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1.1 Background study of the Research

1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.3 Background to the Organization
1.4 Location of the Research
1.5 Aims and Objectives

2.1 Quality of Work Life (QWL)

2.2 Nature of the job

2.3 Working hours

2.4 Equitable wages

2.5 Behaviour of the superiors

3.1 Conceptual Framework

4.1 Theoretical Stance and Research Methods
4.1.1 First Layer – Research Philosophy
4.1.2 Second Layer – Research Approach
4.1.3 Third Layer – Research Strategy
4.1.4 Fourth Layer – Time Horizon
4.1.5 Fifth Layer-Methods of data collection
4.1.6 Sampling Framework



6.1 Data Access/ Practicability
6.2 Identification of Constraints

7.1 Gantt Chart



1.1 Background study of the Research

In the modern business contest “Employee” is considered as the major component (over other
resources) in achieving organizational success. The term “organizational success” includes:
achieving organizational objectives, highest consumer satisfaction, highest quality of the
products/services, good industrial relationship, better organizational culture, employee
satisfaction etc. in order to achieve the organizational success, managing the available human
capital/resource within the organization takes an important concern over other functions of the
organization. This has become a modern trend in the present business world and very important
for an industry like “Production Industry where it is considered as a production-oriented
industry. Almost all the functions are done by the intervention of the Human Capital/Resource
(employees) in industry and in return the organization is obliged to fulfill the expectations of the
employees or the staff as well. An employee could lead the organization into a success or a
failure. So, the practices adapted by the Human Resources department of an organization play a
major role in retaining talented and precious employees in order to reach the organizational
objectives successfully. In here I am going to emphasize the factors that influence the “Employee
Satisfaction” and how effect of this employee satisfaction to the organization culture. (With
reference to Purify (Pvt) Ltd, Colombo).

1.2 Rationale of the Study

The concept of employee retention can be taken as a common issue which is facing by every
company/industry in the world. As this study is mainly based on the SR Group of Companies
industry from here onwards, I would replace the word “organization” with the word “SR Group”.
With the enormous competition the conglomerates industry in Sri Lanka is facing a huge
problem of high labour turnover rate and depressed employment rate. The main reason for the
above cause is “Job Dissatisfaction” within the establishment. Employee retention can be varied
by the influence of factors such as organization culture, nature of the job, wage level, working
hours, working conditions, availability of resources, behaviour of the superiors etc. When
consider the above factors the main cause can be a culture of organization. Therefore, the
organization should be more focused on the employee wellbeing to ensure the employee
retention and in return it will ultimately lead the organization towards the success. Employee
retention of a positive and persuaded worker is significant for the association's prosperity. High
employee turnover builds the costs and furthermore negatively affects the organization’s spirit.
Implementation of an employee retention program is an effective method of ensuring that the
pivotal workers stay utilized while adjusting and keeping up employment retention and
productivity. Therefore, holding a Valuable employee is Essential. The company and the
management should understand the significant employees who do contribute a lot to the
organization. Sincere endeavours should be made to empower the employees with the goal that
they remain upbeat in the current association and don't search for a change. An association puts
time and money in preparing an individual and prepares him to work and understand the
corporate culture. It is basic for the association to hold the important representatives indicating
potential. The employees working for a more drawn-out timeframe are more acquainted with the
association culture, organization's approaches, and rules and consequently they change better. It
has been seen that people remaining in an organization for a longer time are more loyal towards
the administration and the organization culture.

