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2, The core of an Al framework and one of the decisive factors of the programming paradigm is the automatic differentiation used

by I Al framework. Which of the follow

C, A. Graph kernel fusion
0 B. Operator overloading @ C Source to Source (S2S) l, D. Just-in-lime compilation

I Previous I-
O Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 20 Po1nt(s) Correct answer: C

1... Which of the following is a math opera.tor iin MiindSpoire?

@A Mull
0 B. ContrnllDepiend
0 C. Callback
0D. Sel,ect
e Congratulations, you got it! My Score : 20 Point(s) Correct answer: A.
3, Which of the following statement is false about the running process of the MindArmour subsystem?
A. Configuration policies: Define test policies based on threat vectors and trustworthiness certification requirements and select appropriate test data generation methods.
@B. Fuzzing execution: Generate trusted test data randomly based on the model coverage and configuration policies.
C. Evaluation report: Generate an evaluation report based on built-in or user-defined trustworthiness metrics.
D. Trustworthiness enhancement: Use preset methods to enhance the trustworthiness of Al models.

Previous I -
O Congratulations. you got Ill My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: B
4, Which of the following statements is tirue about optimizers?
@A The RMSprop optimizer iinherits the advantages of the Adam optimizer The leaming rate is automatically updated
0 B. Unli1ke the RMSprop optimizer, the Adagrad optimizer does not automatically update the learniing rate.
0 C. Thie SGD and momentum optimizers use the same learning rate for each iteration.
0 D. The learning rate of the momentum optimizer does not need to be manuallly set

Previous I -
0 Wrong answer My Score: 0 Point(s) Correct answer: C

5._ Which of the following statements iis trne albout deep lleamiing?

@A. Algoriithms am used to automaticalll,yextract foatmes.

B.. GPU parallel computing provides faster computingi iif ther,eare more network parameters.

C. Parameters at each llayer hav,e specifiic meanii gs.
D. The feature interpretability is strong.


e Congratulations, you got rt! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: A

6._ Which of the following is the conrect shape of tensor [[[O,1L [2,3], [4,5H?

Q A. (2,3)



Q D. (6,1)


O Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: B

7, Dirty data refers to data with quallity problems. Wlhich of the following statements iis false about the data quality?
OA.Noise: Data contains incorrect records or exceptions.
0 B. lnoompleteness: Data lacks attributes or contains some missing values. @C_Unprocessed: Data for which feature engineering has not been performed.
() D_Inconsistency: Data contain,s conflicting records_
I Previous I -
e Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: C

8... Which of the following oornmands iis used to ii1111stallll ifensorFlow?

QA 0011da create install temsorflow
0 B_python tenisorflow setup_py
0 C_oonidla setup_py tensortilow
@ D..pip i11stall te11sorflow
O Congratula ions, you got it! My Score: 20 Poirit(s) Correct answer: D

9, Which operation is not a step iin the network defiinitio11p1rocess during appliication development?
QA. Specifying an inpundimension
0 B. Weight iinitialization
0 C. Defining an optimizer and a loss function @D. Model compression
e Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s)

10, In TensorFlow 2.0, x = tf.constant([1,2,3])</br>y = tf.broadcast_to(x, [3, 3])</br>print(y)<lbr>Which of the following is the output fo this code?

l'A. [[1,2,31]
@B [[1,2,3], [1,2,3L [1,2,3]]
0 C [[1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]]
GD. [[1,1,1], [2,2,2], [3,3,31]

I Previous I-

O Congratulations, you go1 it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: B

11, Which of the following HUAWEIICLOUD services iis NOT a basic All platform service?
QA MoclelArts

0 B. Huawei HiLens

@C. Rielatiional Database Serviice (RDS)

0 D. Graph Engine Serviice (GES)


e Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: C

12,. Which of the following is not a. 111etwo1rlk opera.tor iin MiindSpore?

Q A. Conv2D


@ C. Co11trolDepend

Q D. Softmax


Ct Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: C

13, Which of the following is the basiic unit of data storage iin PyTorc!h, MiindSpore, and TensorFlow?
C)A Matriix
B. Tensor
=J □-Vectm
0 Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: B
14, Which of the following statements is false about the ReLU function?
QA. Thie ReLU functi1on is not differentiable at x = 0 and a derivative is forcibly defined at this poiniL
0 B. Thie ReLU functiion effectively alleviates the vaniishing1gradient problem_
0 C_The surface defined at the zero point of the R,eLU function is not smoot,henough in some regression problems @D Compared with Sigmoid an
convergience of the ReLU fundioniis slow_
O Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: D

15, Which of the following products can be used by a company that wants to provide intellige11t customer service?
@B_Conversational Bot



I Previous I -
0 Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: B
16, Which of the following stamements iis mrne albout rnlle-lba.sed approaches?

