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Can and Can't for Ability**

- Explanation: "Can" is used to talk about things we are able to do, while "can't" is used to talk about
things we are unable to do.

- Examples: "I can swim" means I have the ability to swim. "She can play the piano" means she has the
ability to play the piano. "He can't speak French" means he is unable to speak French.

- Exercises: Fill in the blanks with "can" or "can't" to complete sentences. For example, "She ____ dance"
(Answer: can).

- Explanation: Introduce the use of "can" and "can't" to express abilities and inability.

- Examples: Provide examples such as "I can swim," "She can play the piano," "He can't speak French."

- Exercises:

1. Fill in the blanks with "can" or "can't" to complete the sentences.

2. Role-play activities where students ask each other about their abilities.

**2. Too + Adjectives**

- Explanation: "Too + adjective" is used to show that something has more of a quality than is wanted or

- Examples: "It's too hot" means it is excessively hot. "She's too tired to go out" means she is excessively
tired. "The book is too expensive" means the price of the book is more than desired.

- Exercises: Complete sentences using "too" and the appropriate adjective. For example, "The water is
____ cold" (Answer: too).

- Explanation: Explain how "too + adjective" is used to indicate an excessive degree or extent of a

- Examples: Show examples like "It's too hot," "She's too tired to go out," "The book is too expensive."

- Exercises:

1. Complete the sentences using "too" and the appropriate adjective.

2. Have students describe various situations using "too" and adjectives.

**3. Polite Requests with Could you + Base Form of the Verb**

"Could you..." is a phrase commonly used to make polite requests or ask someone to do something. It is
a more polite and formal way of asking for assistance or help compared to using more direct phrases like
"Can you..." or "Will you...".

When using "Could you..." to make a polite request, you typically follow it with the base form of a verb.
For example:

- "Could you please pass me the salt?"

- "Could you help me with this assignment?"

- "Could you turn down the volume, please?"

The use of "Could you..." acknowledges that the person has the choice to fulfill your request or not, and
it shows respect and consideration for their time and willingness to help. It is important to remember to
use polite language when making requests to maintain a respectful and courteous tone in your

- Explanation: We use "Could you + base form of the verb" to make polite requests.

- Examples: "Could you pass me the salt?" is a polite way to ask someone to pass the salt. "Could you
help me with this exercise, please?" is a polite request for assistance.

- Exercises: Write sentences to make polite requests using "Could you" and various verbs. For example,
"____ you open the window, please?" (Answer: Could).

- Explanation: Teach the structure of making polite requests using "Could you + base form of the verb."

- Examples: Provide examples such as "Could you pass me the salt?" "Could you help me with this
exercise, please?"

- Exercises:

1. Write sentences to make polite requests using "Could you" and various verbs.

2. Pair students up for role-playing activities where they make requests using the polite form.
**4. Be Going to + Base Form of the Verb**

Explanation: "Be going to + base form of the verb" is used to talk about future plans or intentions.

- Examples: "I'm going to study tonight" means I have a plan to study tonight. "They're going to visit
their grandparents next week" means they have an intention to visit their grandparents in the upcoming

- Exercises: Complete the sentences with the correct form of "be going to." For example, "She ____ a
movie tomorrow" (Answer: is going to).

- Explanation: Introduce the structure "be going to + base form of the verb" to express future plans or

- Examples: Show examples like "I'm going to study tonight," "They're going to visit their grandparents
next week."

- Exercises:

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of "be going to."

2. Ask students to talk about their future plans using "be going to."


1. **Can and Can't for Ability:**

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with "can" or "can't" to complete the sentences.

1. She ____ play the guitar.

2. We ____ speak Chinese.

3. They ____ swim in the pool.

4. He ____ ride a bike.

5. I ____ dance salsa.

6. You ____ solve this math problem.

7. The cat ____ climb the tree.

8. My mom ____ cook delicious meals.

9. We ____ run very fast.

10. The baby ____ talk yet.

2. **Too + Adjectives:**

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using "too" and the appropriate adjective.

1. The soup is ____ hot to eat.

2. It's ____ cold outside to go for a walk.

3. The suitcase is ____ heavy for me to carry.

4. She is ____ young to drive a car.

5. The movie was ____ boring to watch.

6. The music is ____ loud for my ears.

7. He is ____ tall to fit in the small car.

8. The bag is ____ small to hold all my things.

9. The book is ____ difficult to understand.

10. The exercise was ____ easy to solve.

3. **Polite Requests with Could you + Base Form of the Verb:**

Exercise 1: Write sentences to make polite requests using "Could you" and various verbs.

1. ____ you pass me the salt, please?

2. ____ you turn down the volume, please?

3. ____ you help me carry these bags, please?

4. ____ you lend me your pen, please?

5. ____ you open the window, please?

6. ____ you please send me the document?

7. ____ you please pick up some groceries for me?

8. ____ you please give me a ride to the airport?

9. ____ you please make a cup of coffee for me?

10. ____ you please call me back later?

4. **Be Going to + Base Form of the Verb:**

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the correct form of "be going to."

1. She ____ her best friend tomorrow.

2. We ____ a picnic in the park on Saturday.

3. They ____ a new house next month.

4. He ____ a doctor when he grows up.

5. I ____ a party for my birthday next week.

6. You ____ your homework tonight.

7. The students ____ a play for the school festival.

8. My family ____ a vacation to the beach this summer.

9. We ____ a delicious meal for dinner tonight.

10. The company ____ a new product launch next year.


Certainly! Here are the answers for the exercises:

**Can and Can't for Ability:**

1. She can play the guitar.

2. We can't speak Chinese.

3. They can swim in the pool.

4. He can ride a bike.

5. I can dance salsa.

6. You can solve this math problem.

7. The cat can climb the tree.

8. My mom can cook delicious meals.

9. We can run very fast.

10. The baby can't talk yet.

**Too + Adjectives:**

1. The soup is too hot to eat.

2. It's too cold outside to go for a walk.

3. The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry.

4. She is too young to drive a car.

5. The movie was too boring to watch.

6. The music is too loud for my ears.

7. He is too tall to fit in the small car.

8. The bag is too small to hold all my things.

9. The book is too difficult to understand.

10. The exercise was too easy to solve.

**Polite Requests with Could you + Base Form of the Verb:**

1. Could you pass me the salt, please?

2. Could you turn down the volume, please?

3. Could you help me carry these bags, please?

4. Could you lend me your pen, please?

5. Could you open the window, please?

6. Could you please send me the document?

7. Could you please pick up some groceries for me?

8. Could you please give me a ride to the airport?

9. Could you please make a cup of coffee for me?

10. Could you please call me back later?

**Be Going to + Base Form of the Verb:**

1. She is going to meet her best friend tomorrow.

2. We are going to have a picnic in the park on Saturday.

3. They are going to buy a new house next month.

4. He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.

5. I am going to have a party for my birthday next week.

6. You are going to do your homework tonight.

7. The students are going to perform a play for the school festival.

8. My family is going to take a vacation to the beach this summer.

9. We are going to cook a delicious meal for dinner tonight.

10. The company is going to launch a new product next year.

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