1.3 Background to the Organization

On January 10th 1878, SR and Co. was established in Galle, to import such extravagances as
Claret and to trade neighbourhood items, flavours, coir yarn and fundamental oils. Over a
century later, SR Group has developed by expanding into farming, assembling and
administration ventures, winning approval as a 'Super brand'. With a 140-year legacy and
business interests that length crosswise over 16 areas and a worldwide impression coming to
crosswise over to business fortresses in 5 landmasses and 17 nations over the globe, we are a
power to be figured with in business. We are the main recorded organization in Sri Lanka to
cross USD 1 bn income in Fiscal Year 2017/18. SR image is emblematic of the distinction we
make. The globe speaks to the universe of SR and our effect on the world, as we drive
development, enable individuals, make employments, animate the neighbourhood economy and
take Sri Lanka to the world, with a wide scope of astounding items, fabricated locally and
disseminated all around. Company mainly exclusively representative of Veolia Water in Sri

Lanka and the Republic of Maldives. Our service includes the waste water treatment plants,
commissioning of works, water purification of water, activated carbon-based products like face
masks, moisture absorbers and deodorizing application, etc. SR image shading; Green, speaks to
our solid spotlight on the earth as a business, and the rich freshness of our privately delivered
products. It likewise features how we, as a brand, drive the development, while we energetically
grasp and lead advancement. (Plc, 2019)

1.4 Location of the Research

According to SR annual report (2019), the report made by non-financial performance in SR

group states that the highest usage rate of employee retention is recorded in SR Group 85% for
the year 2019. As a result, SR Head office which is located in Colombo district is selected to
carry on with the research.

1.5 Aims and Objectives

• To identify the how organizational culture affecting retention of the employees.

• To identify the factors affecting job satisfaction of the employees.

• To identify the issues of employment in related to the level of productivity and employee
• To provide recommendations to retain skilled employees.


Organizational culture is conceptualized as shared beliefs and qualities inside the organization
that assists with moulding the standards of conduct of employees. Gordon and Cummins (1979)
characterize organization culture as the drive that recognizes the efforts and commitments of the
hierarchical individuals and give educational comprehension of what and how is to be
accomplished, how objectives are interrelated, and how every employee could achieve
objectives. Hofstede (1980: 25) summarizes organization culture as collective process of the
brain that separates the individuals from one group from the other one. In this manner the above
idea declares that organizational culture could be the methods for keeping workers in line and
thrilling them towards authoritative destinations. These cultural qualities are steady with
organizational picked techniques that prompted effective organizations. In spite of the fact that
the connections between hierarchical culture and representative execution have been broadly
acknowledged, a few scientists (Willmott, 1993; Legge, 1994; and Ogbonna, 1993) raise worries
about the relations. Accordingly, Gordonand Di Tomaso (1992) and Denison (1990) contend that
culture attributes may influence execution however limited or adapted to the particular setting.
They further contend that culture may prompt better on the off chance that it fits with changes of
environmental components inside the specific situation. Recently, analysts contend that social
characteristics can't be replicated and accordingly it very well may be wellspring of
organizational sustainability. Asset based view (Barney, 1986 and 1991) proposes that
sustainability. Relies upon the qualities, extraordinariness and maintainability of the way culture
concerned. Generally speaking, the point of the writing survey is to look at the current
examination to investigate the connections among culture and retention.

Because of the nature of culture, it very well may be trying to accurately characterize the
particulars of organizational culture. Not with standing no single hypothesis is consistently
acknowledged, there is an overall assent about organizational culture on being customarily
decided and socially organized that includes beliefs, behaviours, values and morals allied with
different levels of the organization and incorporates to all aspects of organizational life
(Pettigrew, 1990 and Hofstede, Neuijen, Ohauv and Sanders, 1990). The organizational culture
is sketched out by Schein (1990) as generally marvel of the organization, for example, regular
settings, the custom and ceremonies, atmosphere and estimations of the organization. As
indicated by Martins and Terblanche (2003), culture is profoundly connected with qualities and
convictions shared by work force in an organization. Authoritative culture relates the
representatives to organization's qualities, standards, stories, convictions and standards and fuses
these suspicions into them as action and social arrangement of principles. Klein et al. (1995)
situated hierarchical culture as the centre of association's exercises which has total effect on its
general adequacy and the nature of its items and administrations. Schein (2004) characterized
organization culture as a dynamic power inside the association which is spinning, drawing in and
intelligent and it got down to business by the workers and administrations signals, practices and

mentalities. Retention then again refers to be the capacity (both physical and mental) to execute
a particular errand in a particular way that can be estimated as high, medium or low in scale.
"Retention" can be utilized to depict various perspectives.

