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Virtual visit

Student: Nicolas Schropp

Holocaust Museum
This visit, in general lines, is very entertaining and very interesting, since it shows us in
detail what happened in this sad historical moment.
It begins by explaining the life of the Jews before the war and the assumption of Hitler,
where it shows us some of their habits, how they used to dress and what their life was
like in general during this time. Then it begins to explain Hitler's assumption of power,
while it gives us a little information about the Nazi costumes or the history of Hitler.
After this, it shows us how anti-Semitism began in Germany and expansionist politics in
Germany. After this, it shows us images and texts about life in Germany after these
events, which was severely affected, since the German population was highly
influenced by the new anti-Semitic thought.
From this, it begins to talk about the invasion of Poland and what this generated in the
lives of the Jews of Europe, since the beginning of the war and the strong advance of
Hitler caused a lot of fear in the entire Jewish community. People resisted, and there
was even quite a resistance, but despite their efforts, the Germans forced the Jewish
community to move to a new place called the Warsaw Ghetto, where great events
took place, already that life inside it was very different and in this museum it is very
well explained.
Later, the museum shows us that after the advance of Hitler and Nazi Germany, the
number of Jews was too many, so they had to make a sad decision, which was the
concentration camps, where millions of Jews were victims of this terrible act of
inhumanity on the part of the Germans. All life in these enclosures is very well
explained and there are also multiple objects that the prisoners used, such as dolls,
clothes, etc.
Finally, it explains the liberation of these camps by the USSR and the Allies that put an
end to this terrible suffering and later this cruel war.
(Museo del Holocausto, 2020)


Museo del Holocausto. (2020). Museo 360º. Obtenido de

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