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Types of Penguin

How many different kinds of penguins exist? According to a number of organizations, scientists, and industry
professionals, there are currently 18 recognized species of penguins in the globe.

Penguins can be found all over the Southern Hemisphere. They have bodies that are both white and black, giving
them a similar appearance at first, yet each one has distinctive qualities. To find out more about each bird's
special characteristics.

- Adelie Penguins

Belong to the group of penguins known as brush-tailed penguins because of their lengthy tail

- African Penguin
Belongs to the group of penguins with bands. They go by the name Black-footed Penguin.
- Chinstrap Penguin
is clearly identifiable thanks to the prominent ear-to-ear black strap under the chin. The group
of penguins known as brush-tailed includes chinstraps.
- Emperor Penguin
the largest penguin, in both body mass and height.

- Erect-Crested Penguin
is a member of the crested group of penguins. Erect-crested Penguins have suffered
substantial declines since the late 1970s.

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