At that point this particular conduct perspective transforms into a method for accomplishing
hierarchical objectives and destinations that is the result measurement or maintenance viewpoint.
Despite the fact that there is a scope of practices that could be utilized for estimating
maintenance, Motowidlo, Borman, and Schmit (1997) underscore critical and evaluative cycles
that make an extraordinary arrangement alongside move itself while characterizing retention.
Early investigations have shown that there exists connection between organizational culture and
its employee retention. Magee (2002) in this very point contended that authoritative culture is
characteristically associated with hierarchical practices; subsequently worker maintenance is
contingent on hierarchical culture. As per Hell Riegel& Slocum (2009), organizational culture
can upgrade maintenance in a huge scope in the event that it tends to be perceived that what
supports a culture. As per these creators the way of life of an organization permits the
representatives to be familiar with both the organization's set of experiences just as current
methods for activity and this particular detection invests the representatives with direction about
expected and satisfactory future organizational practices and standards. Some hypothetical
models attest that the compelling human resource system of an organization depends on
supporting qualities and afterward these frameworks, thus, make a positive effect on
representative perspectives and conduct, which encourage organization's retention (Ferris et al.,
1998). Mercer and Bilson (1985) additionally call attention to the relationship between
organization culture and employees' retention; and this current workers' retention at that point
converted into organizational results, for example, consumer satisfaction (Schmidt, Shull, and
Schmitt, 2001). Findings of research led by Renn and Vandenberd (1995) show a reasonable
linkage between organizational culture and employee retention. Most organizations assert its
retention of employees as a dependent variable which seeks to recognize other independent
variables that produce variations in its retention (Marchand Sutton, 1997). Organizations declare
its maintenance of workers as Martin and Siehl (1990) contend that organizational culture is
hypothetically identified with retention and do have positive effect on it. Clarifying the variety in

retention of adequacy, Bowen et al. (1989) in his relevant work featured that the role of culture is
essential in supporting, maintaining and upgrading the retention of organization. Likewise,
Kopelmal et al. (1990) explained that cultural system of any associations adds to the
coordination of tasks and limits shortcoming representative employee efforts and firm’s
resources. Culture varies from one nation to another country and from one organization to
another. When they try to model the actual detail and richness of real organizations due to the
complexity of interrelationships between organizational processes, proposed theories sometimes
become problematic (Hofstede, 1990). For theoretical context checking, researchers often fail to
isolate and quantify several significant organizational variables that are required. Obviously,
questions about quantifying and assessing the conceptualization of characteristics of
organizational cultures should be addressed, but it also contributes to the possibility of study
(Hofstede 1990, Mackenzie 1986, Schein 1990). While there are some inconsistencies in the
literature, previous theoretical articulations on organizational culture and its impact on employee
retention provide some cross-cutting. Researchers such as Hofstede (1990), Rousseau (1990),
Smircich (1983) and Louis (1983) acknowledge that organizational culture is holistic and
socially constructed by the members of the organization, and it is possible to quantify some
visible features about the impact on the retention of employees of an organization. It has been
claimed from various' cultural studies' that employee engagement can be enhanced by cultivating
and establishing certain forms of organizational cultures (Sackman and Bertelsman, 2006 and
Denison, 1990,). While some aspects of organizational culture have been scrutinized for their
productivity, it can be tested as there is no in-depth study of the different aspects of
organizational culture in such studies (Mathew, 2007). Today, few have investigated the
relationship between culture and other organizational variables through analytical efforts. In
order to examine the effectiveness of organizational culture on the retention and efficiency of
workers in these sectors, current research is first of all in nature. As the fastest growing market,
the corporate culture has plenty of potential to boost employee satisfaction and productivity.

