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.'f,-osr \"
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E-^n:-+*-,,r "1
ciq uetta2@hotnrail.corn
Tel: #081-2870766 / Far # 081-2870798

C.No. I(I )DCI/A uctionlQAl2)2l I'1 B0 Dated: 0!.05.2023

The Chicf (FATE),

Federal Board of Revenue.



Please, refer to the subject cited above.

2. lt is intimated
that the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation Customs,
Quetta has set the dates of 17.05.2023 and 31.05.2023 for holding Public Auction of
Miscellaneous/Perishable Goods and Non-Duty Paid Vehicles. List of goods and vehicles is
enclosed, herewith, lor online publication lor information to the general public.
3. Further, following details in respect ofupcoming auctions may, please, be noted lor
publication on the FBR's website:

A. Title of Auction Misc./Perishable Goods & Vehicles

B. Venue: Aryana State Warehouse, Western Bypass, Quetta
C. Auction Commencement Month: May,2023
D. Name of Focal Person: Mr. Nasrullah
E. Designation ofthe Focal Person: lntelligence Officer
F. Contact Number: 08t-2870757

Description of Goods Ripe for

Sr, Date and Time of Auction Name of Auctioneer
Miscellaneous/Perishable Goods Business Line
1 t7 .05.2023 l0:00 anr
and Vehicles Tndicators
M iscellaneous/ Perishable Goods Business Line
2 i I .05.2023 I 0:00 arn I

Enclosed: As Above 9,!4I *Ttand Vehicles Indicators

5 )z-
(l)r. NIuham d Nad nl mon )
Copy to:
I The Director (HQ), Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation{ustoms,
LErt o\ Ll{ l_o t s - \ IiHt( l.lts
S. \0. ( asc No I)cscliptio ('hxssis \o. tinginr \o. I Iodcl
I lt9 10 1.t o\ ota Cotulla Car EE90-00t6.189 t 2 t99l
?. 29:112016 Rirlge RoYer SAI-LPAMJ3VA372616 N,1 r998
8t120I7 llino Bus, I{cg: No. .l8-9486 AK3 HI{K- 15597 N/f 2001
l 505i2017 Nissan Jeep J 1.R50-00.t992 N,I 1998
u,-,1018 o) ota \rark-X Car ct{xt 20,0077315 \,I 1006
126/21)t8 I)irhitsu i\4 irr ( ilr J DAI_20 t 500001I905 N.t 199{
2t1/2018 I oyota Crown Maiesta Irzs]86-001 t8 3UZ.FF, 2001
s 220,'2018
'lo\ota Prenrio Cur zzT2{0-006155.1 \I t00i
2l5i 20l8 'l o\ota l.and Cruiser J. I l-1120?404810 N. t' 1996
10 110,,1019 t r'rIr f':.r' r:.i. rd<r.r.rl ,\ . p^,,r .,, cT !70-20i{i,168 1946537 l99 t

l l.lli20l9 Iolota Hiacc Van (accidental & in poor condition) tTt8-0001251 2t.,10.1:920 1982
L] H7i20l9 Tolota Corolla Car (accidental & in poor condilion) E 100-ll09.l l0 \.I t99l
l.l t5ri 20t9 I o\ ota Hiorc Virn I I 72 lLlllli00l Tlli(,1 NI \l
lt l7l)rl0l9 Iirr'ota Cololla Car Kt55-766t4i \.I N.I
l5 lll] l0l9 Salsor Car L CI2l-00598+9 \l l99l
l6 t96 l0l9 Io\ola Land C ruiser Prldo \rzJ I95"0060910 5\,/'l L 1999
1t t97/2019 Nrssan Jccp $1F-CY6l-0iji0,1l N/t 2006
1t t01120t9 l-ovora Corolln Car. Repr No. BD-0i.I9 .\E I00-1 t91.18 5A FII l99l
106/2019 Zamlad Pickup. Reg; No. U'AX--'i00 INAZ PL Ho Tt-Jo2ll66 \t \, I

