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Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

DOI 10.1007/s12640-010-9205-z

Critical Age Windows for Neurodevelopmental Psychiatric

Disorders: Evidence from Animal Models
Eva M. Marco • Simone Macrı̀ • Giovanni Laviola

Received: 11 November 2009 / Revised: 1 June 2010 / Accepted: 1 June 2010 / Published online: 7 July 2010
! Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract A disruption in normal brain development has do represent critical windows open to plastic changes and
been hypothesized to contribute to the aetiology of might be susceptible to both adverse and supportive shaping
major psychiatric disorders. According to the ‘double-hit’ environmental forces. Taken together, age-related neuro-
hypothesis, mutant genes-based deviations, associated with plasticity might be considered not only as a risk factor for
specific environmental insults during brain development, psychopathology but also as a potent mechanism for com-
may result in neurobehavioural disturbances. The existence pensation. A better understanding of these critical periods
of age windows of vulnerability to environmental condi- of brain development is a concern for public health and may
tions during brain maturation will be discussed, using as provide new insights into prevention strategies and into
examples a series of studies we have performed during the novel therapeutic approaches in neuropsychiatry.
last years. Major deviations from normative neurobehavi-
oural trajectories have been reported in animal models Keywords Adolescent ! Childhood ! Infant ! Stress !
following exposure to severe stress (either episodes of Pregnancy ! Mental health
maternal separation, deprivation or corticosterone supple-
mentation) early in infancy. Rodent models of difficult and/
or stressful pregnancies, including obstetric complications Introduction
(e.g. prenatal restrain stress or neonatal hypoxia) and ges-
tational exposure to infection (e.g prenatal immune chal- Although genetic factors account for a significant propor-
lenge), have been associated with profound long-lasting tion of liability to psychiatric diseases, an increasing body
deficits in the offspring’s emotional and social behaviour, of evidence attests to a significant environmental contri-
and with immune and endocrine changes. More recently, bution, particularly during the developmental period.
adolescence, characterized by elevated rates of brain plas- Development represents a critical moment for shaping
ticity, has emerged as an additional period during which adult behaviour and may set the stage to disease vulnera-
sensitivity to environmental influence (either adverse or bility later in life. From the prenatal period through the first
stimulatory) is maximal. We have reported that both phar- years of life and until adolescence, the brain undergoes its
macological (methylphenidate) and environmental (physi- most rapid development, and is most open to the influence
cal or social enrichment) interventions can be used to of external experiences, for better or for worse. There is
counteract the detrimental effects of earlier-origin devel- now compelling evidence that suboptimal environments
opmental insults. Present findings indicate that these age during prenatal or early neonatal life alter development and
periods (i.e. prenatal stage, early infancy and adolescence) predispose the individual to lifelong health problems,
including susceptibility to mental illness (Cirulli et al.
2009; Laviola et al. 2009). Conversely, exposure to sup-
E. M. Marco ! S. Macrı̀ ! G. Laviola (&) portive-enriching situations may favour the adaptation of
Section of Behavioural Neuroscience, Department of Cell
the developing brain to its environment, promoting better
Biology and Neurosciences, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 00161
Rome, Italy coping strategies and, in certain cases, the possibility of
e-mail: recovery from previous deleterious insults.

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 287

In this regard, animal models constitute a valuable tool for for the formation of an attachment relationship between the
the investigation of critical periods in human-brain devel- mother and child which if disrupted resulted in the devel-
opment. Animal studies can complement human studies, opment of adult psychopathology. The early postnatal
whereby several parallelisms in age windows of suscepti- period appeared as a critical period for the formation of an
bility to external environmental stimulus have been identi- attachment relationship that would become the basis for all
fied. Animal models are essential to answer key questions future social interactions, and that would significantly affect
relating to the neurobehavioural outcomes of developmental future emotional bonds. These studies led to the view that
manipulations. This approach offers the possibility of critical periods were major phenomena in brain and
revealing the complex and finely tuned mechanisms under- behavioural development (Michel and Tyler 2005); how-
lying developmental programming through in vivo and in ever, more in-depth studies of some of these critical periods
vitro studies at different time points. Herein, we will review revealed that they were not as critical in terms of their
data from animal studies aimed at investigating the existence timing and specificity as previously supposed. Contempo-
of critical age windows of vulnerability to environmental raneously, Schneirla and Rosenblatt (1963) reported that the
adversities (i.e. gestational period, early infancy and ado- development of species-typical social behaviour in cats
lescence). Neurobehavioural outcomes of rodent’s exposure exhibited a cascading set of events in which the experiences
to both adverse and supportive environmental forces during associated with each social event was critical for the cas-
development will be described. Not only will these findings cade. This last research argued against the notion of critical
be discussed from the point of view of psychopathology periods in development and more for critical sequences for
resilience, but also in the prospective of therapeutic treat- the emergence of specific social skills and abilities (see
ment potentiality. A better understanding of critical periods Michel and Tyler 2005 for historical review).
of brain development is a concern for public health and may The notion of critical period nowadays coexists with that
provide new insights into prevention strategies and into of sensitive period and, despite conceptual differences, we
novel therapeutic approaches in neuropsychiatry. will use both terms indistinctly. Sensitive periods are asso-
ciated with neural plasticity (i.e. maturational events of
neurogenesis, differentiation and survival), a major salient
Critical Periods During Development feature of the nervous system, particularly during brain
development—from the formation of the neural plate to the
Developmental and congenital disorders of the brain can be adolescent period (Nowakowski and Hayes 1999; Acosta
caused by environmental or genetic interference with nor- et al. 2002; Andersen 2003; Butz et al. 2009)—although
mal brain development and result in neuropsychiatric dis- neural plasticity has also been observed at adulthood
ease. A critical period in developmental biology is (Mackowiak et al. 2004). The architecture and physiology of
considered as a time in the early stages of an organism’s life the brain develop throughout gestation and continue post-
during which environmental stimulation is highly effective natally through adolescent development, although disconti-
in producing long-lasting changes. Critical periods were nuities in neurodevelopmental trajectories have been
first described as particular age periods during which described (Giedd 2008; Giedd et al. 2009). Insult at any point
experience must occur for it to have an effect on subsequent during this period may result in aberrant neural structure or
development and behaviour. In the best known example, function. Maturational processes occur at different times in
Konrad Lorenz proposed that young precocial birds had to almost every brain region and neural circuit; the timing of
have exposure to conspecifics within hours of hatching to developmental events varies with neural substrate. There-
develop adaptive filial attachments and appropriate later fore, critical periods might be specific for each brain region
mate preferences, the ‘imprinting’ phenomenon (Lorenz or neurotransmitter systems depending on the specific vul-
1937/1957). Not long after Lorenz’s study on the critical nerability of each brain structure to outside influences (Rice
periods for the establishment of social behaviours in birds, and Barone 2000; Johnson 2005; Andersen and Teicher
John Paul Scott (1962) reported a critical period for the 2008). Taken together, these critical periods during brain
development of socialization in dogs and cats. Unless development can be considered as the two sides of the same
encouraged to interact with humans at a particular early age, coin. Exposure to adversity (i.e. stressful live events) might
certain breeds of dogs and cats would not be able to be enhance deleterious long-lasting outcomes, frequently
socialized to human interaction. Similarly, Harry Harlow related to psychiatric diseases; conversely, exposure to
(1965) also reported a series of studies on the development favourable situations (i.e. nurturant parenting and/or sup-
of social abilities in Rhesus monkeys that indicated that portive-enriching environment) may favour the adaptation
social deprivation during the infant monkey’s first 3 months of the developing brain to its environment, promoting
had rather catastrophic long-term developmental conse- improved coping strategies and, in certain cases, the possi-
quences. Later, Bowlby (1969) proposed a critical period bility of recovery from previous deleterious insults.