QA_Rul,es are obtaiined through machine l,eamiing_

@R Rulle-based approach1es use explicit programmi11g to sollve probllems.

0 C_Rul,e-basedlapproaches use samples 1or training_

□-Decisiion-malki g rules am compl,ex or diiffiicult to dlescriibe_


O Congratula ions, you got it! My Scorn : 20 Pain (s) Correct answer: B

17... Which of the following is not supported lby data ma1111agement on ModellA1rts?
Q A. wide range of data formats
@ B.. No manual labeling

0 C. lntelHgent data rntering

□-lntemgent data analysis


O Congratula ions, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Cmrect answer: B

18... Which of the following is covered lby HUAWEI CLOUD El Health?

@A.. Genome

0 B. Smart.smgery
C. Patiient care
0 □-Doctor-patient dispute resollutiion


Correct answer: A.
• Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s)
19, The accuracy of a trained model is high on a training dataset but low on a test dataset. In this case, which of the following operati, can be performed?
DA Use the sigmoid activation function
l!I B Perform data augmentation
l!IC Add regular terms
0 D Delete part of the training data

I Previous I-
O Congratulations, you got itl My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: BC
20, Which of the following operations are invollved wflen TensorFlow is used for model training?
l!IA.Define input and outpurt nodes.
l!I B. Train and save models.
DC. Obtain and cleanse data.
l!I D Define learning parameters andloperations
e Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: ABD
21, Backed by HUAWEI CLOUD's accumulated knowledge and expertise in Al, big data, and other cutting-edge technologies, I GeoGenius offers a one-stop Al d
cloud platform for remote sensing data processing, mining, and management. Whio the following are the main functions or GeoGenius?
!IA Weather forecasting
:::J B. Afforestation
!IC Emergency response and disaster prevention
:::JD. Smart transport infrastructure

Previous I-
8 Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: AC
22, Which of the following statements are false albout the universal engine of the Ascend 310 software stack?
l!'JA Provides general capabiliilies needed for neural network training
l!'J B. Provides oompute resources and execurtes specific oomputing tasks.
l!'J C Provides compute resources for Ascend Al.
l!'J D Outputs tasks at the operator layer for hardware.

Previous I -
G Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: ABC □
23, Which of the following are common applicatiion scenariios of HUAWEI CLOUD OCR?
DA Photo recognition for cats and dog1s &!I B.. Driviing lioense recogniition &!IC.VAT invoice recognition &!ID..Aircraft
O Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: BCD
24, Which of the following format conversion operations are not performed by the storage control unit of the Da Vinci Architecture?
:::J A Zero padding and transposition
m B. Video stream compression
m C. Color space conversion
:JD lmg2Col

I Previous I -
$ Congratulations you got itl My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: BC

25, Which of the following statements are true albout lhiidden llayers?

LIA.The morn hidden llayers, th,e stro11ger tile idlentiffication capability_

DB..Thl1e more tlidcle11lay,ers, the better

LI C. Excessiive tliidclen lay,ers may caus,e over1fiitti11g.

D□-lnsuffiicienit hiddernllayers may cause ov,erfitti g_


e Congratula ions, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: AC

26, Which of the·following use the Da Vinci Architecture?

LIA..Ascend 31O
DB. RTX3080
C. Kunpeng 920
LID..Asce11d 91(]


O Congratula ions, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: AD

27, Which of the following statements are true about gradient descent?
mAStochastic gradient descent (SGD) randomly chooses samples for each training job, causing unstability As a result, the loss function fluctuates or even encounters reverse dis
the process of dropping to the minimum value.
DB. Batch gradient descent (BGD) is the most unstable method and consumes too many compute resources.
me Mini-batch gradient descent (MBGD) is a balance between BGD and SGD, and is the optimal choice for all datasets.
mo BGD uses all samples for each training job.
I Previous I-
8 Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Poinl(s) Correct answer: ACD
28._ Which of the following products can lbe equiipped wiitlhAscend 31O Processors?
L'IA Atlas 200 DKAI dev,eloper kilt L'I B. Atlas 500 Al edge station
L'I C Atlas 200 Al accelerator modulle L'I D. Atlas 300 Al accelerator card
• Congratula ions, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: ABCD

29, Which of the following statements are true about regression analysis?