Itl I20i 20 t9 'Ti)yota l-and ( ruiscr trz.rt00-0II169l 2l /l:l 200r1

l1 l2ti20t9 lo\ ola Sprnler Car 1E96,00e1582 l( r9rr)
ll l2t.l0 r 9 Ii\ota l)rcnlio Car /.7.T210-00 121 52 t//t,L 2002
2i 2 2,,-i 20 I9 lo\i)ra I an{l ( nriscr R.! \o F-1155 t:.r.15-2.101l6 NTI Nil
l.l r)ll/r0lg li)lota N4ark-X Car CIIX l2l ' 10056,13 3(itI sL 2005
:5 219/2019 li)\ota \trrk-X Car. l(eq\o. AZS-090 CI{X 120-00256,10 .r(; tursE 2005
:6 I l0 l9 lo\ota lrieliier Cnr zzEt12-0014911 NI 2000
'l (ittx
21 2.19i201I olota N4lrk X Car 120-0{)14825 N.',t 2005
t8 2 54120I 9 lo\otd Sufl t Nli0,70[802 2 L-.r088182 1995
l9 t:i 202n Mazda Tmck. Registration No. JS-2.173 \\'cJrT- 100r r5 IIO6EA,l.l585 1985
i0 2020 IIonda Civic Car, Rcgistrirtior No. ALC-1.1.1 .ll lNlFDi(,2083206557 N/'I
ll i5i 2020 l,'\uta Ilr.rc( VdI Rcg l'lll( \o l,\.4(--10. I.t l6 M-0007011 I N/'I \/l
ll lL)l lUli) l-t^ ola Brcvir. AllR-.196 JL',C l0-{)017382 Ni.I 200 r
ll I 2020 'l o\ota Probo\ ( ar \cP58-0015617 \l 2005
1.1 l2l/1020 I o\ ota ('fo\\ o ('er. LIN It-(120. cRS lu2-50008i I lcir{r:sll 2001
l5 1li,l0l0 lor ota ( or rt Car. .{ I l(-(119
r (;\\rs20.l-00011I7ti 2(;l{FSE 2008
lo lt.l l0l0 li)\oti l:ieldrr {- ar- AAK-603 Nlt l] l-0196050 \t It0:
1i5,202t) I()\01a Prcrrri() ( ar I l{ I l60,l0lr0l7 N.l l0r7
I8 0i 202t) ota Vitz Crr. Ileg: No \cP It-000 t86l N/'I 2r:)00
.19 l1e, t0l0 li^ota Prctro\ Car itcP58-0011..l]i INZFE l0!l
l1r ri l l0l0 ( hc\ rolel Cirr ltR52S-801{5? \/I 2005
+t ti2i 2ill0 lolota Il obo\ Car N( P5 t-0078193 I\II]E 200"1
.11 ti I t0t(r li)!ota Ficldcr Car NZEt2l-014 r036 Nil 200i
.1-l lil l0l0 lb!ora Nlark X Car ct{xll I- 100099.l ic Ir.f sE l00l
.t.l l59i 2021) lb\'ola cro\\11 car c\\is204-00 I 6063 2( ir{l- s F 2010
.15 2221t020 li)vota Surl tizN I85-00 t 5148 i I{zl:I t996
16 2.1ir2020 'Io)'ola Sur,' vzN185-9057104 5 \/lt,L 2001
lr 2u7i2020
ola Passo Car KCCI0-0020752 IKITI]E 1001
.]8 t9i202l Ilonda Ci\ic Car . tNfI-D46208S201774 NIf N/l
20i1102 r li)\ota Corollu Car ztEt22-)t)11493 t//lF 2001
5t) 209 1021 'lirrota l\'1ark X Car cRx I l0-0021862 4C I{ FSE l0u5
i1 I t0,202 t (;RNl l5-805205 I N, l 2005
5l l: r ,2{)2 r ll(,ndn ('iYil ( xl .ll livl IrllI(,2011520I 5 l,l N/t \11
5l 26i 2021 lo\{)la Nlark X Car ( iR \
I I I I (X).1 2 80 i( itt t,sE. 2 00.r
r1 lll: l0.l I i rrrota Plenrirr car l7t'2r0-01i650? 1/ / 1,L l00l
a) -1l)irl02 t Ii))ota Wish l'ielder lNI:t0-019.1Il2 t/./ | l: .2006
r0r,20t I lr)\ora Pickop .r I t EK.l96t000l: t-r0 5t I 200.'j
108r2021 I orota Ficlder Car zzE I l2-0006106 17.7.t E l()0.1
5t i 10i2021 lo\ ola l'rcnrio ( ar /,1Itl{)-50.15105 rzzrrE(r800(() 2005
59 01i l0ll lo\ ota l-an(l C'I1riser I c\us V-8 .r t.rH t00\\ 7{li5{267,1 N/l l0i)l
60 05 '
l02l li^ola SLrrl' Itz\ I85-00-11 710 Illl;E (2700( ( ) l00 t

