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Experiment 5





ID: 20190539
Section 01

Instructor: Dr. Khalil Ebrahim

The Zeeman effect is the effect of splitting of a spectral line emitted by an atom into several components
in the presence of a static magnetic field. When the spectral line splits into three components, it is said to
be the normal Zeeman effect.

The experiment involves observing the red spectral line of cadmium as it splits into three lines in the
presence of magnetic field through the Lummer-Gehrcke plate. The average value of ds was 0.0175 ±
0.0025 mm and Δs was 0.112 ± 0.005 mm. These values were taken when the current I = 10 A and magnetic
field intensity B = 0.395 T.

The specific elementary charge (e/m) obtained was 1.74 × 1011 kg. To compare with the theoretical (e/m),

the % error was 1.14%. Possible reasons could be from not high enough resolution, misreading of values
from the micrometer clock, or limited value of the magnetic field.

The Zeeman effect is the effect of splitting of a spectral line emitted by an atom into several components
in the presence of a static magnetic field. There are two categories of the Zeeman effect: the normal Zeeman
effect is when the spectral line splits into three lines and more than three lines is called the anomalous
Zeeman effect. It was named after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman, who in 1896 along with Hendrik
Lorentz who provided the theoretical interpretation using the classical laws of electromagnetism, led them
both to receive a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1902 [1]. This experiment is important as it contributes to the
theory of the atomic shell, and it is applied today as an important concept in nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (NMR), electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
Mössbauer spectroscopy, and is also used in areas such as astrophysics or in laser cooling [2] [3].

The focus of this experiment was on the normal Zeeman effect. The aim of this experiment was: (1) to study
and observe the normal Zeeman effect, and (2) to determine the specific elementary charge (e/m) by
measuring the splitting of the red cadmium line λ0 = 643.08 nm in a magnetic field during transversal
observation (normal Zeeman effect).

The Zeeman affect was discovered in 1896 by Pieter Zeeman who studied it together with Lorentz and
showed that the spectral lines emitted by atoms when placed in an external magnetic field, the spectral lines
broaden and appear to split. They explained that that the frequency of the light was affected by the magnetic
field according to the classical laws of electromagnetism. When a spectral line is split into three lines, it is
called the normal Zeeman effect [1].

The red spectral line of cadmium with λ0 = 643.8 nm splits into several components in the magnetic field
B: if observing in the direction of the field, it splits into two; if observing perpendicular to the field – it
splits into three components. The red line corresponds to the transition of one of two electrons of the 5th
shell from a high level with the angular momentum L = 2 to a level with L = 1. The total spin is zero in
both levels (singlet states), hence the total angular momentum J is ⃗𝐽 = ⃗⃗⃗L [4].

⃗L =-
μ ⃗⃗⃗L

Figure 1. A diagram representing the magnetic moment μ

⃗ of
an orbiting electron with angular momentum⃗⃗⃗L .

To give a rough idea, with an electron orbiting around the nucleus in circular loop (as shown in figure 1),
⃗ and the orbital angular momentum ⃗⃗⃗L is displayed in
the relationship between the magnetic moment μ
equation (1):

⃗L =-
μ ⃗⃗⃗L
2m (1)

The energy gain of the magnetic dipoles in the outer magnetic field ⃗B is:

Wpot = m B=-μ ⃗
⃗ B ⋅ ml ⋅ B (2)
2m l

where μ
⃗ B is Bohr magneton.

Hence, the energy level belonging to a definite L separates itself into 2L+1 level, whose energy distance
separation is ΔE = ( eℏ ∕ 2m) B which is visualised in figure 2.

Figure 2. A diagram showing the transition for

the Cd-Line from 51 𝐷2 → 51 𝑝1 without the
magnetic field (left) and with the magnetic field

By using the selecting rule 𝛥ML = 0, ±1 into consideration, this will give the three lines where one line is
not shifted (𝛥ML = 0) and two spectral lines are shifted 𝛥ML = 0 by Δν and Δλ expressed through equation
(3) and (4):

ΔE eB (3)
Δν = =±
ℏ 4πm

eBλ2 (4)
Δλ = ±

The wavelength displacement Δλ is determined using the Lummer-Gehrke plate which is a specialised
optical component which allows the viewing of multiple images for the same spectral line, and its splitting
with the presence of the magnetic field.

