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Monaco Yarn Shade #50 - Parakeet (2-3 skeins)
Felt cloth:
           - Brown
           - White

Pink blush

Fiberfill stuffing

Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (9)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (12)
Rnd 4: 3sc-inc (15)
Rnd 5: 4sc inc (18)
Rnd 6: 5sc-inc (21)
Rnd 7: 6sc-inc (24)
Rnd 8: 7sc-inc (27)
Rnd 9: 8sc-inc (30)
Rnd 10-11: sc around (30)
Rnd 12: 3sc-dec (24)
Rnd 13: 2sc-dec (18)
Rnd 14: 1sc-dec (12)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Attach to the body
*Cut out eyes from white and brown felt cloth and glue on the head
*Put a little blush on the cheeks

Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: sc around (4)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (6)
Rnd 4: sc around (6)
Rnd 5: 2sc-inc (8)
Rnd 6-7: sc around (8)
Rnd 8: 3sc-inc (10)
Rnd 9-10: sc around (10)
Rnd 11: 1sc-inc (15)
Rnd 12: 4sc-inc (18)
Rnd 13: 8sc-inc (20)
Rnd 14-16: sc around (20)
Rnd 17: 8sc-dec (18)
Rnd 18: 1sc-dec (12)
FO, weave in ends

Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (9)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (12)
Rnd 4: 3sc-inc (15)
FO, leave tail for sewing

Row 1: inc on 2nd ch from hook, 1sl, hdcinc, 1sl, dcinc, 1sl, hdcinc, 1sl, inc 1sl (15)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Attach to the back of the body

LEGS (4x)
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: BLO, sc around (6)
Rnd 3-4: sc around (6)
FO, leave tail for sewing 

TOES (4x)
*Reconnect yarn and continue on Rnd 2 of the legs
Rnd 1: [1sl, 1sc, 1sl (on same st)] 3x (9)
FO, weave in ends

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