{)l Suzuki J inrnr Jeep .t ll Ii\\'-I(x)6u0 \il 1005

(,1 I l,l02l lo\()ta Vit,, ('i[ s( P90--5051052 2SZFh (l300CC) l(10-i
6l t0 t0l2 lo\olr Ficl(ler Car /71'110-5006)12. N/'I 2001
6.1 II l()ll I o\ota Ficl(kr ( ar ZZI: l2 i -0068187 \I ]UU ]
22t)022 Honda Civic ( ar JHi\'1FD 1630652 i3860 NII t006
66 21,2012 Honda Civic ar
C Jl lN{ES55805S20i809 N,'I 2005
6l l6,20ll To!'ola Cro\r Car cRSt82-0017419 NTI l00l
()ii I15i2022 Tovota Prenrio car 7.7.1')10-0025101 N,rl t00l
69 6/2022 l oyota Prcmio car AL I t.l-5029602 N/I t00l
1\) H 8/2022 Tovota Fieldcr Car l.ZE 122-00i27 52 N/'T 20r.)l
7l 1lni202l 'lolotlr Mrrk X lcRY l]()-6070224 20r3
1) | Hino lnrck
1t t202) IFDiHLA- l5o(.)5 N/T 1990
rl lJ9rl0lr I iin0 I ru.k
t-t 161,1022 To\rnr V irz ( i \ sP li-20121t6 t\l{t,t: 20
) l(rll
1N SLrzuki .\ lto ( Lrr H.^i6S-2193 t It( )6. \
r9 totl Suzuki Alto ( rr I l:\16s,2001{7 l(U6.\ l0ll
-l L luti I olota Aqur Car l\ HP tu-b107576 t\ll,\L 2015
li .I l02l Tolola Aqua CilI NHI't0-t{78931 l\,/l \l: 2015
llr202-l Suzuki Kci ( ul HNIIS-100127 \, I 199t4
80 l9il02l l oyota I'rius Car zv\\'i0- t25 0t 9u tltt r:\ l: l0l0
11l [, ]021 To)lta Prius Crr zvw30-0082037 llt{t,xL 1009
l rr\h l.ol\ ol \ ehi(lcs
L t6t t2022 Darhutsu Car' L,\i 5 0s-0i17073 3 \t N,T
t61i2022 Ilaihatsu Car LAl50S-009028,1 \,I N-.1'
-1..1r20l Tr)\olx I'riI\ a in' zvwt0-5040615 2ZtU'XE 2009
-1 .16 l0ll ToYota Prenrio L ilr zr{'l:6 ]-30219 i 9 llt{t,,\ L 20t6
5 .l- l0l l Totua Cro$n (Hlbrid) lc\\'s2lr- roo22o5 l8GRFxs l0t8
l, {8',1023 Lerus LX 570 LIIJ20 t -{280206 It] 'E 20 ll3
19,1021 Io\ ota l)rius (ar zv\f 5 t-6063028 2ZItFXE 201?
s 5!,I0l l To\Lrta Larrd ( nriser Prddo c D.r t50-0035,180 I(IIJF-TV t0It
5 t ]ot -1 To\ ota ( ro\\ n (ll) brid) ci\\ s2 H-6001,57 t 2(illFxE l0ll
l0 52il0ll lo\olr l)reius ( irr z\'\\ -10-0225 5 52 2ZIllrXIl 20t(l
IL 5 l
jr20t li\ota l'rirs ( itr 7 V\\ i2-101064 t 27t{l'xt: 20Il
tl 5t,r 0l l Suzuki A Llo ( ur ll tA li,s-lhl477 ll(r )r, \ N.',l
Lr 5 5,1021 L-c\LLs I Xil0 r R.ll0 r-.1201100 [{ l;1.
.r ( 211I6
l-l 56,2011 ]-ovola Vitz ( xr N( P9 r-5 180999 IN./I:I 200IJ
t5 57i2021 Tor ota l'rius ( ar zv\\'52-3011558 t,/ I{l \1, 20ll
l6 s8,l0ll
olu Lal]d ('lrri\er URJ20l-1t07060 LI I{I I l0ll
t- i9il0li Lc\us t X 570 L l{.r201-{205101 It til I lu l6
IN 60 2021 I orota Hilur SLrr t ( iR\t I 5 -ii t09068 t( it{t,t: 2009
19 6ti2iJli N{crccdcs- Ucnz Il\brid \\'DD2220572A [916] \.I t0 t.t
l0 6i,l0ll Tr.rrora (orollr Ario Htbrid Car NKF t65-7t:14756 t\l-l xL 2016
lt 68r2021 Le\Lrs LX 5i0 LlR.t20l-42 t,+346 3t rl{l:Il 2016
t_tat.t'oVLR l.ol s- cooDs
S,8 ( art \o l)r\.ription Q ur n tit\
l9l l1)l I t/O Ccnts Clorhs 2{00 Kgs (Appro\.)
l ll7 2010 Cr()rkcr) (\li\) 6i0 Canons (Tolal Weight 11.400 Kgs)
I 200 Ca(ons. (each Canon of 1.80 msq) (509/0
.19 llll0 Kashi BastaD Digilal Iilcs (rtlild in lran) Sizc.l0X60
Kashi Bastan Digital Ceranric Iilcs. Size i0X60CM
I 16, t0l0
(made in Iran)
2100 Canons (each carron of L80nrsq) (50')i d n ged)

.lr l (ll0 Kashi Bastan Digital Ccrrnric Tilcs. Size i0X60CM

(nradc in lran)
515 Cartons (each cartolr ol l.80nrsq) (50'r. Jiulrirgcd)

Stickv nrorrsc catchcr board 2l Cr(ons

lllouse Poisoll 05 Carlons
Ccnts Clolhs rl20 Kgs
l.r(lics /\is ('lolh .198 Kgs
Cunain cloth l7l0 KL,s
\\relding ltod 88 Catons (each of20 Kgs)
90 Carlons (Each carton 600 l'ieces) 2 Canou Dan.r8e
F/o I'irdlock (20nrnr)
Each 20 Kgs
l5E/2020 (C)
09 Cartons (Each carton 72 Pieces) 0l Carton Damage.
F/o I']adlock (50nrnr) I
Each I6 Kgs
.lirl iel Shniix'n.lotl) 190 Kgs

