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SPECIES (Who is the target prospect?)
Creating audience personas can help put a face to an otherwise faceless audience.

(Not all weight loss services and programs are the same, which means the audience will
differ depending on the type of weight loss service… all-natural, supplements, exercise,
diets, etc…)

● People who’ve tried endlessly to lose weight with the latest workouts and diets,
but nothing’s ever worked the way it was supposed to.
● People who are frustrated with confusing workouts, calorie counting, etc…
● Individuals who are unclear and have no plan on how to get in shape.
● People who are conscious about what they put in their body, but still seem to
have extra weight that they can’t get rid of. They will not take artificial
supplements or risk causing harm or injury in the future.

Roger is a 40 year old, married, father of 2. He works full-time at a machine shop. He is

looking to lose about 20-30lbs of body fat and is on his last straw. He has tried going to
the gym on his own and experienced yo-yo results. He struggles staying committed to a
plan and the smallest excuses added up fast. He is slowly putting on weight around his
midsection and his fitness levels are declining every year. He is noticing that he is aging
faster than before and starting to see that he is turning into that “old man” he never
thought he would be. He is really frustrated that he let it go this far and is finally ready to
make a change. He understands that real results come from more than just a fad diet or
solid workout. Wants to make a total lifestyle change. He wants to keep up with his wife
and his kids and wouldn’t mind being able to go on vacation, do what he wants (hikes,
swim, sports) and be pain free.

Sally is a 38 year old admin manager in an office setting. She has a husband and 2
kids. She is looking to lose 40-50lbs, gain more confidence, feel more comfortable in
her clothes and love life again. She is slowly and steadily gaining weight every year
since her last kid. It seems she lost her baby weight easily with her oldest but with the
new one it just stuck and is only increasing now! She doesn’t like having her picture
taken because she doesn’t feel good about herself. She is more self-conscious than
ever and her quality of life is suffering – she is saying no to social events and is not
quite herself anymore. Her kids are growing up fast and she is finding it harder to keep
up with them at the park. She’s selecting easier activities so she can participate. She’s
pretty nervous to stay on the same path and can see the end result in her parents –
sedentary and in constant discomfort. She would love to love her body again and to be
the best example for her kids.

Pete is a 59 year old successful small business owner. He’s married with two adult
children. Pete is an alpha male that has his life together. He is a leader, a biz owner and

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
a family man. His kids are out of the house now and he wants to have his old life back
(skiing, golfing, vacations) now that he has the time and commitment to do it again. He
is looking to lose 20-30lbs that has added up with all the networking and business
lunches. He is sick of feeling defeated and low energy, he is fully committed to making a
change and being the best man possible for his family, his wife and his business. He
doesn’t care what it takes to get there, he will make it happen. Of course with such a
dynamic, fast moving life he won’t be perfect on his nutrition and fitness levels but will
make the best choice possible for each scenario. He has fully accepted personal
responsibility and the results are his own choice.

Rebecca is a 25 year old retail worker. She just got out of a relationship and has no kids
yet. She was never the athletic type, but never had an issue with weight until the end of
college. She thinks that the partying and fruity drinks from all the parties have caused
her to pack on a little extra weight. Of course the crazy hours of a retail worker and easy
accessibility to less-healthy fast food doesn’t help either. Her friends all appear to be
more fit than she is even though, as far as she can tell, they do all the same things as
her. She is always on her feet and doesn’t have the energy to exercise much after she
gets out of work. She’s looking for a weight loss supplement or natural aid to increase
her metabolism and help her burn extra calories throughout the day.

WATER (Where do they hang out? Where can you find them?)
Tiktok – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or searching for specific hashtags
related to fitness, diet or weight loss.
Facebook – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or interacting with specific pages
and groups in the fitness and weight loss niche.
Instagram – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or searching for specific
hashtags related to fitness and weight loss.
YouTube – watching review videos about workout routines, supplements, and the best
fitness tips.
Pinterest – checking out the explore page, or searching for specific keywords related to
exercise and weight loss.
Twitter – following trending hashtags related to weight loss, fitness, and personal health.
LinkedIn – Following topics, pages, or groups related to fitness and weight loss.



Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.




CHUM (How can you get them TO the boat?)

By delighting them with Edutainment.

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
(Edutainment is when you combine education with entertainment. Giving tips, telling
stories, teaching how to do things with your own unique and personal twist.)

15-60 second Tiktok videos with text on screen and catchy music or trending sounds.
Remove Tiktok watermark and repurpose videos onto Instagram Reels, Facebook
Reels, YouTube Shorts, Pinterest Idea pins, etc.

Stories are one of the most persuasive forms of copy that exist. If you’re comfortable
with it, start with your story. Document your fitness journey or your weight loss process.
This can help keep you accountable as well as motivate others to do the same.

Get a recipe book and go through making or sampling the different recipes.

Get a fitness app or workout routine and show clips of your workout or share your
experience and review each day when you finish.

Take a look at the latest fad diets or supplements and provide a candid opinion on how
you think it will work or whether it is something you would try yourself.

Utilize stock footage of food prep, exercise routines, or other related content that you
can add voice over or text to in order to teach something new to your audience and
provide a call-to-action for your recommended product/service.

Cut clips out of longer form content to share as a teaser of what is included in your
paid/premium offer.

BAIT (How can you funnel them IN the boat?)

A free giveaway in exchange for their email address (PDF, ebook, video training)

Write a short 5-page “Free Recipe Guide” that unpacks simple ‘make-it at-home’ recipes
that are healthy and taste delicious. Give it away in exchange for their email address

Record a quick 5-10 minute video training course demonstrating common exercises that
people can do at home, in their free time, or even at the office without any equipment.
Give it away in exchange for their email address

Map out a simple morning or evening routine that allows people to start or end the day
on a positive note, with a plan in place and clarity on what is best to spend their time on
in order to reach their fitness goals. Give it away in exchange for their email address

Create a handout which displays the best strategies or tactics to avoid cravings,
strengthen self-discipline, and stay motivated even when the process feels slow or the
results aren’t visible right away.

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
REEL (How do you FUNNEL them in the boat?)
With a 2-page bridge funnel. Optin page + Bridge page

RESULT (What product can get them a result?)

Find products by doing a search for high-quality products that also have an affiliate
program or choose one of the 9 done-for-you campaigns if you choose to purchase the
Business Blueprints.

2nd HELPING (What else can you offer them?)

UP-SELL training courses from XYZ training company.

As you develop your skills and grow your brand, you can provide virtual coaching or
consulting (if that’s something you’d enjoy and would be good at)

You could also just choose another course or product from an affiliate vendor that you
believe your ideal client may also have an interest in or benefit from.

3rd HELPING (What else will they pay you to solve?)

A LIVE EVENT that they can attend that will allow them to connect to the community
and feel like they’ve got support.

Ask yourself what else could possibly help this person? What will they buy or what else
do they need to get their desired results? (You can refer them and earn commissions on
their purchases)

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+
The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.

SPECIES (Who is the target prospect?)

Creating audience personas can help put a face to an otherwise faceless audience.

(The recommended courses and products chosen for this niche could be different based
on the type of parent - adopted children, single parent, teen parent, etc…)

● Individuals who’ve adopted a child and have a particularly hard time relating to
their children for whatever reason
● Individuals whose babies/toddlers are struggling to sleep at night, are constantly
fussy, and who are frustrated with the complete lack of sleep they experience
● Individuals whose kids are struggling in school and can’t seem to adapt to a
traditional learning environment (home-schooling)

Todd and Jess are 37 years old, and just celebrated the birth of their first child. They
love their baby, but it’s having a really hard time sleeping. Late nights, sleepless
nights… It’s taking a toll on their professional life, on their relationships, and virtually
every aspect of their life. They’ve read books, watched some YouTube videos, and
talked with friends, but nothing seems to work. They don’t see a light at the end of the
tunnel, but are frequently watching videos on YouTube and TikTok wondering how on
Earth they’re going to make this work.

