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_________________________ is a subject that studies the allocation of limited resources to satisfy

the unlimited demand of mankind in the most beneficial way. (ECONOMICS)
a. Ecology
b. Economics
c. Sociology
d. Psychology
2. Who is known as the “Father of Economics”? (ECONOMICS)
a. Adam Levine
b. Adam Scott
c. Adam Smith
d. Adam Ferguson
3. A ________________ is a financial institution that serves as a financial intermediary. It accepts
deposits and pools funds to provide funding to borrowers. (ECONOMICS)
a. Central Bank
b. Commercial Bank
c. Special Bank
d. Bank
4. ____________________ refers to the exchange of goods and services between buyers and sellers in
a convenient way. (ECONOMICS)
a. Convenient Store
b. Flea Market
c. Grocery
d. Market
5. An ________________________________ is a type of market for trade in agricultural products such
as rice, vegetables, fruits, and meat. (ECONOMICS)
a. Agricultural Market
b. Industrial Market
c. Retail Market
d. Service Market
6. A _________________________________ is a type of market for trade in services such as
transportation, insurances, banks, government offices, etc. (ECONOMICS)
a. Agricultural Market
b. Industrial Market
c. Retail Market
d. Service Market
7. How many roots does a quadratic equation in one variable have? (MATHEMATICS)
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
a. eliminate
b. expression
c. exponent
d. extract
9. What is 0.07 in fraction? (MATHEMATICS)
a. 10
b. 100
d. 101
10. What type of number are “10, -23, 0 17 and -4? (MATHEMATICS)
a. Decimals
b. Fraction
c. irrational
d. integer
11. What is the capital city of France? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
a. Paris
b. London
c. Berlin
d. Rome
12. Who wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet"? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
a. William Shakespeare
b. Charles Dickens
c. Jane Austen
d. Mark Twain
13. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
a. Venus
b. Mars
c. Jupiter
d. Saturn
14. Many people do this to try to get ideas before they start writing: (WRITING)
a. Add an apostrophe
b. Erase something
c. describe
d. Brainstorm
15. What is most common letter in English? (WRITING)
a. A
b. T
c. E
d. N
16. Full stops are also called (WRITING)
a. Question mark
b. Exclamation point
c. Period
d. Comma
17. Which of the following is an example of punctuation? (WRITING)
a. A colon
b. A question mark
c. An exclamation mark
d. All of the above
18. In which of the following places should you write a title? (WRITING)
a. At the top of the page
b. At the bottom of the page
c. In the second paragraph
d. In the middle of the paragraph
19. The largest part of the brain. (HEALTH)
a. Cerebrum
b. Medulla Oblongata
c. Pons
d. Cerebellum
20. Our brain is divided into _ parts. (HEALTH)
a. five
b. four
c. three
d. two
21. Adam Smith published a book entitled, “_______________________________” in 1776. (ECONOMICS)
a. Das Capital
b. The Art of War
c. The Wealth of Nations
d. The Republic
22. What is the study of economic behavior in an individual level or an economic unit? (ECONOMICS)
a. Behavioral Economics
b. Classical Economics
c. Macroeconomics
d. Microeconomics
23. __________________________ is the study of overall economic behavior of the country. (ECONOMICS)
a. Behavioral Economics
b. Classical Economics
c. Macroeconomics
d. Microeconomics
24. ______________________________ means a change in price level caused by the drive of demand and supply.
a. Price Control
b. Price Increase
c. Price Mechanism
d. Price Theory
25. _________________ means the quantity of goods and services that consumers want and are able to buy at a
period of time at different levels of price. (ECONOMICS)
a. Depreciation
b. Demand
c. Equilibrium
d. Equilibrium
26. ________________ means amount of goods or services that the manufacturer or the seller wants
to produce and willing to sell at any price in a period of time. (ECONOMICS)
a. Scarcity
b. Surplus
c. Sufficiency
d. Supply
27. Which of the following is NOT a linear inequality in one variable? (MATHEMATICS)
a. 2𝑥 2 > 5
b. 𝑥 − 3 >
c. 𝑦 < 3
d. . 𝑧 ≥ 7
28. What is the fraction form of 0.277777777...? (MATHEMATICS)
29. What is the sign of the answer when you multiply two negative numbers? (MATHEMATICS)
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Addition
d. Subtraction