Figure 3. The pattern of interference of the

normal Zeeman effect

When viewing through the eyepiece at a proper adjusted plate, it can be observed that for one spectral line,
there will be several interference at the same time. This gets displaced when the wavelength λ is changed:

λ2 √n2 -1 (5)
Δλ = ⋅
2d n2 -1

Where n is the refractive index, and d is the thickness of the Lummer-Gehrke plate. If the change in λ is
smaller (dλ), the corresponding displacement also decreases:

λ2 √n2 -1 (6)
Δλ = ⋅
2d n2 -1

To calculate the e/m, it can be obtained by combining equation (4) and (6):

e 4πc ds λ2 √n2 -1
= ⋅ ⋅ (7)
m B Δs 2d(n2 -1)

where n = 1.4567, d = 4.04 mm, and λ = 643.8 nm;

When the ratio of ds/Δs is needed, the equation of e/m becomes:

e ds 1
= 4.40 × 1011 (8)
m Δs B

The equipment and procedure are all as followed in the lab manual [4].

Figure 4. Experimental set up for the Normal Zeeman Effect experiment


The equipment is ordered from PHYWE.

Material Order No. Quantity

Zeeman effect, optical system for observing 471 20 1
Lummer-Gehrke plate 471 21 1
Cadmium Lamp with holder 451 12 1
Universal choke 220 V 451 30 1
Zeeman effect, electromagnet 514 50 1
Power supply unit, regulate 12 V/20 A 522 47 1
Interchangeable scale demonstrating meter, basic unit 530 50 1
Measuring module Tesla 530 75 1
Power supply unit, plug in, 220 V 530 88 1
Field probe 1

Figure 5. An illustration of the experimental setup for the normal Zeeman effect. A) Pole pieces of the
magnets, b) Cd lamp, c) Red light filter, d) Lummer-Gehrcke Plate, e) Telescope, f) Eyepiece, g) Height
adjustment for the telescope, h) locking screw for the telescope holder, i) Locking screw for the base.

Safety and Precautions

1. Avoid looking directly at the Cd-Hg lamp as it emits some ultraviolet radiation. Note that the lamp

become hot during operation.

2. For the apparatus:

a. Do not tilt or jolt the optical system because the Lummer-Gehrcke plate is positioned loosely.

b. The voltage applied to the magnet should be increased or decreased slowly, avoid sudden

changes in the current, and do not directly turn off the system but reduce the voltage to zero

then turn off.

c. The Cd-Hg lamp should be handled with care, do not touch the bulb.

d. The components should be handled by the edges, do not touch optical surfaces.


1. The experiment was as set up as shown in figure ?.

2. The cadmium lamp was turned on and five minutes was left for five minutes for it to reach thermal

equilibrium. This was indicated by a strong and uniform bluish white emission.

3. The lamp and optical system was pre-adjusted so that a series of red line were visible to the eye piece.

Room lights were turned off to increase the visibility of the lines.

4. Cross-hairs in the field of vision of the eyepiece were aligned and located.

5. Afterwards, the current in the electromagnet was turned on to about five amperes. The tesla-meter is

used to measure the magnetic field intensity B in the gas.

6. With the field on, through the eyepiece, the splitting of the lines into pairs centered about a third line

were observed which was only visible by from rotating the polarizing analyzer. From this, the presence

of the three lines were seen in the presence of B.

7. The value of B was later changed to observe the effect this had on the splitting of the line.

8. Using the micrometer, the displacement of the lines were measured by following the line with the cross-

hair. The values of Δs and ds were also identified.

9. From B = 0, the micrometer measurements of ds as they change with B were recorded in table 2. The

value of B was then further increased by units of 100 mT, up to a maximum of 0.5 T. (WARNING: A

current of 13 A should not be exceeded. Also, the readings were done as fast as possible during the

usage of large currents to prevent overheating the electromagnet.

10. All power supplies were reduced to zero and were switched off.

11. From the data found, the e/m was calculated through equation (8). The % error was found using

equation (9):

|experimental - theoretical| (9)

% error = × 100

Due to certain circumstances, the data was actually taken from an old student’s paper and the lab manual

Figure 6. The observed normal Zeeman effect lines.

Current Vs Magnetic Field Intensity

From varying the current I in the electromagnet, the values received from the tesla-meter for the magnetic
field intensity B is shown in table 1.

Table 1. The variation of current I with the magnetic field intensity B.

