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SAN BEDA hosts NCAA Season 92 Sports Builds Character, Achieving Breakthrough @92 {aio bu Job ne Gnd mend oa it Cede ton ge Pot Contnoey Henson At Wisin Macs eG Coram eh at Ass Rew nd nee: Com fire ag rt Casey A pial cn fool Leg, Conn Rese Vlas Mea hat ay O83 ret ee Rteigen tenis O68 Ant Mas ‘Dr jotioe ML Alajar Execattee Diectcr Frese ‘Tuan Afticy Asch Edganie A. Apu Atty DominadecD. Buus, "ey Ally ftan. Cabechan, Basics U. De, fost Mar Lacan, ‘Lery Lews,Dz Conrad B Ora, De Edged, Baran, Je Raman Bape S Raye, rnd Comm Rana ¥.Sarmlants Sei Adie "ex Podant Tse Re Aen ip Joey Zola Pot ‘ip Kedoio A Salon Aly. fae Leino emg Gain Corot a Ay na Hare Stacas Den ina rats, comnts Belen J Joes 1 Cabo, ‘hip aden Hameo, ‘A, Ard € Lin, in, Nebr. Manaan “hig istwase Modis, Tests Pantin A. Poe ca AnATGa Ram anf Aon pani an, Mande, Dan er Ors fo Oe hatisEdarin co, tad Fate Vag Font Comal be, Vien Rack alos aie ated Caw Keppra eg ett fay sds Shen ata SThmenicangat {ee RROCNOMEARSEEL Ot aoe Irina att Atle oe na eb abe Atco econ hands ‘edb Rit lt ang el a, Sabicea, Meet “eee ae a a ‘wont detent cibeiclggalaciop ditor's eetings Dez Jottre M. Alajer 4057, Ha 7%, CASED) This special iesue of The Bedan Alumnus Magazine is dedicated to the 92nd Seaeon of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NGAA), where San Beda Gollege is serving 8 host school. Looking back, itwas 1996 when San Beda Joined the NGAA league together with equally prestigious schools like Ateneo, La Selle, Letran, Mapua and Jose Rizal. As Itls San Bede's tum to host this your's NCAA, the ‘SBC Alumnl Association Board of Trustexs and Editorial Board decided to have & spacial publication of The Bedan Alumnus that will dletinctly feature the outstanding men and women who made the NCAA a great institution that itis now today. Undoeniably so, San Beda Collags would not have also been a great Institution that It Is today If not for ls active and meaningful participation In tha NGAA which Is considered the oldest collegiate sports organization in the country. Let the succeeding pages be our tribute to the NCAA as Ie-continuous to be at the forefront of Philppine sports evelopment now and for all times. ‘With the loudest Bedan roar, the SBGAA family joins the entire Filipino nation in saluting the NGAA fer upholding the finest radition of sportsmanship through its many years of “buiding character through sports, and stil achteving breakthroughs on its #2nd Season’. Let the exciting and unpredictable games begin... Go ‘San Beda, Fight! Go NGAA, Go! ‘See you at the Games! FS xs sky San Beda College Alumni Association, Inc. Officers & Trustees A.Y, 2016-2017 — San Beda College Alumni Foundation ; Officers & Trustees AY. 2016-2017 ye avn : Ps ee aan Spek one Athy. In, Alty.. ava ‘cin ; aa Se ee oss ws a Dr. Edgardo. Para, "Tumse San Beda Law Alumni Association Officers & Trustees A.Y. 2016-2017 seen nae Crrorer Acer Hoong #72 My warmest greetings to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) on the occasion of your 92nd Season with my aima mater, San Beda College as this year's host school. 1am an avid supporter of the NCAA for It champions integrity, honesty, passion and discipline among our young athistes, which my Incoming administration Is pursuing as its very legacy to the Filipino nation. May this year's NCAA be another showcase of the best of the Filipino talents as you engage In healthy compstition, and reach for the sweetest taste of victory. Change Is definitely coming, and | enjoin my fellow Bedans in effecting these changes which our country has been yearning for through the many years. HIS EXCELLENCY RODRIGO R- DUTERTE ‘Prosidert ‘Republle of the Philppines BVA S & a men bo OE fo My sincerest greetings to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) on its 92nd season of achieving breakthroughs In the fleld of sports. This year's host is our beloved alma mater San Beda College. It will be recalied that ‘San Beda is one of the founding members of this oldest collegiate sports organization In the country. In fact, San Beda and NCAA are like two peas in a pod, where one cannot exist without the other. I welcome once again this opportunity to host this year's NCAA hoping that It will be able to break new grounds, and further develop the character and physical prowess cf our Filipino youth. May this 92nd Season bring to fore real champions of integrity, sportsmanship, and discipline among our young sports men and women whom we can all be proud of. Animo, San Beda; Animo NCAA! ‘ Ce oe —— MANUEL V. PANGILINAN Chairman of the Board San Boca Caltego sean