288 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis for Neuropsychiatric discerning how modulation of the early environment may
Disorders provide a valuable therapeutic tool for a variety of neuro-
psychiatric disorders.
Disruptions in normal brain development may underlie the
pathogenesis of major mental disorders. Accordingly, a
‘neurodevelopmental hypotheses’ for neuropsychiatric Rodent Models of Early-Life Stress and Development
disorders was proposed in the last decades. This hypothesis of Abnormal Neurobehavioural Phenotypes
postulates that insults during brain maturation may lead to
the activation of pathologic neural circuits later in life In 1918, Sigmund Freud (1918) proposed that ‘every
favouring the emergence of psychopathological symptoms neurosis in an adult is built upon a neurosis which has
during adolescence or young adulthood. Yet, the broadest occurred in his childhood’ thus suggesting that the adver-
data for this neurodevelopmental hypothesis have been sities encountered during the early stages of life impinge on
derived from studies conducted in schizophrenia and aut- the adult phenotype. Several recent human studies support
ism (see for review Fatemi and Folsom 2009). First, epi- this view. Specifically, a history of early-life abuse or
demiological studies suggest that processes early in neglect appears to increase the risk of psychopathology
development (e.g. early-life abuse, neglect, pregnancy development at adulthood (Heim and Nemeroff 2001; Shea
stress or obstetric complications) are involved in the et al. 2005; Teicher et al. 2006). Accordingly, parental loss
pathogenesis of these mental disorders (Heim and during childhood has been reported to significantly
Nemeroff 2001; Cannon et al. 2002; Kendler et al. 2002; increase the likelihood of developing major depression and
Biederman 2005; Shea et al. 2005; Teicher et al. 2006; psychosis (Kendler et al. 2002; Morgan and Fisher 2007).
Morgan and Fisher 2007; Talge et al. 2007; Beydoun and This idea roots its systematic basic neuroscience scientific
Saftlas 2008; Mittal et al. 2008; Weinstock 2008). This support in the pivotal studies of Harry Harlow (Harlow
notion is further supported by the fact that many genes of et al. 1964), Otto Weininger (Weininger 1954) and Sey-
susceptibility for psychiatric disorders have key roles in mour Levine (Levine 1957), who demonstrated that vari-
neurodevelopment: Neuroligins, Neureglin-1, Dysbindin, ations in the neonatal environment had effects on the
Reelin, Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC1) and developing individual that persisted throughout the entire
SHANK3, genes that are associated with synaptic plasticity lifespan. Specifically, they demonstrated that neonatal
(Sawamura and Sawa 2006; O’Tuathaigh et al. 2007; maternal separation in both rodents and monkeys is suffi-
Fatemi and Folsom 2009). Moreover, linkage and associ- cient to persistently modify the development of those
ation studies appear to support the idea that environmental behavioural and neuroendocrine systems involved in the
factors affect causative gene clusters to precipitate a pathophysiology of human psychiatric disorders (e.g.
pathological phenotype in susceptible individuals. That is, depression and anxiety). Nowadays, a consensus on the
interaction of developmental exposure to adversity with critical role of the early environment in programming
individual genetic liabilities may predispose to psychopa- neurobiological development has been achieved. Experi-
thology throughout life (Agid et al. 1999; Heim et al. ences during the first periods of life influence behavioural,
2008); a theory postulated by Gottesman and Hanson emotional, cognitive and physiological properties at
(2005) as the ‘double-hit’ hypothesis (Gottesman and adulthood.
Hanson 2005). Emotional or physical stressful episodes Here, we aim to provide an integrative summary of the
occurring early in life may act as ‘second hit’, whereby long-term neuropathological consequences of environ-
they can increase susceptibility to psychiatric disorders in mental insults during early developmental stages (i.e.
naturally predisposed individuals (Laviola et al. 2009). prenatal, neonatal and adolescence) by using rodent
Whilst genetics play a key role in psychiatric disorders, models. In addition, we highlight how abnormalities in
an increasing body of evidence supports the view that neurotransmitter systems may provide a neural basis for
environmental factors—particularly during specific phases the emergence of specific forms of psychosis-related
of development—concur to (dys)functional regulations. behaviour. Animal models are valuable experimental tools
Analysing gene–environment interactions in the liability to in the study of possible causal links between neurode-
adult neuropsychiatryc disorders remains far beyond the velopmental disruption, specific neuronal dysfunctions
scope of the present review. Herein, we will discuss and distinct forms of abnormal behaviour. They are,
environmental risk factors likely to interfere with normal therefore, valuable in the exploration of specific brain and
brain development. Further understanding this neurode- behaviour relationships in complex multifactorial neuro-
velopmental contribution to psychopathology will inform psychiatric disorders that are likely to involve neuronal
public debate about the health effects of external insults disturbances beyond one single brain region and neuro-
during individual’s growth but also open avenues in transmitter system.

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 289

Perinatal Stress in Rodents: Methodology and Main adulthood (see Penner and Brown 2007; Moy and Nadler
Results 2008; Patterson 2009; Meyer et al. 2009 for review).

Events occurring within the intrauterine or perinatal envi- Prenatal Restraint Stress
ronment may have significant consequences for the
development and function of physiological systems Clinical observations have enabled to delineate an associ-
throughout an individual’s lifespan. Here, we discuss the ation between psychological stress during pregnancy and
existing literature on the negative effects of prenatal stress impairments in emotional and cognitive development
(i.e. difficult and/or stressful pregnancies, including among the offspring. Stress during pregnancy has been
obstetric complications) and gestational exposure to shown to relate to increased incidence of anxiety, depres-
infection (e.g prenatal immune challenge) in the psycho- sion and attention deficits in children, together with major
physiological homeostasis of the offspring. neuro-behavioural disturbances like autism and schizo-
phrenia (Talge et al. 2007; Beydoun and Saftlas 2008;
Early Prenatal Immune Challenge Weinstock 2008). Moreover, maternal stress during preg-
nancy may not only increase risk for these disorders in
A consistent body of evidence based on human epidemi- adulthood, but it may also facilitate illness onset and
ological data supports the association between maternal comorbidity (Rice et al. 2007; Mill and Petronis 2008;
infection during pregnancy and higher risk of schizophre- Mittal et al. 2008; Sarkar 2008). Neurobehavioural altera-
nia in the offspring (Patterson 2007, 2009; Boksa 2008 ; tions similar to those observed in humans can be investi-
Brown 2006). Similarly, an increasing number of experi- gated in laboratory rodents and non-human primates
mental studies in rats and mice demonstrate that prenatal exposed to stress during pregnancy. In this regard, a great
immune challenge is causally linked to the emergence of variety of stressors have been used (for different examples
major behavioural alterations in adulthood (for review please refer Coe et al. 2002; Kofman 2002; Maccari et al.
Meyer et al. 2009). Maternal exposure, during pregnancy, 2003; Koenig et al. 2005; Abe et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2007b;
to influenza, poliovirus, rubella, measles, varicella–zoster, Weinstock 2008). Our research has focused on the repeated
retrovirus (Yolken et al. 2000; Brown and Susser 2002; Shi exposure to restraint stress during the last week of gestation
et al. 2003; Zuckerman et al. 2003) and bacterial agents (Prenatal Restraint Stress, PRS). In particular, pregnant
(Borrell et al. 2002; Fortier et al. 2004), has been associ- dams were submitted to restrain immobilization under
ated with an increased risk for schizophrenia and/or autism bright light for 45 min three times a day during the last
in the offspring. Actually, many of the functional deficits week of gestation (from gestational day 11 to delivery)
induced by prenatal immune challenge in rats and mice (Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003b; Laviola et al. 2004b).
have been associated with critical phenotypes of schizo- In our hands, adolescent male rats from stressed preg-
phrenia and autism. Impairments in prepulse and latent nancies displayed a prominent reduction in social play
inhibition response have been consistently reported fol- behaviour when compared with animals raised under
lowing prenatal immune challenge; abnormalities in standard conditions. However, no changes in environ-
working memory, exploration impairment and deficits in mental exploratory parameters were observed (Morley-
social behaviour have also been observed (see Meyer et al. Fletcher et al. 2003b). These results paralleled previous
2009 for review). Maternal immunological stimulation has literature showing that adolescent rats from disturbed
also been reported to induce long-term changes in multiple pregnancies were impaired in affiliative behaviour and
neurotransmitter levels in the brains of adult offspring, exhibited a reduced amount of age-typical rough-and-
including dopamine and serotonin mainly within the limbic tumble play (Ward and Stehm 1991; Koenig et al. 2005;
system. The converging evidence from these studies sug- Lee et al. 2007b). Similarly, children born following
gests a causal relationship between activation of the stressful pregnancies were less sociable than their peers
immune system during pregnancy and altered behaviour in (Meijer 1985). Additionally, poor social interaction is
the offspring. In rats, neonatal administration of proin- hallmark in psychiatric patients whose mothers experi-
flammatory cytokines (Tohmi et al. 2004) or leukaemia enced severe psychological stress during pregnancy (Sus-
inhibitory factors (Watanabe et al. 2004) induce psycho- man 2006; Rice et al. 2009). Compared to control subjects
behavioural and/or cognitive impairments later in life. (offspring from non-stressed dams), adolescent rats from
Thus, it is likely that the maternal immune response, par- disturbed pregnancies displayed increased anxiety-like
ticularly involving the proinflammatory cytokines, may profile in an open field. Specifically, they showed a higher
interfere with normal foetal brain development and matu- latency to approach a novel object in this testing arena
ration, and subsequently lead to structural and functional (Laviola et al. 2004a, b). Latency to approach an unfa-
deficits that compromise neurobehavioural functions at miliar object has been traditionally related to increased

