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Certificamos que SALVADOR SÁNCHEZ VINCES apresentou o trabalho intitulado “Evaluation

of circulating polymorphonuclear cell activation in rats with ligature-induced periodontitis”,
na forma de pôster, categoria de Mestrado, durante o VI PRÊMIO QUALIDADE CIENTÍFICA
“PROF. DR. JOÃO GARCIA LEME”, realizado no Departamento de Farmacologia do Instituto
de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo.
São Paulo, 03 e 05 de dezembro de 2014.

Profa. Dra. Ana Carolina T. Takakura Profa. Dra. Carolina Demarchi Munhoz
Comissão Organizadora Comissão Organizadora
We certify that

Salvador Sánchez Vinces

participated at the 48th Brazilian Congress of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and the 21st
Latin American Congress of Pharmacology (SBFTE), held in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, from October
04 to 07, 2016. (24 hours workload)
Verifique o código de autenticidade 104986.8776566.811874.8.0849193316119229389 em

Certificate of Poster presentation

This certifies that the work entitled Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for a
Multiomics Approach in the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Analysis,
authored by Salvador Sánchez Vinces, Ana Marcia de Sá Guimarães and Ronaldo
Fumio Hashimoto was presented by Salvador Sánchez Vinces during the Poster session of
the X-Meeting 2019 - 15th International Conference of the Brazilian Association of
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (AB3C), held in Campos do Jordão - Brazil
between October 30th and November 01st, 2019.

Campos do Jordão, 01st November 2019.

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