30. How do you call the letter that we use in mathematics to represent unknown value?
a. Solve
b. Solution
c. Equation
d. Variable
31. What is the chemical symbol for water? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
a. W
b. H2O
c. O2
d. CO2
32. Who is the author of the famous fantasy book series "Harry Potter"? (GENERAL
a. J.R.R. Tolkien
b. J.K. Rowling
c. George R.R. Martin
d. Suzanne Collins
33. Which famous scientist formulated the laws of motion and gravity? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
a. Albert Einstein
b. Isaac Newton
c. Galileo Galilei
d. Nikola Tesla
34. What are the macro skills in English language? (WRITING)
a. listening
b. speaking
c. reading and writing
d. all of the above
35. Why do many people write an outline before they start writing? (WRITING)
a. They want to write a second draft
b. They want to use good grammar
c. They want to organize their ideas
d. They want to write long paragraphs
36. Which of the following things should you write in the margin of a paper? (WRITING)
a. Your name
b. Nothing
c. An essay
d. Today’s date
37. Which of the following do people do when they edit something? (WRITING)
a. They let many people read it
b. They change it to make it better
c. They write their name on it
d. None of the above
38. Which punctuation mark can be used to express strong feelings in written English? (WRITING)
a. exclamation mark
b. question mark
c. period
d. quotation mark
39. It is often known as the brainstem (HEALTH)
a. Pons
b. Hypothalamus
c. Hindbrain
d. Forebrain
40. It relays information back and forth from the brain to different parts of the body. (HEALTH)
a. Nervous system
b. Endocrine system
c. Respiratory system
d. Circulatory system
41. The word ‘Economics’ is derived from the Greek word “____________________” (ECONOMICS)
42. __________________________ means total net income after personal income tax is paid.
Disposable Personal Income
43. ____________________ is an alternative way of putting household savings into something in the
expectation of gaining profit over a specific period of time. (ECONOMICS)
44. The word “market” is derived from the Latin word “_______________________”. (ECONOMICS)
45. A ____________________________________________ is a market that has real competition between
buyers and sellers. Prices are controlled by a price mechanism. (ECONOMICS)
Perfect Competition Market
46. An _____________________________________________ is a market where buyers and sellers have
influence in setting prices or dictating prices or amounts of products in the market.
Imperfect Competition Market
47. Write this quadratic equation in the general form: 𝑥 (𝑥 + 5) = 2 (MATHEMATICS)
𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 − 2 = 0
48. In the expression 2𝑥 = 100. What is the value of x? (MATHEMATICS)
49. In a group of 36 students, of them are boys. How many are girls? (MATHEMATICS)
50. What is the value of pi? (MATHEMATICS)
3.14 or 22/7
51. In which country is the ancient city of Petra, famous for its rock-cut architecture? (GENERAL INFORMATION)

52. What is the largest organ in the human body? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
53. Which explorer was the first to reach the South Pole? (GENERAL INFORMATION)
Roald Amundsen
54. What are the three basic parts of a paragraph? (WRITING)
Topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence
55. What are the three basic parts of an essay? (WRITING)
Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
56. True/false. Contractions are not appropriate in English formal writing. (WRITING)
57. What is the only word in English that ends with “mt” (WRITING)
Dreamt (other words than “dreamt” are only derivatives such as undreamt and daydreamt)
58. What is shortest complete sentence in English? (WRITING)
I am
59. What does the acronym AIDS stand for (HEALTH)
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
60. What does the acronym STD stand for (HEALTH)
Sexually Transmitted Disease
61. What does the acronym HIV stand for (HEALTH)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
62. The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries
is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters), a word that refers to a lung disease
contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano. (HEALTH)


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