290 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

emotionality (Weinstock 2002). In line with these obser- Furthermore, prenatal stress negatively affects the
vations, adult PRS male rats showed increased anxiety-like immune system, and may possibly contribute to the mal-
behaviour in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) (Darnaudery adaptive immune responses to stress that occur later in life.
and Maccari 2008; Zuena et al. 2008). Therefore, gesta- Moreover, psychosocial stress during early stages of pre-
tional stress may sensitize rats to the development of and postnatal life may increase the vulnerability of infants
hyper-anxiety, and perhaps depressive-like phenotypes, to the effects of immunotoxicants or immune-mediated
whereby animals exposed to PRS also showed increased diseases (Bellinger et al. 2008, Merlot et al. 2008). In the
immobility when evaluated in the forced swim test, a long term, PRS in rats produced important alterations in a
behavioural profile sensitive to antidepressant drugs number of peripheral and central immunological parame-
(Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003a). Learning and attention ters, as previously described for several animal species
deficits have also been reported in the offspring of PRS (Coe et al. 2002; Llorente et al. 2002; Tuchscherer et al.
rats. Impairments in spatial learning in the water maze have 2002; Gotz and Stefanski 2007). Specifically, a decrease in
been observed in PRS male rats (Lemaire et al. 2000), blood cell populations devoted to immune competence,
although gender differences exist with deficits being more especially the CD4 T lymphocytes and T4/T8 ratio were
evident in female PRS rats (Zuena et al. 2008). Long-term observed in response to PRS (Laviola et al. 2004b). PRS
consequences of PRS significantly depend on the offspring also produced an elevation in pro-inflammatory IL-1b
gender, on the behaviour being tested (see Table 1), and concentration, both in the spleen and the frontal cortex
most importantly on the intensity and timing of the (Laviola et al. 2004b). This increment in IL-1b production
maternal stress (See Darnaudery and Maccari 2008; among the PRS offspring resembles human studies sug-
Weinstock 2008 for review). gesting that stress and psychopathology can be indexed
Dysfunction of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis by a hyper-secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
(HPA) has been extensively observed following prenatal although other intervening variables have to be considered
stress. Specifically, adolescent and adult rats exposed to (Dabkowska and Rybakowski 1994; Elenkov and Chrousos
stress during gestation show increased HPA axis reac- 2002; Schiepers et al. 2005; Fan et al. 2007).
tivity in terms of both ACTH and corticosterone In summary, prenatal stress has important effects
responses to stress. Surprisingly, at adulthood, no dif- on the programming of stress responsiveness, mainly
ferences in baseline corticosterone levels were observed, through the HPA axis. Animal studies also report critical
whereas at adolescence, a significant reduction in basal changes in the emotional, social and cognitive abilities of
corticosterone levels was reported due to PRS (Morley- the offspring, mediated, at least in part, by changes in
Fletcher et al. 2003b; Laviola et al. 2004b). These results neural plasticity and brain neurotransmitter systems.
then confirm the profile of impaired feedback inhibition Research on animal models, i.e. prenatal restrain stress,
of HPA axis activity caused by maternal stress, and becomes of critical relevance for evaluating the psycho-
evidenced in the offspring throughout the different pha- physiological outcomes of stressful pregnancies as well
ses of ontogenesis (see Maccari and Morley-Fletcher as the possible underlying mechanisms. Heightened stress
2007 for review). during pregnancy increases plasma levels of cortisol and

Table 1 Long-term consequences of prenatal restrain stress (PRS) on adolescent and adult male rats
Paradigm Behavioural evaluation at adolescence References

Open field test Increased latency to first approach a novel object (Laviola et al. 2004b)
Social interaction test Decreased social play behaviour in adolescent rats (Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003b)
No changes in environmental exploration (Laviola et al. 2004b)
Stress responsiveness Impairment in basal corticosterone levels (Laviola et al. 2004b)
Paradigm Behavioural evaluation at adulthood References

Elevated plus-maze Increased anxiety-like behaviour (Zuena et al. 2008)

Forced-swimming test Increased immobility, depressive-like behaviour (Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003a)
Stress responsiveness No changes in baseline corticosterone (Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003b)
An increased and prolonged corticosterone response to stress (Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003a)
Water maze Spatial learning deficits (Lemaire et al. 2000)
Spatial learning was not affected (Zuena et al. 2008)

PRS, pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were submitted three times a day to 45 min sessions of restraint stress during the last week of gestation

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 291

corticotrophin releasing hormone in the mother and foetus, for public health that occurs in approximately 1–6 per 1,000
and may thus interfere with the required adaptive mecha- live full-term births. Subtle neuropsychological deficits,
nisms and lead to persistent dysregulation of the HPA axis mostly impairments in attention and cognition impairments,
(Weinstock 2002; Lazinski et al. 2008). In animal studies, have been observed as a function of perinatal asphyxia
PRS-induced impairments in behaviour and HPA axis (Maneru et al. 2001; de Haan et al. 2006; van Handel et al.
responsiveness are prevented by maternal adrenalectomy. 2007; Angelini and Verklan 2009). Accumulating evidence
However, maternal injection of corticosterone only rever- suggests that obstetric complications might be considered
ses the increased anxiety and HPA alterations in the off- as a predisposing risk factor in attention-deficit/hyper-
spring (Weinstock 2008). Accordingly, the HPA axis offers activity disorder (ADHD) (Biederman, 2005), and might
one hormonal pathway that could mediate some of the also contribute to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia
reported changes associated to stress exposure during (Cannon et al. 2002; Mittal et al. 2008). More recently, an
pregnancy. Taken together, circulating concentrations of association between obstetric complications and an
maternal corticosteroids may constitute one of the critical increased risk for autism, autism spectrum disorders and
factors mediating the programming of foetal neuroana- bipolar disorder has also been suggested (Scott et al. 2006;
tomical and behavioural regulations. However, alterations Kolevzon et al. 2007). Thus, obstetric complications may
in the placental function due to stress during gestation interact with vulnerability genes to precipitate the onset of
might be also considered as a critical factor mediating several psychopathological conditions.
deleterious outcomes in the offspring (O’Donnell et al. Much of our current understanding of the neurological
2009). and neuropathological outcomes of obstetric complications
Important neurobiological changes have been reported has evolved from animal studies. In line with human
following PRS in animal models. In the short-term (first observational data, studies using animal models indicate
postnatal week, postnatal day, pnd 1–8), a decrease in brain motor and cognitive abilities to be significantly affected by
cell proliferation was observed in the hippocampus, together perinatal asphyxia (Rufini et al. 2001; Wakuda et al. 2008).
with a reduction in brain-derived neurotrophic factor Accordingly, over the past decades, a great variety of
(BDNF) content in the hippocampus (Van den Hove et al. models involving hypoxia/ischaemia in foetal and newborn
2006). Impairments in hippocampal neuroplasticity param- non-human primates, lambs, piglets and rodents have been
eters have been also observed in the long-term, i.e. in adult developed (see for review Raju 1992; Painter 1995; Rufini
animals. In particular, PRS was associated with reduced et al. 2001; Wakuda et al. 2008). As for laboratory rodents,
survival of newborn cells in the dentate gyrus, a reduced at least three different procedures have been employed. In
activity of mGlu1/5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the the first two models, rat pups undergo an episode of
ventral hippocampus, and an increase in BDNF levels within ‘hypoxia/ischemia’ (8% oxygen atmosphere plus occlusion
the hippocampus (Zuena et al. 2008). Furthermore, a reduced of the carotid artery) on postnatal day (pnd) 7, or caesarean
5-HT1A receptor binding in the ventral hippocampus has also section followed by immersion of the uterus in a water bath
been described in adult animals exposed to PRS (Van den (‘neonatal anoxia’). Conversely, the third model consists in
Hove et al. 2006). These detrimental central changes, both in the exposure of rat pups to a 100% nitrogen atmosphere
neuroplasticity and neurotransmitter systems, may partly (‘neonatal asphyxia’) early after birth. Although there is no
explain the increased susceptibility of prenatally stressed consensus about which rodent-model best describes early
subjects to alterations analogous to those observed in psy- human-brain insults, among the diversity of hypoxia/
chiatric, mostly depressive, patients. The postnatal envi- ischemia paradigms available in rats, several reasons made
ronment and the quality of maternal attention may also us choose the ‘neonatal asphyxia’ model. In first place, it is
critically determine the behaviour of the offspring (Wein- a non-invasive procedure, second, it eliminates the bias
stock 2008). In the recent years, great efforts have been associated with caesarean section (El-Khodor and Boksa
devoted to understand the underlying mechanisms of the 1997, 1998, 2001), and finally, this method allows the
deleterious outcomes observed in the offspring of stressed offspring to be reared by their natural lactating dam, thus
pregnancies (Weinstock 2002; Maccari et al. 2003; avoiding fostering procedures. One obvious feature in this
Darnaudery and Maccari 2008; Weinstock 2008), however, model is that anoxic insults are delivered to independently
research in this field in still needed. breathing animals, while hypoxia experienced by a human
foetus is dependent on maternal blood supply.
Neonatal Asphyxia In a first series of experiments (see Table 2), newborn
rat pups (12–24 h after birth) underwent a single 30 min
Early-life stress during the neonatal life frequently comes exposure to 100% nitrogen (N2) atmosphere and short- and
in the form of obstetric complications. Obstetric compli- long-term emotional alterations throughout infancy and
cations, including perinatal asphyxia, are a major concern adolescence were evaluated. At pnd 15, corresponding to