L,aA. Regression analysis is a statistical analysis method used to determine the quantitative relationship between two or more variables.

B. Regression anallysis is a type of unsupervised learning.

L,a C. Regression analysis is a type of supervised learning.

0 D. Linear regression with an absolute loss (L2 regularization) is called Lasso regression

I Previous I -

O Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: AC

30... Which of il:he following are used for lba.clkpropa.gaJon?

DA Number of network layers

Bl B..Activation flmctions

DC. Number of neurons at a single layer

Bl D.. Neman wei:gtlt


CD Congra ulations, you got rt! My Score : 20 Point(s) Correct answer: BO

31, Which of the following statements are true about support vector machines (SVMs)?
!IA.SVMs are binary classification models. Their basic model is the linear classifier with the largest interval defined in the feature space.
!I B. SVMs also have a kernel trick, which enables them to perform as a nonlinear classifier.
!IC The learning algorithm of SVMs is the optimal algorithm for concave quadratic programming.
!ID Based on the structural risk minimization (SRM), SVMs build an optimal hyperplane in the feature space so that the learner can be globally optimi
Previous I-
$ Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: ABCD
32, Which of the following are common kernel functions in support vector machines (SVMs)?
l!IJ A Gaussian kernel function I! B Sigmiod kernel function D C. R.eLU kernel function
I! D. Polynomial kiernel function
O Congratulations, you got if:! My Score : 20 Point(s) Cmrect answer: ABD
33, Which of the following statements are false about the combination of the model bias and variance?
II A. good model r,equires a high variance and nigh bias_
II B. high bias and high variance may result in overfitting_ D c_high bias and low variance may result in underfitting_ D D_model with a high varia
application value_
O Wrong answer My Score: 0 Point(s) Correct answer: ABD
34, Which of the following statements are false about the functions of the pooling layers?
!I A They reduce the receptive field_
0 B. Max pooling achieves invariance to some extent
!I C Pooling reduces the size of the input data at tile next layer and the number of parameters, but increases the computation amount
0 D_Pooling helps prevent overftting

Previous I-
O Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: AC
35, Convolutional neu al networks cannot be used to process text data.
0 Tme
@ False
O Congra ulations, you got it! My Score: 10 Point(s) Correct answer: False
36, In industry applications, models have demanding requirements on accuracies. A larger model corresponds to a higher accuracy.
U True
@ False
I Pre ious I -

e Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 10 Point(s) Correct answer: False

37, Distributed training is a feature of the TensorFlow framework ..

@ Trne
0 False
O Co gra ulations, you got i ! My Score: 1O Point(s) Correct answer: True
38, The soflmax function turns a vector of K real numbers into another vector of K real numbers, where the value of each vector element is within the range of (0, 1), 2
the sum of element values is within the range of (1,100).
( 1
True @ False

Pre ous I Fi¥+
O Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 1O Point(s) Correct answer: False

39 HUAWEI HiAI 3.0 supports the developme11t of P50 smartpt1011es.

@ Trne
0 False
C, Co gratulations, you got it!My Score: 1O Point(s) Cmrect answer: True
40 The PIL module i11 TensorFlow 2.0 is used to perform operations on images.
:) Triue False
C, Co gratulations, you got i ! My Score: 10 Point(s) Cmrect answer: False
41, Device, edge, cloud can respectively refer to smartphones, Huawei intelligent edge devices, and HUAWEI CLOUD.
@ True

Previous I -
9 Congratulations, you got itl My Score: 10 Point{s) Correct answer: True
42,,. The dropout technology can be used only during Al model training.
0 Tme
@ False
O Co gra ulations, you got it! My Score: 1O Point(s) Cmrect answer: False
43, Grid search randomly selects hyperparameter combinations. Therefore, it has a high efficiency and accuracy.
:) False

Previous I -
O Wrong answer My Score: 0 Point(s) Correct answer: False

44, MindSpore can be quickly deployed on the cloud and edge, improving resource utilization and privacy pro
size of the model, MindSpore cannot be deployed on mobile phones.
_:, True
@ False

Previous +ii+
0 Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 10 Point(s) Correct answer: False
45, ModelArts allows visualized management throughout the Al development lifecycle, including data preparation, training, modeling, and inference. It does not suppo
resumed training, training result comparison, or model lineage.
.- False

Previous +ii+
0Wrong answer My Score: 0 Point(s) Correct answer: False
46, In a convolutional neural network, the size of each kernel is not necessarily the same as that of a pooling layer window, but their steps should be the same.
( , True
@ False