5 e9 lirlS .lnli( lorh il0 Kgs

Ioryue llod Il ush 20 cartons each cln has 06 pes lornlr 120 pcs
( iti I' Dcl\ (Cold) rl5 Cartons {cach has J Rolls) .10 kls irDDtu\
I I 6(r l()lli r69 20llt)
\\ cldirrg tlods ,1 Cartons (each cln has 20 kgs each ctn 8 pkels)
1n tr9r:0l9 F/o Ladies Ckrths l3 Parcels (each parccl ol-75 Kgs)
Elcctlic Keltlc (21-l
1. Scarlcl l. i6 Nos
2. OId & Used Windo$ AC 2.07 Nos
L I)xrncl)ulc ( lolh 3. 3i ltolls (900 Kgs)
4. Crorvn Plus Collcction llody Sprly (200rn1) 4. 1.300 Nos
II 7812010 _fel
5. Cups 5. 136 Nos. (05% damased)
6. Originll (irllcLtiorr rul SLcr:1 I 6. l0 Box (cach box of03 picccs)
7. r\uto I{rckshu* Sparc l'nrls 7.09 Plastic I'rlccls
8. r,/o ailass lllnsles 8.60 Dozcns.
ll 200i2019 Parda Cloth 2400 Kss ( 120 Rolls)
1.1 2lll/20 t9 Jackets (A11ificial) Made in China 100 \os
lr l6i STr'( irps120l? F./o Caps nradc ol'acrvlic 80 Kgs (800 Pieccs)
l. Shahab Br. Insccr Killcr llran) 400M l. ,/holllc
I l. 55 Canons (05q; lcakcd)
( l2 Piec!_s./Ca(onl
t5 Ll \l ( )' '.i\
2- L-scd Nlanual iack lirr l- l\ 2. .16 Picccs
Shock Absorbcr \\ ilhorll 5lrrirr! li)r I I V ,l.18 l'ieeci
l(r llr) l()19 Ft frxbric ( \l i\cd ) 1000 Kps
1- l0'S L l'lugs,2()17 Torota Spark l'lLrg. \lirJc in.lirplr. 90919-\'l2AB I000 I'iec,is
l. Hair Straightencr / Clippcrs diflcrent brands. l\4ade i!l
l. l8(lpcs
l3 E/S I /l lair Slraightcner/20I7 Chinc
2. Decrric! Hair Dr)€r 1800-$r. Mrdc I 0 C hinr 2.2.l'l'cs
l9 '7
2i).1)2t) Pams Koeir Cerauric-filcs. Si.,c l0X()0 (M0de in lran) 2230 Cartons (each carlon ol l.lJ0rnsq) ( l07u dxnr.rgcd)

Dlectric Keltlc (t)(nneos) ( I litcr) 160 Nos.

Vacnrr .lug (sikandcr L I D) (1.0L) (61*47.5*5'i*15..1 cttr
0i cartons (carton l2 psc oll lihs ) (oartoi ll kgs )

\/acum Ihsli (sikrn(ler )(2.0 l-) l0 cartons (carton l2 pcs o1 2 llr)(carton I3.5 kgs )

l0 cartons (Each carton l2 pcs ol'2 ltr) (carton 9.2

tast Electric Kcfilc (Scarlctt) (2.0 ltr) (Sc-llil13)

I r() lllllr lll r Elecrric Hear Kcl1lc (l lAt](;EI{ ) (2.() lrr ){I l(;'7li38) 0i canons (canon l6 pcs ol 2 litr ) (curlor Ij.j Kgs)

Elcctronic \losqLrito (illcr tr:radc iI cIirur ) (l.U-lll) l0 \o.

l'est killer I made io china ) (l)o\\cr 2\ l5\ ) (\'1-l -010)

Ladics prrrse (old rlnd used ) (lJill'erent sizc x (l brands) I00 \os. ( I otrl *eigh! =10 kg\)
Ladics A/s clolhs (made in china) 900 kgs
lr l.l I l0l I F/o Cldhs 39ltolls (1850 Kss)
11..t,2022 F,o lllalkcts l:18 Nos.
Cirlvanizcd Stccl Wirc Rope :l.onrnr 09 Iloilcirch ol 1525 mct,ir
ll l-1.1i 2022
(;xl\eni/cd Stlcl \\rirc ltope I inch 06 Rolleach of40 KC
[/o I]cud l-iEhr Vehicle (fl \or
t.,o vchicle l{iDr Snrall 03 \cjs
lj,o Scrc\\ Dri\er 02 Ctn Each ctn has 90 pcs
F/o l"ao BLrih Vehiclc 0l I'urcel lotal 20 pcs
l/o Scll lle lt 0l I'arccl liach of20 pcs
Fro Il lcctlic [:] renk 0l Parcel Each of l0 Nos
l:/o Nlotor Cvcle o linder 0I Pcrcel
F/o l)ring Sh li Vchiclc ()E \oi
F/o Car llumper 0t) \os
F,/o Vchiclr IlirI 02 Nos
Fr'o Stccring rvheel 0l Nos
F/o Vehiclc Cutkha 01 parccl |rch of l0 r.'os
ll 119lrrll !-/o Vehicle Break lighr 0l l'arcel Each o[ l0 \os
F/o Vchicle l-ight l-\ Nos
f,o II(n)kh,r 02 Nos
L'o Vc riclc Virror 02 I'arccl l-ach of l5 pcs
F/o Elginc oil 0l Chl each ctn has 04 bottles of5 ltr can
F/'o Vchicle Seat Cover 05 h,n)(iles of 05 scr\
Ir,'o Vehiclc llerd Lighl ()l \os
Flo Cnr llnck Scat 0l Nos
l:/o vehicle I)ccoxlliou piecr 0l I'arccl l:a!h ol 05 kgi
F/o Vehirle tlui!ersal Joint 0l t tI] Erch of05 Nos
l"/o Hilux l'iekup (Back bod] ) 0l \os
Ir'o Acid (l IYDROCjI:\ l'l,l{OXIDE) (io'li, l.eakage) 400 C'aos each ol20 l1r

