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Essay Radio Acting

The Betrayal

The important of radio drama acting is a performance of fictional work

distributed on the audience understand what is happening through dialogue, sound
effects and music. They give the story from by visualizing the setting and characters
the essence of radio drama uses sound to convey ideas to the audience. Actors play
more than one part from moments as only voice needs to be altered us a range of
information about the character role that they portraying example their age intensity
social, social background and feel about the play.

The teacher gives us a task to do drama radio it is our first time no I encounter it
when I was in the first semester we create a radio broadcasting, it is so challenging
and I feel pressure but it was the best experience it gives more idea on how to play
the role of a broadcaster. It was a challenging and nervous case a lot of students
lessened to our radio drama broadcasting but it was fun doing it because no one can
see on how we perform it. because we use curtain to hide our faces and no one can
see us how we do it. but our performance not really good because we don’t do
practice, we don’t have enough time to make it because our script was long not
really arranging but overall we do our best to make our performance better. And if
was can go back to the time when we performed our task we need to be prepared
and have a time management. Because I know the script creator was good and I
really appreciate his effort and also the whole them are cooperating. I love the way
on how they give and share the idea to our script creator and for me it is the best
group that I feet in thanks to our teacher because they give the task to make us grow
and I really appreciate the effort of our beautiful teacher. Miss Dubreco.

In conclusion radio drama acting help me mold my sense of thinking I reflect on

what this historical overview of the role of radio critics and the development of radio
criticism has told use about the changing relationship to the listener, in particular I
reflect on how do have come to position radio for the public playing important role in
defining what is the guild popular radio helping us to collectively understanding and
appreciate radio. However, I also reflect various approaches raise corner to certain
cause conveying about the dominance of text that process within their work, which
meeting the mase nature of radio. How, often been forgotten most especially through
radio acting as an individual they inspired us the different stories that thought give us
awareness learning stories.

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