Previous FISE

O Congratulallons, you got rt! My Score: 10 Prnnt(s) Correct answer: False

47, Mini-batch gradient descent (MBGD) cannot balance the robustness of stochastic gradient descent and the efficiency of batch gradient descent, and we may risk
getting stuck at local minima. It is not commonly used in practice.
'.!) False

Previous F

FD Congratulations, you got 1tl My Score: 10 Point(s) Correct answer: False
48., Federated learning can protect user privacy to some extent.
0 False
• Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 1O Point(s) Cmrect answer: Trne

49, If a 32 x 32 image (without padding) is input and a 5 x 5 kernel is used for convolution with a step of 2, the size of the output image is 13 x 13
C True
@ False

I Previous I
9 Congratulations, you got 11! My Score: 10 Prnnt(s) Correct answer: False

50., In TensorFlow 2.0l oontains methods to write data in TFReoord torrnat
:) False

e Congratulations, you got it! My Score : 10 Point(s) Cmrect answer: True

51, Although each industry and application faces unique challenges, they are all gradually adopting Al-based workflows and solutions.
@ True
0 False
Previous I-
O Congratulations, you got ii! My Score: 10 Point(s) Correct answer: True
52, All kernels of the same convolutional layer in a convolutional neural network share a weight.

0 True
@ False

8 Congratulations, you got it! My Score: 10 Point(s) Correct answer: False

53, Object Storage Service (OBS) can be widely used in scenarios with abundant relational data such as social apps, enterprise relationship analysis, knowledge grar
risk control, and recommendations.

-=: True
@ False

I Previous I Eli+

O Congratulatlons, you got rt! My Score: 10 PoInt(s) Correct answer: False

54, Typically, a larger k value in the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm reduces the impact of noise on classification, but makes the boundary between classes les1

C True
@ False

I Pre ous I Eli+
O Wrong answer My Score: O Pomt(s) Correct answer True
55 The positive O direction is the maximum directional derivative of a function.

1 I gradient

Corrnct answer: gradient


O Co gra ulations, you got i ! My Scorn: 20 Point(s)

56, At a convolution layer, there are 128 3 x 3 kernels and the size of an input feature map is 28 x 28 x 64 (without padding and with a step of 1). So, the depth of the
convolution kernels is {). (Fill in the blank with a number.)

1 64

Correct answer: 64

I Prevmus I MME

O Congratulations, you got I My Score: 20 Poinl(s)

57, HUAWEI HiAI built an open smart ecosystem based on the(), device, chip&quot; three-layered open architecture. ll enables developers lo quickly utilize Huawei'sl
powerful Al processing capabilities to provide a better smart application experience for users.

1 cloud

Correct answer· Cloud;cloud;CLOUD

I Previous I Eli+
O Congratulalions, you got rtl My Score: 20 Prnnt(s)

58, In MindSpore, if you want to define a function for collecting information after each step is complete, you need to inherit the() class.


Correct answer: Callback;callback

Previous I -

59, classification
Assume that model predicts
there are 10,000that 9000
data out of
pieces in the 9900 data
a cancer pieces are normal,
sample, and100
of which 90 pieces
out of the
cancerare from cancer
patients, patients,
and the the accuracy
other 9900 rate
pieces are of theIfmodel
normal. a is
90 9

Correct answer: 90.9

s Fi¥
& Congratulations, you got rt! My Score: 20

60, ModelArts ExeML is the process of automating model design, parameter tuning, model training, compression, and model deployment, () (requiring or not requiring coding and model development experience.
not requiring
Correct answer: not requiring
0 Congratulations, you got ! My Score: 20 Poinl(s)
rogramming paradigm is the automatic differentiation used by I Al framework. Which of the following is used by


tor iin MiindSpoire?

20 Point(s) Correct answer: A.

of the MindArmour subsystem?
tworthiness certification requirements and select appropriate test data generation methods.
del coverage and configuration policies.
efined trustworthiness metrics.
rthiness of Al models.

ptimizer The leaming rate is automatically updated
ot automatically update the learniing rate.
ate for each iteration.
o be manuallly set

: C

albout deep lleamiing?


utingi iif ther,eare more network parameters.

ii gs.
Point(s) Correct answer: A
hape of tensor [[[O,1L [2,3], [4,5H?

re: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: B

following statements iis false about the data quality?

alues. @C_Unprocessed: Data for which feature engineering has not been performed.
answer: C

used to ii1111stallll ifensorFlow?

20 Poirit(s) Correct answer: D

tio11p1rocess during appliication development?