I (A) B (T)

2.5 0.100

5.0 0.195

7.5 0.300

10.0 0.395

12.5 0.505

15.0 0.605

17.5 0.700

20.0 0.770





B (T)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
I (A)

Figure 5. A graph showing linear relation between the variation of current with the magnetic field

Calculation for the e/m and the % error

The recorded ds and Δs measurements using the micrometer clock when current I = 10 A and magnetic
field intensity B = 0.395 T are shown in table 2:

Table 2. The recorded ds and Δs measurements along with its average.

Trials Δs ± 0.005 mm ds ± 0.0025 mm

1 0.110 0.0300
2 0.115 0.0400
Average 0.112 0.0175

The e/m was calculated using the average of ds and Δs measurements into equation 8:

e ds 1
= 4.40 × 1011
m Δs B
e 0.0175 1
= 4.40 × 1011 ∙ ∙
m 0.112 0.395
e As
= 1.74 × 1011
m kg

e As
The theoretical value for ( ) = 1.76 × 1011 . Using equation (9), the % error calculated was:
m th kg

|experimental - theoretical|
% error = × 100
|1.74 - 1.76|
% error = × 100
% error = 1.14%


All the data for the results were provided from an old student’s paper and from the lab manual due certain
circumstances (i.e., hot weather). From figure 6, it shows the observed normal Zeeman lines from the Cd
lamp, however it seemed unclear because it is hard for phone cameras to capture the image from the

The variation of current I in the electromagnet with the magnetic field intensity B received from the tesla-
meter were kept in Table 1. From this table, it had formed a linear curve indicating the relationship between
the current and the magnetic field.

The measured ds and Δs values were taken when the current I = 10 A and magnetic field intensity B = 0.395
T. The values of ds and Δs were kept in table 2, including the average which was ds = 0.0175 ± 0.0025
mm and Δs 0.112 ± 0.005 mm. The average of the values of ds and Δs were also used to find specific
elementary charge (e/m), and it was plugged into equation (8). The experimental specific elementary charge
(e/m) showed to be 1.74 × 1011 kg. The theoretical specific elementary charge (e/m) given was 1.76 × 1011
. To compare the values, the % error was calculated through equation (9) and it showed to be 1.14%.

Although the error value are very small, possible reasons to why there could be such errors could be from
the resolution of the Lummer-Gehrcke plate not being high enough, the limited value of the magnetic field
due to the maximum current being 15 A, or it could be from the misreading the values from the micrometer


The purpose for this experiment was to study and observe the normal Zeeman effect and to determine
the specific elementary charge (e/m) by measuring the splitting of the red cadmium line λ0 = 643.08 nm in
a magnetic field. From doing this experiment, the concept of the normal Zeeman effect became familiar
and the specific elementary charge (e/m) was also calculated. With the data that was provided, the (e/m)
obtained was 1.74 × 1011 kg. To compare with the theoretical (e/m), the % error was 1.14%. Although the

error is very small, possible reasons that could cause it could be from not high enough resolution,
misreading of values from the micrometer clock, or limited value of the magnetic field. This experiment
gave more insight about how complex atoms actually are and gave an idea how the angular momentum in
quantum mechanics can help with identifying the energy levels.


I would like to show my appreciation to my groupmates, Hameeda Ebrahim and Yusra Tariq, for helping
out with the experiment and helping me with the report and giving advice on how to do it. I am also very
grateful to my instructor for this course, Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, who showed and explained to my colleagues
and I about the experiment and how to use the equipment as well as providing a guide sheet with the needed
data as it was hot in the Laboratory. I also am grateful for my colleagues who were helpful with taking the
photos and participating in the experiment.


[1] S. T. Thornton and A. Rex, Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers (4 ed.), Boston: Cengage
Learning, 2013.

[2] R. Sault, N. E. B. Killeen, J. Zmuidzinas and R. Loushin, “Analysis of Zeeman Effect Data in Radio
Astronomy,” THe Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 437-461, 1990.

[3] R. Wei, J.-L. Deng, Y. Qian, Y. Zhang and Y.-Z. Wang, “Frequency-Shift of a Frequency Stabilized
Laser Based on Zeeman Effect,” Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 1714-1717, 2003.

[4] UOB Department of Physics, “Normal Zeeman Effect,” in PHYCS 324 Lab Manual, University of
Bahrain, 2022, pp. 17-22.


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