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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao Division
of Cagayan De Oro City MACABALAN
Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City


At the end of the discussion on this session, 90% of the students will be able to:

● identify and describe of music from the Romantic period

● distinguish the different types music and composers during romantic period.
● develop their knowledge and understanding about the topic.


Topic: Music of the Romantic Period

Unit: 3rd Quarter (04/11/2023)
Grade/Year: Grade 9
Reference: Music and Arts 9 p. 69-78
Materials: Power point Presentation
Pictures Videos



A. Preparatory Activity

1. Greetings
- Good Morning, Ma’am
- Good Morning Class - We are all ok ma’am.
- How are you today?
- I’m glad that you are all ok.

2. Prayer

- Let us all stand for our opening prayer

- STUDENT: Dear Lord,
may I call Ms. to lead the
We thank you
for this day and the many
blessings, we have
We ask that you would bless
the work that we do here in
our class and give us
patience, courage, and
perseverance to face
whatever challenges may
come. Bless our teachers
and students with
wisdom to learn from each
other. AMEN
- Thank you, .
- Before you take a seat kindly arrange
your chair properly.
- Thank you, you may now take a seat.

- Once again, Good morning class! - Good Morning, Ma’am.

3. Checking of Attendance

- At this point, let me check your

attendance. If I will be calling your (Students will say “present” once their
name, please say present. name is called)

- Gonzaga? - Present
- Nambatac? - Present
- Agbay? - Present
- Co? - Present
- Ebana? - Present

- Good Job! No one is absent today.

4. Review

- Who among here still could remember

the lesson in music that Ms. Lizel

- Yes, Ms. ? - STUDENT: We discussed Music

of the Romantic period and its
- Thank you. famous composers.
- Anyone else?

- Yes, Mr. ? - STUDENT: We also discussed

the characteristics of the Music
during the Romantic Period.
- Thank you. It seems that you still
remember your previous lessons. And
by this time we’re having a review
about the Music of the Romantic

- Are you ready? - STUDENTS: Yes, ma’am.

5. Motivation

- Before we proceed to our discussion,

let's have a game. This is called “

- Today we are going to play a game

called counting game. The rules of the
game are the class counts to 20 one at
a time. The trick is that only 1 person
can say a number and if someone else (Students are listing and following the
says it then we need to start over and instructions)
answer the question provided. If you
are able to keep counting all the way
to the end of the specified number, I'll
give you points.

- Do I make myself clear? - STUDENTS: Yes, ma’am.

- Okay thank you so much for your

participation. Moving on, let's now
go back to what is the Music of the
Romantic Period.

- Let us first define what is Romantic

Period is. Everybody read.


PERIOD (1820-1910)
(Students will read the definition of
The Romantic period is described as a Romantic Period)
cultural movement that stressed
emotion, imagination, individualism
and freedom of expression. These
characteristics are evident in music,
art, and literature of the era.

Nationalism was also incorporated in

the music of the Romantic Period. An
example of a composition that (Students are listening)
showed nationalism is the
“Polonaise” of Frederic Chopin,
which is a dance composition for
piano and is famous in Poland until

Ludwig Van Beethoven bridged the

music from Classical to Romantic
Era by expressing his passion and
emotions through his music. Other
composers were so inspired by this (Students are listening)
musical style that they started to use
music as means of expressing their
emotions individually.

Niccolo Paganini - He was born on

October 27, 1783 in Genoa, Italy. His
musical started with playing the
mandolin at the age of five. He
eventually transferred his training to
the violin professors in Italy. His violin
teachers could not keep up with the
progress of his violin skills that he kept
on transferring from one violin teacher
to another. This led him to adopt all his
teachers’ influences in playing the
violin. His compositions inspired a lot
of other composers such as Franz
Liszt, Frederic Chopin, and Robert

Some Works of Niccolo Paganini:

1. “La Campanella”
2. 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op. 1
3. Concerto No. 1 in Eb , Op. 6
4. 15 Quartets for Guitar and Strings
5. The Carnival of Venice
- STUDENTS: Niccolo Paganini,
- Again, who is the composer under ma’am.
violin and string music?

- Thank you!


- Piano music of the Romantic period

was filled with innovations. Most of
the compositions require a high level
(Students are listening)
of virtuosity. Some were reinventions
of sonatas from the classical era.
Piano compositions from the
Romantic period have been adapted
into songs.

1. Chopin’s Etude Op. 10, no. 3 in E

Major that was used for the song “No
other Love.”

- Frederic Chopin was known as the (Students are listening)

“Poet of the Piano,” He was born on
March 1, 1810 in Zelazowa, Poland.
He began playing piano at age of 4. He
composed polonaise at the
age of 7. He studied piano at
Warsaw conservatory under
Wilhelm Wurfel and most of his
music was influenced by folk
music. He wrote almost
exclusively for piano. He made
extensive use of the piano pedal in
most of his compositions. Chopin
composed almost primarily for the
piano and some of his most well-
known compositions are Fantasie
in F minor, Op. 49, Revolutionary
Etude, Op. 10, No. 12 and 24
Preludes, Op. 28.