Purrla ( loth l8 Rolls ( I oral \\ ciehl ?:10 Kgs)

Prrrclrut. ('lorh 06 Ilundlcs ar)d 07 ltolls l linel .10(l l(g\)
l.l 100/l{)ll dr: 08.06.1022 A/s Clotlt 2861 Kgs
Soiting Cloth 720 Kgs
'lransrval T1 re (215/70R15) 2l Nos.
F/o Bishor (Makhnlal) Cloth used for Pillorv Cover and
-la 97 /2022 dt. 0:, .06 .2421 16720 Kgs
Bed Cover
t'rrdr ( loth 250 l(olls ('Iotal 9.600 Kgs)
l6 95r2022 dr:29.05.2022 /s Cloth l0-i Rolls (900 Kgr)
Par rchutt Cloth 675 ( 10.350 kss)
Plastic I],rtrs (lran) 160 I'ackage (each of25 Kgs)
PhsLic \\ llur l'ipc ( lran) 06 llundles
I]irr l)rr)u 0i Piuc.l: (each of50 K8s)
Itot)c I0 I'ackaSc (each o[24 Pieces)
Vcl\et B[Irkct. l'illo\\ Co\er 80 K8s (appro\.1
9.1 2{)ll Jtr l l.l.r5.l0 2l
Irollr srrtirll nres 50 \os.
I ) rc Road Lu\ (8.25R I )

T\ re lech lir)g (8.25[t I ) 6 Nos

XUSHIFO Magic High Pcrtbrmdnce Acrylic Adhesive
1000 -\.-os
(( hira)
Super I loma (Paradise nrolor oil) (2% Lcakoge) 06 ctn each ctn of .l hr
INRI'htlup (T.\,pe ,l j D l0/22 5.5 HP -lKW) 22 Pcs
llr 6.1r2022 !lt: 10.0j.2(ll2
Dongyin Purtp 2.2KW/3llP/380 V/50 llZ l0 Pcs
M II Lipht Uulb (Nlins ches) J0 Bo\
Lrdics A/S Cloth 1900 Kgs
Irurir shut !lLrtll 500 Kgs
Ladics iail Cloth l(X) Kss
Ladics.loler l0 Kgs
Ladics (io\Yn 15 K8s
l9 l0/2022 d1: 16.02.2022
(;cnts Sha\!l 15 Kgs
CtcL'pa(i 180 K-qs
Copper N ir. (Scrap) li( ) K!,s
Clcle Tlr'es 175 Nos
Cl cle Tyre'Iubc .l0 No\
(l l0/2022 dt: 17.01.2022 I'ruiscror (Old &t .ud)
.t l0 Nos
Shock Absorb€rs (For t,TV) (Ditlcrcnl Size) (Old &
132 pcs
(;ear Bo\ For LTV (OId & t-rscd) 0-l \oi
Shock Absorber back Wheels (LTV) (Diftirent Size)With
l2 \os
Coil spring (New)
Spendles(LI\') l6 Nos
Kanchi(LTV)lArnrs) llNos
A\cls (l.l V) 2(r Nos
\\ripper \,lach inc (l.lV) ll0 \os
ABS tsrake (L I V) l.l \os
AC Compressor ([. l V) II \oi
Cooler Fans (l- I V) | \Lr
Trartor Punrp l)ilrls (\e\\ ) i5 prrccl
I rnctor Joinls (OId & tlsed) 0-l \os
llrake Lcather Prid (Old & Used) 0l bx8
03 cartoo cacb carlo[ 4 bo\es cach box has l0 paclcls
Crr Spark IllLrgs (Nc\\ )
of l0 pcs I otal pc '100 Nos
Al.l'IlA (sten Ass) Sall) (l- I V) (r.\c\J 0l parccl each parcel has 07 pcs
Clutch Disk (LTV)(NcN) 02 carton each carton has 22 pcs
0l carlon each carton has 19 Boxes each box has 05
l racrcr on/o1I'sNitches irr\ kcys (Nc\\)
Kolo itlxll & rollcr Bearinr,) Made ln .lapan lNe\\,) 09 carbn each citl1on has 1l pcs
l ulto LlclriDg (Nc\\ ) l8 carton each clr'Lon has l0 ncs
N'l'N (Bearing ) lvlade llt.llpiro (Ne\\) l0 carlon cach crflon has 16 pcs
Crs ket (2mrr Thickncss) (Ne\J 24 pus
I)ri\c i'inrou \\ irh Rines (H IV) Sets (\c$ ) 25 carton
(i)usrenr Velo.itt ioint (ll-lV) (r-c\\) 13 canon each canon has l0 pcs
Car l)(x)r Acce:series ir\\ \\ ifos (()ld & t-jed) 13l pcs
Cal Door Accesser-ies a./u Wires (OId & Llsed)
lll pcs
( Arrrcnlxlic )