Josie is a 33 year old single mom who’s trying to figure out how to raise a child by
herself. From attachment styles to trying to strategize how to have a male presence in
her kid’s life, she’s struggling to put all the pieces together. She’s desperate to find a
way to raise her child with balance all while figuring out how to make the time to be an
incredible parent.

Tracy is 42 years old and her oldest child has a tough time at school. They don’t learn
well in a traditional school setting, and they’re frequently getting D’s and F’s on their
report card. Tracy is so frustrated and at her wits end. As she thinks about how to help
her child, she’s immediately overwhelmed by just how difficult it is to connect with her
child on this issue. She keeps trying and trying, but nothing seems to work. After
watching hours of YouTube videos and Facebook clips, she’s desperate to find
something that will work and help her child progress.

WATER (Where do they hang out? Where can you find them?)
Tiktok – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or searching for specific hashtags
related to parenting.
Facebook – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or interacting with specific pages
and groups in the parenting niche.

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
Instagram – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or searching for specific
hashtags related to parenting.
YouTube – watching review videos about getting a child to sleep at night, homeschool
tips, alternative schooling, tutoring, etc…
Pinterest – checking out the explore page, or searching for specific keywords related to
Twitter – following trending hashtags related to parenting.
LinkedIn – following topics, pages, or groups related to parenting.




CHUM (How can you get them TO the boat?)

By delighting them with Edutainment.

(Edutainment is when you combine education with entertainment. Giving tips, telling
inspirational stories, teaching how to do things with your own unique and personal

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
15-60 second Tiktok videos with text on screen and catchy music or trending sounds.
Remove Tiktok watermark and repurpose videos onto Instagram Reels, Facebook
Reels, YouTube Shorts, Pinterest Idea pins, etc.

Stories are one of the most persuasive forms of copy that exist. If you’re comfortable
with it, start with your story. Document your parenting journey (or the journey of others).
This can help keep you accountable as well as motivate others to do the same.

Get a tutoring book and begin going through it. Share the tips you’re learning.

Get a tutoring app or a daily routine in place and share little clips of your sessions.

Take a look at the latest trends in parenting/homeschooling/etc… and provide a candid

opinion on how you think it will work or whether it is something you would try yourself.

Utilize stock footage of tutoring, homeschooling, frustrated parents or other related

content that you can add voice over or text to in order to teach something new to your
audience and provide a call-to-action for your recommended product/service.

Cut clips out of longer form content to share as a teaser of what is included in your
paid/premium offer.

BAIT (How can you funnel them IN the boat?)

A free giveaway in exchange for their email address (PDF, ebook, video training)

Write a short 5-page “Top 10 Tips To Get Your Child To Sleep… Almost Instantly” that
unpacks simple list-style PDF that people love to read and digest. Give it away in
exchange for their email address

Map out a simple tutoring plan that you can create for free on Canva and give it away to
your followers. Give it away in exchange for their email address

REEL (How do you FUNNEL them in the boat?)

With a 2-page bridge funnel. Optin page + Bridge page

RESULT (What product can get them a result?)

Find products by doing a search for high-quality products that also have an affiliate
program or choose one of the 9 done-for-you campaigns if you choose to purchase the
Business Blueprints.

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
2nd HELPING (What else can you offer them?)
UP-SELL training courses from XYZ training company.

As you develop your skills and grow your brand, you can provide virtual coaching or
consulting (if that’s something you’d enjoy and would be good at)

You could also just choose another course or product from Clickbank, like the ones
mentioned above, that you believe your ideal client may also have an interest in or
benefit from.

3rd HELPING (What else will they pay you to solve?)

A LIVE EVENT that they can attend that will allow them to connect to the community
and feel like they’ve got support.

Ask yourself what else could possibly help this person? What will they buy or what else
do they need to get their desired results? (You can refer them and earn commissions on
their purchases)

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+
The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.

SPECIES (Who is the target prospect?)

Creating audience personas can help put a face to an otherwise faceless audience.

