasty comments about her. She didn't ask to have
Vitiligo you know.
Buhle: I heard it's contagious



no questions asked. I'm just a go getter by nature.

Buhle: Who's that friend of yours who looks like a cow?

I frowned. I honestly hate it when people make nasty comments about Lisa. She's such a sweet soul and
she would never hurt a fly. She doesn't deserve this. She didn't ask to have vitiligo.

Me: She's not a cow Nobuhle.

Buhle: chill why are you getting worked up?

Me: Its just that I don't like it when people make nasty comments about her. She didn't ask to have
Vitiligo you know.

Buhle: I heard it's contagious how do you cope? I would die!

Me: Where is Mr Hulk at?

I say changing the topic because I was getting pissed. She just chuckled and continued leading the way.

The wedding started. The groom's family which is where we at was at the gate while the bride's family
was on the ither side of the gate singing asking for the gates to be opened. After they paid R200
accompanied with a bottle of Johnie walker whiskey they opened the gates. The bride got in with her
family while they praised her with their clan names and all that. It was very beautiful. Even though I
didn't want to come here I'm glad I'm here to witness such beauty. The exchange of gifts started I think
it's called Umembeso. And they did all the other Zulu stuff they do during weddings. After everything
people were given food to eat.

I have already accepted that I came to this wedding alone because Nono abandoned me and she's
nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's with Mr Hulk. She looks like she's in love with the guy. Although she
never told me about him of which stung a bit. But I don't blame here for not telling me everything. I
mean she doesn't know everything about me she doesn't know how i grew up and she definitely doesn't
know that I use drugs. After eating i went to take my plate inside where people were washing dishes.

Me: sanibonani

They all greeted back. I handed them my plate.

Old woman: Where are you from nana?

Me: The surrounding suburb ma

Old woman: Wow. You are so grounded i mean other young girls just leave their plates lying around they
don't even think of bringing them inside.

I just smiled. She was sitting with the ladies who were washing dishes.

Old woman: You are beautiful my child. And never doubt that. People will always try and put you down
but rise up like you always do and you are blessed my child.

I raised my brow confused Okay? I nodded and smiled.

Me: Thank you Ma. Where is the bathroom from here?

Old woman: Oh walk down this passage at the end of the passage turn left the bathroom is on the
second door.

Me: Thank you ma

Old woman: I'm the granny of the groom by the way.

Me: I can see some resemblance.

She smiled.

Old woman: Who do you know la ekhaya?

Me: Nobuhle.

She frowned but quickly gathered herself.

Old woman: okay my child. You may go.

I nodded and followed the directions given. This house is really beautiful. I got inside the bathroom did
my business and washed my hands. I got out of the bathroom and took a sharp turn at the corner of the
passage only to bump into someone.

Me: I'm so sorry.

I said looking down.

"I'm the one who's sorry my lady."

I nodded and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. His touch sent sensations down my spine. I
swear my neurons couldn't handle the electricity.

Him: Your name?

Me: Lisakhanya Mkhize. And You?

Him: Yenzokuhle Khumalo. Nice to meet you Lisakhanya.

I got tingles as to how beautifully my name escaped his lips.

Me: Nice to meet you too.

He put his finger under my chin and I felt my skin light up and my cells explode like fire crackers were lit
up under my skin. I looked up to him and his eyes locked with mine. He doesn't look familiar it's my first
time seeing him although I don't need to know him to know that he's damn fine and I want to kiss his
pink lips right now.

Yenzo: You are so beautiful.

I blushed.

Me: Thank you. You are also fine.

He chuckled.

Yenzo: Thank you.

He got closer to me our lips were just a few inches away when my phone rang. I closed my eyes and
sighed. I looked at my phone and nono was calling.

Me: Sorry.

He nodded and I picked it up.

Me: Nono?

Nono: Where are You?

Me: You are the last person to ask me that because you ditched me.
Nono: Sorry friend I had to see Mr Hulk.

Me: So you made a move on Him?

Nono: Yep! And we going out for lunch tomorrow!

Me: I'm happy for you.

Nono: thanks. Now where are You?

Me: I went home Nono

I saw Yenzo smirk.

Nono: You lying your car is outside.

Me: I'm coming Nono.

I hung up.

Me: I have to leave. It was nice meeting you.

Yenzo: Can I at least get your numbers?

Me: You look like a man who's capable enough to get my numbers without asking me so do that.
I said and walked away. Woah Lisa! Where did you get the guts to do that? My conscience asked..I
ronnow! I feel so big rn! I giggled and walked to where I was sitting I found Nono sitting with Buhle and I
joined them. My mind kept on drifting off to Yenzo. His beautiful captivating eyes his well structured jaw
his seemingly juicy pink lips his well built body that is witness enough that he is a beast in the gym. His
cocky yet panty dropping smirk. Jesus have mercy on me! I crossed my legs as I felt my clit throb gosh
just thinking about him will make me explode.



Yenzo: Where are you heading now?

Me: To a late lunch with my friend.

Yenzo: Mhh lucky friend. When will I get to be lucky as her and have lunch with You?

Me: Is that you asking me out on lunch Mr Khumalo?

Yenzo: Maybe.

Me: well if you play your cards right maybe you might go to lunch with me.

Yenzo: I hear you. Can I video call you instead?

Me: why?
Yenzo: I wanna see you hau.

Me: I'm driving.

Yenzo: You driving a G63 it has a stand where you can place your phone.

Me: Lol I'm not driving the G63.

Yenzo: Well make a plan then. I'm video calling you.

I laughed as he hung and video called me. I stopped at the robots and put the phone on the phone stand
and answered.

Yenzo: see you made me a plan like I trusted you would.

I chuckled.

Yenzo: I can't get over how beautiful you are Lisakhanya.

I blushed and started the car when the robots turned green.

Me: Don't play with me Yenzokuhle. I'm sure you've met beautiful girls and I don't fall under that
category. I look like a cow.

Yenzo: Well when I look at you I see the fairest of them all. I see a very beautiful independent woman. I
see a woman who God knew what he was doing when creating her. That patch on your face does no
justice it just makes you more beautiful. You look like a mermaid a mamitowa. You are so beautiful one
would swear you are an illusion.

All this while I was blushing and holding back my tears. No one has ever complimented me like this.
Me: Yenzo..

I say with a breaking voice.

Me: Thank you.

He smiled. Gosh he's so handsome.

I parked at the mall parking lot.

Me: I'm going to meet my friend now chat later okay.

Yenzo: Sure beautiful. Chat later.

He hung up. Well me & Yenzo..we only friends and he called me that night of the wedding and ever since
then we've been calling each other everyday. He's such a breath of fresh air and fun to talk with. He
makes too many jokes and he compliments me a lot and randomly so when I least expect him to do so.
He's a really great man. Anyways I'm meeting with Nono for late lunch. She said she wants to update me
on her date with Mr Hulk. I got to Rocco Mamas and saw her sitting at the corner table. I walked to her.
We hugged and I sat down.

Me: Have you ordered?

Nono: No.

She called a waiter and we ordered.

Me: and then Mrs Hulk..

She blushed.

Nono: That man is a dream friend.

Me: So are y'all official?

Nono: Not yet but tonight we going on a dinner date and our lunch on Sunday was really nice. He kept on
giving me an eye that make my clit twitch friend yoh.

I laughed. She looks so happy and in love. Her phone beeped. She looked at it and blushed. She showed
me her phone.

"Hey hlanya lam" the text read and it was from Mr Hulk as she saved her.
Me: Aii you are in love friend.

She giggled and typed on her phone. Our food got here and we ate while conversing. She told me about
Mr Hulk and how she thinks he might be the one. I am really happy for my friend. I just hope this guy
doesn't break her heart..

Since I was working half day today after our lunch we went to shop for a dress for Nono since she's going
on a dinner date.

Me: Try this one. It's beautiful.

I say showing her a black sparkly dress with a slit


open back and thin straps. She went to the fitting room and wore it. She came out and she looked

Me: Mr Hulk will definitely faint after he sees you

She giggled.

Nono: I bet. I love it. Let's pay up so I can do my hair.

I nodded. We paid for the dress and went to the salon she did a Peruvian 12 inch black weave while I did
knotless braids. I'm simple like that. After 3 hours we were done and hungry again. We got two boxes of
large pizzas at debonairs and a bottle of Robertson's Sweet Red Rose wine. We then went to my place.
She didn't eat because She was "saving her appetite" for her date tonight. She went to my room and
took a shower then came back wearing my gown. We had wine while she did her make up. After an hour
or so she was all ready and looking sexy.
Me: You are beautiful babe. Go and have fun yezwa.

Nono: Thanks friend.

She grabbed my range rover car keys and left. She likes using my cars and I don't mind she also has her
own car. A white audi A1. She's an accountant at one of the biggest accounting firms around so she has
done well for herself too. I continued wining and dining by myself wondering how Nono's date is going.

I must've fallen asleep on the couch because I was woken up by someone banging the door. I went to
open and Nono barged in crying. Her makeup was a mess. Her eyeliner was smeared up. She was a mess.

Me: Nono what's wrong?

She just sobbed and I embraced her. See Nono hardly cries and when she does I know that shit hit the
Me: Nono?

Nono: I was fool for thinking he was different! He's just like all of them.

Me: Who are you talking about Nono?

Nono: Mr Hulk. The date was nice in fact it was amazing until I tried to kiss him..he stopped me told me
that he can't kiss me because he's in love with someone else he can't betray her like that.

Wow..I didn't expect that.. but I must applaud him for not making my friend a side while he knows that
he feels nothing for her.

Me: I'm sorry friend. But at least he told you instead of kidding with your heart.
She just sobbed and I embraced her till she feel asleep. There's no way I'm going to pick up Nono and
take her to the bed so I just laid back as she laid on my chest and dozed off right there..

I woke the following morning with a sore body and painful joints. Argh! What did I expect? I slept on
damn couch! I got ready for work while Nono was still sleeping. When I came back downstairs she was
already awake drinking wine.

Me: Nono it's still early for that

Nono: Please...I need fact I need something way stronger than this.

Me: Get over this hulk guy already he's not worth Nonhlanhla Msibi's tears for fucks sake.
She sighed.

Nono: I loved him friend I still do.

I also sighed.

Me: Aren't you going to work?

Nono: I called in sick.

I nodded.

Me: Should I drop you off or you'll see yourself out?

Nono: Drop me off friend.

I nodded. I grabbed my stuff and car keys and dropped Nono at her place before going to my workplace.
I was fully booked the whole day today so no half day for me..

Damn I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow. I grabbed my purse and walked to the coffee shop just near
my workplace. I'm craving their red velvet cake and chocolate muffins. I placed my order and waited for

"Make sure that when you take the bill you wear gloves I heard that the cow skin thingy is contagious.
Imagine yourself looking like a cow."

One of the waitresses said. I swallowed hard. They continued gossiping about me. I had so much to say
but i just kept quiet. My order came as takeaway and I was hurt to see that the gurl was really wearing
gloves. I chuckled bitterly. It's funny how her skin could just lose ability to produce melanin in just a blink
of an eye and she could be just like me.. i walked out and just then i bumped into a lady and her phone
Me: I'm so sorry.

Her: What the fuck?! Are you blind?

Me: I'm sorry.

I said trying to pick up her phone but she stopped me.

Her: Don't touch my phone with those hands! Filthy cow! Do you know how much this phone costs?

I swallowed and looked down..Okay now I need my fix..

Her: I said do you know how much this phone costs?

I still didn't answer just then I felt a sting on my cheek. She just slapped me. I bit my inner check and

Her: Go ahead and try to do something. I will beat this Vitiligo shit out of you. Trust me you'll be human

What does she mean I'll be human again? Am I not human now? I looked around and people were
staring some were taking videos. I quickly rushed to my workplace with my heart beating too fast got my
liking. There's only one thing that can calm me down rn..I got to office and fixed two lines for myself. I
rolled a note and smiffed the lines.i threw my head back as I felt the numbness kick in.


It's been a week since that whole drama at the cafe and I must say it got to me and for the fact that they
posted videos of that woman insulting me on social media was just the final nail to my coffin. When
Yenzo found out about it he was so angry he was ready to track down the woman and beat the shit out
of her but I stopped him and convinced him that it's not worth it. Anyways today I'm going to a dinner
date with Yenzo and to say I'm nervous will be an understatement I'm terrified! But anyways I remained
calm and got ready for my dinner date.

I looked at myself and smiled a bit feeling a bit satisfied with my look. I grabbed my purse and car keys
and drove to the location Yenzo sent me. I got there and the decor of the restaurant was breathtaking
not mentioning our table. I'm glad he booked the whole restaurant I wouldn't handle people's stares and

Yenzo: You look so beautiful.

I smiled and he pulled out a chair for me to sit and I sat down

Me: Thank you.

I said smiling.
Yenzo: Thank you for agreeing to go out on a date with me.

I smiled and nodded.

Yenzo: I ordered wine for you I hope you don't mind.

Me: I don't. Thanks.

I said drinking my wine and he drank his. We spoke about random stuff with him being himself and just
making me laugh my ass off and making me blush like crazy all at the same time...

Yenzo: Lisa?
Me: Yeah?

We were now outside the restaurant laying on a blanket star gazing. The view was so beautiful. The stars
kept on twinkling and getting brighter by the second. It was a stare at the sky and the stars will gaze back
typa moment. It was beautiful.

Yenzo: I wouldn't mind being the Mr romantic guy and buying you flowers while taking you out on
countless dates before telling you my real intentions but I can't wait any longer. It's torture.

I raised my brow..

Me: Huh?

Yenzo: What I'm trying to say is I love you Lisa.

I gasped..he..he loves Me?

Yenzo: I loved you from the moment I saw you come out the bathroom of my grandparents house. The
moment you bumped into my chest I knew that I had to make you mine so you can rest your head on
that very same chest after a long day or after we make love.

Oh God..Why am I sweating? He turned to look at me.

Yenzo: I love you..You don't have to say it back but all I'm asking is for you to give me chance to love you
and treat you like a queen you are.

A voice in my head kept on telling me to reject him and play very far from him but another voice was
really stern and firm convincing me that he's the one. I mean he's proven that to me a dozen times. I
sighed not knowing what to do.

Yenzo: Please.
I nodded and he smiled.

Yenzo: Please say it

Me: Yes I'll give you a chance.

He smiled wider getting on top of me. He smashed his lips on mine and started kissing me. He tightened
the grip he had on my waist and I moaned in his mouth. From an innocent kiss to a French kiss that made
me wanna rip off his clothes. He broke the kiss leaving me breathless.

Yenzo: Fuck. You wanna feel what you did to Me?

I raised my brow in confusion. He took my hand and put it on his private area and it was really hard. I
gasped for air and he chuckled.
Me: I'm starting to feel cold we should go back inside.

Yenzo: Okay my love let's go.


Me: Buhle your brother rejected me because of some bitch he claimed to love.

Buhle: Woah what?

Me: Yes Buhle!

Buhle: We need to find that bitch we can't let her ruin our plans. I'll get someone to find out who she is.

Me: Please do. I'm dying here your brother can't let me fall for him this hard only to reject me. I refuse

Buhle: I'll fix it my friend. Just calm down okay?

Me: Okay.

I hung up and sighed. He can't do this to me I love him he can't just reject me like this. I know we can be
together I just need to get rid of the bitch standing in our way...


Me: Thank you for tonight. I had a great time

Yenzo: me too. And thank you for giving me a chance.

I blushed. He pulled me closer to him and we kissed.

Me: Goodnight.

Yenzo: Night baby I love you.

I smiled and watched him walk to his car and drive off. I squealed like a love stricken teen who just got
her first kiss. Well it feels like that..although there's just this unsettling feeling in my heart but I just
brushed it off.