I ( .In slrxtis (1I-lV) (OLd & Llsed) (ll \os

\1 .1. ,r .lrrr. r..,s. '
,.1\ Ir, lr:,1\ , .IIT\ / 0l carton cach c rto0 has 20 pcs
Cff Jacks lOld & t.lsrdJ 60 pcs
Bonet Clips 0l parcel 50 pcs
Door l.ock 0l I'alccl I otal 15 pcs
Cucha (LTV) (Old & Used) 0l \oi
Cars Jack panr 08 N,,\ kgj
(llulch l:uil ( !linder 07 \os
Di(scl Punrf ['n11s lio Nos

NANW l:iltcr (l ltl l2l l0X) (nradc ln Ce|manl ) (t ITV) llJ \os
toor Jrli (ll I \') 06 \os
Door Side \\'indo\\ llullons 0l l'irrccl
Car Wiring \\/ires (LTV) 02 Ilundlts
Conrpl€te Cear handlcs (t,TV) 0-l Nos s horcns 0i Pxrccl lolrl pcs ?0
\\'lrrcl Cups hall LirLrnr tlllV) ll Nos
Brer( S\\ itch { LIV)10 cnr (Old l'rcsurc S\!iich) 0l Canon each ca(on h,rs 500 pcs
-il 105i2021 dr: I0 ll.l02l Crl\ Dash Board (Upper Q)!cr) (LTV) 02 Nrts
Cooler.lali (1. IV) I I Nr-rs
(irmplete Dash Board picccs (LTV) 0l I'arc.l
Cnrs llcilrcr ll.l\ ) OIt Nos
Ilose Pipe l{ubbcr (t,l V) 05 pcs
(urs side !1inor (l-TV)(Old & t]scd) 6l Nos
ludirtor conrplctc \\'irh l:rn (1.'l-V) 0.1 Nos
Airouler (1,-l V) 0l Nos
\ elrielc lllek Liehr ( H I V ) \1i\oJ (t)illirenl size) 0l parcel 'l ol.rl pcs 27
l-'ront I lcad Light (Dill'crert size) 20 pcs
Ileld I-ighr 1I- I\')(onrplllc 0l \o'
Car Dipital nreter 0l Nos kgs
Foge lighl Covcrs 2,1 pcs
L)oors Ilubbers 0l llrndies
Steering whecl (1,1V) 09 Nos
Speendo Meter (l-'l V) ll Nos
Speedo l\4eler (ll fV) 0l Nos
I Surl llumper.J.rli 04 Nos
Dash Board Tap CoVer 0-i \os
Air Cooler Pipcs (t. fV) 0l I'arcel
t-usc llo\es (l- I V) 2l Nos
Ivrcs l ubless Vxlles 02 l'arccl
Side Doors Windo$'s Pressure Controler co\er 90 pcs
Vchicle Antina 03 lcs
C)c1€ Wheel paoo 0l l'i[ce]
Motor C)cle Carblrrctor l.l \os
\1oror ( \.1c (Crrnk shxti) 0l Nos
Motor C\clc locks side/ \$,itclr 0l l'arcel

Motor Clclc l-inring ( hains

{i canons each canon has 20 Boxes each box has l0
packets ol l0 pcs
Motor (llcle EDgire co\cr 05 pcs
l]t ctclc,\\cel ol 6 pcs
sel 0.1earlon each carton his 50 set
\'{oior c\clc ( hlch ( trhil l6 Bundles each bundlc has 100 pcs ol cablc
\'1olor c\ cle lloller ehlin 02 parcel 'lotal pcs E0
B] ('\ cle paddl. 0l parcel Iotal pcs 190
I]-\ C)c1e \\'heel Ilub (Snlall) 03 parcel I otal pcs 305
1]\ ( \cle l-irk 90 pcs
Br Cr clc Tr res I Lrbe 02 parcel folal pcs 145
B1 ( yclc Brcalis 02 parcel I otal pcs 293
Cyclc paddlc Crank and Ril1g chaio (Diffcrcnl Size) 03 parcel l'otal pcs 271
Bi ( rclc Trrcs 170 pcs
B\ ( \e lc I:rrnrc\ 05 pes
li. c\ clc Scrl l9 \os
\4otor Clcle Spark l)lugs S7 \os
Tubes I'or (llTV) 15 Nos
Arrrr llcst For (l.l V) 0l Nos
lr()rr \cra|. 1650 Kgs
(lcar ljor Ior (llT\')(()ld& t]scdl 0l\oi (l nsen isrblc)
50 Nos
l5l'l0l I dr: I9.07..2021 ilk Clorh 120 I{olls