292 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

Table 2 Long-term consequences of neonatal asphyxia on adolescent and adult male rats
Paradigm Reference

Single episode of neonatal asphyxia (100% nitrogen (N2) atmosphere) for 30-min at postnatal day 1
Open field test (pnd 15) No changes in basal locomotion and exploration (Laviola et al. 2004a)
Reduced AMPH-induced hyperlocomotion Increased AMPH-induced
Novelty-seeking test (pnd 37–43) Stronger avoidance and inhibition profile. (Laviola et al. 2004a)
Social interaction test Decreased time spent in social behaviours, i.e. allogrooming and play- (Laviola et al. 2004a)
soliciting behaviours
Increased time devoted to object recognition
Repeated neonatal asphyxia (100% nitrogen (N2) atmosphere) for 20 min on alternate days during the first postnatal week (pnd 1 to 7)
Social interaction test (pnd 40) Higher involvement in investigative behaviours, i.e. anogenital sniffing (Adriani et al. 2006a, b)
Reduced play-soliciting behaviours, i.e. crawl over
Novelty-seeking test (pnd 43) Decreased locomotion (Adriani et al. 2006a, b)
Arousal profile
Impulsivity (pnd 68–78) Increased impulsive behaviour (Adriani et al. 2006a, b)
Elevated plus-maze (pnd 60) Higher emotional state (Casolini et al. 2005)
Morris water maze (pnd 75) No deficits in spatial learning (Casolini et al. 2005)
AMPH amphetamine

the infancy period, neonatal asphyxia did not change of neonatal asphyxia (Adriani et al. 2006a). In agreement
locomotor and exploratory activity in the open field with previous experiments (Laviola et al. 2004a) neonatal
(Laviola et al. 2004a). Conversely, in the novelty-seeking asphyxia altered levels of social interaction in adolescent
test at adolescence, neonatal asphyxia reduced the prefer- rats. Additionally, in this study, neonatal asphyxia also
ence for the novel environment (Laviola et al. 2004a). increased the frequency of ano-genital sniffing when
Considering that the behavioural profile of inhibition and compared to controls (Adriani et al. 2006a), a spontaneous
avoidance to novelty might represent a freezing response, behaviour that might lead to quite-aggressive social per-
then, an episode of neonatal asphyxia may potentiate the formance (Alleva 1993; Terranova et al. 1998). At adult-
stressful and aversive component of novelty, at least in hood, rats exposed to this protocol of repeated anoxia
some vulnerable individuals. Regarding social interactions, showed a higher emotional state when submitted to the
rats exposed to neonatal asphyxia devoted less time to elevated plus-maze (Casolini et al. 2005). In spite of the
social behaviours, i.e. allogrooming and play-soliciting cognitive impairments frequently observed after neonatal
behaviours, in the absence of changes in the duration of anoxia (Buwalda et al. 1995; Iuvone et al. 1996; Grojean
rough-and-tumble play. In contrast, neonatal asphyxia et al. 2003), our protocol did not affect spatial learning in
increased the time spent in object exploration (Laviola the water maze. Complementary measures of attention
et al. 2004a). Thus, neonatal asphyxia appeared to reduce were evaluated by means of the sudden silence test which
the active search for social interaction, whereas it increased measures the level of attention in response to an abrupt
the levels of environment-directed behaviours. change of the environment. Animals from the neonatal
In a second series of experiments (see Table 2), we asphyxia group showed a substantially reduced immobility
modified the previously described ‘neonatal-asphyxia’ when compared to control rats that responded with freezing
protocol (see above Laviola et al. 2004a) in order to mimic and immobility to a sudden interruption of the background
repeated hypoxic complications occurring during the last noise in the second day of testing (Casolini et al. 2005).
3 months of human pregnancy. Herein, asphyxia was Taken together, neonatal asphyxia seems to affect emo-
administered repeatedly (alternative days from pnd 1 to 7) tional response and attention processes, but not spatial
(Casolini et al. 2005; Adriani et al. 2006a) and behavioural learning. The observations are in accordance with findings
outcomes were evaluated throughout adolescence until from a different protocol of neonatal asphyxia (Caputa
adulthood. During free-choice exposure to novelty, rats et al. 2005). Impulsivity, defined as a reduced ability to
exposed to neonatal asphyxia exhibited lower levels of tolerate a delay of gratification, was studied—in an operant
locomotion, as compared to controls. This behavioural behaviour task—by providing a choice between large-but-
profile might underlay a reduced activation of the behav- delayed reinforcement versus smaller-and-immediate one
ioural component of the stress response as a consequence (Evenden and Ryan 1999). In the preference-delay curve, a

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 293

significant difference in impulsivity was observed between long-lasting neurobehavioral deficits resulting from neo-
rats exposed to neonatal asphyxia and control rats (Adriani natal asphyxia in a rat model. Future studies should con-
et al. 2006a). The phenotype resulting from neonatal sider additional variables that may modulate the impact of
asphyxia might suggest elevated levels of ‘motivational’ asphyxia on behavioural function, and will forward the
impulsivity, a dysfunction in reward processes often asso- goals of predicting long-term outcomes and understanding
ciated with disinhibition and hyperactivity (Johansen et al. the mechanisms by which it unfolds.
2002), that could also explain the exaggerated anogenital
sniffing evaluated in the social interaction test. Changes in Early Neonatal Stress in Rodents: Methodology
the spontaneous drive towards the seeking of novelty and and Main Results
social interactions with peers seem to be a consequence of
neonatal asphyxia. Whilst the aforementioned studies investigated the effects
Although no major structural damage was described of perinatal stress on offspring development, many other
following the repeated protocol of neonatal asphyxia scientists addressed the effects of stress occurring during
(Casolini et al. 2005), relevant functional alterations early postnatal life. Hundreds of studies have addressed the
involving important neurotransmitter systems have been effects of neonatal mother–offspring separation of various
reported. Compared to control animals, rat pups exposed to lengths on the development of the stress response system in
neonatal asphyxia showed reduced amphetamine (AMPH)- mammals. In particular, many authors observed, through
dependent locomotor hyperactivity and higher levels of the disruption of usual mother–infant interactions in
behavioural stereotypies (Laviola et al. 2004a). This result rodents, changes in the neurobiology, physiology and
suggests that an altered brain dopaminergic system may emotional behaviour of adult animals (Fenton 2001; Mea-
underlie some of the behavioural effects associated with ney 2001; Pryce and Feldon 2003; Ellenbroek et al. 2005;
perinatal asphyxia. Accordingly, changes in brain dopa- Macrı̀ and Wurbel 2006; Law et al. 2009). The neonatal
mine (DA) systems have been previously related to peri- separation protocols aimed at interfering with normal dam–
natal asphyxia (Chen et al. 1997; Decker et al. 2003). A pup interaction in rodents are generally applied during the
decrease in the levels of the neurotrophin BDNF within the first 2 weeks of postnatal life. Regarding the effects of these
striatum, but not in the fronto-parietal cortex, has also been procedures, not only the duration of the separation protocol
reported due to neonatal asphyxia (Laviola et al. 2004a), is of great concern, but also the time window during which
and similar results were also found in the cerebellum such stress is applied. Finally, the time point at which the
(Scheepens et al. 2003). One of the physiological roles of evaluation of effects is undertaken results critical. Despite a
BDNF is to enhance the functional activity of DA neurons certain degree of discrepancies observed in literature—
and to increase their synaptic performance (Dluzen et al. dependent on the diversity of separation protocols—there is
2002; Goggi et al. 2002). Therefore, the reduced striatal a general consensus that adverse early experiences may
levels of BDNF present in adult rats neonatally exposed to contribute to adult psychopathology (see for example
an anoxic atmosphere may suggest a diminished trophic Levine 2005; Moffett et al. 2007). In resume, exposure to
action onto DA neurons, and thus a poorer performance at stressful situations early in life may result in emotional
synaptic terminals (Adriani et al. 2006a). Serotonin alterations, cognitive impairments and heightened fear
receptor levels were also profoundly altered as a conse- responses in adult rodents. Please find bellow several evi-
quence of the early episodes of neonatal anoxia. Specifi- dences in that direction achieved in our laboratory.
cally, subjects submitted to neonatal asphyxia showed an
overexpression of 5-HT2A receptors in the striatum com- Maternal Separation (MS)
pared to controls (Adriani et al. 2006a). Despite the evi-
dence for serotonergic modulation of dopaminergic Maternal separation (MS) in rodents involves repeated
neurons through 5-HT2A receptors (Nocjar et al. 2002), this 3–6 h daily separations between postnatal day 1 and the
interaction is currently unclear. Within the striatum, second or third week of life (Pryce and Feldon 2003 for a
important crosstalk between serotonergic and dopaminer- review). These protocols induce a primary disturbance of
gic systems might be of great relevance. Our results sup- the mother–offspring interaction thereby mimicking a form
port a decrease in striatal BDNF levels as a result of of disrupted attachment (Bowlby 1988) and infantile stress.
neonatal asphyxia (Laviola et al. 2004a), as well as an Several studies, performed in independent laboratories,
overexpression of 5-HT2A receptors in the same brain showed that maternal separation increases plasma levels of
region. Therefore, changes in the expression of this sero- adreno-cortico-tropic-hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone
tonergic receptor could be interpreted as a possible adap- in basal conditions and in response to restraint stress,
tation to the reduced BDNF input onto DA neurons corticotropin-releasing-factor (CRF) in the cerebro-spinal-
(Kostrzewa et al. 1998). Our research provides evidence for fluid (CSF), and reduces glucocorticoid receptor density in