I got up after my alarm went off and got ready for work. Just as I was about to leave the house I got a
delivery of red roses from Yenzo. Aww he's so romantic. I sent him a text thanking him and drove to
work all smiles.

I got a call from Nonhlanhla while I was driving to my workplace. I answered.

Me: Hey Nonos!

Nono: Someone is in a good mood.

Me: Welllll...

Nono: Well what? Spill the beans hauu!

I giggled.

Me: So sis got a man..

Nono: Which sis?

Me: Hau Nonos Me!

Nono: Ahh!!!
She screamed I laughed.

Nono: Ahh my nunus!

I laughed.

Me: He's so good to me friend ahh.

Nono: Have y'all done the deed yet?

Me: What? No Nono it's still early.

Nono: It's never too early for some fun friend and besides you last had sex when? 3 years ago? I'm sure
you are virgin again.

I laughed.

Me: Nono stop tuu.

Nono: Well I'm happy for you friend and I want to meet the guy

Me: I can make that happen. I'm only off work on Saturday which is.. 3 days from now. Will you be free?

Nono: Yes baby. See you then.

Me: Alright bye.

I hung up while smiling I got to work and did what I was good at and paid for in a very good mood. I'm
happy y'all.

Me: Yes she wants to meet you.

Yenzo: Okay I'll pull up Saturday. I'm take you out by the way.

Me: oh where?

Yenzo: Just wear casual clothes it's a surprise.

Me: Okay then. Let me get back to work we'll talk..

Yenzo: Okay baby. I love you.

I smiled. And he chuckled and hung up. And I got back to work. When the clock hit 18:00. I packed my
stuff and went home. When inshot there I took a shower ate the leftover pizza and went to sleep after
texting Yenzo. He'll forgive me for not calling I'm so tired.


I smiled as I received her text. I wanted to call her but she's probably dead asleep where she is. I swear
Lisa fed me a love potion. How can I just love someone like this in such a short space of time? Man she
drives me crazy. I'll always thank her and cherish the day she gave me a chance because that was the
most special day of my life. My thoughts were disturbed by my phone ringing. It was my grandmother I
answered smiling.
Me: Yebo Ma.

Ma: Love her the way she deserves to be loved Yenzokuhle.

Lord I forgot that she's a seer.

Me: I will Ma..infact I am.

Ma: I don't know why but everytime I pray for you I see blood. Lots of blood.

I sighed.
Ma: Treat her well my son. She comes with a lot of blessings. As long as you are with her and make her
happy the heavens and her ancestors will bless you.

Me: I hear you Ma.

Ma: Take care my son. Greet my granddaughter in law for me.

Me: I will Ma.

She hung up and I sighed. I'm not going to lie that blood thing Ma mentioned got me thinking. Her
visions always come to pass. They are not always clear but if she sees blood


I answered smiling.

Me: Yebo Ma.

Ma: Love her the way she deserves to be loved Yenzokuhle.

Lord I forgot that she's a seer.

Me: I will Ma..infact I am.

Ma: I don't know why but everytime I pray for you I see blood. Lots of blood.

I sighed.
Ma: Treat her well my son. She comes with a lot of blessings. As long as you are with her and make her
happy the heavens and her ancestors will bless you.

Me: I hear you Ma.

Ma: Take care my son. Greet my granddaughter in law for me.

Me: I will Ma.

She hung up and I sighed. I'm not going to lie that blood thing Ma mentioned got me thinking. Her
visions always come to pass. They are not always clear but if she sees blood blood will be shed. I just
hope it's not mine it can't be mine. It's probably the blood of someone who'd try to mess with me or Lisa
of which I won't hesitate to kill...

Today it's Saturday and I'm meeting Lisa's friend. I'm not nervous per say I mean I won't be intimidated
or scared by someone who's probably my peer or even younger than me. I looked at myself in the mirror
as I puffed my expensive cologne. I was wearing a denim to denim outfit and I looked sway if I say so
myself. See I am a very confident man. Ngidla ukotini (I love cotton) when I dress I dress to impress. I
dress in such a way that people will stare when they see me approach them and turn still staring when i
pass them. It's easy to dress in such a manner because I can afford that lifestyle and more. Anyways
enough about that I grabbed my car keys and drove to Lisa's place. I must say her double storey mansion
is beautiful. She has done very well for herself. Her independence though is what I don't seem to like.
We still need to talk about that. I spoil my woman I want my woman to depend on me with everything
including toiletries. I know it sounds crazy but that makes me feel like a man. With Lisa it's different I
don't think in our lifetime I'll ever hear her call and say she needs money to buy whatever. She seems to
know how to use money so I don't she'll go bankrupt ever. Maybe if i talk to her about this she might try
to be a little dependent on me. I mean she seems like the type that considers and compromises other
people's feelings so that will be my advantage.. I got to her house and parked by the driveway. I walked
towards the door and knocked. The door opened and there she was looking beautiful as always. I bit my
lip as her jeans were too tight on her. See Lisa is a very chubby woman she got meat in the right places
and "divine consequences" (big round ass).

Lisa: Stop staring Khumalo it's rude.

I cleared my throat and she hugged me.

Lisa: How are You?

Yenzo: I'm good baby how are You?

Lisa: I'm okay. Come in.

I walked in while she closed the door. She came to hold my hand.

Lisa: My friend is a little extra so excuse her for being her crazy self.

Yenzo: It's okay baby.

I pecked her lips and she blushed. Beautiful I tell you. We got to the lounge and the lady had her back
turned on us. I could only see her weave seems like she's short or she's laying down on the couch.

Lisa: Friend he's here..

The friend turned and I froze. She also froze with her mouth wide open. She walked towards us.

Her: Yenzo?

Yenzo: Nonhlanhla?

Lisa: Oh y'all know each other? Great I suck in introductions.

She said and chuckled but we were just frozen.

Lisa: Guys? Hello!

She clapped her hands in our faces and we snapped out of it.

Nono: Yenzo? Mr Hulk?

Lisa: Woah what? Yenzo is your Mr hulk? No it can't be Nono.

Nono: he is.

Suddenly she got angry.

Nono: So you are the bitch he rejected me for? You comforted me knowing very well that it's You?

Me: What? No I swear I didn't know you were talking about Yenzo. You never mentioned his real name
Nono: You are lying!

Me: I also didn't know y'all know each other. Nono we weren't even dating I stopped this before it could
go anywhere because I knew where my heart was.

She charged towards Lisa and slapped her. I quickly stood in front of Lisa.

Me: Don't fuck with me woman! Don't you dare in your miserable life ever lay a hand on her again you
hear me?! Otherwise I won't hesitate I will fuck you up Nonhlanhla! She did explain that she didn't know
why slap her? Mhh? Why?

I was fuming with anger. I wanted to kick the shit out of her flat ass.

Nono: This is not over I'm coming for you bloody whore.
She said pointing at Lisa. She grabbed her bag and left. I quickly turned and checked up on Lisa.

Me: are you okay?

Lisa: Yeah.

I clenched my jaws. I expected to find her crying but no her eyes were as dry as they can be. Okay? I
guess the slap wasn't painful. But I'm sure the words were i mean your only friend calling you a whore?
Shouldn't that hurt?

Me: We can postpone the date it's okay.

Lisa: No. Just give me a minute I'll be back.

She went upstairs..after a while she came back. She was a bit jolly and weird if you ask me. Anyways I
took her to gold reef city and we had the time of our lives. And the fact that she wasn't scared of the
rides made everything less stressful and more fun for the both of us. I must say she's strong even after
what she went through earlier she still managed to soldier on and smile. That's some pretty strong shit if
you ask me.




Life has been amazing well after what Nono did to me. So after that day we went to Gold Reef City she
decided to poke me where it hurts the most. My insecurities about how I look. She started exposing me
on social media posting my picture and a cow alongside saying we are twins. I was a laughing stock for
days until Yenzo put her in her place. I was going through a very tough time but Yenzo supported me and
my cocaine kept me sane and I managed to pull through without even shedding a tear. Yenzo kept on
asking me why he never saw me cry or never saw tears in my eyes and my response was "that's how I
am. I don't cry." It's true. I was like that since from my teenage years I never shed a tear for any boy or
any pain I was exposed to. I guess my tear source dried out while I was still a toddler. Anyways Nono
stopped bothering me after Yenzo spoke to her and I've been happy ever since. Yenzo is a dream! He has
been treating me like a queen the way he promised. I have never been so happy and content..


Life has been a bliss every since Lisakhanya came into my life. I have been receiving more than 10 clients
a day in my company of which was unusual and when I told Ma she said those are the blessings she was
talking about. So the happier Lisa is the wealthier I get. I've never been so happy in my life. I love my
woman and I'm content with my life currently. And then that bitch Nono well let's just say I sent a strong
message to her and she's been laying low ever since I think she got the message not to dare trouble my
woman. Right now I'm going to my baby's workplace it's a surprise visit of some sort because I didn't tell
her I was coming. On my way there I bought her lunch at Rocco Mamas and got to her workplace.

Me: Hey.

Receptionist: Hello sir. Ms Mkhize is in her office.

I nodded and walked to her office. I didn't knock I just got in. And what I saw made my heart stop beating
for a few seconds. Some dickhead was kissing Lisa..

Me: The fuck is going on here?!

I roared and they broke the kiss.

Me: Lisakhanya what the fuck?!

Lisa: Baby it's not what it looks like I tried pushing him but he was too strong. I didn't even respond to
the kiss. I didn't kiss back.

She said panicking. The fucker just smirked. I charged towards him and pushed him on top of the table
and started punching him non stop.
Lisa: Yenzo stop it! You hurting him.

I stopped.

Me: I'm hurting him?! Don't fuck with me Lisakhanya! Don't shit on me!

Lisa: Baby I didn't cheat on you I swear.

Why is her voice so calm? She's fucken pissing me off rn.

Me: Take your bag and follow me Now!!

I roared and walked out of the office to my car. I got and after a while she followed and got inside my
car. I drove to my place fuming with anger. She's fucking with me! There's nothing I wouldn't do for her
and she thanks me with a plate full of shit!

Me: Get out of my car!

I said as soon as we got to my place. She got off and walked inside. I followed her. I didn't lock so she let
herself in and sat on the couch.

Yenzo: Just fucken go upstairs Lisa.

She stood up and went upstairs to my room. I took off my belt and followed her. I got inside my room
and locked the door. She looked at me with eyes popped out.

Lisa: don't beat me up. I wasn't cheating on you. I love you Yenzo I wouldn't do that
to You to us.
Me: Take off your clothes!

She didn't do so.

Me: I said take off your fucken clothes LISAKHANYA!

She quickly took off her clothes and was left with an underware. I felt my member get a bit hard. Fuck
she has a body to die for and those patches damn! I swallowed.

Lisa: Baby please don't do this.

I swayed the belt and it landed on her thighs. She screamed jumping away. I grabbed her hand and
started whipping her with belt. Each whip would leave a bruise on her body. I turned the belt and started
whipping her with the steel part of the belt. She only screamed that one time


now she wasn't screaming nor crying and that angered me. To me it meant that she didn't feel anything
so I whipped her harder and still she didn't cry nor scream she just lay on the floor and flinched as i beat

Me: Ahh why won't you fucken cry!!!?

I roared as I beat her over and over again. By the time i stopped she was not moving she was just laying
there in the pool of her own blood.

Me: fuck fuck! Yenzo what did you do?! wake up.

I shook her but she didn't wake up. I checked her pulse and it was there. I went to fill the bathtub with
warm water and put her in it. I washed off her blood and she was badly injured. I clenched my jaws
feeling like someone just stabbed my heart. Did I do this to her? I held back my tears and dried her up I
went to lay her on the bed now she was slowly opening her eyes
Me: Lisa.. baby? Lisa I'm sorry.

She just removed her hand from my grip and turned her head to another direction. I swallowed hard and
went to clean the blood on the floor. I made her some food and went up to feed her.

Lisa: I'm.. I'm not hungry.

She said with a Broken voice laced with pain. Well what did I expected she's in pain.

Me: Baby eat so that you can drink painkillers.

She shook her head no. I sighed and went out. I couldn't stand seeing her like that. She's like that
because of me. Me!
Me: Fuck you Yenzo!!

I said as I threw a glass against the wall. I sat on the staircase feeling like shit. After a while i felt like
someone was behind me. I turned and there she was. Limping and holding onto the wall. Fully dressed.

Me: Baby where are you going?

I said standing up.

Me: babe you are hurt. Why are you out of bed?

Lisa: You hurt me so save the "I care for you" act for someone who actually cares too Yenzokuhle.
I swallowed and clenched my fists. I looked at her as she grabbed her stuff and took out her phone
probably requesting an uber since she left her car at work

Me: Can I atleast take you home?

She sighed and nodded. I picked her up bridal style and took her to the car and drove to her place. Shit I
fucked up.



I can't believe that Yenzo beat me up like that. I can't believe that someone I love made me go through
that again. I still remember his eyes when he beat me non stop because I didn't scream nor cry. It was
like I was looking straight into my mother's eyes. I swallowed hard as flashbacks hit me hard. My phone
rang and it was Yenzo. I swallowed hard..I can't believe that I said I forgive him last night. But I.. I love
him. He's the only person who cares and loves me and compliments me and is actually nice to me. He
always wants the best for me and makes me happy. I can't punish him for one mistake. He was angry and
I would be angry too if i found him kissing another girl...I.. i just love him..I don't think anyone can love
me like he loves me. He accepted me with my ugliness and all my flaws..I can't lose that. I am to blame
here I shouldn't have let Mike kiss me I did try to fight him but he was strong I don't know what would've
happened if Yenzo didn't barge in at the time he did because his hand was also going down to my
ass...anyways i answered his call.

Me: hello?

Yenzo: Hey baby. You ready for me to pick you up?

Oh we are going to Maurittius for a weekend away.

Me: Uhmm..yeah

Yenzo: Great see you just now.

He hung up and I swallowed and dragged my travelling bag to the kitchen. After a while he knocked on
the door and I opened for him.

Him: Hey baby.

He pecked my lips.

Me: Hey babe.

I faked a smile. Truth is I'm no longer comfortable around him. I'm just scared of him. He took my
travelling bag and took it to his car. I locked my house and went to his and we drove to the airport. We
went through the necessary process before getting in the flight. Oh and I didn't bring any cocaine
because if the machines detect it I might/will get arrested. I just don't know how I'm going to cope this

"Buckle up we are about to take off."

The pilot said and we put on our seatbelts. Yenzo held my hand as I stared outside the window. Lord help
me to be free around him again..

After 4 hours we landed. We found a car waiting for us and Yenzo drove us to one of his houses here in
Mauritius. This place is beautiful and therapeutic in a way. This island is beautiful no lies. We got to this
beautiful beach house.

Yenzo: Do we offload our stuff or eat first?

Me: I wanna take a nap I'm a bit dizzy.

Yenzo: Aww my poor baby got a jet lag.

He said pouting I involuntarily smiled

Yenzo: let's go and nap my baby.

We went to take a nap..I just hope this trip here does us good. I want us to work. I love him and I'm
willing to forgive him although there's nothing to forgive but I am willing to put in the work for us. I hope
he is too...