15l l0l I
I ] rcr ^11 Sizc 0.50-
(M ltF) ll (Ne\ ) 0(r Nos.
Solr(LLshio (Lolhs I0 ltolls (360 Kgs)
Ladics Als Clolh 22i K8s
Star burds-100 nrl Oti \Lr:
-rl ll8,20l I d1: lti.(15.202l
Sana Uonds 100 rnl l2 Nos
lbyora Oil l-'ilte. (lu LTV) ll \os
CIo!h cLrt piece nri\ 750 Kss
Khaskhas 650 kes
\1ie() \a\e o\.crr 06 Nos
China locL 350 kgs
Spare pa l-o)ola [Jushing 5l kes
Curtriu (I'arde)clolh 800 kes
.t _i t78'202 t
Illrrins I 0ll krs
DC sulrcrsable pun:p (24 v) l2 Nos
Spar parts piston \\ itlr pin l0 Kgs
Spare prn: I{inr |cace 15 kgj
Penasonic Slarnr lron l0 Nos
llair drrer 06 Nos
Itaigzen Cloth ,15 0 (gs
lir tl tOl I Sinrplc ( lotlr l6i Kes
Daslill Kha\\an l.l Kgs
l F/o Crc\\n Wheel l)anio
l-/o Cear Shali (Old & Used) .12 Nos

l7 6012(12l dr. 0'l 01.2021 lr/o Fronl llisr (Old & t.lscd) 0l Nos.
F/o Nhcel Druols alongNith Break Shoes (Old & Used)
07 Nos.
1'or I
Ilrcs I l-20 i/o 02 Nos
Cloth Ladies (icotr And Ncl Cloths l'/o -ll1) K!r
l'hstic Pipe 76 llolls elch 3 kg l/o 228 Kgs
Cas/Eleclric lleatcrs (Used ) F/o ,10 Nos
Vehs Rinrs Mediunr Size l-lo I0 Nos
A/C U'ilh O ter F/o 0l Nos
Electric Srvich lran Origin 08 x Ctns each clo 160 Nos
ll80 Nos
Motercvcle Piston 03 x ctrrs each ctn 100 Nos F/o 100 Nos
filtcr For Vehicle 04 r ctns each ct,t l2 Nos F/o lll \os
.rN 07i2021 dr: 1i.01.2021
i\4oterclcle Chair 05 x ctns Each ctn li
Nos F/o 175 \os
Molcrc\cle Autopa(s (lll x ctns each --iokg F/o 2.10 Kgs
l'nnilsonic Steam iron 0l{ x ctDs each 06 nos l/o .lli Nos
I lai| Sn'ighr0cr I0 \ clrrs each 06 n()s l lo 60 \os
l'itrasonic IlxchaDcc 2.1 \ Line (l-lscd) lro 0l Nos
Vchicle Piston rvith pin 05 I ctns each 05kg F/o 25 Kgs
\ chicl. t'islon \\ ith tirr 05 \ ctns each I lkr l-ro 60 Kgs
Pliers (Piass) 0i \ cnrs each l2kg F/o 66 Kgs
l:iller Wr€nch 0l \ clri each ctn 22 kg l./o 22 Kgs
I ILlir Brush 05 x clos each ctn l5klr |/o ?5 Kgs
Break lloosler Small 06 \ cnrs each ctrr 0l not l:tl 2.1 Nos
Breilk llooster Larcc 09 \
clns each ctrr {,2 noi l,'o I8 \os
Lldies clolh 219 Rolls lllU Kgi
Tlrc srnLrll Dif]arclll sir( l0 X Bdls Each lldl 04 Nos '10 \os
Vchicle Clulch plate 0l Cll1 each ctD 04 Nos 0.{ Nos
I,l/C Carborarer 05 Crr)s each ctn ,10 Nos 2ilo Nos
0.2i2021 dI: Aulo Pa,1s J pcs l2 Ctos each ctn 50 sels 60Lr srrs
Nl,r( side lock 05 erns exch crn 150 Nos l2i0 \os
n Lrlo pafi 2 pcs 0l Clrr each cto 150 sets 150 sets
N11( Main swilch 0l (ln each ctn 500 Nos 500 Nos
M/C oil Tank s cap 02 Crns each Ctn 200 Nos .100 Nos

l\,1,/C bairing 32 crns each ctn 200 Nos 6100 \os

A/S Cloth 165 Kgs
.l0 i02i2020 (h: l-1.0 1.102 I l,udies Suit Cloth 576 Nos.
l'lxslrc l'ipe I61 Kgs
{is C lolh 2ll ltolls (1.00(r Ktss)
1l 91,'2020 dr: 0i.05.2020
Keshavirrz Long Boots (ltubber boots) (Mnde in lran) l-10 pair
N,lobile ChflrBcr (Old & trscd) 125 Kgs
Laptop Churger (Old & Llscd) 55 Kjts
Hand lrcc (Mjle)(Ol(l & (iscd)
I5 Kgs
Po\\er llirnl (l)illercnr siz. & br.ud) (Old & t scJ) li0 Nos
Speakcr (Dill'crent Sizc & brLrnd)(Old& trscd) 187 \os
\lobile Holdcr l0 \(i\
\,1ike(Old & L sed) 0J Nrx
(lamertl l)igilrl (old & uscrl) ((lill'crc]lr sizc & t)rrnd) ll N,)s
Solrrlll)llL,lb 21 Nos
Hand lrcc IllLrctooth
l.ED Lishl 0I I'arcel
IVA Light ( harger .10 Nos

