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Q1:The Levenshtein distance algorithm has been used in:

(1 marks)

Q2: Association: Using the Apriori algorithm show how frequent item sets can be found in
the following data set. where the minimum support count is 2.
TID List -items bought

T1 computer , mouse , camera

T2 mouse, printer
T3 mouse , keyboard
T4 computer , mouse, printer
T5 computer, keyboard
T6 mouse , keyboard
T7 computer, keyboard
T8 computer , mouse , keyboard , camera
T9 computer , mouse , keyboard
You should explain what happens at each step along with the data produced.

(4 marks)

(Option )Q3::( clustering) Suppose that the data mining task is to cluster the following
eight points (with (x; y) representing location) into three clusters.
A1(2; 10);A2(2; 5);A3(8; 4);B1(5; 8);B2(7; 5);B3(6; 4);C1(1; 2);C2(4; 9):
The distance function is Euclidean distance. Suppose initially we assign A1, B1, and C1 as
the center of each cluster, respectively. Use the k-means algorithm to show only
(a) The three cluster centers after the first round of execution and
(b) The final three clusters
Q3:( clustering) what would be the distance matrix
after each of the first three mergers if complete-link

(4 marks)
Q4: Classification: Given the following data set:-

Using CRAT algorithm, which one of the above three attributes will be the root of the
decision tree?
(4 marks)

Q5:Text Mining : Normalize the vectors (20, 10, 8, 12, 56) and (0, 15, 12, 8, 0). Calculate
the distance between the two normalized vectors using the dot product formula.

(4 marks)

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