2.1. Quality of Work Life (QWL)

The quality of work life is defined as the positive status derived from the work/employment
variables. These variables can be divided into two parts: intrinsic variables such as job material,
motivation, obligations, duties, etc., and extrinsic variables such as wages/wages, working hours,

training, other rewards, peer relations, etc. Hackman said that if the culture of the company will
provide staff with facilities to meet their personal needs, it would completely produce positive
energy for the quality of work life (QWL). (1980 by Hackman) Chan and Einstein (1990)
provided a more detailed description, stating that QWL refers to the work experience of workers,
their relationship with other people, their work environment, and their job effectiveness. This is
very real that an organization must change the activities in terms of task/duties, physical work
environment within the organization and relationship between life on and off the job in order to
balance QWL's positivity. It can be summarized by referring to the literature that QWL is a
status that refers to the physical and psychological well-being of the job in the internal and
external aspects. In their Quality of Work Life study, Mirvis and Lawler found that it is
relatively related to satisfaction with salaries, working hours and working conditions. (1984 by
Mirvis and Lawler) It is, therefore, very clear that various experts have different perspectives on
the quality of work life. The work-related life quality scale (WRQoL), the job and career
satisfaction scale (JCS), the general well-being scale (GWB) are some of the metrics used to
determine the statistical significance of the work-life balance quality.

2.2 Nature of the job

Forms of things/activities carried out by an employee and circumstances facing the same
employee at work. At the point of recruitment, the essence of the position must be disclosed to
the applicant through a "Job Description." It will make the organization more open and meet the
legal criteria. The individual employee must be recognized of the tasks he/she has to perform
throughout his/her profession after putting the selected candidate at the job. In a business such as
Purify (Pvt) Ltd where a large number of employees are involved and connected to SR Group, in
order to conduct a smooth activity, each and every employee must know the scope of the job.

2.3 Working hours

There are three main laws in the Sri Lankan context that set the employees' working hours: the
Wages Board Ordinance of 1941, the Shop and Office Act of 1954, the 1950 Factories
Ordinance. For the tourism and hospitality industry (Sri Lanka), it is possible to refer to the Shop
and Office Act to find out the rules and regulations for an employee's maximum working hours.
It was further subdivided on the basis of gender. An 'Office' is specified under the Shop and

Office Act 1954 as any office maintained for a corporation, clerical department of a factory,
hotel, and cinema. 'Shop' is defined as any premises, including residential hotels, restaurants,
salons, photo studios and laundries that are carried on by any retail or wholesale company.
Employees working in offices and shops are protected by the Shop and Office Act and the daily
working hours do not exceed 45 hours a week. With one hour of rest time, 9 hours a day should
be used.

• All Purify’s workers between 8.30 a.m. From 5.00 p.m.

• Companies provide their workers with overtime at varying rates.

E.g. (In holidays they provide high OT rate than other normal workings days)

2.4 Equitable wages

In return for the job, he/she has done, a salary is a monetary fee paid to the employee by the
employer. The necessity for paying a fair number of wages stems from the early stages of human
resource management growth in which a performance-based wage structure was followed by
Henry Fayol (father of Scientific Approach). To date, it has become a mandatory requirement to
provide workers with equal and appropriate compensation based on their performance standards.
Some economists have established that there is no connection between the level of wages and the
quality of work life, and some economists have argued and given their own impartial opinions
and findings about this argument.