HD Digilrl Snrellite l{eccivcr 06 No\

Ilard Disk (l)iftirenl size & b(rnd) (Old & tlscd) 100 Nos
1l .t {,2022
Floppj Disk (Old & Used) l0 Kp.s
Dish llccciver 156 Nos
Tube l-ichl l9
Oren dilltrcnt size & brand (Old & tJsed) 1.1 Nos
Elecuic \\rcight Machine 0lNo\
DC lnvcrtor ill Nos
Eiccrric K.ll c 2.1 \\)\
AC Portrblc (Old & t rsed) l)2 \rx
AC Spelr (Old & L'sed) 0.1 Nos
lror (lil'lercrl rire nnJ brln(l ) (Old & Ljserl l lJ Nos
I lLrir l5 Nos
Sc\ing \ln.hirte {OlLl.t I \c(l)
Sm.rrl \\ ir(eh (Dillifcnl silc & brand) (OId & i ..,1)
Anrplilier (()ld & Lised)
Rcliigemlor (ias (P.R.C) l2 Nos each of30 kgs
Hair Hunun (Vig) 06 l'.uccl Iotal Wcight I8 kgs
.lr 29',2020 Trles L IV \c* 23 \os
F,/o-lrres lirr t.l V differenl brands and sizes) l5() \o:.
Ir/o Lorrg March Ttres (8.25R l6LT) .1-< \rx
wool Clolh I200 K[is
.11 Iid2022 (A) Nel.lali 90 Kgs
Cenls ( lolhs I5i] K8s
Parachule Cloth 900lgs
Cushinc Clolh 100 Kgs
I-resh L f Cood
lranian Oligin Vaccum Jug 620 Pcs etrch of 2.0 liter
Iranian Water Jug 102 Pcs each of 2.0 liter
I t9 t0r: (B ) lranian Crockery I100 Pcs Total 1000 Kgs
Wonrrnen Hair 07 Palcels each of 15 Kgs
Ladic's cloth -15 Kgs
Old & L:scd lITV/Ll'V door 20 Nos
I Old & Uscd l-TV/ll'l V Seats 205 \os
Old & Uscd HTVi'L-l-\' Front & Rear bumpers -10 \os
Old &
Used But sen iceable HTV 04-Cylinder Diesel
l5 Nos
Engine rvith Cears
Old & llscd Llut serviceablc llTV 04-Cvlinder Diesel
0l Nos
Enginc uithout Geals
OId & Uscd But serviceable 03-Cylinder L'l-V Petrol
l)l \oJ
Enginc $ith Cears
OId & Liscd l.TV Dashboald \\ ith Acccssories 06 Nos
Old & tlscd l:ronl .lali oi MVda l'ruck l0 \os
N,li\ ALrto parls Scrap ofasso|tcd sizes & Shapes 700 Kus
Uscd Ll V lndicators 0ll \()s
Used I-TV llrake light 26 \os
Old & Used complete Mazda llood r.vith Standard
05 Nos
Accesso|ics Without roof
Old & Llscd Cutted Root ot Hoods 05 Nos
Old & I iscd Il I V Radirtors (l-l \Lrs
Old & Llscd LTV AC-Condenser l0 \os
Old & Ltscd LT\r Head LiAhts l(l \Lrs
l2 \,x

OId & Llscd LTV Sidc Mirrols
OId & Used Automatic l,J V Ccar Lever l6 Nos
Old & tjscd Ll V/HTV Stcering Wheels 65 \os
Old & t.lseti L.lV Lisht Beam Dipper 20 Nos
Old & LtseJ lllVAiIClerncr loi N(^
Old & t seil ll l\j Silenccr l)oll ll \os
Old & llsed llIV Clurch ('\lindcr 06 \os
Old & I rsed lrucl Tanks ol Milzda frucks 0ll \Lrs
()l,l & I s..l lllVDilti'rtiLi,rl 0l \os
Old & I scd ll f\' \\ hccl ilrums ll \os
Old & L.lscd HTV Gcars tl6 \os
Old & ltscd Il lV Hood l.ock ()li Nos (95 kgs)
Old & [ scd l.T\I Dickr tl)l \os
IJrand nerr ll I V \\iindo\\ I{clrulators 50 \os
Old & Llscd HTV Fan llcatcr 0l -'os
Old & tlsed HTV Brcak l-ight I8 \os
a ranc ivlrchincN I)affs t)2 Nos
Old & t.lsed l{l'V Chassis Frame Bearing Chassis
Nos.( l)wCLlT-102320 (2) wELAT-417475 (3)
wcL4H- r20 r48 ('l) wcr_4T-120978
Old & Llsed complete l,l V doors 6li Nos
Old & tlscd complete lJl-V do(ns 20 Nrrs

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