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NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ______________

POSITION APPLIED: _________________________


1. The end of the world is coming, if you can save only one kind of animal, which one will you
a. Rabbit
b. Sheep
c. Deer
d. Horse
2. If you had to be an animal which would you choose?
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Horse
d. Snake
3. If you have the power to make one species disappear forever, which one will that be?
a. Lion
b. Snake
c. Crocodile
d. Shark
4. If one of the following animals could speak, which would you prefer it to be?
a. Sheep
b. Horse
c. Rabbit
d. Bird
5. On an isolated island you can only have one of the following as your companion, which one
would you choose?
a. Human
b. Pig
c. Cow
d. Bird
6. If you had the ability to tame all animals, which would you prefer as a pet?
a. Dinosaur
b. White tiger
c. Polar bear
d. Leopard
7. If you could be an animal for five minutes, which of the following would you prefer to be?
a. Lion
b. Cat
c. Horse
d. Pigeon
8. Do you find it difficult to stop work for a tea or coffee break? YES NO
9. Do you find it difficult to let your voice-mail or answer phone take your calls even if you is busy
doing other work? YES NO
10. Do you try to perform several tasks at once? YES NO
11. Are you constantly wishing that people would hurry up and finish what they are telling you and
maybe even finishing their sentences for them? YES NO
12. Do you always want to get things finished? YES NO
13. Do you perform tasks at top speed? YES NO
14. Do you feel a need to speak at all meetings you attend? YES NO
15. Do you have difficulty relaxing? YES NO
16. Do you get annoyed with colleagues who have a more relaxed approach to work? YES NO
17. Do you find it difficult to laugh at your own mistakes? YES NO
18. Do you find it difficult to delegate and not interfere? YES NO
19. Is it difficult to accept that you will not always be able to do things your way? YES NO


Please rate the following situation as:

3 – Strongly agree 2 – Agree 1 – Disagree 0 – Strongly disagree

1. I enjoy my work (in general) and find it interesting and satisfying

2. I take an active interest in people around me
3. I use my leisure time creatively
4. I enjoy involvement with my family
5. I welcome change and see it as an opportunity
6. I take decisive action to deal with challenges
7. I take care of my health
8. I believe I have control over my life
9. I see solutions to personal problems
10. My life has meaning and a purpose

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