Three months has passed and I wish I could say life is a bliss but truth is life is a nightmare. I thought
giving him a chance would do us good I though forgiving him will do us good but I was wrong. I guess he
took advantage of that of my fear of losing him. Now he beats me up all the time. When he is stressed
out by his own stuff he beats me up and then fucks me like a slut till I pass out. Our first time wasn't as
rosy as I imagined it to be. I thought it was going to be a candle-lit typa thing soft music playing in the
background. Us making sweet love all night but I got the opposite of that. Yenzokuhle showed me a side
of him I didn't know. I think it's safe to call it rape because I didn't want to sleep with him. He uses all
types of toys on me. He would rip my pussy then call a doctor the next day to stitch me up. I would be
lucky on other days the tear wouldn't be so bad it would heal on its own. I tried leaving him/running
away but I didn't get far. He found me and i got the beating of my life. And the fact that I don't cry fuels
him to beat me harder till I cry of which I don't. He believes that one of these days he'll make me cry. But
I don't think so. I can't even bring myself to cry how can someone else possibly make me cry? I just regret
giving him a chance but in a way I'm glad because Nono would be going through all this. Even though she
did be wrong I still love her and at times I'm tempted to call her just to check up on her... Oh did i
mention that I live with Yenzo at his house? Well I do and I hate every moment of it. I am an
independent woman this cohabiting shit ain't for me. I dont mind sleepovers but eyy Yenzo begged to
differ and again I was beaten up until I agreed to stay with him. I still go to work though of which I'm glad
he didn't take away from me. After all I still have my independence. These past 3 months I've been going
hard on cocaine that it doesn't do anything to me. It no longer leaves me numb like it used to. I was
forced to look for another coping mechanism and I think I found it. Now I'm no longer too much on
cocaine although I still use it. I am now too much on cutting myself especially my thighs and my arms.
The pain when the knife pierces through skin is out of this world. It consumes the pain I feel inside. Until
the pain subsides I remain in my own world..


My phone rang it was my brother I quickly answered.

Him: Hermano! (Brother)

Me: Hermano! Cómo estás? (Brother! How are you?)

Him: Estoy bien y tú? (I'm fine and You?)

Me: Good brother. Tell me you won the war.

Him: You know I always win. Losing is not in my DNA.

Me: Good to hear brother.

Him: I need you to fetch me. I'm in S.A. man

Me: Say what? Great I need you to meet someone.

Him: oh Yeah? And I will be staying at your house until I get a house this side is that cool?

Me: You didn't have to ask brother.

Him: Gracias Hermano. (Thanks brother)

Me: See you in a few.

I hung up and smiled. My brother from another mother is in town. Me and Raymond met in Cuba. I was
one of the people that were captured to be turned into slaves. Any type of slave one can think of. He was
also one of them. Let's just say I owe Ray my life because he helped me and the other guys escape. If it
wasn't for him I would be someone's bitch right now. Since then we've been close. Although he had to
travel from time to time because he's part of the force in Cuba that actually goes into war almost all the
time. I'm glad he's here we have a lot to talk about and he also has to meet Lisa he's going to love her I
just know.


She came downstairs. These past months things have been a bit rocky between us. I end up raising my
hand at her at times. I do regret it and she knows. When I say sorry she says it's okay she understand
that i didn't mean it but she has changed. The way she looks at me is no longer the same. Her eyes are
hard cold and lifeless. Even though they seemed lifeless when I first met her they had that glimmer of
hope but right now It's all gone.

Me: Baby please make a quick lunch. We have a guest.

She nodded and went to the kitchen. That's all she does. She barely says a word. I can even count the
words she said this whole week. Well not Excatly count but I can bet with my life that they were not
more than 100. Anyways I grabbed my car keys and drove to the airport.


Me: Buhle it's been three months since you said you are going to fix this 3 MONTHS!

Buhle: Friend relax. Good things come to those who wait. Right now as we speak Lisakhanya is getting
what she deserves.

Me: What.. what do you mean?

Buhle: Let's just say I know my brother he has anger issues that are sometimes too hard to control.

Me: What? Buhle what are you saying to Me?

Buhle: Nothing. It's only a matter of time till Lisa leaves Yenzo and he'll be all yours my friend.
She smiled staring into space. What does she mean her brother has uncontrollable anger issues? What
if.. what if he's hurting Lisa? Oh God!

Me: Buhle what if he's hurting LISA?

Buhle: He's not. He just shouts and insults. And we both know that Lisa can't handle nasty comments
about her. So imagine when she's getting them from someone she loves..mhh.

Me: You sure that's all?

Buhle: Yes honey. I know my brother. He won't dare lay a hand on a woman.

Me: Okay.
I said as I felt myself calm down. Well it's all sad that Lisa has to be insulted almost all the time but a girl's
gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Besides she's used to being insulted so it shouldn't be a big deal. Call me
selfish I don't care. I want Yenzo and soon he'll be mine...


I arrived at the airport and I went inside and waited for him. After a few minutes of waiting the
automatic sliding doors opened and there he was. Fuck what has he been up to? He's so huge. He saw
me and charged towards me and i met him halfway. We bro hugged.

Me: hermano.

Ray: How's it man?

Me: Great. I ain't gon ask because you sure look great.

Ray: I'm always good man you know it.

Me: Damn! What have you been up to? You are more buffed.

Ray: Being a mafia boss and a leader of a whole army is no child's play.

Me: I can already imagine. Let's go home man.

We went to my car and drove to my house. All this while we were catching up. And at that moment I
realised that I missed this motherfucker. We got to my house.

Ray: You bought a new house?

Me: Yeah.

Ray: Nice.

We got inside and the aroma that was coming from the kitchen caught attention.

Ray: Woah who's cooking?

Me: My wife to be.

Ray: Say what? You for real?

I laughed and nodded. We further walked in and we saw Lisa standing behind the stove stirring the pot.

Me: Baby?

She looked up and smiled. A fake one at that but her smile is too beautiful for anyone to even see that
it's fake. I just know her..

She put the lid on the pot and turned her attention to us. She walked towards us and I'm glad she
changes the short she was wearing. She was now wearing jeans.

Me: Meet my brother from another mother Ray hermano this is my one Lisa.

Ray: Nice to meet you beautiful.

He extended his hand for a handshake and Lisa took it.

Lisa: Nice to meet you too.

Ray kissed her hand and I felt a pang of jealousy run through me. I swallowed.

Lisa: Lunch will be ready in a few. Ray should I get you something to drink?

Me: don't worry about it babe we are going to my study we'll have whiskey in there.

She nodded and went back to her pots. We went to my study.

Ray: Fuck she's hot man

I smiled proudly.

Me: I know right.

Ray: The patch on her face is just perfect. It suits her.

I was now getting uncomfortable with how he was complementing my girl. I cleared my throat and
poured us whiskey changing the topic. We now spoke business.


After I was done cooking I called Yenzo and told him to come downstairs with his friend. They came
down and i set up the table. They kept talking about random stuff they were speaking in Portugese they
probably think that I cannot hear them but I can. I know Portugese. Ray was laughing at him reminding
him that he once said he won't fall in love and now he has.

Ray: ela domou você (She tamed you)

They laughed

Yenzo: foda-se sua puta! (Fuck you bitch)

Ray laughed. He has a beautiful laughter. I smiled at that and dished up. We ate while they conversed.

Ray: So Lisa what do you do?

Is he talking to me? I looked up to him and quickly looked down as I remembered that Yenzo said i
shouldn't look into any man's eyes besides him.
Me: I.. I am an otolaryngologist.

Ray: Wow that's amazing. I am actually a surgeon but I left the medical field and did other things.

Me: really?

I asked as my eyes glistered with curiosity.

Ray: Yeah.

Me: I am studying to be a surgeon... I mean I am automatically one since I operate in my field.

Ray: Woah way to go. I'm thinking Yenzo is attached to a genius.

I chuckled.

Me: I am not a genius.

Ray: Yeah yeah. That's what a genius would say.

Me: Okay.. I am a genius. I bet a genius wouldn't say that

Ray: That's still what a genius would say.

He chuckled and scoffed taking defeat. I looked at Yenzo and he was clenching his fists while holding the
cutlery. I immediately deattached myself from the conversation I was having with Ray. I stood.

Ray Can I please have seconds?

He said giving me puppy eyes I smiled and took his plate. I dished up for him again and i gave him the

Me: I'm going to nap. I'm tired. Nice to meet you Raymond.

He smiled and nodded.

Ray: Likewise Lisakhanya.

I smiled. I looked at Yenzo and kissed his lips and went upstairs. I prayed to God that Yenzo doesn't beat
me up. I wonder why his room had to be soundproofed...


I woke up the following morning and got ready for work. I decided to rock Boohoo double breasted
black blazer and a matching trouser that reached a bit high above the ankle and silver block heels. I did
final touch ups on my hair


puffed some cologne and grabbed my stuff. As I was making cereal downstairs Ray jogged inside
looking all types of yummy. He was wearing a vest that showed off his big arms and a short he's probably
going out for a jog.

Ray: Morning Lisa.

Me: Morning. How did you sleep?

Ray: Very great thank you.

I nodded

Ray: you look beautiful.

I blushed

Me: Thank you.

I ate my cereal while He made a smoothie. Just then Yenzo came downstairs also wearing his gym gear.
Yenzo: Morning babe.

Me: Morning.

He kissed me and also made himself a smoothie.

Me: bye people see you later.

Them: Bye!

I grabbed my car keys and drove to my workplace..I got there and started with my rounds. My day was
pretty busy i was doing a lot of rounds and checkups. As I was doing my last round before lunch my
phone rang. It was Victor
Me: Vic.

Vic: Hey darling. I managed to secure the place for you. You are officially a salon owner.

I smiled.

Me: really?! Thanks Victor. You are a star. You deserve a raise.

Vic: music to my ears baby boo..Right now I'm going to negotiate with your potential seller for the

Me: About that...I want to start my building from scratch so if you can find me a good construction
company I already have the land and it's legally mine

Vic: on it.
He hung. Victor is my lawyer/friend/yonkito. He's been helping me buy this salon that was for sale in
town. I am so going to make it a dream. I've always wanted to be a business woman and this is my
chance. And my dreams of opening my own surgery are also coming true...The rest of my day was good
because on my spare time I was strategizing on how I'll give the salon a good image again because it was
so crumbling down.



Its been a week and Ray is still staying with us. Apparently he still can't find the kind of house he's
looking for. He's not even sure he's residing this side permanently why doesn't he get an apartment? I
don't get what this fuss about the house is for..Anyways today it's a Saturday and I'm going to the mall
and pass by my establishment. Damn it feels good to say that lol. I looked at the mirror and i was
satisfied with how I look. I was wearing a white turtle neck a black bomber jacket black boyfriend jeans
and white nike air force sneakers. I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. I found Ray on his way out.
He looked so handsome. I know it's wrong to be checking this guy out but I'm not exactly checking him
out I'm just admiring his beauty. He was wearing all black sana. Black ripped jeans black t-shirt black
leather jacket black sneakers and he topped off the look with a black cap. He looks really great in black.
Ray: Take a picture Lisa it lasts longer.

He said smirking. God he noticed that I was kinda-- checking him out? I looked down embarrassed. His
phone beeped and it saved me from his stares.

Ray: What? Yenzo can't be serious.

I looked at him with my brow raised.

Ray: He just cancelled on me saying he's out of town last minute things...

Oh shame man. They were going to view another set of potential houses.
Me: Sorry.

Ray: Please come with me.

My eyes widened did I hear him correctly? Haii it must be my ears.

Me: Huh?

Ray: Please come with me. This whole house viewing thing is boring. I'm going to die of boredom.

Haike! This guy. Indlu yeyakhe njena aii kakade ligeza uRay.

Me: I.. I don't know Ray..I have plans.

Ray: Pleaseee...we'll do whatever you want when we get back please..

He gave me puppy eyes. Did he have to be so cute? Those eyes get to me every damn time!

Me: fine Ray! Now stop giving me those eyes.

He chuckled.

Ray: Thank you. Masambe.

I was suprised he could speak Zulu.

Me: What are you Ray?

Ray: I'm mixed. My mom is Zulu



my father is Portugese.

Me: Yoh no wonder you this handsome.

Fuck I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Ray: Mhh No wonder I'm this handsome huh?

He said smirking.

Me: I didn't even mean that.

I said and he laughed. I eventually joined him.

Ray: Yeah right! Says the same Lisa who was checking me out just a few minutes ago.

I scoffed.

Me: Be careful of what you say I might just change my mind about going with you.
Ray: Yoh. Meanie!

It was my turn to smirk now..

Ray: I like this one.

He said with his eyes beaming with excitement.

My mouth hung open.

Me: No Ray Everything here is black!

Ray: Black is my favourite colour in case you haven't noticed.

Me: I did notice Ray--

Ray: You did?

He said smiling widely. I chuckled.

Me: Stop Ray. I know Black is your favourite colour but a house can't be all black ha-ana.

Ray: Fine.

He said sulking.
Me: Ah Ray you sulking? Ithenge keh! Buy it but just know that I won't visit.

I say pouting.

Ray: You were planning to visit me kanti?

He said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

Me: Lets go Ray. Miss please show us another house.

I said to the agent. She nodded. She look amused by my argument with Ray...That one was still sulking
about the black house. Hau ngeke a black house? It will be like he's into to some voodoo shit. He might
as well be a witch haii. A black house?!

We got to this house that caught my attention. The walls were glassy Everything was just glass.
Me: Wow.

Ray: Wow indeed.

The agent led us inside and i was blown away. Everything here was either white or grey or just
transparent (glassy)..The kitchen counter was to die for it was a white granite. The stove was installed in
the counter and it was made of glass black glass which made Ray smile. The bathroom has black and
white tiles on the floor and white tiles on the walls. It was really beautiful. The touch of black wasn't too
much it was just right.

Me: this is the one!

He chuckled.

Ray: It is. You like it?

Me: I love it.. I'm officially moving in with you.

He laughed.

Ray: Woza sisi.

We laughed.

Ray: Chantel I'm taking this house.

Chantel: You sure sir? It's 10 million.

Me: Here I was thinking it was 20 million. The owner robbed him/herself.

Ray: Money is not a problem huns.

He fiddled with his phone and Chantel's phone beeped. Her eyes widened when she saw the message.
It's probably her first time seeing so many zeros too bad she's only getting a few thousands and the rest
goes to the owner. I must say I was a bit suprised that Ray could send someone such money without any
troubles. His limit must be every high and he must be loaded for the bank to even extend his daily
withdrawals to over 10 million. Anyways we wrapped up our day and we went to the mall.

Ray: so this is you?

He said as he looked at my team running around doing final touch ups on the renovations the salon. The
grand opening of the salon is next week.

Me: this is me.

Ray: I'm impressed. I just might invest.

Me: really?

I said smiling widely. He chuckled and nodded.

Me: do invest you won't regret it and you might get a haircut for free.

Ray: Sorry but I go to a barber shop for that.

Me: Mxm flex! What is this kanti a mkhukhu salon?

He burst out in laughter.

Ray: A mkhukhu sa- Lisa really?!

He laughed and i eventually joined him. His laughter is cute and contagious. After helping out we went to
get some food and got takeaways for later we then went back home and watched movies in the cinema
room. If Yenzo finds us like this and finds out that we spent the whole day together he's gonna kill me.
It's crazy how I didn't even think of him while I was with Ray. I just felt at peace for the first time in ages..


As we were watching movies my phone rang. It was Yenzo. I sighed and answered.

Me: Hello?
Yenzo: A babe wouldn't hurt you know..I'm really trying Lisa.

I rolled my eyes..trying? Pshh.

Yenzo: Its fine though. I won't be coming home tonight got held up and my pilot is not available. Imma
be back tomorrow.

I smiled out of relief.

Me: Oh..I guess I'll see you tommorrow.

Yenzo: I guess so too. Behave Lisa. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

I rolled my eyes.

Me: Noted.

Yenzo: I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I saw Ray turn and look at me. I swallowed and Yenzo hung up.

Me: Yenzo is not coming back home.

Ray was already standing preparing to leave the cinema room

Me: Ray? What's wrong?

Ray: Nothing. I'm tired. Goodnight.

Just like that he left. Aii that's it! I will never understand men! These homo sapiens are mad moody argh!
I switched off the 3D screen and went to my room. I took a bath and wore my sleepwear and got under
the covers.