294 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

the hippocampus (see e.g. Macrı̀ and Wurbel 2006). Spe- (Catalani et al. 1993, 2000). Specifically, low doses of
cifically, we demonstrated that long periods of early corticosterone supplemented in the rat maternal drinking
maternal separation in Lister-Hooded rats increased—in water (200 mg/l) throughout the entire lactation period (i.e.
adulthood—ACTH and corticosterone response to restrain between birth and weaning) reduced anxiety-related
stress and behavioural fearfulness measured as the time behavioural responses and HPA activation in response to
spent in the centre of an open field (Macrı̀ et al. 2004). external stressors (Catalani et al. 1993, 2000). Thus, these
Maternal separation is also associated with reduced sero- studies showed that exogenous corticosterone administered
tonin reuptake transporter in the raphe nucleus and to dams during lactation directly regulated stress and fear
increased behavioural immobility in the forced swim test responses in the adult offspring. We recently started to
(Lee et al. 2007a) and the open field (Plotsky and Meaney investigate the possibility that elevated doses of cortico-
1993; Liu et al. 1997; Macrı̀ et al. 2004). Furthermore, sterone may be used to up-regulate stress and fear
repeated mother–offspring separations have been shown to responses and HPA-reactivity as a potential model of early-
reduce motivation to self-administer palatable food life stress (Macrı̀ et al. 2007a, 2009). Compared to
rewards in rats (Matthews and Robbins 2003; Ruedi- maternal separation protocols, corticosterone administra-
Bettschen et al. 2005). The latter has been traditionally tion has several advantages: first, it allows a simulation of
considered an index of anhedonia. Since separation- the hormonal events occurring during stress while mini-
dependent reduction in maternal care has been suggested to mizing the impact of uncontrollable confounds (e.g. effects
potentially mediate these effects, we also studied absolute of uncontrolled handling procedures on dams and pups,
levels of maternal care in MS and in non-handled (control) nest disturbance); second, it allows a fine-grain regulation
dams. In contrast with our predictions, we observed that, of the independent variable mimicking environmental
compared to non-handled conditions, maternal separation stress (corticosterone administration) both in terms of
increased absolute levels of maternal care (Macrı̀ et al. quantity (adjustable doses) and in terms of timing. Based
2004). We, therefore, suggested that the effects of maternal on these considerations and on previous literature, we
separation on mother–offspring interaction and adult off- hypothesized that whilst low doses of neonatal corticoste-
spring HPA regulation dissociate (Macrı̀ and Wurbel rone, presumably mimicking low levels of external stim-
2006). In order to address this possibility, we attempted to ulation, may down-regulate later stress and fear responses
selectively manipulate levels of active maternal care and in the adult offspring (as in Catalani et al. 1993), high doses
durations of mother–offspring separations in neonate rats. of neonatal corticosterone, mimicking severe external
Rat pups were exposed to different combinations of early stress/adversity, may have opposite effects. In order to test
handling and MS from postnatal day (pnd) 2–10 using a this hypothesis, we administered low (33 mg/l) and high
split-litter design. Maternal behaviour was recorded from (100 mg/l1) doses of corticosterone to mouse dams during
pnd 2 to 8 and behavioural and endocrine responses to the first week of lactation and then investigated the effects
stress were studied in adult male offspring (Macrı̀ et al. of corticosterone administration in developing offspring
2008). Low levels of maternal care combined with long (Macrı̀ et al. 2007a, 2009). In line with our predictions, we
mother–offspring separations increased HPA-reactivity observed that elevated doses of neonatal corticosterone—
compared to both high maternal care combined with long that were directly transmitted to the progeny through lac-
mother–offspring separations and low maternal care com- tation—reduced hippocampal BDNF levels and the number
bined with brief separations. These findings supported the of natural antibodies directed to dopamine transporter
hypothesis that active maternal care and long mother–off- (Macrı̀ et al. 2009). Furthermore, we observed that elevated
spring separation act independently, and exert opposing levels of neonatal corticosterone reduce absolute levels of
effects, on adult offspring’s HPA responses, but that maternal care and increase HPA-reactivity to restraint
increased maternal care may buffer the adverse conse- stress in adulthood (Macrı̀ et al. 2007b). Although pre-
quences of long separations (Macrı̀ et al. 2008). liminary, these studies demonstrate that maternal cortico-
Since maternal care cannot be considered the unique sterone can be directly translated to the progeny and that it
factor mediating the effects of neonatal stressors, we sug- modulates the development of individual phenotype.
gested that circulating levels of corticosterone, presumably Additionally, these studies indirectly support the hypothe-
rising in response to separation stress (D’Amato et al. sis that external stressors perceived by the dam may exert
1992), to be transmitted to the offspring through lactation, their effects on offspring development through increasing
may be a candidate mediator of these responses (Macrı̀ and
Wurbel 2006). Indirect experimental evidence demon- 1
Please note that daily water intake per kg of body weight is
strated that corticosterone supplementation in the maternal
approximately four-fold higher in mice than in rats. Therefore,
drinking water induced persistent alterations in stress and whereas 200 mg/l constitute a low dose of corticosterone supplemen-
fear responses and HPA regulation in the adult offspring tation in rats, 100 mg/l constitute a high corticosterone dose in mice.

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 295

circulating levels of corticosterone, which are in turn early maternal deprivation (Roceri et al. 2002; Pickering
transmitted to the progeny through lactation. et al. 2006). More recently, changes within the endocan-
Although neonatal corticosterone directly adjusts stress nabinoid system have also been reported. A short-term
and fear responses in the developing individual, the bio- elevation of hippocampal levels of the endogenous can-
logical mechanisms underlying these adaptations have nabinoid ligand, 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) has been
remained elusive. A valid candidate target is the epigenetic described together with a reduction in the expression of
regulation of glucocorticoid receptor expression (Weaver CB1R within the same brain area. In contrast, the expres-
et al. 2004). Specifically, Weaver et al. (2004) demon- sion of CB2R appears to be increased as a consequence of
strated that particularly active maternal styles are associ- the early maternal deprivation procedure (Llorente et al.
ated with reduced methylation in the region encoding for 2008; Suárez et al. 2009). Moreover, an impaired immu-
the glucocorticoid receptors. Such methylation status is nological function has been reported as a consequence of
associated with increased gene expression (Weaver et al. the maternal deprivation procedure in the short-term, and
2004). Although no such link has been yet demonstrated the detrimental outcomes persisted into adulthood. In par-
between corticosterone administration and gene expres- ticular, a diminished lymphocyte proliferative response to
sion, future studies may offer scientific support to this mitogens in the lymphoid organs analysed (i.e. spleen,
hypothesis. In conclusion, several independent studies thymus and axillary nodes), together with a deficient che-
support the hypothesis of a strong link between neonatal motaxis index were observed as a long-term effect of
adverse experiences and abnormal regulation of stress and maternal deprivation in rats (Llorente et al. 2007).
fear responses in the adult offspring (Laviola et al. 2008).

