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How to organize your personal finances?

Knowing how to organize personal finances is the first step to ensuring financial
security and having a peaceful life. Anyone who learns how to manage their
money knows exactly how much they earn, how much they spend, and
especially where they spend.

The first step you need to find out how much you really earn per month. Do not
consider your gross salary here. However, consider how much actually goes
into your checking account after discounts such as transportation, income tax
and other things.

The second step It´s important to organize personal finances, you need to list all
the expenses you have per month. Leave none out from coffee after lunch to
higher expenses like apartment rent. Add them all together and see your total
spends is in a month. If you spend more than you earn, you need to look at
where you can cut spending and the expenses you need to prioritize to balance
your financial life.

The third step you are going to put everything you are in debt on paper and set
a deadline for repayment. Avoid expensive debts at all costs such as overdraft
and revolving credit card.

Organizing personal finances is essential, to you don´t create unnecessary

debts and remember to be a proactive person to deal with your finances.

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