I tried sleeping but it's been hours now of me tossing and turning. I just can't stop thinking about
Lisakhanya. Damn that woman go make me mad. I feel so guilty for feeling like this towards her because
she seems to be in love with Yenzo. She's my brother's woman. I might not be related to Yenzo
biologically but I take him as my little brother. We've been through a lot together. I feel so bad but I am
trying to get rid of these feelings i have for Lisa. That's why I'm moving out tommorrow. I was planning to
spend two weeks here im South Africa and leave but after I saw her I wanna stay here permanently. God
knows I hate this place but she makes me wanna stay.
Me: The fuck Ray? You smash and pass what's this feelings thing and shit you feeling argh!

I said looking at the mirror.


I don't know how but I found myself in her room. Thank God she didn't lock the door. She was sleeping
so peacefully. She's so beautiful. I've been with all types of women including albinos but I never came
across such a beautiful woman who has Vitiligo. Sure the others that I've been with are beautiful but she
sure takes the cup. She's the ish! I sat down on the one sitter couch and just watched her sleep.

She started stirring in her sleep after a few she started screaming.

Lisa: Yenzo please. I'm sorry.

She said stirring even more. I panicked and rushed towards her.
Me: Lisa!

I shook her her eyes shot open as she sat up straight breathing heavily.

Me: it's okay..It was just a dream okay.

She slowly nodded. I looked into her eyes and all I saw was emptiness but I was attracted to this
emptiness. I was expecting her to cry i mean do what girls do when they normally wake up from
nightmares but she was just...calm?

Me: Need water?

She shook her head no. I wonder what the dream was about and why she was screaming Yenzo's name
like that while apologising. She looked shaken so I got into bed with her and pulled her close to me and
she sunk into my arms. It was like she was made to rest right in my arms. She fitted perfectly. I felt her
take in my scent in a form of a deep breath. I smiled and kissed her head.

Me: Its okay I'm here

I whispered and she nodded repeatedly..



It's been three months and I must say I am happy. Yeah i am people. I am still with Yenzo but I am kinda
cheating on him with Ray. Yeah I know that's not right I shouldn't be doing this but I just couldn't sweep
the feelings I had for Ray under the carpet. After seeing who Yenzo really is I swore to myself that I won't
fall for another man but here I am again. I just took a leap of faith and if it kills me then let it be so. I
don't know but Ray is just different from Yenzo. There's just something about him...
Ray: What are you thinking about?

Me: Nothing much.

I said smiling. I was at his house. I just came back from work. I told Yenzo that I'm on call so I'll be doing
night shift of which was a lie.

Ray: How about I get your mind off things?

He said licking his lips. I smiled seductively.

Me: I like the sound of that.

With that clothes were flying and he made love to me missionary style. Even sex with him is amazing.
This guy completes me. He makes me feel good. He did ask about the scars that were on my body and i
lied about them. I said I was once kidnapped and got them from the beatings and I know he didn't
believe me but he didn't ask further and i was grateful for that. After 4 rounds we cuddled and spoke
about anything and everything!

The following morning I woke up and took a shower..When I went back to the bedroom I found Ray
pacing breakfast on the small table by the balcony. I smiled.

Me: Hey love bug.

Ray: I love it when you call me that you know.

I smiled.

Me: I know baby.

He kissed my lips.

Ray: Morning baby. Breakfast is served.

Me: I thank you.

I sat down and we ate over a light conversation. After eating



I wore yesterday's clothes grabbed my stuff and went home. When I got there I found Yenzo on his
Me: Morning

It was around 10 am.

Yenzo: Morning baby.

I kissed his cheek.

Me: let me go shower.

Yenzo: I'm coming to join you.

Shit. He's going to feel that someone has been inside me.
Me: I.. I'm on my periods baby.

Yenzo: I know your cycle Lisa.

Me: One of those months where my periods came early.

He looked at me and nodded. I ran upstairs and took a shower just to get Ray's scent off me. How am I
gonna fake my periods now? I wore my gown and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen luckily Yenzo
wasn't in there anymore because when i came back he was sitting on the high stools. I grabbed a
ketchup and mixed it with water in a cup. I then took the cup upstairs. I grabbed a pad and poured
everything there and it really looked like blood. Although the smell said other wise. I hid the cup in the
bathroom cabinet. I wasn't going to wear a pad with ketchup so I wore a clean pad just then Yenzo
walked in. He saw the "bloody" pad.

Yenzo: I thought you were lying.

I shook my head no and disposed of the pad. I just wanted him to see it .

Yenzo: Are you in any pain?

Me: a bit.

Yenzo: let me go get you something at the pharmacy.

Me: Thank you baby.

He kissed my lips and rushed out. I smiled and lay on the bed and called Ray.

Ray: Sexy mama!

He said as soon as his face flashed on the screen. I blushed.

Me: Sexy papa!

He laughed. Just as I was about to say something I felt the urge to vomit. I think he saw a change in me
because he asked if I was okay. As I was about to answer my gag reflex suddenly weakened. I rushed to
be bathroom and vomited. I went back to Ray.

Ray: Babe are you okay?

Me: Uhm..yeah..I just vomited I think it's bile.

Ray: Go check that out baby.

Me: I will baby. Look we'll talk later okay.

Ray: Okay baby.

Me: bye.

I hung up. Suddenly I feel sick..

It's been 3 weeks in hell! I've been so sick I don't even know what's wrong with me. I haven't been to the
doctor. I've been so moody I've been eating a lot and just snapping for no reason. I am now with Ray..

Ray: Baby let's go to the doctor please..

Me: Okay fine

I finally agreed. He quickly freshened up and we went to a friend of his and he checked me out.

Doctor: Everything seems fine. Uhm..have y'all been having Sex?

We both nodded slowly.

Doc: Okay. Take this and pee in here. The bathroom is that way.
I swallowed. I knew where this was going. What if I'm pregnant? Obviously if im a month or less than a
month pregnant then the baby is Ray's. It's been a month since I had sex with Yenzo. Which is the very
same month I started having sex with Ray. I went to pee in the cup and he took my urine.

Doc: The results will be ready in a few. The lab is a bit busy but I'll make a plan for y'all

Ray: I knew I could count on you man.

After 30 minutes our results came back.

Doc: Ray my man and you mam congratulations. You are 1 month and 1 week pregnant.

I felt like fainting. Suddenly I felt like the walls of my lungs were closing in on me.
Ray: Baby breath..please.

He did breathing exercises with me. Yenzo is so going to kill me. I am officially dead meat!

We were now back at Ray's house. Ray was obviously happy that he was having a baby with me. He
couldn't stop smiling and thanking me on our way home.

Ray: Baby we will figure this out together please stop stressing my baby.

Me: Ray..

Ray: Shh..I got this okay. I will deal with Yenzo.

I nodded and decided to trust him. We cuddled in bed and told each other sweet somethings. I'm at my
happiest when I'm with him. As we were talking the door of the bedroom burst open and there stood
Yenzo fuming with anger. Ray quickly jumped off the bed and Yenzo charged towards him and punched
him. Before I knew it these two men were fighting. Fists and kicks were flying.

Me: Ray stop! Ray you gonna kill him please..

He let go of him Yenzo got up and took out a gun. I didn't even know he owned one.

Ray: woah! Hermano por favor não (brother please don't)

Yenzo: Hermano? Hermano? Irmãos traem uns aos outros assim ?! (Do brothers betray each other like

Ray: olha cara me desculps (look man I'm sorry) I didn't plan to fall in love with Lisa. Eu amo-a (I love
her) and I'm sorry for hurting you like this. I really didn't mean to.
My heart melted. It was his first time saying he loves me.

Yenzo: Bull!

He shot Ray on the chest and i screamed. I kneeled before the bleeding Ray.

Me: Ray. Please you can't leave me like this!

All i did was say that. I kmew better than to touch him or shake him i didn't know where the bullet was
and the last thing i want is to cause more damage.. For the first time in ages I felt like crying. I actually
felt tears burn my eyes.

Yenzo: Bitch!
He said and pulled me by my hair and started kicking me repeatedly on my stomach. I tried to shield my
stomach with my hands but I think he broke my fingers I removed them as I couldn't handle the pain. As
he was kicking me. I felt this excruciating pain on my abdomen.

Yenzo: Cry bitch! I want you to cry!

I didn't give him the satisfaction. Even though I knew that I'm losing my baby and the love of my life.
Tears just burned my eyes..that's all they did.

Yenzo: bleed to death with your bloody boyfriend!

He spit on the now uncounsious Ray and left.

Me: Eu também te amo Ray (I love you too Ray)..

I said with a cracking voice and it was lights out...


I woke up to beeping machines and an all white room. How did I get here? Oh my God where is Ray? I
quickly sat up straight but hurt myself in the process.

"Oh good you are awake"

I looked towards the door and a doctor made its way in.

Me: What happened? How did I get here?

Doc: You and your patner were brought in by a young man who preferred to remain anonymous for now.

Me: Where is Ray? Is he okay?

Doc: Uhm..Ms Mkhize Raymond is in a very critical condition. He's still in ICU the bullet got stuck in one
of his lungs. Whenever we try getting him off machines his lung fails him. I would suggest we switch off
machines because there's nothing we can do.

Oh God.

Me: Can I see him?

Doc: Sure but after I check you up.

I nodded and let him do his things. I held my stomach


I knew my baby was gone. I felt it when she deattached from me. I wonder why she couldn't be strong
for mommy.

Doc: I am sorry but you lost the baby.

Hearing him say that felt like my heart was being stabbed over and over again. I swallowed hard and felt
tears burn my eyes. I pushed them back and let the doctor finish what he was doing. He then led me to
Ray's room. His state made my heart ache even more. He has so tubes connected to his body. I sat down
on the chair next to his bed and held his hand.

Me: Raymond. It's me Lisakhanya. Please wake up Ray I need you. Our..our baby left us I can't have you
leave me too. You just can't leave me whom will I be left with? PLEASE Ray. Please just wake up.
I stayed with him for a while and then went back to my ward. My food had been brought in but I didn't
feel like eating so I just slept. It was already late it looked dark outside.

When i woke up the next morning I found toiletries on my bedside. I wonder who brought them. I
decided to take a bath just then. I'm thinking this is a private ward because the bathroom was inside the
ward. I then lay on bed and memories flooded my mind. Everything Ray and i did raided my mind. I really
miss him. I hope he knows I love him and doesn't leave me.

"Minha beleza" (My beauty)

I swear I can even hear his voice. He hardly calls me that but when he does my heart skips beats.

"You are not hearing things baby. I'm awake"

I sat up straight and there he was. I literally jumped on him forgetting that he is hurt.
Me: I thought I was going to lose you.

Ray: I won't leave you baby.

He said hugging me tighter. We hugged for a while then broke the hug. We lay on the bed.

Me: Do you know who brought us here?

Ray: Yeah. That day Mart had to come to SA. So when he landed he found us in my house and brought us

Me: Who is Mart?

Ray: Oh Martin is my right hand man. I trust that guy with my life.
I nodded.

Me: What do you do Ray?

He chuckled.

Ray: That will be a story for another day baby.

I nodded. After a while I felt his hand brushing my stomach.

Ray: Is she really gone?

He said with a breaking voice. I nodded.

Me: I'm sorry Ray. This is all my fault. I should've broken up with Yenzo but I couldn't. He was going to kill

Ray: why are you so scared of him?

I kept quite.

Ray: Its okay you'll tell me when you are ready. No pressure okay?

I nodded.
Ray: Lisa are you okay?

That question! I swear it did something to me. It shook something deep within me. I swallowed hard as I
felt tears burn my eyes. He made me look at him.

Ray: I hope you know that it's okay to cry.

Me: I don't know how to cry Ray.

He raised his brow.

Me: I last cried when I was still a toddler. Ever since then I don't remember ever crying.

His eyes pooped out.



I couldn't believe what Lisa was telling me. She's 28 for Christ sake. I mean she literally last cried about
20 years ago. Is she a normal human being? I looked at her as her eyes welled up with tears. No this is
not right. She can't be bottling up things like this. She needs to let go. She needs to cry.

Me: let it out Lisa.

Lisa: I can't Ray.

Me: Yes you can baby. I am here and i will never take advantage of your tears. You crying doesn't mean
you are weak. It means you allow yourself to feel. You allow yourself to heal. If you keep bottling things
up like this you will slowly but surely crumble baby. Just let it out. Cry because of everything you've
though. Cry because we just lost our baby. Just cry for whatever reason that made your heart ache.
Fuck how the hell do I know all this? Yoh! If Mart could hear me now he'd laugh at me dead ass! I heard
her sniff. Just as I was about to say something she broke into a loud gut wrenching sob. That cry could
pierce into even the coldest heart.

Me: Let it out my love.

And she did let it out. Her cries just pierced through my heart. I tried not to cry but tears ended up
making their way down my cheeks. What the hell is this woman carrying in her heart? I can't help but
feel through her cries that her soul is burdened. She is burdened.



Ever since things between Lisa and I started getting rocky my companies have been taking strain.
Investors are pulling out people hardly ever want to do business with me. I blame Lisa and her stupid
ancestors while would they punish me for their useless ugly daughter?! It's not like she's special. I just
hate her especially after I found her in bed with Ray


while would they punish me for their useless ugly daughter?! It's not like she's special. I just hate her
especially after I found her in bed with Ray my brother! I hate them both I hope they are dead. I can't
believe they played me for months! They should pray that they are dead otherwise I'm going to make
their lives a living hell. Just then my phone rang It was my sister Nobuhle.

Me: Buhle?

Buhle: Big bro. Send me in.

I hung up and let her in. After a few she walked in looking beautiful like always.

Buhle: You look horrible and you stink sies!

I groaned.

Me: Buhle I'm sure you didn't come here to make noise.

Buhle: Have you been drinking?

Me: Go ahead and ask the obvious sis.

Buhle: Geez don't bite my head off I'm just asking. You okay?

I chuckled bitterly.
Me: Lisa cheated on me..with Ray.

Buhle: what?! I always told you that girl is bad news. You should've dated Nono not that cow!

Me: wish I took your advice.

Buhle: but it's not too late Nono is still into you.

I sighed. It's funny how I still want Lisa.

Buhle: Say what let me clean up real quick go and freshen up I'm calling her to come over.

Me: Buhle no. I'm not in the mood really.

Buhle: Don't be a grandpa Yenzokuhle go!

I groaned and went upstairs to freshen up. After a while I went downstairs and i found Nobuhle sitting on
the couch with Nonhlanhla.

Me: Hi nono.

She blushed. God.

Nono: Hey Yenzo.

Buhle: Right! Let me leave you to it.

She winked and left. I sat down. We sat in awkward silence. I didn't even know what to say.

Nono: so..Buhle tells me what Lisa did to you.

Buhle is such a chatterbox.

Me: Yeah.

Nono: You should've went for me you know.

She sounds like a desperate bitch.

Me: So I've been told.

Nono: so you still gonna sulk and cry over spilt milk when you have a hot thang waiting for you?

She said taking off the coat she was wearing. I was just wondering why she was wearing a coat since it
was mad hot outside. She was wearing a red lingerie and damn it looked good on her. See Nono is your
slim girl with curves and shit. She ain't chubby like Lisa but she will do. Besides it's been a while since I
last released...Before I knew it this woman was on top of me riding me like it's her last day on earth. It
was mind blowing.

My phone rang while Nono and i were cuddling after our 3rd round. It was my grandmother. God.

Me: My love.

Nono's face changed. If it was Lisa she would've kept it cool. I love girl's like that. Nono is just too
dramatic. But I'll have to deal because at this point she's my pawn in this big chess game..
Ma: Yenzokuhle what did you do? Wenzeni?! I told you to treat her good mtanam what went wrong?

