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English Test

Course: 1° Name:………………………….
Prof:Tania Maidan Nota final…………………………………


Hi friends!

i’m jun liu and i live in kOrea. my favOurite celebratiOn is chu-suk. it is a very impOrtant hOliday in kOrea. it is in August.
people go to their hOmetowns and the whOle family gives thanks to Our ancestors fOr the harvest. people celebrate fOr 3

On the first day, we prepare a lOt of fOOd. mum and my aunts cOOk rice, sOup, fish, meat and lOts Of vegetables. we wear
han-bok (traditiOnal clOthes). men weabr aji-jegori (pants) and jegori (jacket) and wOmen wearchima- jegori (skirt) and
jegori. these clOthes have got a LOt Of cOlOurs: red, green, yellOw, white, etc.

On the secOnd day, we jdeO-sa, which is a rite to give thanks toOur ancestors.we eat the fOOd we prepare the firstday. This is m
favourite part of the celebratiOn. Adults usually talk abOut their lives and wOrk.

On the third day, everybOdy goes back hOme. we are happy because we see our families.

the only prOblem is traff ic jams, because there are toO many cars On the rOads.


jun liu

1 Chu-Suk is a very important day.

2 People celebrate in their hometowns.
3 Han-Bok means “family.”
4 They wear clothes of different colours.
5 They meet their relatives.


1. People go to school.
2. The celebration lasts for five days.
3. Baji-jegori means “jacket”.
4. On the second day, they cook a lot ofF food
5. On the third day everybody visit friends

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