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- Fundamental (Shoot, Dribble, Pick n Roll)

- Spanish pick n roll
- Decision making - Prof. Nenad Trunic

- Princeton Offense


Some of the roles that a coach may need assistance with are:

● Strength and conditioning – personal trainers, health clubs and other

gyms may be able to assist.
● Physiotherapy – whether for injury rehabilitation or prevention, a
physiotherapist can help athletes to look after their bodies.
● Team management – arranging uniforms, travel, pre/post game food and
a host of other tasks
● Stats – not official statistics (that may be provided by the league) but
other statistics that mirror what the team has been practicing (for
example, a team that has been working on help defence may want to
keep track of how many times the opponent passed the ball from one
side of the court to the other before shooting. The more times they
passed the more pressure the defence has put on them).
● Technical assistance – sometimes a coach may not be confident in
teaching a particular topic. Asking another coach to come to their
session and work on that topic not only helps the players to develop, it
will also improve the ability of the coach to teach it next time.

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