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Introduction It is becoming obvious to anyone who is paying attention to the international financial crisis that things are bad.

Things are very bad. The crooks in Congress and Wall Street have led the economy into an ever increasing pit with no end in sight. Just as well, through the information media on the net (,, we have recently seen an increase in awareness from the global community about the blatant corruption of the Federal Government. This corruption not only includes the abuse of financial power, but the violation of human rights around the world to the point where the United States has lost any legitimacy to say anything about human rights ever again. It has continuously used information warfare and investments in private corporations for the hire of bandit malitias to rape the resources of underdeveloped countries and to supress the resistance of sovereign citizens to fight for their rights. It has continuously used the mainstream media in the U.S. as a tool to manipulate the outcry of help of these people into nothing more than ravings of ruthless postworld savages. It has continously hid from the U.S. people the evidence of what the radiation outbreak from Fukushima is doing to the Japanese people, threateing their media and physicians into silence. It has continuously lied and duped the sheep in America to believe that they are safe while in reality we live in the most feared country to ever exist with the largest distribution of wealth that has ever taken place in human history. But I am not going to be part of this evil taking place. Let the Federal Government know to be afraid. Be very afraid. We can no longer stand and watch as the world is pillaged by corporate greed. In light of the protesters on Wall Street I am working on a plan to reestablish the power of the people as a force for good in this world. The first step in doing this is realizing what the true underlying problem is. The people. We are all responsible for how we live in this world and we have let it become corrupted through our own neglect. We have remained unaware and ununified up untill now when the few start to realize that everything bad that is happening is getting worse, and it has to stop now.

Plan Awareness, Commonality, Education-Through implementing these ideas into a structure of government I have been able to devolop a method of Federal Taxation as an ammendment to the Constitution of the United States to bring all these elements to the hands of the people. -Outlaw tax-breaks. These are clearly unconstitutional, but here is why.

Amendment XVI, "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." This means exactly what it says, however, if we look at Article 1, Section 9, it states, "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State." Now, the only important part of A1S9, really, is the first line; A Title of Nobility means much more than simply a fancy surname, it is also an entitlement to an economic advantage or benefit. This is clearly evident looking at where the term came from and having a basic history of the French Revolution including its underlying causes; our constitutional forefathers intended to weed out this class system of injustice which promoted a corrupt noble elite. Congress can issue taxes, at whatever rate they want for anyone of a certain income, there are no limits provided whatever bill passes into law. But a tax is NOT AN ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE FOR ANY ENTITY. It is a negative application from gross sales while a tax-deduction grants entities who fall under specific qualifications, indeed, nothing more than Titles of Nobility and entitlement to economic advantages. It is evident under the current system with the distribution of wealth the systematic abuse our forefathers tried to avoid is still occuring to this day. -Determine a Federal Income Tax. We do this. It's fine. Usually the poor pay less and the wealthy pay more. If people don't like it that's why we have representatives and a dynamic system where you can apply your opinion for change. -Formulate a Bi-Annual or Annual budget plan distributing the total ammount of funds collected by the Federal Gov.,the term prior, into an investment system of projects voted on by the people, where the collective of the citizens among the several states will equal 50% of the budget's allocation, while the 535 members of congress invest 0.093% each of the remainder into their specific states. All excess revenue collected from the term exceeding the spending limit is returned back to the people through tax-return as determined by the Congress. -This way the income tax return is not solely based off individual yields but the total yield of the collective. All increases in taxpayer revenue will push the spending pool meter past it's budgeted limit providing incentive for bussinesses to hire in order to inherently yield greater profits and increase the excess Federal Income Tax revenue. Hiring more people who pay towards the collective tax fund, will thus, increase the pool of excess Federal Taxes each term, while also, decreasing social welfare dependence, while also, inherently establishing a system of financial and political awareness through

education of economics, while also, creating a spectacular commonality in goal orientation for the masses to work as a collective force for the beneft of each and every citizen thereof. Every voice will be heard, every citizen will be accounted for and their true representation reflected. In doing this we are creating a world of unity, in order to form a more perfect Union, estalbish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Let the rallying cry of the common man be a hammer of goodness against evil. Let him never be swayed from commonality and unity, for if such a thing should sustainably exist, we will succeed in conquering all boundaries of this reality and establishing a true form of heaven on earth.

I enjoyed writing this. I hope it's not simply a failed attempt at an idea but I though I would try and work on it. :)

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