Maternal Deprivation (MD) Relevance of Animal Models for Biological Psychiatry

As an alternative to the aforementioned protocols, long- The animal models here presented are highly suitable for
lasting consequences of a prolonged single episode (24 h) the elucidation of the environmental contributions to
of maternal deprivation during the first two weeks of developmental brain and behavioural abnormalities rele-
postnatal life (postnatal day 9) have been also extensively vant to psychopathology. Present data provide further
investigated (see e.g. Marco et al. 2009). This early-life evidence for the value of animal models in biological
stress procedure provides a profound disruption of the psychiatry. Classically, changes at the level of the seroto-
‘natural’ patterning of dam-offspring interaction in mice nergic and the dopaminergic systems have been also
and rats (Levine 2000; Meaney 2001). Maternal depriva- associated with schizophrenia (Abi-Dargham 2007; Guillin
tion has been reported to induce both short- and long-term et al. 2007) and depression (Lowry et al. 2008; Stein 2008;
alterations changes in the stress reactivity system (Levine Nemeroff and Owens 2009). Accordingly, the selected
et al. 1991; Suchecki and Tufik 1997; van Oers et al. 1997; animal models here described often exhibit anomalies
Lehmann et al. 2002; Schmidt et al. 2004), and conse- within these neurotransmitter systems. Moreover, these
quently has been related to the emergence of depressive animal models are also valuable tool for the investigation
symptoms. Moreover, adult animals exposed to MD of comorbid psychiatric disorders, given that schizophrenia
showed impairments in the prepulse inhibition response (and other neuropsychiatric disorders) is often associated
(Ellenbroek et al. 1998; Ellenbroek and Cools 2002), a with a variety of certain aspects of affective psychopa-
disrupted latent inhibition response (Ellenbroek and Cools thology, including depression and anxiety-related symp-
1995) and disturbances in both the auditory sensory gating tomathology (Fenton 2001; Green et al. 2003; Braga et al.
and startle habituation (Ellenbroek et al. 2004); impair- 2004).
ments that are commonly described among schizophrenic In most of the environmental procedures previously
patients. Moreover, increased sensitivity to apomorphine described, a dysregulation of the HPA axis is commonly
(Ellenbroek and Cools 2002) and amphetamine (Zimmer- observed. An adequate function of this stress response
berg and Shartrand 1992) have been described in rodents system appears to be essential for the well being of the
following a single episode of maternal deprivation. Thus, organism; in turn, impairments in its physiology can result
in line with the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia in potentially deleterious consequences such as altered
(Guillin et al. 2007), an altered dopaminergic neurotrans- stress reactivity and inability to cope with stressful situa-
mission has been suggested to mediate, at least in part, tions. Indeed, evidence suggests that multiple mood dis-
some of the detrimental outcomes of maternal deprivation orders, including anxiety conditions and major depression,
(Ellenbroek et al. 2005). An alteration in glutamatergic are associated with chronic alterations in the circulating
neurotransmission has been demonstrated to underlay, at levels and circadian rhythm of adrenal glucocorticoids in
least in part, some of the behavioural anomalies induced by the control of emotional reactivity (de Kloet 2003; Akil

296 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

2005; de Kloet et al. 2007; Rozeboom et al. 2007). Fur- mammalian species, it is possible to study some of these
thermore, HPA axis dysfunction may be a major biological variables in animal models. In fact, adolescent rodents and
factor underlying the relationships between psychological non-human primates display a behavioural repertoire sim-
experience of stress and the development of psychosis, ilar to that described for humans. Particularly, adolescent
particularly in the early phase of schizophrenia (Phillips animals exhibit increased levels of social play and affiliate
et al. 2006). Similarly, immunological abnormalities have behaviours (Primus and Kellogg 1989; Vanderschuren
long been described in diverse psychiatric disorders, et al. 1997) as well as novelty-seeking and risk-taking
including schizophrenia (Muller et al. 2000; Schwarz et al. behaviours (Laviola et al. 1999; Spear 2000; Laviola et al.
2001; Strous and Shoenfeld 2006). Accordingly, gluco- 2003; Adriani and Laviola 2004). Developmental discon-
corticoid levels have been given a critical role in coordi- tinuities in brain development have been hypothesized to
nating the immune system function (Marchetti et al. 2001). be in the bases of adolescent behaviour. Indeed, during
Therefore, the endocrine and immunological consequences adolescence, a gradual loss of synapses together with a
of environmental insult during critical phases of brain strengthening of remaining synaptic connections has been
developmental (i.e. prenatal and early postnatal period) reported. Furthermore, a remarkable remodelling of corti-
may be strongly related. Consequently, these rodent mod- cal and limbic circuitries is a biological hallmark of ado-
els may provide a valuable tool for the evaluation of lescence, and major neurotransmitter systems continue
endocrine and immunological interactions during brain their maturational processes during adolescence (Blake-
development, and for their influence on psychobiological more 2008; Casey et al. 2008; Giedd 2008). For more
responses later in life. detailed descriptions of the behavioural and neurobiologi-
cal features of adolescence please consult some specific
reviews, for e. g. Laviola et al. (1999), Spear (2000), and
Adolescence as a Sensitive Period to Developmental Kelley et al. (2004).

Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and Long-Lasting Neurobehavioural Effects of Adolescent
adulthood, a stage of dramatic neuroendocrine and physical Exposure to Insult
changes. The concept of adolescence is overlapping with
that of puberty, but the two are not interchangeable. Pub- Most of the studies have been developed in the field of drug
erty is associated with the development of reproductive abuse and addiction since adolescence is an age in which
function, and can thus be exactly defined in physiological many risky behaviours including drug consumption and
terms, while adolescence refers also to psychological and smoking typically begin. Furthermore, adolescence repre-
social factors, and their limits are not always well defined. sents a unique developmental stage for the effects of
Adolescence is characterized by psychological changes chronic drug exposure. As far as we are concerned, long-
that affect individual’s sense of identity, their self-con- lasting neurobehavioural effects have been reported in
sciousness and their relationships with others. Compared association with adolescent exposure to a vast amount of
with adults, adolescents are more sociable, and display a substances (see for review: alcohol (Brown and Tapert
propensity to sensation-seeking and risk-taking behaviours 2004; McBride et al. 2005), nicotine (Slotkin et al. 2007;
(La Greca et al. 2001; Kelley et al. 2004). On the one hand, Dwyer et al. 2009), cannabinoids (Rubino and Parolaro
a prominent inner drive for sensation-seeking behaviour at 2008), ecstasy or MDMA (Montoya et al. 2002; Piper
adolescence may have adaptive benefits with regard to the 2007). In our laboratory, research has largely focused on
development of independence and survival without paren- psychostimulants, i.e. nicotine and metilphenidate (MPH).
tal protection. Actually, an adaptive role of adolescence Nicotine administration during adolescence has been
during hominid evolution has been proposed (Lockwood extensively associated with important changes in the
et al. 2007). In general, increments in lifespan were expression of a great variety of central nervous system
accompanied by an extension of the adolescent phase that receptors. A long-lasting up-regulation of nicotinic recep-
enabled a longer period for the exploration of new envi- tors with a distinctly different regional pattern from that
ronments thus allowing the emergence of innovative seen in the adult has been described following adolescent
behaviours. On the other hand, these increased levels of nicotine administration (Slotkin 2002; Adriani and Laviola
exploration may lead to risk-taking behaviours, including 2004; Slotkin et al. 2007). Adolescent nicotine dose-
experiences with psychotropic drugs (Adriani and Laviola dependently down-regulated levels of AMPA GluR2/3
2004; Schepis et al. 2008; Doremus-Fitzwater et al. 2009). subunits in the striatum (Adriani and Laviola 2004). Sim-
Since most of the psychobiological aspects of the tran- ilarly, both cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) and
sition from infancy into adulthood can be identified in most mu-opioid receptors (MOR) have been reported to modify