Correct answer: D

(x, [3, 3])</br>print(y)<lbr>Which of the following is the output fo this code?

r: B

vices iis NOT a basic All platform service?

nt(s) Correct answer: C

etwo1rlk opera.tor iin MiindSpore?
e: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: C
orage iin PyTorc!h, MiindSpore, and TensorFlow?

Correct answer: B
he ReLU function?
ivative is forcibly defined at this poiniL
radient problem_
n is not smoot,henough in some regression problems @D Compared with Sigmoid and tanh, the

orrect answer: D

that wants to provide intellige11t customer service?

ct answer: B
mrne albout rnlle-lba.sed approaches?


programmi11g to sollve probllems.

1or training_
or diiffiicult to dlescriibe_

orn : 20 Pain (s) Correct answer: B

lby data ma1111agement on ModellA1rts?

20 Point(s) Cmrect answer: B


Point(s) Correct answer: A.

w on a test dataset. In this case, which of the following operati, can be performed?

wflen TensorFlow is used for model training?

) Correct answer: ABD

se in Al, big data, and other cutting-edge technologies, I GeoGenius offers a one-stop Al development
ment. Whio the following are the main functions or GeoGenius?

niversal engine of the Ascend 310 software stack?
ng tasks.

orrect answer: ABC □

on scenariios of HUAWEI CLOUD OCR?
iviing lioense recogniition &!IC.VAT invoice recognition &!ID..Aircraft itinernry

t(s) Correct answer: BCD

ormed by the storage control unit of the Da Vinci Architecture?

er: BC

e true albout lhiidden llayers?

r tile idlentiffication capability_

e over1fiitti11g.
v,erfitti g_

20 Point(s) Correct answer: AC

nci Architecture?

re: 20 Point(s) Correct answer: AD

h training job, causing unstability As a result, the loss function fluctuates or even encounters reverse displacements during

s too many compute resources.

GD, and is the optimal choice for all datasets.
er: ACD
an lbe equiipped wiitlhAscend 31O Processors?
as 500 Al edge station
Atlas 300 Al accelerator card
int(s) Correct answer: ABCD


mine the quantitative relationship between two or more variables.

d Lasso regression

swer: AC
d for lba.clkpropa.gaJon?
y Score : 20 Point(s) Correct answer: BO

s (SVMs)?
ssifier with the largest interval defined in the feature space.
near classifier.
dratic programming.
hyperplane in the feature space so that the learner can be globally optimi
nctions in support vector machines (SVMs)?
unction D C. R.eLU kernel function

(s) Cmrect answer: ABD

the combination of the model bias and variance?

c_high bias and low variance may result in underfitting_ D D_model with a high variance is of no

r: ABD
ons of the pooling layers?

mber of parameters, but increases the computation amount

wer: AC
be used to process text data.

10 Point(s) Correct answer: False

accuracies. A larger model corresponds to a higher accuracy.
: False

TensorFlow framework ..

1O Point(s) Correct answer: True

mbers, where the value of each vector element is within the range of (0, 1), 2

pme11t of P50 smartpt1011es.

1O Point(s) Cmrect answer: True

sed to perform operations on images.

0 Point(s) Cmrect answer: False

Huawei intelligent edge devices, and HUAWEI CLOUD.

t answer: True
only during Al model training.

1O Point(s) Cmrect answer: False

s. Therefore, it has a high efficiency and accuracy.


zation and privacy protection, and helping developers focus on Al apps. Due to
ncluding data preparation, training, modeling, and inference. It does not suppo

me as that of a pooling layer window, but their steps should be the same.

adient descent and the efficiency of batch gradient descent, and we may risk
rivacy to some extent.

Cmrect answer: Trne

or convolution with a step of 2, the size of the output image is 13 x 13


ethods to write data in TFReoord torrnat

0 Point(s) Cmrect answer: True

s, they are all gradually adopting Al-based workflows and solutions.

wer: True
a convolutional neural network share a weight.

oint(s) Correct answer: False

ational data such as social apps, enterprise relationship analysis, knowledge grar

impact of noise on classification, but makes the boundary between classes les1
imum directional derivative of a function.

orn: 20 Point(s)
p is 28 x 28 x 64 (without padding and with a step of 1). So, the depth of the

-layered open architecture. ll enables developers lo quickly utilize Huawei'sl


ion after each step is complete, you need to inherit the() class.

cancerare from cancer
patients, patients,
and the the accuracy
other 9900 rate
pieces are of theIfmodel
normal. a is
l training, compression, and model deployment, () (requiring or not requiring coding and model development experience.

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