2.5 Behaviour of the superiors

This is a world where people are human-controlled. In a setting where people's behaviours are
distinct, this is the most sophisticated technique. Obviously, it is a well-known idea that every
human being has heterogeneous features that make them distinct from each other. In order to
achieve the overall organizational achievement, each manager/superior must have strong
observational skills to recognize and treat the distinguished expectations of the employees. He
said that there are two styles of managers, according to Douglas McGregor, a clinical
psychologist. The 'X' kind of managers are more like oppressive figures who believe and think
that workers hate their job and have little to no motivation. Managers of the form 'Y' have a
positive view of their workers and use a decentralized, participatory management partnership
between managers and staff (The Human Side of Enterprise, by McGregor). Thomas Carlyle said
that leaders/managers are born with the characteristics/qualities under the 'Great Man Theory'
and those individuals become leaders regardless of what they are (Thomas Carlyle, 1847) Yet a
very different view is emphasized by the 'Trait hypothesis.' It states that leaders/managers are not
always born with skills and attributes, but through knowledge and experience, those skills can be
incorporated into the person. These theorists have presented their findings with proper analysis
so that either of these cannot be argued as invalid or valid theories. These should be applied
according to the situation.


• Does ‘organization culture’ affect the employee retention?

• Are there any change in employee retention with relevant to change in wages and

• Does ‘quality of work life’ positively affect the employee retention?

• Does the “nature of the job” positively affect the employee retention?

• Does the “working hours” positively affect the employee retention?

• Does an “equitable wage” positively affect the employee retention?

• Does the ‘behaviour of the superiors’ positively affects the employee retention?

3.1 Conceptual Framework

Organization Culture

Quality Of Work Life

• Nature of the job

Employee Retention
• Working Hours

• Equitable Wages

Behaviour of the supervisors

Figure 1: Research Onion

Source: Author developed


4.1 Theoretical Stance and Research Methods

Exploration onions consist of a few layers that start from the outer layer and pass to the inner
layer. This involves examination logic, research methodology, research system, time skyline, and
knowledge collection techniques or processes (Saunders et al., 2012). The exploration represents
the onion calculation of the analysis (Stanton, 2019). This helps the researcher to arrange of how
the analysis will be done.

Figure 2: Research Onion
Source: Author developed
4.1.1 First Layer – Research Philosophy

Yin (2013) has indicated that formulating a research design is not only linked to Reading, but the
composition of the work is also concerned. The subject selected for the analysis is evaluating the
effect of succession planning on the retention of staff and evaluating succession the study
divided its preparation into career management, talent management and incentives.
Administration the analysis below will adapt the research design developed by Saunders et al.,
(Year 2015). The study established by Saunders has several layers that are described by peeling
off The Analysis Onion. The onion has internal and external layers that offer the reader an in-
depth experience. Understanding how the researchers performed the study by covering all of the

studies Key points, such as philosophy, option, strategy, approach, time horizon and information,

The primary layer of onion discovery is the principle of analysis. The philosophy of the
discovery affirms the point of view on which the investigation is being guided. The analysis
rationale outlines the ideas of the undertaking. The specialist has a preference between the three
basic ways of thought that are examined: positivism, authenticity and perception. (2016 Chetty)
A constructive philosophy of discovery will be sought by this study undertaking. In view of the
abundance of foundation data on the branch of awareness of development that is being explored
in this study, the uplifting standpoint was chosen for this exploration. There are numerous
studies that have been guided by various analysts on the territory of segregation and the
specialist will allude to the past discoveries of discovery by drawing data and information from
the previous review carried into the branch of knowledge. Based on the foundation data available
to be used and the past exploration findings, the exploration objectives and analysis questions are
established. The analyst did not choose the theory of translation because it collects data on the
behavioural components of the members and helps them to understand human instinct and their
exercises (Project Teacher, 2016). This review venture therefore does not pursue the
interpretative way of thinking as it includes a link between the various modifications and the
Purify's advocacy that could not care less about the parts of society's human nature. In addition,
for an all-encompassing timeline to Purify (Pvt)Ltd, an interpretivism theory takes quite a while
to guide the exploration and it allows the professional to track the actions and essence of
citizenship to complete the exam thoroughly. In this way, the interpretivism theory is certainly
not a fair way of thought to be followed because time runs out of the examination requirement.
On the grounds that it aims to update current speculations, sensible analysis logic has not been
chosen. Therefore, this study does not plan to present new speculations or rethink establish/ed
hypotheses and instead aims to analyse the latest hypothesis of success with respect to the
selection of Purify (Pvt) Ltd.