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 297

their expression following subchronic adolescent nicotine (Adriani et al. 2006b). Given the critical involvement of the
administration (0.4 mg/kg daily from postnatal day 34–43). striatum in regulating innate and acquired behavioural
Up-regulation and down-regulation of CB1Rs have been habits, as well as natural reinforcement (Everitt and Rob-
reported for hippocampus and striatum, respectively. On bins 2005), the above-described behavioural alterations
the contrary, striatal and hippocampal MOR expression may underlie fundamental plastic structural and functional
was reported to be down regulated in the long-term (Marco plastic changes in striatal circuits. Indeed, genome-wide
et al. 2007). Mostly, only if nicotine was administered expression profiling, followed by RT-PCR validation,
during the adolescent period, were long-lasting neuro- showed a long-lasting up-regulation for the kainate 2
behavioural consequences reported. Thus, adolescence may subunit of the ionotropic glutamate receptor (Grik2, also
constitute a developmental period particularly vulnerable known as GluR6) and for the serotonin (5-hydroxytrypta-
to nicotine (Slotkin 2002; Adriani et al. 2003; Adriani and mine, 5-HT) receptor 7 (Htr7) within the striatum follow-
Laviola 2004; Slotkin et al. 2007). These persistent long- ing an adolescent exposure to MPH (Adriani et al. 2006b).
term effects of adolescent nicotine might be associated More recently, a marked increase of Htr7, mainly within
with the behavioural alterations described following juve- the nucleus accumbens, has been reported in the long-term
nile smoking. Mainly, impairments in reward pathways and due to adolescent MPH administration. In parallel, behav-
circuits involved in learning, memory and mood have been ioural pharmacology studies have provided evidence for a
observed in adolescent smokers (Slotkin 2002). Since role of Htr7 receptors in the modulation of impulsive
cigarette smoking during adolescence has been suggested behaviour (Leo et al. 2009). These results highlight the
as a strong predictor of subsequent alcohol and other drug need for further research to improve understanding of the
use (Ellickson et al. 2001; Siqueira and Brook 2003; effects of psychostimulants (and other drugs of abuse) on
Wetzels et al. 2003), a ‘gateway theory’ has been proposed the developing nervous system and the potential-enduring
that describe a sequence and progression into addictive effects resulting from early-life drug exposure.
substance use, from tobacco and alcohol to cannabis and Chronic cannabinoid administration during adolescence
then to other illicit drugs like heroin and cocaine (Kandel has been reported to cause persistent behavioural altera-
et al. 1992). In fact, cigarette smoking appears to be a tions in relation to emotional responses (Biscaia et al.
potent gateway drug for diverse illegal drugs (Lai et al. 2003; Macrı̀ and Laviola 2004; O’Shea et al. 2004), vul-
2000). Other theories postulate that there is no clear tem- nerability to drug abuse (Ellgren et al. 2007) and cognitive
poral sequence in the use of different substances, and that function (Schneider and Koch 2003). In humans, a debate
individual phenotypes (affinity to sensation-seeking and on the possible association between regular cannabis use
risky behaviours) may play a crucial role in drug abuse and psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia is still open
among adolescents (for a review see Faeh et al. 2006). (see Di Forti et al. 2007; Hall and Degenhardt 2008;
Administration of methylphenidate (MPH, Ritalin") to Leweke and Koethe 2008 for review). There is increasing
children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder evidence for the involvement of the endocannabinoid sys-
(ADHD) is an elective therapy but raises concerns for tem in psychotic disorders (Fritzsche 2001; Skosnik et al.
public health due to possible persistent neurobehavioural 2001; Ujike and Morita 2004; Leweke and Koethe 2008).
alterations. Data from animal models indicate that expo- A case–control study found a greater post-mortem density
sure to MPH during adolescence causes behavioural of CB1R in the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic diag-
changes enduring into adulthood. Increased anxiety-like nosed persons (Dean et al. 2001) and elevated levels of
behaviours, enhanced plasma corticosterone levels, toge- anandamide (AEA) have been found in the cerebrospinal
ther with decreased behavioural impulsivity and a depres- fluid of non-medicated schizophrenic patients (Leweke
sive-like phenotype have been described in adult animals et al. 1999). Moreover, cannabis use has been reported to
administered with MPH during adolescence (Bolanos et al. increase positive symptoms and frequency of relapse and
2003; Carlezon et al. 2003; Adriani et al. 2007). Moreover, hospitalization among schizophrenic patients (de Irala et al.
motivational-choice behaviours are also affected. An 2005; Grech et al. 2005). However, present evidence is not
enhanced psychomotor responses to cocaine and increased strong enough so as to confirm a causal relationship
cocaine self-administration has been reported (Brandon between cannabis and psychosis. The maturational pro-
et al. 2001). More recently, a dissociation between damp- cesses that occur during adolescence are likely to confer
ened place conditioning and enhanced locomotor sensiti- this age group a higher risk of suffering from adverse
zation induced by cocaine was reported in adolescent rats consequences from cannabinoid exposure. Lasting conse-
administered with MPH (from pnd 30 to 46) when com- quences on emotionality and cognition have been reported
pared to control animals (Adriani et al. 2006b). Further- in rodents (Schneider 2008). Moreover, these long-lasting
more, MPH-administered rats displayed altered processing effects may increase not only the risk for neuropsychiatric
of incentive values and a modified flexibility/habit balance disorders, but also promote further illegal drug intake and

298 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

increase the likelihood of cannabis dependence (Schneider previously reported to reduce behavioural emotionality and
2008). Heavy cannabis consumption during adolescence is HPA responses to stressors (Weininger 1954; Weininger
a matter of public health concern so that efforts should be et al. 1954; Levine et al. 1957), have been extensively used
invested in understanding the mental health risks of can- in several studies: neonatal handling during the early stages
nabis use, particularly among the juvenile population. of neonatal life and environmental enrichment during
Despite the robust evidence pointing at adolescence as a adolescence (Fernandez-Teruel et al. 1997; Laviola et al.
time of increased sensitivity to external influence, scarce 2004b; Nithianantharajah and Hannan 2006).
interest has been paid to investigating the disruption of
adolescent maturation by environmental insult. It has been Early Handling
only in the recent years that some studies in experimental
animals have begun to address this data gap. In this regard, In 1954, Otto Weininger started to investigate a phenom-
social isolation—rearing rat pups from weaning in isola- enon that would intrigue a great number of scientists for at
tion—is one of the most extensively studied procedures least the following fifty years: the neonatal induction of
that interfere with adolescent brain development causing adult stress resilience. Weininger (1954) exposed neonate
notable deleterious outcomes. In particular, social isolation albino rats to a treatment called ‘gentling’, consisting of
has been reported to cause behavioural, morphological and stroking the pup for 10-min a day during the first three
neurochemical abnormalities that strongly resemble core weeks of life. He observed that gentling reduced later
features of schizophrenia (see Fone and Porkess 2008 for physiological damage and behavioural fearfulness in
review). Similarly, exposure to stressful events during adulthood. This study pioneered a series of studies in which
adolescence, both in humans and rodent studies, has been Levine and his collaborators (Levine 1957; Levine et al.
associated with the development of different psychopa- 1957) showed that even daily maternal separations for as
thologies, including depression, anxiety and drug abuse little as 3 min per day during the first three weeks of life
(Vidal et al. 2007; Andersen and Teicher 2008; Sondeijker had similar effects on later development. Specifically, adult
et al. 2008; Andersen and Teicher 2009; Greaves-Lord rats separated from the dams for 3-min per day during
et al. 2009). The exploration of the consequences of insults lactation showed reduced adrenal gland weight 24 h after a
during adolescent brain development is a matter of great saline injection (Levine 1957). After these studies, many
concern that should be explored in the future. Discovering other authors attempted to identify the factors mediating
the mechanisms that trigger such deleterious outcomes will such neonatal plasticity. Smotherman and Bell (1980)
improve our understanding of the aetiology of neurode- proposed that the effects of the neonatal manipulations
velopmental psychiatric disorders, and may enable identi- were modulated by separation-induced changes in maternal
fication of longitudinal biomarkers of dysfunction that behaviour (‘maternal mediation hypothesis’). Maternal
might allow a predictive screening for novel compounds care, in rats, occurs in the form of nursing bouts: dams
with potential antipsychotic efficacy. approach the pups, gather them underneath, lick them and
finally assume an ‘upright, crouching posture, in which (the
dam) stands over all or most of the pups with a pronounced
Critical Periods of Development: An Opportunity dorsal arch’ (Stern and Johnson 1990). Supporting evi-
for Intervention dence to this possibility came from a number of studies
performed by Michael Meaney and collaborators, showing
Just as a critical period may be regarded as a phase during that absolute levels of maternal care are increased fol-
which negative events may result in pathological regula- lowing early handling (reviewed in Meaney 2001; Macrı̀
tions in the developing individual, so also it may be con- and Wurbel 2006). In particular, Liu et al. (Liu et al. 1997)
sidered a developmental stage during which positive events demonstrated that the reduced stress (ACTH and cortico-
may either facilitate future adaptations (Boyce and Ellis sterone release following restraint stress) and fear respon-
2005; Ellis et al. 2005), or counteract the consequences of ses shown by adult rats separated from their mothers for
negative events (Laviola et al. 2008). Within this realm, brief periods (daily 15 min sessions, early handling, EH)
several ‘beneficial’ treatments have been developed with during the first week of life correlated with a handling-
the aim of providing increased levels of stimulation to the induced increase in levels of active maternal care compared
developing offspring. The ultimate goal was to demonstrate to non-handled controls (Liu et al. 1997). Similarly,
that such stimulation might benefit the developing indi- spontaneously elevated levels of active maternal care in
vidual and counteract the effects of an adverse perinatal non-handled dams were able to reduce adult offspring
environment. A large body of literature has focused on two neuroendocrine stress reactivity and behavioural fearful-
developmental stages during which sensitivity to context is ness (Liu et al. 1997; but see also Francis and Meaney
maximal: early infancy and adolescence. Two treatments, 1999). Thus, the early postnatal habitat mediates the

Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307 299

neuro-behavioural re-arrangements occurring between et al. 2002a; Fox et al. 2006). Based on these findings,
infancy and adulthood, and these effects likely relate to the similarly to what has been previously discussed for early
amount of active maternal care received in infancy. Liu handling, several authors tested whether environmental
et al. (1997) showed that the reduced endocrine stress enrichment effects were powerful enough to counteract the
reactivity was dependent on a handling-induced increase in effects of early stress (Escorihuela et al. 1993; Francis et al.
glucocorticoid receptor density. Later studies (Meaney 2002; Morley-Fletcher et al. 2003b; Laviola et al. 2004b).
et al. 2000) showed that early handling increased thyroid In line with the predictions, Francis et al. demonstrated that
hormone-mediated adenylyl cyclase activity and hippo- access to an enriched environment reversed the anxiogenic
campal cAMP levels through the activation of ascending effects of maternal separation. Specifically, while maternal
serotonergic pathways. Although, as already discussed (see separation reduced the time spent in the centre of an open
above), maternal care cannot explain all the effects asso- field, the propensity to forage in a novel environment and
ciated with manipulations of the neonatal environment, increased corticosterone release following a stressor,
several independent studies demonstrated that manipula- environmental enrichment reversed these effects (Francis
tion-induced increases in maternal care are associated with et al. 2002). Likewise, environmental enrichment has been
reduced stress and fear responses in adulthood (Liu et al. reported to counteract the effect of prenatal stress. We
1997; Macrı̀ et al. 2004). Under these conditions, early already discussed the effects of prenatal stress on HPA
handling has been adopted as a treatment to potentially regulation, social behaviour and response to immune-sup-
compensate for the negative consequences of prenatal pressive drug challenge (see above Morley-Fletcher et al.
stress. For example, Lemaire et al. (2006) observed that 2003b; Laviola et al. 2004b)). In line with the predicted
neonatal handling was able to counteract the effects of pre- compensatory effect of environmental enrichment, we also
natal stress on hippocampal neurogenesis. Specifically, observed that prenatally stressed rats, kept in enriched
adult rats born from dams exposed to three daily 45 min cages throughout adolescence, showed indistinguishable
restrain sessions during the last week of gestation showed corticosterone response to restraint and reactivity to an
reduced hippocampal neurogenesis at 4 and 26 months. immunosuppressive agent compared to standard reared
These effects were abolished by neonatal handling, non-stressed individuals (Laviola et al. 2004b). The same
whereby prenatally stressed rats exposed to handling pro- compensatory effects of environmental enrichment were
cedures (10 min daily separations between birth and observed on playful behaviour (Morley-Fletcher et al.
weaning) showed analogous hippocampal cell proliferation 2003), and in the 5-HT1A receptor in the dorsal hippo-
compared to controls (Lemaire et al. 2006). campus (e.g. Rasmuson et al. 1998). Finally, environmental
enrichment has also been reported to rescue animals from
Environmental Enrichment the deleterious effects of neonatal asphyxia. Reduced
impulse control associated with neonatal asphyxia was
Environmental enrichment is ‘a combination of complex reverted by being reared in an enriched environment (pnd
inanimate and social stimulation’ (Rosenzweig et al. 1978), 21–35) (Adriani et al. 2006a). An increase in the striatal
generally constituted by bigger housing cages, equipped expression of 5-HT2A receptor was proposed to be in the
with a running wheel and few toys that are periodically bases of the elevated impulsive behaviour displayed by the
changed to stimulate animal curiosity and exploration animals exposed to neonatal asphyxia. Accordingly, envi-
(Rosenzweig and Bennett 1996; Bezard et al. 1999; Laviola ronmental enrichment also counteracted this effect (Adri-
et al. 2008). Enriched environments have powerful effects ani et al. 2006a). Some other studies further support the
on brain functions and structure, however, most studies protective effect of environmental enrichment as regards
using enriched environments have focused, at the behav- detrimental outcomes of neonatal asphyxia. Being housed
ioural level, on learning and memory functions, and, at the in an enriched environment (from pnd 8–30) appeared as
cellular and molecular level, on the brain structures such an effective strategy for preventing some cognitive deficits
the hippocampus that are involved in memory and learning caused by neonatal hypoxia–ischemia (Pereira et al. 2008,
(see van Praag et al. 2000 for review). Nonetheless, envi- 2009).
ronmental enrichment also directly interacts with those In conclusion, a large body of experimental evidence
systems that are generally impaired by early-life stressful supports the view that stimulating environments during life
procedures. Thus, in rats, environmental enrichment redu- periods of elevated brain plasticity may counteract the
ces emotionality in the open field and elevated plus-maze, negative effects of adverse pre- and post-natal stress. Early
reduces ACTH and corticosterone response to various handling and environmental enrichment are the most com-
stressors (electric shock and 20 min restraint), and monly used methods of providing supplementary environ-
increases glucocorticoid receptor expression, 5-HT and mental stimulation in rodent models. Great efforts have
5-HIAA levels in the hippocampus (e.g. Fernandez-Teruel been made to understand the mechanisms that underlie such

300 Neurotox Res (2011) 19:286–307

‘protective’ effects (see Fernandez-Teruel et al. 2002b for Zuena et al. 2008). However, several gaps in the present
review). Very recently, a second cluster for the DSM-IV and knowledge can be pointed out, especially concerning the
ICD-10 has been considered, namely neurodevelopmental boundaries of identified time windows (if any), the indi-
disorders (Andrews et al. 2009). This fact further emphasizes vidual differences in developmental brain sensitivity, and
the urgent need for understanding developmental program- whether compensation mechanisms occurring at early
ming as well as the cellular and molecular processes that stages might induce a shift in physiological set points that
underlie the environmental manipulations that ‘protect’ from may persist into adulthood.
resilience to psychopathology.
Acknowledgements Supported by the collaborative program NIH–
ISS 0F14 and by FP6-Program ERARE-EuroRETT Network (to GL).
EM Marco has been supported by a post-doctoral fellowship from the
Conclusion and Final Remarks Spanish ‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCINN)’, and is now
at the Departamento de Fisiologı́a (Fisiologı́a Animal II) (planta 13,
There is a great concern in understanding the aetiopatho- despacho 16) Facultad de CC. Biológicas Universidad Complutense
de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). S Macrı̀ has been supported by a NAR-
genesis of behavioural abnormalities that characterize SAD young investigator award. G.L. and S.M. acknowledge the
multiple neuropsychiatric disorders. Taken together, our support by the project ‘ECS-EMOTION’ from the Department of
data support the hypothesis of disrupted neural develop- Antidrug Policies c/o Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy.
ment in diverse psychiatric disorders. Based on the epi- We would also like to acknowledge our expert colleagues that con-
tributed to the original research data presented: W. Adriani, S. Mor-
demiological association between exposure to insult during ley-Fletcher, M. Rea and L. Aloe.
critical age periods and enhanced risk of neurodevelop-
mental brain disorders in the offspring, a number of rodent
models (only some examples presented here) have since
been established to study this link on an experimental
basis. These models prove to be valid experimental strat- Abe H, Hidaka N, Kawagoe C, Odagiri K, Watanabe Y, Ikeda T,
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