- Franz Liszt - was born in the village (Students are listening)

Doborjan, Hungary on October 22,
1811. He was known as the greatest
piano virtuoso of his time. He was
known for his symphonic poems
where he translated great literary
works into musical compositions. He
is also known for his generosity in
sharing time and money to the
orphans, victims of disasters, and the
many students he taught music for (Students are listening)

Some of Liszt’s Piano works:

1. La Campanella
2. Liebestraume No. 3
3. Un Sospiro
4. Sonata in B Minor
5. Arrangements of the 9
Beethoven Symphonies

- Robert Alexander Schumann was

born in 1810 in Zwickau. He was a
German composer, pianist and
influential music critic. And most of
his best-known piano pieces were
written for his wife, the pianist
Clara Schumann.

He wrote over 100 Art Songs.

Some of which are:
1. · "Frauenliebe und Leben"
("A Woman's Love and Life")
2. · "Dichterliebe" ("A Poet's
Some piano works:
(Students are listening)
1. “Abegg Variations,” Opus 1(1830)
2. “Davidsbundlertanze” (“dances of the
band of david”), Opus6(1837)...
Orchestra Music
1. “Piano Concerto in A minor.” Opus
2. “Overture,”Scherzo”...
- Who are the composers under - STUDENTS: Frederic Chopin,
Piano music? Franz Liszt, and Robert
- Thank you, Let's proceed.

Program music is an instrumental
composition that conveys images or
scenes to tell a short story without text
or lyrics. It entices the imagination of
the listener. (Students are listening)
Hector Berlioz is a French romantic
composer born on December 11, 1803.
He was known largely for his
Symphonie fantastique and the choral
symphony Romeo et Juliette. One of
his famous musical compositions is a
five movement symphony called
“Symphonie Fantastique.” In this
composition which is also known as (Students are listening)
“Fantastic Symphony” He assembled
hundreds of musicians to produce a
powerful sound. In most of his
compositions, he made tone color as
the basic part of his musical language.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born

on May 7, 1840 in Votkinsk, Russia.
And he was the first Russian composer
whose music made a lasting
impression internationally.

Tchaikovsky’s Famous Compositions:

1. Swan Lake
2. Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique”
3. The Nutcracker
4. Romeo & Juliet
5. 1812 Overture
6. Symphony No. 2
7. Sleeping Beauty (Students are listening)
8. Piano Concerto No. 1
Camille Saint-Saëns was born in
Paris on October 9, 1835 and started
his music from an early age through
the help of his aunt by teaching him
piano lessons when he was only two
years old and afterward, he began
composing piano pieces at age three.
He was considered as a composer who
creates elegant music, neat, clean,
polished and never excessive.
1. Carnival of the Animals
2. Danse Macabre and
3. His SymphonyNo. 3
4. The Swan
5. Over 300 works, unusually in all

- Who are the composers under

Program music? - STUDENTS: Hector Berlioz,
Peter Llyich Tchaikovsky, and
Camille Saint- Saens.

- Who is the composer of “Symphonie - STUDENTS: Hector Berlioz


- Thank you for listening.

- Any clarifications? - STUDENTS: No, ma’am.


- I will divide the classrooms into 7

areas and name them according to the
famous composers of the Romantic (Students are listening and following the
Period. Once I play the MP3 instructions)
recording of the music of the
Romantic Period, you will identify
and point to the area where the name
of the composer is located.

- Do I make myself clear?

- Any questions and clarifications? - STUDENTS: Yes, ma’am.
- STUDENTS: None so far ma’am

- Romantic music was emotional and

highly expressive encompassing
philosophical, artistic, and literary
themes. It emphasized greatly on
lyrical melodies in addition to dramatic
contrasts. Moreover, the texture was
homo-phonic and the rhythm changed
frequently in terms of time signatures
and tempo.
- Again, who is the famous composer - STUDENTS: Niccolo Paganini
in Violin and Strings Music?

- Piano music? - STUDENTS: Frederic Chopin,

Franz Liszt, and Robert
- Frederic Chopin was known as the? - STUDENTS: Poet of the Piano.
- What is the best word to describe the - STUDENTS: Virtuosity.
work of Franz Liszt?

- Give one composer in - STUDENTS: Hector Berlioz

Program music?

- Who composed “The swan”? - STUDENTS: Camille Saint-

What are the 3 genres of Music during the
- STUDENTS: Violin and string,
Romantic Period
Piano and Program music.

Open your book to page 88. Answer the individual Activity Listening Exercise
“I can Name the Music. Write it in your activity notebook.


Open your book to page 91. Answer the Listening exercise: Listen and
Analyze pass it on at our next meeting.

Prepared by: KEITH SAJULGA

Student Teacher


Critique Teacher

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