4.1.2 Second Layer – Research Approach

An exploration approach is a strategy or nitty gritty proposal for the variety of information
needed for counter outcomes to be analysed, investigated, and translated. This exploration
approach is extracted from the examining point being investigated by the organization. There are
two types of exploration that can be used by a scientist to guide study, especially enlistment and
reduction of research approaches. Otherwise, the inductive methodology is called the climbing
technique. This approach aims to explore new feelings, thoughts, relations, etc. Such an
approach is obtained when there is little knowledge on the basis or when a Purify (Pvt) Ltd is
written on the examining field (Chetty, 2016). It involves collecting data, separating designs and
analysing the aggregated data and constructing a hypothesis on the subject (Research
Methodology, 2019). The inductive approach is broader and more summarized. The inductive
approach still does not start with speculation by setting up a lot of destinations and questions for
analysis. The solution to relief, otherwise referred to as the cascade technique, relies on
speculation or scepticism. A relief strategy requires adequate data on the base and writing on the
exploration theme. This exploration undertaking will follow an approach to relief research in
which an inference is formed from a current hypothesis derived from auxiliary observations,
after which the test is completed and the analyst affirms or invalidates the speculation (Gerber,
2018). In addition, the Reduction Research Method has been chosen as the area of separation
research that this venture is exploring, and the field of satisfactory data and writing of a Purify
(Pvt) Ltd emulated by previous scientists is now being investigated. The analyst gathers data on
the examination theme and the impact of separation on execution in this exploration venture, and
then the specialist generates research destinations and exploration questions. In addition, a
deductive technique was chosen because of the time constraints of the venture. This is because
an inductive approach puts aside a long effort to lead as sufficient data is not a Purify (Pvt) Ltd,
so the specialist needs to perform a focused analysis to obtain the necessary data.

4.1.3 Third Layer – Research Strategy

The basis of the research is demonstrated by the third layer, which is research strategy. The
strategy for study will usually be focused on experiments, case studies, grounded theories, and
Action Tests. In this current review, experimental analysis will be taken by the researchers where
it is the causal relationships between the variables will be seen and the data will be obtained via
an open-ended A questionnaire. There will be three main parts of the questionnaire, including the
context. Data, pieces, questions about planning activities and questions about employee
retention. The questionnaire will be conducted in two forms, first by drop and selection and
second by drop and selection. E-mail to those who are far away. The test testing technique

requires research that relies on a specific theory being tested. It seems to indicate a causal
relation between at least two components (Kumar, 2012). The activity research method involves
adding an enhancement to the association of some structure and from that point on examining the
effect of this improvement on the association (The Open University, 2019). The grounded
analysis technique of the hypothesis is one where the researcher can revise the current hypothesis
or create new speculations (Dewan, 2018). The retention framework for employees will
efficiently coordinate cultural activity by breaking down long-term contrasts in thoughts and
activities (Dissertation Writers, 2019). In order to achieve factually based ends, the review study
methodology collects information using a poll and subsequent inquiries. For several reasons that
are supported below, the overview research system was chosen over various strategies. For this
discovery venture, the investigation analysis method was not chosen as it is a mind-boggling
mechanism that expects to test a hypothesis or uncover another hypothesis or revelation aside,
this examination venture does not mean testing a hypothesis or uncovering another hypothesis,
so the test research methodology for this examination venture is not fair. As this exploration did
not focus on a specific 'event' but rather on establishing a relation between variables, the
contextual analysis research technique was not selected. In view of the fact that the analyst is
not seeking to have any kind of impact on the relationship and dissect the effect of such a
transition, the dynamic examination approach has not been chosen. Any kind of consequence,
not the reason for this exploration venture, is the target of a working examination methodology.