Me: Ma she cheated on me.

Ma: She wasn't yours to start with! She started crumbling long before she cheated. Did we raise you to
beat up women Yenzo?

Me: No

Ma: Then why did you do that huh?

Me: It was a mistake. I lost control.

Ma: You know what Yenzokuhle I'm done protecting you because it's only making me sick. Deal with the
consequences of your actions.

Me: What do you mean Ma?

Ma: I see blood Yenzo. I hope it's not yours.

And just like that she hung up. I groaned in frustration.

Nono: Baby what's wrong?

Me: Nono please..not now..not now

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a cold shower..


I was fuming when i left Yenzo's house but I didn't wanna show. How dare Lisa do this? She took Nono's
man now she's taking Ray away from Me? God knows I've been waiting for Ray to come back so that I
can get it on with him. I fell for that man long before I could say hi to him. When I saw him I just fell for
him and that cow comes here and takes him away from Me! I'm so going to kill her. This time I won't
spare her life. I don't get why these men keep falling for ugly things like herself when we are available..



A few days later I was discharged from the hospital. I was fine physically but emotionally I was shattered.
I'm just grateful to have Ray in my life. Speaking of Ray he's still in hospital. The doctor refused to
discharge him because he wasn't sure whether he was good to go. He needed to keep him for further
observation. I was at my house and just then I realised that most of my stuff are at Yenzo's house. I was
not yet ready to face him but my work uniform was at his house. Luckily I kept my important documents
in my house and my ID was always in my bag. Today I'm planning to go see Ray. I took a bath and wore a
black body hugging dress a black leather jacket and white sneakers. I need a new hairstyle my hair was
on some andizi typa vibes.. I grabbed my sling bag. I felt like driving my G63 today. My Amarok was at
Yenzo's house. I sighed at that. I hopped in my car and went to the mall before going to the hospital. I
got my babe steak from Steers he loves their steak and i got us burgers from Rocco mamas and a bunch
of snacks. Who said a man can't be spoiled? As I was passing by a very beautiful black watch caught my
attention. I got inside the jewellery shop and it was R10 000. Not bad at all. I purchased it for Ray. It is a
men's watch and he loves black so why not. I was glad their jewellery is accompanied by a black gift bag.
I paid up and drove to the hospital while Bounce by Ruger blasted through my car speakers. After 20
minutes or so I got to the hospital. The receptionist was suprised by the amount of gifts I came bearing.

Rec: Lucky patient

She said. I smiled.

Me: Lucky patient indeed. I am here to see Raymond Rodriguez.

She types on her desktop...

Rec: Private ward right?

I nodded.

Rec: Lucky you you don't need to wait for visiting hours. You can go in. Do you need directions?

Me: no thank you.

She nodded. I walked away and as I was about to turn the receptionist stopped me.

Her: Sorry but you are so beautiful. Are you real?

I giggled and blushed.

Me: Thank you honey. You are also beautiful.

She blushed and thanked me. I continued my walk to my mans ward. I got there and he was shouting.
Lord Ray never rests. I didn't get in I stood at the door as he screamed on his phone.

Ray: Thank God your ancestors or who ever you bow down to that I'm in SA otherwise you'd be dead

Ray: Just fix the shitty mess you made! I've been gone for a few months but y'all are already slacking off.

He hung up and clicked his tongue. He was with Mart who looked amused by all this.

Mart: Don't get worked up over that puta (bitch)

Ray: He pisses me off. I don't know why I'm still here I've survived worse than this bloody scratch on my

He calls a bullet hole a scratch? I rolled my eyes he likes acting tough.

Ray: Where's my woman Martin?

Me: I'm right here.

They turned to look at me as I walked in. Ray had the widest smile ever. This man is beautiful people.
Like no there are handsome men and beautiful men. He is one of the beautiful men.

Mart: I think that's my cue. Catch ya later puta! Hi and Bye bosslady.
He said to Ray. Ray showed him the middle finger.

Ray: Fuck you.

Mart: It takes two honey and trust me I'm down



your ass looks tight and yummy.

He said in a girly voice. And flapped his eyelashes dramatically. I laughed so hard Ray was so pissed off.

Ray: Where the hell is that gun?!

Mart laughed and ran out.

Ray: Puta.

These ones think I don't know Portugese. They think I don't know that a puta is a bitch mxm they
underestimate me.

Ray: Hey baby.

Me: My love how are you feeling?

Ray: I'm great I just wanna be out of here.

Me: Soon baby. I brought you some goodies.

I said excitedly. He smiled as soon as he saw the Steers paperbag. He opened it and immediately
indulged in the food. I've noticed that Ray eats a lot. He has an appetite for days.

Ray: Babe don't do that.

Ne: What?

Ray: Staring at me while i eat.

Me: Ncoow I'm making you shy?

I said and he blushed but tried to hide it. Him hiding made him even cuter!

Me: You such a cutie.

He pouted his lips in a form of sulking and i laughed at him. We ate our burgers while talking about
random stuff.

Me: Baby

Ray: mhh?

Me: What do you do for a living?

He chuckled.

Ray: I'm a leader of an army a force to be exact.

My mouth hung open. Waaarr?!

Me: Ithi uyadlala Ray (say you kidding)

I was impressed but at the same time I was worried. What if one of these days he's forced to leave and
go to Cuba for a war then he gets hurt then..aii..

Ray: I'm not baby.

Me: So you actually go to war?

Ray: Yeah a lot since a lot of people want to invade Cuba.

Me: Yoh! Wow babe no wonder your body is like this.

Ray: How is my body?

He said smirking.

Me: Its to die for!

He laughed and i joined him

Ray: Oksalayo! (Still)

I cracked up in laughter. Everytime we argue about silly things and i want to be right I say oksalayo and
ever since then he's been saying it unnecessarily so.

Me: Oksalayo ini? Uligeza Raymond Rodriguez (Still for what? You are crazy)

Ray: Ndigeza ngawe andithi

He says wiggling his eyebrows and burst out into a loud laughter. He just smiled at me

Ray: I love it when you laugh. The sound of your laughter is music to my ears. This is what I live
for..making you happy.
I blushed.

Me: I love you.

Ray: I love you more Geza lam (my crazy woman)

I laughed and we continued eating.

Me: I have something for you.

Ray: Oh Yeah?

I grabbed my bag and took out the paper bag. He raised his brow confused. I handed it to him and he
took out the black velvet box out of the bag and opened it only to be met by a black Rolex watch.
Ray: No way!!!

Me: Yes way!!!

Ray: Bring it in bro bring it in!

We did our signature handshake and sealed it off with a kiss. Over the months we've grown to be very
close. We are more of friends than a couple.

Ray: Babe this is dope.

He said hugging me.

Ray: Thank you.

Me: Its no biggie.

Ray: You setting the bar too high for me.

Me: I know you can exceed it my love.

Ray: Damn right you know your mans girl!

He mimicked Cyborg from the cartoons Teen titans when he was pretending to be his grandmother. I
laughed at that and we high fived.
Ray: You are so beautiful I can't get used to your beauty.

I blushed.

Me: Hee! This is not my real faceoo! My real face is like this..

I made a funny face and he laughed out loud as soon as he realised that I was copying Emmanuela from
the YouTube videos we once watched together. I missed this I missed us.


After a week or so Ray was discharged. Everything went back to normal I also went back to work. We still
happy as ever. Although ever since this week started I've been receiving weird texts. This person keeps
on telling me to stay away from Ray. I mean who the hell do they think they are? Why should I break up
with Ray? For the who? For the why? If my babe was here he'd say oksalayo. Lol I miss my babe. I'm
always love sick. He makes me clingy and i hate it. Lol who am I kidding? I love it ooo!
I was driving to work when I suspected that I was being followed. I started panicking but soon collected
myself and tried to lose the car. I kept on making turns to lose the car but I was failing. I then decided to
join the freeway and stepped on the accelerator. I know it's dangerous but I'm looking out for myself
here. There was an impressive gap between me and the car it's not even helping that this car is a beast. I
was driving Ray's car. It's a black Porsche Cayenne. I was trying to adjust my seat when I pulled out a gun
by mistake. Ray must have forgotten about it. Well it might come in handy. Just then I heard gunshots.
Fuck! I started panicking for real. I tried to call Ray but my phone was off great! Trust Lisakhanya Mkhize
to forget to charge her phone. Seems like I'm in this on my own. The car following me was a black BMW.
I have not interest in BMWs so I didn't know what model it was. After a while of driving I was convinced
that I had lost them but I saw the car accelerating towards me. Fuck! How did I not see this one coming?
I surrendered and stopped my car. We were in a quite deserted like street. I put the gun carefully on my
waist and got out of the car with my hands behind my head. They also got out of the car. It was two
buffed guys.

Guy 1: You finally gave in.

Guy 2: I must say you are a good driver.

I raised my brow totally bored. See when it comes to such situations I don't know what happens to my
adrenalin levels. They just drop. It's like my adrenal medulla fails me. I just become too calm I also scare
myself. They say in scary situations your adrenalin serves as a fight or flight hormone but for me it's a
calm or just calm hormone for real.
Me: What do you want from Me?

Guy 2: come with us.

Me: Where are we going?

Guy 2: Ask no questions hear no lies.

Me: then I'm not going anywhere. Tell your boss I said that.

They chuckled.

Guy 1: You forcing us to be savage and we won't hesitate to be savage given how much our boss hates

Me: You can be savage all you want but I have balls unlike you doing someone's dirty work. Why don't
they do it themselves?

Seems like I hit a nerve because they looked at each other almost defeated.

Guy 1: You now getting on my fucken nerves woman! Get in the fucken car.

Me: The truth doesn't always sink in well my good sir.

I said calm as ever. They guy took out a gun.

Guy 1: Get in the fucken car!

Me: okay. Stop shouting.

I walked slowly towards them. The other guy walked to me getting impatient. Everything happened
quickly. I found myself blowing the guy on his nuts with my elbow he groaned in pain. His friend was
ready to shoot when I took out my gun and shot at him first. I didnt shoot to kill i just shot to distract
because I shot him arm and leg. I also shot the guy who was holding his nuts groaning. I grabbed the
guy's gun quickly before he could use it on me. I put it on my waist.

Me: Give me your phone. Now!

He handed it to me groaning in pain. I failed Ray's number. Yes I know it off by head.

Ray: Rodriguez hello.

Me: Babe.
Ray: Fuck LISA! Where are You? I'm worried sick about you. What happened to your phone?

Me: My phone is dead. I'm going to send you my location. I'll explain when you get here.

Ray: Okay send it quickly.

Me: Bring back up.

I hung up and sent it using the guy's phone. I waited for Ray while monitoring the guys. After 30 minutes
max Ray arrived. He ran towards me while looking at the guys I'm pointing his gun at. He brought back
up like I asked.

Ray: What happened here?

Me: Babe I need to get to work we'll talk later. Just make sure you keep these guys hostage until they tell
you who sent them. Here.

I said giving him his gun their gun and their phone

Me: I love you bye.

I kissed his lips and ran to the car and sped off to work. It will take more than just stupid amateurs to
bring me down.


I looked at these morons and i felt anger build up inside of me. They just told me that they were
following Lisa that very same Lisa that looked very calm and unbothered. I have already accepted that
I'm in love with a weird homo sapien. Haii Oksalayo shem. I ordered my guys to take them to the
warehouse where they are to be tortured until I hear the full story. from Lisa. I have a feeling that these
two won't be hard nuts to crack. I then went to Lisa's work place. On my way there I got a call from Mart.

Me: hermano.

Mart: we have a problem.

Me: Talk to me.

Mart: Modrid is back.

I knew this day was coming. I just didn't think it would be this soon. Modrid is one fucked up nigga. I've
been his enemy ever since his clients he supplies with drugs started showing interest in my product. I do
a lot really. I do drugs gun smuggling stealing of portraits that worth millions mineral smuggling such as
gold and diamonds and many more. I just don't disgusting things like human trafficking or slavery.
Me: Mart we'll talk man I'm still a bit busy. Find out more about why Modrid came back.

Mart: Sure.

I hung up and got Lisa's workplace. Luckily when I got there she was on break. Meaning we could talk
about this matter properly.

Me: Baby what happened?

Lisa: As I was going to work in the morning i noticed tgat a black BMW was following me. So I tried losing
them but I was failing. When I thought I had lost them they just appeared in front of my car. I had no
choice but to surrender I got this crazy idea that I should crash into them.

My eyes widened.
Me: I'm glad you didn't do that.

Lisa: Oksalayo.

She said dismissively and we laughed.

Lisa: So I stopped the car and got out. Oh and while I was still trying to lose them I tried adjusting my seat
but I pulled out your gun instead. So I put the gun on my waist and got out of the car. I tried calling but
my phone was off. So I knew I had to deal with this on my own so I challenged them trying to buy time
and one guy walked towards me wanting to drag me towards the car I blowed him nuts with my elbow
and shot them both.

Wow..I was so proud of my babe for handling all this like that. I'm glad she didn't panic and put her life in

Me: come here.

She sunk into my arms and i held on to her tight.

Me: I'm proud of you yezwa.

She nodded. I pulled out of the hug and pecked her lips.

Me: My grandparents want to see you.

She froze for a moment.

Lisa: Huh?
Me: My family would like to see you babe. My mother's parents.

She swallowed hard.

Lisa: Yoh babe.


It was the next day already and I'm going to meet Ray's family. To say I'm nervous would be an

Me: Ray what if they don't like Me?

Ray: Then fuck them.

I chuckled.

Me: Can you atleast be like no babe they will love you?

Ray: I don't live in their hearts or heads babe I can't tell whether they'll like you or not but that won't
change the way I feel about you.

He has a point but I decided to tease him.

Me: Oksalayo.
He laughed.

Ray: Uqcalile (you have started)

Me: I blame you.

He chuckled.

Ray: let's go.

He took my hand in his and we walked to the car. We listened to music and Girls Need Love by Vedo
started playing
Ray: Honestly I blowed him nuts with my elbow and shot them both.

Wow..I was so proud of my babe for handling all this like that. I'm glad she didn't panic and put her life in

Me: come here.

She sunk into my arms and i held on to her tight.

Me: I'm proud of you yezwa.

She nodded. I pulled out of the hug and pecked her lips.

Me: My grandparents want to see you.

She froze for a moment.

Lisa: Huh?

Me: My family would like to see you babe. My mother's parents.

She swallowed hard.

Lisa: Yoh babe.

It was the next day already and I'm going to meet Ray's family. To say I'm nervous would be an

Me: Ray what if they don't like Me?

Ray: Then fuck them.

I chuckled.

Me: Can you atleast be like no babe they will love you?

Ray: I don't live in their hearts or heads babe I can't tell whether they'll like you or not but that won't
change the way I feel about you.
He has a point but I decided to tease him.

Me: Oksalayo.

He laughed.

Ray: Uqcalile (you have started)

Me: I blame you.

He chuckled.
Ray: let's go.

He took my hand in his and we walked to the car. We listened to music and Girls Need Love by Vedo
started playing

Ray: Honestly I can tell that you're frustrated it's been a minute since you dated. (Oh oh oh you don't
know)..who to give that pussy to (oh) if he fucking with you or just fucking you. Trust me I'm focused.
You need to cum girl I've noticed. You got a mouth with your mean ass..ohh sometimes you can act like a
bitch but I know you don't mean it. You just need some TLC THC long dick and Hennessey yeah that's me.
Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Let me know let me know.

All this while I was blushing like crazy. He has a charming deep voice. I really need to cum shem it's been
a while. We finally got to his home. It was a beautiful double storey.

Ray: You ready?

I nodded. He held my hand and kissed it. I smiled involuntarily so. We then got inside.
Ray: Sthandwa Sami!!!