(Not all relationship/dating services and programs are the same, which means the
audience will differ depending on the type and status of the relationship…)

● People who’ve tried for a long time to find the right person to date, but can’t seem
to find the right partner
● People who have been married multiple times and haven’t been able to sort out
why it’s never worked out
● People who are frustrated by ‘swipe’ dating culture and just really want a genuine

Leslie is 42 years old and many of her friends are now married. However, she’s not
been able to identify the right partner. She’s ready to settle down, has a great paying
job, and seems to have her life in order… but she doesn’t feel that way. She feels like
there’s a massive gap in her life and believes that finding the right partner will satisfy a
deep longing for connection. Everytime she goes on a date, she feels like there’s just
some sort of spark that’s missing, and she’s desperate to find a strategy to connect to
her dream person.

Joe is the life of the party, but he’s sick of being the party guy and wants to settle down
and connect with a life partner. He’s been so involved in the party and dating culture, he
doesn’t really understand how to develop a long-term meaningful relationship with
someone. The idea is completely foreign. He spends a great deal of time searching
online for ideas, but to no avail. He’s seeking something that will give him the blueprint
to not just meeting great people, but also connecting to them and maybe building a life

WATER (Where do they hang out? Where can you find them?)
Tiktok – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or searching for specific hashtags
related to dating/relationships.
Facebook – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or interacting with specific pages
and groups in the dating/relationships niche.
Instagram – scrolling through their feed without a goal, or searching for specific
hashtags related to dating/relationships.
YouTube – watching review videos about workout routines, supplements, and the best
dating/relationships tips.
Pinterest – checking out the explore page, or searching for specific keywords related to
Twitter – following trending hashtags related to dating/relationships.

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
LinkedIn – Following topics, pages, or groups related to dating/relationships.



CHUM (How can you get them TO the boat?)

By delighting them with Edutainment.

(Edutainment is when you combine education with entertainment. Giving tips, telling
inspirational stories, teaching how to do things with your own unique and personal

15-60 second Tiktok videos with text on screen and catchy music or trending sounds.
Remove Tiktok watermark and repurpose videos onto Instagram Reels, Facebook
Reels, YouTube Shorts, Pinterest Idea pins, etc.

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
Stories are one of the most persuasive forms of copy that exist. If you’re comfortable
with it, start with your story. Document your dating journey or your process of going
through divorce. You can also document the success of others.

Get a dating advice book and go through it, trying to implement some of the strategies.

Take a look at the latest fad diets or supplements and provide a candid opinion on how
you think it will work or whether it is something you would try yourself.

Utilize stock footage of food prep, exercise routines, or other related content that you
can add voice over or text to in order to teach something new to your audience and
provide a call-to-action for your recommended product/service.

Cut clips out of longer form content to share as a teaser of what is included in your
paid/premium offer.

BAIT (How can you funnel them IN the boat?)

A free giveaway in exchange for their email address (PDF, ebook, video training)

Write a short 5-page “Text Message Tips” that unpacks simple strategies to connect with
a dating partner via text messaging.

Record a quick 5-10 minute video training course demonstrating simple strategies to
cope with the grief of a divorce. Give it away in exchange for their email address

Create a handout that models the best strategies to meeting new people, especially
geared towards shy introverts who have a hard time stirring up conversation.

REEL (How do you FUNNEL them in the boat?)

With a 2-page bridge funnel. Optin page + Bridge page

RESULT (What product can get them a result?)

Find products by doing a search for high-quality products that also have an affiliate
program or choose one of the 9 done-for-you campaigns if you choose to purchase the
Business Blueprints.

2nd HELPING (What else can you offer them?)

UP-SELL training courses from XYZ training company.

As you develop your skills and grow your brand, you can provide virtual coaching or
consulting (if that’s something you’d enjoy and would be good at)

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.
You could also just choose another course or product from Clickbank, like the ones
mentioned above, that you believe your ideal client may also have an interest in or
benefit from.

3rd HELPING (What else will they pay you to solve?)

A LIVE EVENT that they can attend that will allow them to connect to the community
and feel like they’ve got support.

Ask yourself what else could possibly help this person? What will they buy or what else
do they need to get their desired results? (You can refer them and earn commissions on
their purchases)

Copyright © Legendary Marketer 2022+

The Legendary Marketer Business Plan Class is private and confidential. Under no circumstances is this document allowed to be shared.

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