Furthermore, when actualizing transition, it takes effort to lead complex discovery as the scientist
needs to stay with the association from start to finish. As this exploration venture focuses on
cultural behaviour or involves considering the behaviour of people, this research approach was
chosen. Also, the time has come to guide a study in this way, because time runs short limitations
of the examination, it is not fair to obtain such an exploration procedure.

4.1.4 Fourth Layer – Time Horizon

The period skyline is the fourth layer of the examination onions. On the time skyline, the
expected time frame for the project's success is seen (Raphael, 2016). Double cross cycles are
present: cross-sectional and solid (Raphael, 2016). A cross-sectional skyline is a region with a
predefined period of time that is limited to less than one year. A project with this time skyline is
moderately short and data is collected more than once over a predetermined timeline for a similar
case (Setia, 2016). The life cycle skyline is one that puts aside a long effort for various exams.
Observations should be made at standard stretches to discern links and improvements that arise
after some time (Learning Centre, 2019).

4.1.5 Fifth Layer-Methods of data collection

The knowledge assortment techniques are the fifth and last layer of exploratory onions.
Strategies for knowledge assortment combine strategies and techniques that represent how
discovery is guided. The analyst may label different data assortment methods, such as
expectations, meetings, and surveys, for example (Johanneson and Pergons, 2014). This review
venture utilizes fundamental techniques for data assortment. A structure is used in the essential
knowledge assortment analysis theory.

4.1.6 Sampling Framework

A suitable sample size and sampling method must be selected by the researcher in order to
conduct primary research on the relation between organizational cultures on the retention of
employees of Purify (Pvt) Ltd (sub of SR Group). By doing so, the investigator would be able to
accomplish the research goals effectively and address the research question. There are several
different forms of methods of sampling that the researcher may use to perform the sample.
Probability sampling and non- probability sampling are the two primary sampling processes.
Examples of probability sampling techniques are simple random, hierarchical, and stratified and
cluster sampling, while judgmental, quota, convenience and snowball samplings are examples of
non-probability sampling approaches (Shantikumar, 2018). How the participants will be
recruited for the study will be decided by the sampling method selected. Since this research will
be carried out only Purify (Pvt) Ltd head office Colombo will collect the data via a formal
questionnaire. The sample size is 100 for the population listed above. This sample is chosen by a
non-random sample of self-selection. The researcher decides in non-random self-selecting
sampling, the individuals who can and willing to volunteer the information. This was used to
assess the number of people to be chosen for the survey. Then, from the list of names, 100
employees were randomly selected and these employees made up the sample population for the
study. As it is a fast, non-complex and simple method of sampling, the simple random sampling
technique was chosen over the numerous other sampling techniques. As respondents are chosen

at random from the population, this sampling approach does not require a bias technique. Each
participant has an equal chance of being chosen for the sample in the study population (Horton,
2019). In addition, when there is a large population study population, the simple random
sampling approach is favoured as there are a limited number of steps and thus it is less time


Ethical consideration refers to the good practice to which researchers must adhere while
undertaking a study. Being ethical means doing the right thing according to the widely
established and agreed moral code and values. When doing this the researcher may have to
consider some critical ethical concerns that need to be answered and comply with the ethical
requirements of undertaking a research project (Brink, 2016). Informed consent is the first big
ethical dilemma that has been considered. Permission to facilitate a visit to the organizational
premises was obtained from Purify (Pvt) Ltd to collect the necessary data that was needed. A
written letter authorizing the questionnaire to be carried out was received from the senior official
in charge of Purify (Pvt) Ltd, and a date and time were given for the questionnaire to be
performed. This was accomplished by sending a letter to the company requesting permission for
100 of Purify's employees to administer a questionnaire and to receive an appointment with a
date and time to visit the company and execute the questionnaire. The researcher outlines the
intent of the research in the letter, key details of the ethical principles and provides a copy of the
research proposal and the research questionnaire, as well as information on how to obtain, store
and use the information. In addition, the researcher presented a comprehensive description of the
analysis to all the respondents and explained the procedures that would then include the requisite
verbal consent to participate in the study from the respondents before the questionnaire was
performed. In addition, after collecting the details, the author introduced ethical practices.