He roared. I smiled.

"Only my sweet grandchild can call me that!"

An elderly woman appeared. She looked too beautiful for an old woman. Her body was still intact. Yoh
people of this family have strong genes.

Grams: My children.

Ray went to hug her and She played with his cheeks. Ray complained and i smiled. The sight was very
Ray: I'm no longer a kid Grams.

Grams: You will always be a baby to me Sphephelo.

Sphephelo huh? Interesting...

Grams: Hello sisi.

Me: Sawbona ma.

Grams: God you are so beautiful. Phelo wasn't exaggerating.

I blushed.
Me: Thank you ma. You are also the ish!

Fuck my personality never knows when to stop.

Grams: As a woman you gotta be the ish especially with a husband like mine.

She said and we laughed Ray made a disgusted expression.

Ray: eww

Grams: Aii wena how do you think you came about? There's no airplane that brought you here yimina lo
zele unyoko yena azala wena..Busy nwee nwee (I am the one who gave birth to your mother and your
mother gave birth to you..You busy eww eww )
We laughed and high fived. I love her already.

Grams: Please help me finish up lunch my baby.

Me: Okay ma.

Ray: Don't overwork my wife Sthandwa.

Grams: Welele kujola bani! (Who's dating!)

Ray: nawe uyajola mos (you are also dating)

Grams threw the dish cloth at him and he ducked while laughing. I've never seen him this happy. He
kissed my lips and disappeared to God knows where. We prepared Lunch while talking and laughing like
crazy women. I love this woman she has vibez. After a while we dished up and everyone gathered
around the table I got to meet Ray's pops (grandfather) and he was also bubbly like his wife. Just as we
were eating a woman who looked so much like Ray walked in.

Woman: Sanibonani. (Greetings)

Us: Yebo

Woman: Why wasn't I invited to the party?

Ray: Mom chill out tuu.

Oh it's his mother.

Grams: Nomvula please don't ruin our gathering please.

Vula: And then who's this ugly thing?

She said looking at me in total disgust. I swallowed hard. I always crumble when it comes to such.

Pops: Nomvula you not too old to be beaten up by me. Don't piss me off

Vula: No Baba I'm just asking that who's this?

Ray: Lisa let's go.

Grams: Phelo..please don't leave like this.

Ray: Sthandwa sami you know I will kill Nomvula if I continue being in one room with her.

Grams: I understand. Lisakhanya my daughter I'm sorry for her behaviour.

Vula: So she took my title and I'm now addressed as her.

Ray rolled his eyes. This is the time where he says oksalayo but he's too angry to joke around. I was also
upset and hurt. Why does my condition have to be a problem? Can't people accept me for who I am
without judging? Sure I look like a cow so What? Does that mean I'm less human? I had completely
zoned out that when I snapped back to reality Ray was dragging me outside with her mother swearing at

Vula: You fight with me your own mother because of this cow?!

Ray continued to drag me to the car. We got in and he took a while to calm down before driving.
Ray: You okay?

He looked so affected by this. I also was..I've heard stories about evil mother in laws I just didn't think I'd
find myself in that situation.

Me: I'm fine.

Ray: You don't have to pretend when you with me Lisa.

Me: Oksalayo.

We both chuckled and smiled. That's what I wanted to see his smile. He kissed me and we went home.
When we got home I tried taking a nap while he got busy on his laptop in his study. I was spending the
weekend at his house. I don't know what got into me but I found myself going to the bathroom and took
a bath and shaved real quick and made sure I smell amazing.
I then lay on the bed naked and a picture of me and Ray making love flashed in my mind and i
immediately got wet. I bit my lip. I called him

Ray: I still don't understand why you call whenever I'm in my study.

Me: Your study is too far.

Ray: Sup babe?

Me: Please come to our room I need help with something. It's urgent.

Ray: I'm coming.

He hung up and I quickly positioned myself properly. Ray is the only man I've ever felt comfortable with. I
let him see my body broad daylight. With other people I'd prefer we have sex at night and in the dark but
with him I just do it anywhere and whenever we feel like it. I heard the door knob turn. He walked in
saying something but immediately stopped with him jaw literally on the floor.

Me: You like the view?

He looked completely out of it.

Me: Baby.

He snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

Ray: I'm.. babe wow.

Me: Are you going to stand there and drool when you can come and devour on what's yours?

He quickly closed the door and took off his clothes and got left in his boxers. He was already hard. He got
on top of me and kissed me. He left my lips and went to my neck. He went so hard on my neck I'm sure
he marked me. He left my neck and left wet kisses all over my body before taking me to mufftown.
Whoever taught this guy how to chow pussy deserves an award. Oh Good Lord!

Ray: You taste so good baby.

He said after I came. I blushed.

Ray: Ready for the big guy?

Me: I'm ready.

I know to never nod whenever Ray and I get intimate. Words during this time mean a lot to him. I felt
him insert himself inside of me. With a bit of struggle he managed to glide in. I moaned as i held on unto
him. He tried to be gentle but i could feel that he would lose himself at times. He was not okay he
needed to release this tension.

Me: Ray release the tension baby.

Ray: I don't wanna hurt you.

Me: You won't baby. I don't want you to be like this while I'm around. That's what I'm here for. To
assist you in every way possible including this.

Ray: You sure?

Me: Yes Rodriguez.

He smiled and started moving slowly then out of the blue he hit it fast and deep. Yoh I went completely
mad. He was a groaning mess I was a ç mess. I swear I prayed in tongues because wow. When he hiřt my
G-spot I went crazy I squirted all over him. That seemed to encourage him to go faster

Me: Yoh! Sphephelo! Mama yoh!

I was going crazy. He was hitting the right spots.

Ray: Fuck babe. I don't wanna hurt you.

Me: Sphephelo just go faster pleasee!

I don't know what kind of fast I want because the pace is already too fast but I want that fast and boy did
he oblige. This guy was drilling me like it was our last day being intimate. I felt tears run down the sides
of my face.
Me: Yoh Sphephelo!!

This is so going to be a long session of great pleasure!



After our love making session Lisa was completely knocked out. She passed out immediately after we
reached our climax simultaneously. I watched her for a while as she slept. I wish Lisa could borrow my
eyes and see how I see her. I wish she could see her the way I see her. She's the most beautiful woman
I've ever came across I don't know why she doubts that. I felt so dissapointed in my mom when said Lisa
is a cow. I will surely have a talk with her although I know it won't end good. My mother and I fight so
much. Thing is I witnessed her doing something that made me lose all respect I had for her..lets say I
witnessed her cheating on my father and since from then I've been straight savage to her. All my dad did
was love her and she does him like this.. Then y'all say men are trash.

Since Lisa was knocked out I took this as an opportunity to go to the slaughter house and check up on
those morons who wanted to kidnap my wife. While we still on that wife issue. I do wanna ask Lisa to
marry me but I feel there are things we need to discuss before I do that. I feel there's a lot I don't know
about Lisa. She doesn't talk about her family or why she hates Yenzo thus much. The amount of hate she
has for him is beyond that of him just killing our baby. Yeah I can easily find out on my own but I have a
feeling that this is too deep so I'll just wait for her to tell me. I quickly took a shower and wore all black.
I'm obsessed with black. If it were up to me everything of mine would be black even my house coffee
mug well it is black but yeah we not there.

I decided to take the black SUV and drove to the slaughter house. I got there and my guys were having
fun with them. I laughed at how fucked up they were

Me: Their names?

Mart: The dark one is Simon and the light one is David.

I nodded.

Me: So tell me who sent you?

Simon: It was..Nobuhle.

Who the hell is that?

Simon: Yenzokuhle's sister. I think she was in it with her friend


who sent you?

Simon: It was..Nobuhle.

Who the hell is that?

Simon: Yenzokuhle's sister. I think she was in it with her friend Nonhlanhla. Apparently Nonhlanhla is
avenging on Lisa because she stole Yenzo from her and Nobuhle is also out to get Lisa because she
believes she took you away from her.

That's some psycho shit right there.

Me: So what were you going to do after kidnapping Lisa?

David: We were only going to talk her to some warehouse and Nobuhle was going to take it from there.

Me: How much was she going to pay you?

David: R30 000.

Mart and i laughed.

Me: Wow! Those peanuts made y'all want to risk your lives like this

They kept quite. I looked at Mart and nodded. He knew what I meant and what I meant is he should kill
them and go for Nobuhle and her friend. I then left and went to get Lisa and i some food and went back
to the house. I found her still sleeping aww shame man. I woke her up. She slowly groaned while opening
her eyes.

Me: wakey wakey sleepy head.

She smiled and i kissed her lips. She got out of bed and went to the ensuite bathroom. I heard the water
running and i figured that she's bathing. After a while she came out with my black towel wrapped around
her body.

Lisa: I need to bring a set of white towels for me. I can't be outchea looking like a witch.
I laughed. She's random like that. Lisa doesn't have a problem with my love for black she only has a
problem when it gets too much.

Me: Come let's eat.

She smiled. She loves food. We went to sit by the balcony in our room and ate while talking about
random stuff.

Lisa: Did those guys say anything?

Me: They were sent by your friend and Yenzo's sister.

She looked down and nodded slowly.

Me: What went down between y'all. And when I say y'all I'm including Yenzo.

She sighed.

Lisa: I..So this one Saturday Nonhlanhla who was my friend told me she wants me to accompany her to a
wedding. I agreed and we went. That's when I met Nobuhle. She has been giving me bad vibes but I
ignored her. On that day I also got to meet Yenzo. Since from that day me and Yenzo started talking.
Meanwhile Nono told me about this she's into but didn't even once tell his name. Fast forwards Yenzo
and I started dating. I introduced him to Nono only to find out that Yenzo was the guy Nono was crazy
about. She went all crazy on me and slapped me. I let it slide. Since from then she never spoke to me
again. Yenzo told me not to mind her..She's gonna get over it but she never did..

She swallowed hard as tears filled her eyes. I held her hand and briefly smiled at her.

Lisa: Along the course of dating I realised THAT Yenzo was controlling and hated the fact that I was
independent. He wanted me to depend on him and I wasn't about that. As time went by he changed. He
started beating me up and...and sleeping with me by force.

And just then tears ran down her face. I've noticed that she cries only when she's with me and that
makes me feel very privileged
Lisa: At that time I had a coping mechanism i used to sniff cocaine since I had easy access to it.


Lisa: It started long before I dated Yenzo but I started using it more often when he started being abusive.
You know what consoled me?

I shook my head no.

Lisa: it's that Nono wouldn't have to go through this. I was happy that even if we didn't talk. I was able to
protect my friend. She was still my friend. Cocaine no longer worked for me so I started cutting myself
with a razor. Hence the scars on my body. Some scars I got from Yenzo like the ones on my back. He'd
beat me up with a very hideous looking belt. What angered him is that I wouldn't cry. Then you came
along. Ever since you came I never used cocaine or cut myself. I don't know why I stopped but you were
my escape.
I smiled at that.

Me: Your family?

She chuckled bitterly as more tears ran down her cheeks.

Lisa: My mom passed away when I was still in high school doing grade 10. After that my dad got married
to another woman who had a girl child to was about my age. She was sweet for the first 6 months but
since from then she changed on me. Started beating me up for absolutely no reason. And just like Yenzo
she was angered by the fact that I wouldn't cry. It got worse when my skin condition started when I was
doing my first year in university. It was really hard (sobs). Her child got everything on a silver platter
while I had to fight for everything. When I was doing my last year my father passed on. I didn't feel any
pain because he left his wife abuse me. I didn't even attend the funeral. Ever since I finished my studies
I've never been home.

Wow. Lisa had been through a lot it pains me.

Me: Babe im sorry.

She nodded as she cried silently. I went over to her and embraced her and just then she broke into loud
sobs that pierced right through my heart. I will sure deal with Yenzokuhle for breaking my woman like
this and as for her mother nc nc nc...

Lisa needed up sleeping on my chest. I picked her up and put her on the bed. I sat next to her and took
out the red velvet box in my pocket. I opened it and looked at the ring resting inside the box. I smiled
and took it out and slid it in her finger. I kissed her hand and lips. I then went to the slaughter house to
meet up with Mart. I found him cleaning up probably those fuckers blood.

Mart: You look disturbed.

I sighed and rubbed my face. I cant breakdown now. Lisa needs me. I need to be strong for my wife. I
narrated everything Lisa told me and I swear I saw tears in Mart's eyes..I didn't judge or laugh because
what Lisa went through is heartbreaking.

Mart: Why are these putas still alive?

Me: That's why I am here. Get someone to find info about her mother. I'll deal with Yenzokuhle.

Mart: I heard that he is suffering financially. He's losing business.

Me: And I'm going to give him the easy way out. Make sure he's here by tomorrow.

Mart: Roger that.

Me: the girls?

Mart: I won't say much. Just watch the news at 20:00.

I smirked and he smirked back. See why I fuck with this guy?

I went back home with food again because it was now late. I went upstairs to check on Lisa and i found
her staring at her hand smiling at the ring. I smiled.

Me: Like it?

She looked up and immediately ran towards me. I enveloped my arms and she ran into them and fitted

Lisa: Ray.

I realised that she's crying.

Me: What's wrong baby?

Lisa: You saw me worthy to be your wife even after what I told you.

Me: that didn't change anything baby. In fact it made me love you.kore because I know I have a strong
woman by my side.

She smiled through her tears and kissed me. The kiss was very arousing and inviting. I touched her boobs
and she immediately pulled out.

Lisa: aii Ray. My body is in pain and wena you want it aii. Go and jerk off.

I burst into a fit of laughter.

Me: Haa babe. That's abuse.

Lisa: Haii Ray go and get me arrested then kodwa (but) you are never getting any tonight. My body is on
some andizi strike.

I laughed even harder. See why I love her? She just makes me laugh effortlessly. We went downstairs
and had our food while watching the news. I was excited yo see what Mart came up with this time.

"There has been an accident in N12. A white Audi A1 ran under a truck and got smashed. There were two
women in the car. Unfortunately one didn't make it but the other is said to be in a very critical condition.
That's all we have for now. Lindiwe Msibi reporting from Johannesburg."

I'm impressed. So Mart tempered with the car. Nice tings. They showed the damage of the car and it was
squashed. It was being recognition

Lisa: Oh my God that is Nono's car. Baby I have to go see her. Oh my God. That's her number plate.
She said in total shock.

Me: Baby calm down.

Lisa: Ray I have to go see her. That is Nono and i don't doubt that the other woman is Nobuhle.

She said as she grabbed her car keys.

Me: Okay let me drive you then.

I was so bored shem. Why does she still care?



I was so panicking and praying to God that Nono makes it. I know she did me bad but she doesn't
deserve one deserves this. We got to the hospital and we were told we couldn't see her just yet
and we only allowed to see her by the next week. I was shattered but held on to the fact that she's still
alive even though she's in a critical condition.




It's been 2 weeks since Nono's accident. Nobuhle was laid to rest last week I didn't attend the funeral
though but Ray did go. I'm glad he did although I don't know why he did. Anyways Nons has been making
a speedy recovery. She's out of ICU. Meaning she's out of danger and I'm glad she's doing fine. The
doctor said she's discharging her today so I am going to be taking her home. I mean she must be
stranded because she doesn't have a good relationship with her family. I don't know if she'll be glad to
see me because I've been visiting her while she was unconscious or asleep. I am not afraid to face her I'm
just scared of what her reaction might be.

Ray: I don't know why you bother about someone who wanted to we you dead babe.

I was about to answer when I felt nauseous again. I ran to the bathroom and puked. Ray rubbed my back
as I puked some more. After j was done I flushed and rinsed my mouth. This has been happening for the
last two weeks. I've been feeling so sick. My senses are sensituve as hell..things that smelt good to me
now smell weird for example my cologne. I even changed it because it made me sick. I no longer eat
certain foods such as eggs they smell really bad and bacon smells like rotten meat.

