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Slide 1: Title Slide

• Project Title and Date

• Presenter's Name and Title

Slide 2: Project Overview

• Brie y describe the project's purpose and goals.

• Mention its importance to the organization or business.

• Acknowledge the project's current status as buggy and emphasize the need
for improvement.

Slide 3: Current Status and Issues

• Describe the current state of the project and highlight the main issues.

• Provide statistics or data on the number and severity of bugs encountered.

• Be transparent and honest about the challenges faced.

Slide 4: Impact of Buggy Project

• Outline the negative consequences of the buggy project on various


• Customer experience

• Revenue and nancials

• Team morale and productivity

• Company reputation

Slide 5: Root Cause Analysis

• Explain the primary reasons behind the bugs in the project.

• Include factors such as insu cient testing, rushed development, lack of

quality control, etc.

• Avoid blaming individuals or teams, but focus on process and

organizational issues.

Slide 6: Steps Taken So Far

• Present the actions already taken to address the buggy project:

• Bug tracking and monitoring

• Bug xing e orts

• Team discussions and analysis

Slide 7: Future Plans

• Outline the steps and initiatives planned to improve the project's quality:

• Increased testing e orts

• Code reviews and pair programming

• Improved quality assurance processes

• Training and upskilling for team members

Slide 8: Timeline for Improvement

• Provide a realistic timeline for the project's stabilization and bug xing

• Set milestones for key improvements and bug resolution.

• Acknowledge that it might take some time but assure stakeholders of

steady progress.

Slide 9: Resource Requirements

• Specify the resources required to x the issues and improve the project's

• Additional manpower

• Tools and software

• Training budgets

Slide 10: Risk Mitigation

• Address potential risks and challenges that may arise during the
improvement process.

• Explain the steps planned to minimize and manage these risks.

Slide 11: Testing and Quality Assurance

• Explain the importance of testing and quality assurance in preventing future


• Highlight the proposed improvements in the testing process.

Slide 12: Communication Plan

• Describe the communication plan to keep stakeholders informed of


• Include regular status updates and milestone achievements.

Slide 13: Q&A Session

• Reserve time for a question and answer session.

• Be prepared to answer queries and concerns from stakeholders.

Slide 14: Conclusion

• Recap the key points of the presentation.

• Reiterate the commitment to improve the project's quality and reliability.

• Thank the audience for their time and attention.

Remember, open and honest communication is essential when introducing a

project with known issues. Demonstrate your dedication to resolving the problems
and assure stakeholders that their concerns are being addressed seriously.

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