The data collected did not contain any confidential details relating to the respondents' private
matters, such as their marital status, wages, sexual orientation, etc., which is not important to the
study field, in order to protect the respondents' privacy (Chetty, 2016). Participants'
confidentiality was strictly maintained. During the information collection and transcribing of the
report point, the researcher refrained from recording the names of participants. The investigator
refrained from exerting any coercion or effect to pressure respondents to provide responses
(Montzorou & Fouka, 2019). In addition, the respondents were permitted to withdraw the
answers given or to refuse to answer a question. The researcher shall guarantee the
confidentiality of the information obtained, which will be used exclusively for the purpose of
academic study. The investigator also complied with all of the laws set out in the Data Protection
Act (1998) to ensure that respondents' personal information was obtained, processed and used in
a protected and equitable manner (Rouse, 2019). The investigator provided the original writers
with due credit for borrowing their ideas through sound referencing practices. The Harvard
Referencing Scheme was used to reference all of the information obtained and borrowed from
external sources or from other authors. The collected data would not be changed or adjusted in
any way to ensure the accuracy of the data collected and presented in the final report (Resnik,
2015). As the topic area of discrimination and its effect on the work performance of the
organization would require some data to be given which the organization can consider as being
confidential information. Thus, such data was handled with caution and was only used for the
purpose of academic study. In addition, there was a strict adherence to the ethical practices
outlined in this section due to the nature of such knowledge.


6.1 Data Access/ Practicability

In order to collect data, the respondents will be provided with a paper based; organized and MCQ
questionnaire. The Purify (Pvt) Ltd (Head Office Colombo) will complete this questionnaire and
will be self-administered by the researcher. The standardized paper-based and MCQ
questionnaire will be distributed among the researcher's Purify workers, workplaces, here.

6.2 Identification of Constraints

A restriction is something that restricts or limits what can be achieved by the investigator. In this
analysis, there are three key constraints that the author will face, and they are time constraints,
financial constraints, and limitations on data access. It will influence the research when it comes
to time constraints, since the researcher has only a short time to complete the research, and if the
research is not submitted on time, because of the less and inappropriate details, there will only be
fewer grades. But then it can be addressed by using time efficiently and one such method will be
the Gantt chart for that. When it comes to financial limitations, since the researcher should work
with the pre-planned budget and should not surpass the cost, the cost impacts the study. The
specific costs here will be for cellular data, printing costs, travel costs, etc. But then, in order to
overcome this restriction, when it is highly needed or according to the pre-planned budget, the
researcher can efficiently schedule the budget and use the money so that the expenditures do not
surpass the pre-planned sum.

Because of the present Covid-19 situation, it affects this study a lot when it comes to Data
Access Constraints. Here, the researcher is able to obtain information from the general public,
but this becomes a significant restriction for the researcher upon seeing this pandemic situation
of the virus. But by circulating the questionnaire electronically to collect the data, it can then be
tackled and resolved. Therefore, if the researcher follows the solutions stated for each constraint,
by tackling the constraints, the researcher would be able to conduct the research successfully.


7.1 Gantt Chart.

Activity 01 month 02 month 03 month 04month

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
week week week week week week week week week week week week week week week
Identify and

research topic
Confirmation of
Write research
Submissions of
Data collection

Preparation of
chapter 01
Preparation of
chapter 02

Preparation of
chapter 03
Analysis of data

of chapter 04
of chapter 05

Get a feedback
and edit report

Submission of
the Final
research report

7 REFERENCES Puritas (Pvt) Ltd Hayleys PLC
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