Ray: We really should go to the doctor.

Me: Yeah when I come back from fetching Nono.

Ray: aii lo nono wakho uzongidina (this Nono of yours is going to annoy me)
Me: be patient with me baby please.

I said giving him puppy eyes. I swear I saw him melt and crack into a smile. Me laughs and kisses me.

Ray: Ubuye (come back)

Me: I will baby.

I kissed him and drove to the hospital. I got there and got permission to go to her ward after signing
discharge papers. I found her sitting on the bed crying. I stood there and watched her cry. The sight was
heartbreaking. Knowing that Nono doesn't break down randomly really meant that she was really
heartbroken. I walked in and she noticed my presence. She quickly wiped her tears and sniffed.

Nono: What are you doing here?

She said trying to sound brutal. I chuckled.

Me: I'm here to take you home.

Nono: Who said I can't take myself home? I'm no charity case.

Me: I'm here as a friend. You have a cast on Nono and your car is damaged.

Nono: I'm sure you must be happy.

Me: If I was happy I would be throwing a party and i wouldn't be there. I am here as a friend and because
I care.
Nono: Friends don't do to each other what you did to me.

Me: What did I do to You Nono?

Nono: You went for Yenzo knowing very well I love him.

Me: Nono for the thousandth time I didn't know that Yenzo was Mr Hulk you didn't even tell me his

Nono: Fine but you still continued dating him even after you found out who he is.

Me: Nono that's not fair.

Nono: You are a fake friend Lisakhanya! The only person who was genuine to me was Nobuhle and now
she..She's gone and I'm all alone.

She said tearing up. I felt my heart break. So she thinks I'm not genuine..

Me: It's funny how you say Nobuhle was down for you when we went through so much together. You
should be glad that I kept Yenzo for myself. And I'm glad I did because I saved you Nonhlanhla. Yenzo is a
monster. He is an abusive monster. That man used to rape me and beat me till I pass out.

Her eyes pooped out.

Me: You used to insult me and fight me for someone who was going to break you. But I'm glad he broke
me instead. You've been through the most and you didn't need someone like Yenzo to destroy your
soul..I've always been down for you Nono but I guess it wasn't enough.

I took out money from my purse.

Me: You'll catch a cab. I wish you well Nono. I hope you heal both physically and emotionally. Bye.

I said and left. I was heartbroken. I know things didn't end well between us but for her to question my
love for her is just another level of heartbreak. As I was hopping in my car I got a text from Ray telling me
where we should meet for our doctor's appointment. I drove there.

Ray: You okay baby?

Me: I'll be fine baby. Let's go in.

We went in and the doctor ran some tests and asked us questions and one of them was if we were
sexually active. Fear started to creep in.

Doc: Congratualtion Mr and Mrs Rodriguez



you are 3 weeks pregnant.

I sighed defeated. Those are the words I was hoping to never hear. What if I lose the baby again? I can't
afford to go through that. That will literally be the last nail to my coffin. Ray was smiling from ear to ear
but I could see the fear in his eyes.

We were now at home. After driving in separate cars. We both needed the space. We both needed to be
alone with our thoughts.

Ray: Baby. Let's talk.

He says patting his lap indicating that I should sit there. I straddled him.
Ray: I'm also scared but we know that losing the first baby wasn't our fault.

Me: I will lose the baby Ray. We didn't do a cleansing ceremony after I lost the first one.

Ray: Fuck! I totally forgot about that. Let me call my grams and ask for advice.

I nodded and he called and out her on loud speaker.

Grams: Sphephelo.

Ray: Ma. How are you?

Grams: I'm Okay my baby and you?

Ray: I'm not Ma. So..Lisa and i were pregnant but unfortunately we lost our baby.

Grams: I know.

Ray: You know?

Grams: Yes. That happened months ago and now you are pregnant again. Lisa is right y'all will lose the
baby if you don't do a cleansing ceremony.

Ray: *sigh* what should I do ma?

Grams: Y'all should come tomorrow and I'll take you to a friend of mine who can cleanse you. I'll ask her
what you should bring so that you can organize it real quick.
Ray: Thank you ma.

Grams: Take care of that boy you are carrying Lisa. It is going to be a very difficult. You will feel like giving
up but don't worry all will be well.

She then hung up. I sighed. When will I ever be happy?


We were going to my Grams' friend. She said we should buy a brand new white dress for Lisa. And we
should bring a white goat. The goat was following us Mart was driving it in a cart. I am grateful for Mart.
He's very supportive. I looked at Lisa who was in Grams arms. I quickly snapped a picture. Luckily I wasn't
the one driving we got one of my chauffeurs to drive us. We got to the place and the woman looked like
a sangoma. We were told to leave the goat outside tied to a tree and we took off our shoes and go inside
the hut. There was a lot of smoke from imphepho in the hut. Don't ask how I know all this. I am a Zulu
man stuck in a white man's body.
Sangoma: Yeyyii! Vumani bo!

Us: Siyavuma

Sangoma: I will do the ceremony for You my kids. But first I have to get this off my chest. Abaphansi

She said looking straight into Lisa's eyes.

Sangoma: You need to go and visit your parents' graves. They've been trying to communicate with you
but the anger you have blinded you. Let go of the anger my child. Forgive your mother for leaving too
soon but she had already fulfilled her purpose in life. Which was giving birth to you and seeing you grow
up till you were 15 years old. Forgive your father. He was bewitched by that woman. He didn't turn a
blind eye because he wanted to. He was under a spell. Forgive him.
Tears formed in Lisa's eyes.

Sangoma: You only cry when you lay on his chest huh?

She said and smiled. I also smiled back.

Sangoma: What you share is true love. Hold on unto it. It will comfort you. Yeeyyi! Mhh Nkosiyami! It's
about to get hard. I hope you told them my dear friend.

I think this was directed to Grams.

Grams: I did.

Sangoma: Be strong my kids. Raymond forgive your mother. Your anger is going to be your downfall. And
let Yenzokuhle live. He will get what's coming to him.
I clenched m my jaws. This was a very hard task.

Sangoma: It is hard Raymond but you can do it.

Does she read minds?

Sangoma: I do read minds Raymond.

She said laughing. I chuckled.

Sangoma: Alright then let's get started with the ceremony.

After the ceremony we went home. The goat that was slaughtered was not to be eaten according to Ma
Sibiya. We got home and Lisa started cooking with Grams while Mart and I chilled in my study.

Me: So that woman said I should let go of Yenzo because he's getting what's coming to him.

Mart: Fuck! I already had an experiment I wanted to try on him.

Me: You and experiments.

We laughed. We went downstairs as Lisa texted saying the food was ready. We ate lunch while holding a
conversation. Just then the intercom rang. I went to open and it was Nono. I rolled my eyes.

Nono: Hello.
Me: Sure.

Nono: Is Lisa in?

Me: Yeah.

Nono: Can I talk to her?

I moved out of the way signalling that she should come in.

Nono: Hello everyone.

They greeted back.

Nono: Lisa can I talk to you?

All this while Mart had his eyes on Nono. Is he falling? I smirked. I'm so going to crucify him for this.

Lisa: Sure. You can talk.

She swallowed hard.

Nono: Lisa.. I.. I am so sorry. I can't believe I ruined our friendship because of a man that didn't even love
me. Thing is I was angry at the fact that every man I want or love has their eyes on you and don't even
like me. But that is not excuse. I am so sorry that you and to go through what you went through. I am
sorry I couldn't be a good friend. Lisa..I am so sorry

She sobbed. Lisa got up and embraced her. Lisa is such a softie. It's just sad that people take advantage
of that. Nono ended up joining us for lunch. After lunch Mart and I drove Grams home. On our way back I
decided to tease him.
Me: So I saw you staring at Nono.

He chuckled.

Mart: Jefe (Boss) i think I am falling.

I laughed out loud

Me: The mighty Martin Griffiths falling?!

Mart: Puta!
Ne: Why didn't you say so? I am sure you started falling the day you saw her pictures.. why did you go on
with the accident?

Mart: Yeah I fell for her since from that day but that didn't mean she had to get off the hook just like
that. She still had to be punished. I made sure that the accident is not fatal it's just unfortunate that the
other girl died.

I nodded in understanding.

Me: What if she also died?

Mart: She wasn't going to. My mother said she's my one.

Me: Ehh chaii! You even told your mom about her?
He smiled and nodded.

Me: Haha whipped!

He slapped the back of my head and we laughed.



I knew that at some point I had to do things right by Lisa. I have to pay damages and pay lobola for her. I
can't wait to see her walk down the aisle and say I do to spending the rest of her life with me. I smiled at
that thought.
Lisa: I'm ready.

Her tiny sweet voice disturbed me from my thoughts. I looked at her. She looked beautiful in that nude
body hugging dress. I bit my lip and she saw that and giggled. Today she was going to visit her parents'
grave. Apparently her parents were burried next to each other. Her father's last wish was for him to be
burried next to his first wife. Mart wanted to track down Lisa's family and I'll be going this weekend to
pay dowry for her. I spoke to her about this and she was willing to stand her family just until the
negotiations are done.

We drove to the cemetery at her home town. She led me to her parents graves.

Me: Let me leave you to it.

Lisa: Please don't leave.

I nodded and we knelt before the two graves.

Lisa: Mom. I consider you as my first heartbreak (chuckles). You were the first one to break my heart
before anyone else could. And since then it was like you paced way for people to continuously hurt me.
(sobs) Your death was my first heart break. We were okay Mama I don't understand why you had to
leave me. If you were here I wouldn't have been addicted to drugs. If you were here I wouldn't have
ruined my body. I wouldn't have suffered from the hands of my stepmother...You left and i felt like my
world was coming to an end. Your death forced me to breath while I couldn't. Your absence suffocated
me. I..You broke me mama.

She sobbed and I embraced. I was holding back my own tears. People if only you could hear her cries.
Her cries are the kind that haunts you if she cries because you've wronged her.

Lisa: But I forgive you.

I was proud she said that. I smiled at her and she just broke down. She stopped crying after a while and
looked at her father's tombstone. Their stones were really beautiful.

Lisa: Baba. I thought since Mom left us it will be You and i against the whole world. I saw you break down
because mom left us. I listened to you cry on my chest saying you want your wife back. From an age of
15 I had to carry that burden


your tears. I thought we were going to become more closer but instead we drifted apart. You let a
woman come into our lives and abuse me. You watched as she beat me recklessly. You watched and
listened as she insulted me and called me a whore. You neglected your own child and took care of
another man's child. I had to fight for survival. I had to fight for air. I had to fight just to breath while she
got everything easily. I had to fight when I didn't have strength. Remember the day you beat me after
you found me trying to hang myself? That's when I developed this hatred for you. You were supposed to
comfort me but you saw it easy to beta me to a pulp..All my life I had to live with the fact that before the
world broke me my parents broke me first...



Today was the day of the lobola negotiations. My uncles from both my mother's and father's house
agreed to be part of the negotiations. We went to my father's house and i ad to face my evil stepmother.
She tried to bring me down but I was now immune to her words.
I was so nervous when I heard Ray's family shouting my clan names outside the gate.

" GcwabeKhabazela kaMavovo kaZihlandla Gubhela Mumbo omhlophe Wena waseMboWena okhanya
amasi esiswini singela Nhlama eyaphelel'etsheni Ngunezi Mumbo ombulazi.Nina enadla umuntu
nimyenga ngendaba Sibi side esimajembelezana Sibi side esimaphandla"

I blushed as I heard my clan names. Sindy ululated. Nono and i laughed...An hour later and Ray's family is
still outside. I was getting upset.

Me: Why aren't they letting them in?

Sindy: they will cuz don't worry.

I teared up and called Ray.

Ray: My love.

I immeditely broke down..hormones people..

Ray: My love what's wrong?

Me: They aren't letting them in baby.

I say crying.

Ray: It's okay baby such is tradition. They will let them in.
Me: You think?

Ray: I know baby. Look out of the window.

I looked outside through the window and they were letting them in. I smiled.

Me: I'm hungry.

Ray: My boy has quite an appetite huh?

I nodded while blushing.

Ray: I hope you are well aware that I cannot see you.
I giggled.

Ray: Tell Nono to feed you otherwise Mart will pull up with a black eye.

I laughed and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Nono: You are so in love.

Sindy: And so glowing

I blushed.
Me: Nono my man says you should feed me otherwise Mart will pull up with a black eye.

Nono's eyes popped out she quickly took out fries from the food we ordered earlier and started feeding
me. Sindy and i laughed at her. After a while Sindy's mom Bongeka told us to cover ourselves with
blankets and go to the lounge so that Ray's family can choose their bride. If they choose the wrong one
they will pay extra money on top of what they already paid. Fortunately enough they picked correct
bride being me. I got the chance to see my man and serve him food. It was the highlight of the day. I also
got to meet Mr Rodriguez (Ray's dad) now I see where Ray gets his good looks. By the time the sun set I
was dead tired. I am 4 months pregnant but I look like I'm about to pop. But my baby boy is treating me
well my skin is radiating and glowing. I am beautiful shwem!..Anyways I act wait for my white wedding
which is next week Saturday!



I kiss Ray before getting out of the car and making way inside Sunnyhill Hotel where I'll be having my
bachelorette party. It was going to be me Sindy Nono and Zinhle (Bongeka's second born and Sindy's
little sister). I like Bongeka's kids. We got along even when we were still teens. I got to the hotel room
and my bridal party was already on party mode. They made me wear a white dress and a sash written
Bride to be and a crown. It was just the four of us but the noise we made yoh you'd think the whole of
Gauteng is here.

Nono: Wena don't deny that man of pussy.

Me: I've heard that enough the day Ray paid my dowry aii.

They laugh. Just then my phone rang. It was husby.

Me: Hubby to be.

I said and the girls giggled

Ray: Mrs Rodriguez. You okay?

Me: I'm good baby. What about you?

Ray: I'm great baby. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Me: Me too. I miss you.

Ray: Tomorrow is in a few hours.

Me: Yoh I can't. Can't you sneak out or something? Even this seatbelt I'm wearing is suffocating me.

Ray: Seatbelt?
Me: Yeah the one ye Bride to be.

I said rolling my eyes and suddenly Ray laughed so hard. What is he laughing at? His laughter is
contagious I ended up laughing too.

Ray: Seatbelt babe really!

Me: eya aii.

When i looked around the girls were also laughing they were literally rolling on the floor.

Me: Let me sort out these ones. I love you baby have fun!
Ray: I love you more baby.

I hung up.

Me: What are y'all laughing at?

They continued laughing mxm..mumus!


Ray: Matt your woman is making wife wear seatbelts written Bride to be.
The guys laughed.

Matt: I bet Lisa said that instead of saying sash.

Ray: You know her.

Kev: Your woman is crazy man.

Kevin is my brother. I know I never mentioned anything about him. It's because Kevin and i never started
on the wrong foot. Let's just say he fucked me up and i haven't been okay with him ever since but I've
forgiven him after I spoke to Lisa about it.

Matt: Olalala
He said as female strippers made way towards us.

Stripper: Who is the groom?

They all pointed at me. Lord I think I said I don't want any strippers.


"Tomorrow we execute our plan"

"Roger that Jefe."

I smiled and drank my whiskey.

"Tomorrow is a big day the good Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it..."


Issa wedding day! Ngiyashada namhlanje (I'm getting married today). I am so excited. I can't wait to get
married to love of my life. If you told me a year back that I would be this happy I'd probably laugh at you
in disbelief. Things are going well for me and for the first time in a long time I am genuinely happy. I am
content with my life.

Sindy: Oh my God look at you cuzzy.

She said tearing up. I looked at myself in the mirror and tears formed in my eyes. I was wearing a
memramaid dress. That hugged my ass

the good Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it..."


Issa wedding day! Ngiyashada namhlanje (I'm getting married today). I am so excited. I can't wait to get
married to love of my life. If you told me a year back that I would be this happy I'd probably laugh at you
in disbelief. Things are going well for me and for the first time in a long time I am genuinely happy. I am
content with my life.

Sindy: Oh my God look at you cuzzy.

She said tearing up. I looked at myself in the mirror and tears formed in my eyes. I was wearing a
memramaid dress. That hugged my ass curves and baby bump perfectly. I looked like an ice queen.
Nono: My friend. I am proud of you. Ray loves you and you've scored yourself a man who will treat you
right and cherish you for who you are. You look so beautiful and I feel honoured to be your friend.

I smiled and we group hugged. Just then Grams walked in and she cried when she saw me.

Grams: You look like a queen that you are my child. Continue embracing this beautiful heart of yours. It's
going to get hard my love but take heart and don't give up on Sphephelo.

I nodded and we hugged. My uncle which is Sindy's father was going to be the one walking me down the
aisle he is my mother's big brother.

Uncle: Mshana (Niece) you've made us proud. We as the Mkhizes are proud of you and I'm sure
whoever my sister is she's smiling down at you.

Me: Ngiyabonga Malume (Thank you uncle).

Uncle: You ready?

I breathed out and nodded. We walked out of the room Sindy Zinhle and Nono had already walked down
the aisle to wait for me. We stood by the entrance and waited for our song to play. Why I love you by
Major started playing. Ray and I love this song

I found love in you

And I've learned to love me too

Never have I felt that I could be all that you see

It's like our hearts have intertwined into the perfect harmony

This is why I love you

Ooh this is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me
This is why I love you

Ooh this is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me

I found love in you

And no other love will do

Every moment that you smile chases all of the pain away

Forever and a while in my heart is where you'll stay

This is why I love you

Ooh this is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me

This is why I love you

Ooh this is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me

The stars have all aligned

And right now is the perfect time to say

I love you I love you I love you

I love you I love you I do

This is why I love you

This is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me

This is why I love you

Ooh this is why I love you

Because you love me


I found love in you

And no other love will do

That's why I love you

With ever note Major hit with every beat with every tear Ray shed I took a step towards him. A step of
willingness. I step of readiness. A step of courage. A first step to the rest of my life with him. I teared my
eyes away from the floor and looked at him. There he was the only man I see in this room. My Prince
charming. The man I'm looking at right now is the only man I'm willing to submit to. He's the only man
I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with. I finally got to him and my uncle handed me to him. We held
each others hands and looked into each others eyes.

Ray: You look beautiful.

He whispered and i smiled. I wiped his tears

Me: You look sway baby.

Pastor: We are here to unite these beautiful young couple. We are here to guide them in taking the first
step to literally the first day of their lives together..

He continued.

Pastor: Now it's time for you to share your vows. I am going to let you say your own vows. Raymond you
can go first my son.
Ray: Minha Rainah (My queen) Meu amor. Sthandwa Sam. Bambo lwam

People ululated and i blushed.

Ray: when I stare into your eyes I see my whole future. I swear I can see my whole life in those beautiful
brown eyes. I remember the day I first saw you i was blown away by your beauty. I've never ever in my
life seen such a beautiful woman. At some point I thought maybe u was dreaming or you were just an
illusion but today proves to me this is all real. You are real. Even if it's a dream I never wanna wake up
from it because it's the best dream I've ever had. I don't set boundaries around my love for you and say I
will love in sickness and in health what about in between sickness and health? I promise to love you all
the time. I promise to protect you with everything in me. I promise to lay it all out for you and our boy.
You came into my life and softened me up. People who know me can agree that I don't fall in love but
you just broke those walls I had built around my heart and for that i will always respect you. I love you
baby. You are my heart in human form. My human diary. You are my everything. Oksalayo Sthandwa

I laughed through my tears and the crowd joined.

Pastor: Beautiful. Now it's your turn my daughter

Me: You found me broken you found my heart shattered into a trillion pieces. Some I managed to gather
some I lost along the way but somehow you just managed to put together all the pieces of my heart you
even found the missing pieces of my heart and just completed me like a puzzle. You saved me from
depression. You saved me from addiction. You were my rehab. You were the cure to my aching heart. I
will forever be grateful for you. You planted in me a seed that I wanna see grow. You instilled in me a
product of our love. You complete me Raymond. Your proposal wasn't the cutest heck you didn't even
ask me (the crowd laughed) I just woke up with a heavy rock on my finger. You don't ask you claim and i
love that about you. You didn't ask for my heart you claimed it. You didn't ask for my soul you claimed it.
I love you Raymond Rodriguez. I promise to be a supporting wife and give to you errday!

I said quoting from Ariana Grande's. Everyone laughed.

Grams: Yes ntombi yami! I taught you well!

Mart: Maoledi aii (mom no)

We laughed. I was suprised that Mart knew tsotsi taal.

Pastor: Beautiful my kids. Now Lisakhanya do you take Raymond Rodriguez to be your lawfully wedded
husband. To love and to hole? To appreciate and to cherish? Till death do you part?

Me: I do.

Ululations filled the room.

Pastor: Raymond do you take Lisakhanya Mkhize to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold?
To appreciate and to cherish? Till death o you part?

Ray: I do.

Ululations again.
Pastor: Now the last we've all been waiting for.

We laughed.

Pastor: I now pronounce you husband and wife. My man you may kiss your bride.

Ray licked his lips and he got closer. He captured my lips in his and we kissed. We even forgot that there
were elders in the room. He grabbed my ass.

Mart: Grab it Jefe! It's legally yours!

We broke the kiss and we joined the others in laughing. I've never seen Mart this goofy. We held hands
and walked down the aisle together. As we were walking we heard gunshots and ululations were
replaced with screams. People wearing all black and balaclavas walked in shooting all over. And a man
wearing a suit walked in.
Ray & Mart: Modrid?

Modrid: Missed me boys?

He said and smiled mischevously.

Modrid: Well..I didn't come here for chit chat. Seems y'all have forgotten who Modrid is. Especially you
Anjo da Morte (Angel of death)

Why did he just call Ray that? Just then he shot at Ray three times after that he left followed by his
goons. I looked at Ray who was laying a pool of blood. I knelt before him and cried pleading with him to
wake up.

We were now in hospital waiting for the doctor to give feedback. I was getting impatient. As each minute
passed it passed with my patience. Finally the doctor made his way to us.
Me: Doctor! How is he?

Doc: I..I am sorry but we did all we could. We lost him

We lost him. Those three words rang in my head.

Me: Huh.

Doc: Mr Rodriguez didn't make it.

Me: No. You are lying. Take me to him. Take me to him!

He nodded and led me to the hospital's mortuary. Grams and Mart were following me. I got there he
removed the white cloth. It was indeed him. it can't be no!

Me: Ray.

I shook him

Me: Ray my love wake up! Meu rei estou te impolorando wake up. (My king I'm begging you)

I cried.

Me: No Ray what am I going to say to your son! Ray you gonna wake up and you gonna wake up now!

I pulled him and Mart held me back.

Me: Mart please tell him to wake up. I can't do this thing called life without him.

Mart: Shh it's okay

He said comforting me.

Me: Raymond please my love please! I will do whatever you want me to do. Just wake up. I will let you
get away with forgetting my cravings. I won't get angry anymore. I will try to control my hormones baby
please wake up. Ray you can't give up on me! We haven't been married for 6 hours.

I sobbed on Mart's chest. How can Ray do me like this?

It was the day of the funeral and i was so not looking forward to it. Grams helped me get dressed in black
clothes and we went to the church for the morning service. People spoke about how much Ray meant to
them. Grams also went up including Mart who happened to break down. Finally it was my turn. I stood at
the podium and looked down on his coffin andbthe picture that rested on the coffin. Instead of words
coming out of my mouth loud sobs escaped instead.

Me: Sphephelo waze wawu phula umoya wami ah! (Sphephelo you broke my soul)

We went to the the cemetry and i watched as his coffin got lowered. That was my heart right there being
covered up with soil.

Its been 5 months and I feel like a zombie. I miss Ray so much. I feel so lost and incomplete without him.
I've given birth to our baby boy I named him Sphephelo Nosso Amor (Our love) Rodriguez. I thought after
giving mirth to him is forget about Ray but instead I missed him more. Phelo looks like his dad. When I
look at him I feel a pang of pain rushing through me. As each day passes it passed with my sanity. I've
neglected everything. Including my job my business. My surgery. I even told the guys to stop the

Grams: My child you have to eat.

I continued rocking myself back and forth and humming a song. I want to feel closer to Ray and they
keep disturbing me.

Grams: Come and feed the baby then.

I've been a bad mother. I've been selfish. I've been depriving my child of a mother's love but I can't. I just
can't. I want Ray I need Ray. Grams has been staying with me ever since u gave birth. She has been the
one taking care of Sphephelo I appreciate her presence because she's helpful. She finally left and came
back after a while.

Grams: The lawyer is here and he wants to see you.

Me: Tell him to leave me alone.

Grams: My child please. You can't do this to yourself. Make peace with the fact that Ray is no more.

Me: Ray is still alive. He's not gone.

I say scratching my scalp.

Me: he's not dead.

I kept on mumbling. He's alive. After a lot of convincing I agreed to go see the lawyer. Apparently the will
was supposed to be read 5 months after Ray passed on. It's now I realise that everyone is here including
Ray's mom so I greet them.
Lawyer: I Raymond Sphephelo Rodriguez declare this to be my last will and testament. I therefore rebuke
other wills made in my name. I leave my father Rodrig Rodriguez with my first ever company Rodriguez
Logistics and 40% of my shares in Kevin's company.

Mr Rodriguez smiled.

Lawyer: I leave my house in Cuba to my mother Nomvula Rodriguez



R2 million rands and the rest of my shares in Kevin's Company which I believe add up to 10%.

Nomvula: What?! What am i supoosed to do with peanuts?!

Ray's dad: Rest Nomvula.

Lawyer: Thank you sir. I then leave my Construction Company to my brother Kevin Rodriguez and my
beach house in Hauwai.

How wealthy was this man?

Lawyer: I leave my shares in Naidoo Law Firm and Dlamini Accounting Firm which add up to a 100% to
my son who is yet to be named but I already named him Nosso Amor...

I teared up. I didn't know that Ray had planned to call him that. We always said that Phelo is the product
of our love.

Lawyer: I also leave with my two cars a white Mercedes Benz G63 and White Amarok. I also leave him my
house in Sandton and R10 million Rand that will be put in a trust fund this money is for his future's
security. I therefore leave the rest of my house my cars and companies to my wife Lisakhanya Rodriguez.
Nomvula: What? Never! Over my dead body!

Lawyer: Mam let me finish please. Mart will tell Lisa more about our side hustles of which I also leave in
her care. She and Mart will take 50% each on our side businesses..Thats it.

We thanked the lawyer and he left. Is as still stunned. How rich was Ray?. Nomvula was busy telling that
I will never own everything his son owned and all I did was watch her turn into a crazy woman. I was too
tired to entertain her insults.

The next day I met up with Mart and he told me everything about Ray's side businesses. I was shocked.
My husband was a criminal and i am expected to be a criminal to?

Me: Mart look you'll keep me updated with everything but you take full control of thing that side. If
there is a problem with shipments you'll talk to me.
Mart: You sound just like Jefe.

I smiled. I miss my husband. After our meeting I went home and i heard Phelo laughing and giggling.
Must be Grams playing with him. I got to the lounge and what I saw almost made me collapse. My bags
car keys and paper bags slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor.

Me: Sphe..Sphephelo.

Ray: My love.

He said smiling at me. How?

Me: You are dead. No you are dead.

I say as tears run down my cheeks.

Ray: Sit down Baby let's talk. I had to fake my death..


We were now sitting in our bedroom while Phelo was playing with his phone.

Ray: I had to fake my death baby. Modrid was coming after me and if I showed that I survived he
wouldn't came for you guys. So the only way to prevent him from coming for you guys was faking my
death. Not a single day passed without me thinking about you guys.

Me: What makes you think he won't come after us now?

Ray: Beacause I dealt with him.

Me: where were you?

Ray: Nigeria.

I chuckled bitterly.

Me: So you were right under my nose. We were in the same continent. You didn't bother to call or text.

Ray: I couldn't risk him detecting any form of communication between us.

Me: Did Mart know about this?

Ray: No. He was developing a soft spot for you so I was scared he was going to tell you.

Me: I mourned for you Ray! I lost my sanity because of You. I tried killing myself countless times just to
be with you. I..Ray..

I cried. He embraced me.

Phelo: Mama.

I looked up at him.

Me: Phelo your daddy broke me.

Phelo: Dada

Me: Yes baby.

I found myself smiling. Ray was smiling too.

Ray: I'm sorry baby it killed me being away from y'all. Having to miss the day you gave birth to Phelo
broke my heart. I hear you named him Nosso Amor.

Me: I didn't know you were planning to name him that.

Ray: He's the product of our love.

Me: I missed you.

I said and sink into his arms. Just then I felt Phelo beating me with the phone.

Phelo: Dada!

He screamed.

Me: hai Phelo this is my man.

Ray laughed.

Ray: Phelo this is my wife behave.

It was like he heard what we said because he frowned. He does that when he's about to cry.

Me: aii take your child and get out of my room before he cries.

Ray laughs and leaves. I smile. Am I dreaming? I really hope I am not. Suprisigly I am not angry at him.
Maybe it's because I miss him or maybe it's because I understood why he did what he did. It must've
been hard for him too. After a while Ray came back with a sleeping Phelo. He placed him next to me and
climbed on top of me.

Ray: I love you.

Me: I love you.

Us: You saved me.





We were now sitting in our bedroom while Phelo was playing with his phone.

Ray: I had to fake my death baby. Modrid was coming after me and if I showed that I survived he
wouldn't came for you guys. So the only way to prevent him from coming for you guys was faking my
death. Not a single day passed without me thinking about you guys.
Me: What makes you think he won't come after us now?

Ray: Beacause I dealt with him.

Me: where were you?

Ray: Nigeria.

I chuckled bitterly.

Me: So you were right under my nose. We were in the same continent. You didn't bother to call or text.

Ray: I couldn't risk him detecting any form of communication between us.
Me: Did Mart know about this?

Ray: No. He was developing a soft spot for you so I was scared he was going to tell you.

Me: I mourned for you Ray! I lost my sanity because of You. I tried killing myself countless times just to
be with you. I..Ray..

I cried. He embraced me.

Phelo: Mama.

I looked up at him.
Me: Phelo your daddy broke me.

Phelo: Dada

Me: Yes baby.

I found myself smiling. Ray was smiling too.

Ray: I'm sorry baby it killed me being away from y'all. Having to miss the day you gave birth to Phelo
broke my heart. I hear you named him Nosso Amor.

Me: I didn't know you were planning to name him that.

Ray: He's the product of our love.

Me: I missed you.

I said and sink into his arms. Just then I felt Phelo beating me with the phone.

Phelo: Dada!

He screamed.

Me: hai Phelo this is my man.

Ray laughed.
Ray: Phelo this is my wife behave.

It was like he heard what we said because he frowned. He does that when he's about to cry.

Me: aii take your child and get out of my room before he cries.

Ray laughs and leaves. I smile. Am I dreaming? I really hope I am not. Suprisigly I am not angry at him.
Maybe it's because I miss him or maybe it's because I understood why he did what he did. It must've
been hard for him too. After a while Ray came back with a sleeping Phelo. He placed him next to me and
climbed on top of me.

Ray: I love you.

Me: I love you.

Us: You saved me.


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