nag Crracer Acherta Boateng #72 x Pero NL Ty ‘ Peace and God's abundant blessings be with you and loved ones! Welcome to the 92nd Season of the National Collaglate Athletic Association (NCAA)! ‘The Season's theme: Sports Builds Character: Achieving Breakthrough @ 92, is very relevant and appropriate as we all ysamn io have young people whose characters are built on high moral grounds. On behalf of the Benedictine community, | wish the NCAA Season 9? all the best, with our vary ‘own San Beda College eerving as this year's host school. May the good Lord shower all the NCAA participants with His many wonderful graces, and may San Beda steer this oldest collegiate sports organization fo even greater heights of service and excellence. That in all things God may be glorified. VERY REV. FR. RAFAELITO V. ALARAS, OSB. —— cag Peace and God's blessings! ‘San Beda College Is very pleased to host the 92nd Season of the NCAA. This year's theme: Sports Bullds Character Achieving Breakthrough @ 92, speaks much of this oldest collegiate sports organization in the Philippines being at the forefront of character development of the Filipino youth. ‘The NCAA through the years has produced Innumerable outstanding athletes who have brought honor and fame to thelr respective schools, our county and tha global communtty. San Bada’s pride Carlos “Caloy'Loyzaga, more popularly known as The Big Difference is one such iconic athlete who made a great name in the fleld of basketball In bath local and foreign competitive games. This year, the NCAA Board ‘thought it most appropriate to honor him posthumously for his exemplary life works ‘whom today’s millennials should emulate. | enjoin all Bedane and eports fans to support this 82nd eoason of the NCAA as it continues Its legacy of sports development and healthy competition In the twenty first century. ‘That In all things God may be glorified. VERY REV. FR. ALOYSIUS MA. A. MARANAN, OSB. President Be Aceon sean nag Crracer Acherta Boateng #72 Cordial greetings fram the San Bada Collage Alurnni Association (SBCAA). I join the entire Bedan community In taking pride that San Beda College Is sorving as this year's host achool of the 82nd Season of tha NCAA, ‘Since its inception, the NGAA, togather with ‘San Beda College has produced great athletes who have significantly changed the landscape: of Philippine sports. May this year's NCAA bring to fore another record-breaking performances from all member schools, with our very own San Beda College taking the lead in producing sports giants of tomorrow. l enjoin everyone, especially our alumni/ae to. ‘support all the NGAA games, knowing that the alumnV/ae play a primordial role In the success Gf any NCAA season. Te all our Bedan athletes, good luck and more power, Bring out the challenges, we'll win them alll Go San Bede Fight, Fightl ‘ATTY. DOMINADOR BUHAIN, JR" ‘Prosidort ‘San Beda Cofege Alumnl Assocation oer un erace Aching Pk OE ae Itis with great honor and privilege that | join the entire Bedan family in greeting the management, etaff, and participants in the ‘92nd Season of the NCAA. ‘San Beda College and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) have a long history of workdng together to produce outstanding men and women in the field of sports. We, in the SBC Alumni Foundation are in unleon In wishing thie yoar's NCAA Season a huge success, contributing much to the sports development In our country. And to our San Beda community, that this be another celebration of Bedan pride and glory. Let us make another history that we all can be proud off Horald the Bedans coming, may our NCAA fellowship never cage! A & ae Beek Itis with joy and pride that | take the load in this year's preparations for tha NCAA 92nd ‘Season being a part of the NCAA Management Committee. lam confident that with San Beda College as the host of this year's season, the NCAA will once again be anather memorable and very fruitful sports event in our country. Undenlably, the NCAA has always been a force to reckon with In the fleld of Philippine sporis. And this legacy Is here to stay, with our vary ‘own San Bada College making sure that NGAA. ‘92nd Season will contribute significantly to making another history in sports competitions in the country. (Go San Beda Go! y i DR. JAIME Z GALVEZ TAN! a President ‘San Beda College Ait mni Foundation | MESSAGE eee REV. FR. BENIGNO BENABARRE, OSB ‘Asaistent Modet ator, REV. FR. AUSTIN P. CADIZ, OSB ‘Moderator, N oer un erace Aching Pk OE \ Be Bez VL LS in greeting tha NCAA during its 92nd eaason. ‘San Beda College ia proud to be host of the games this year. The NCAA Is a well-respected sports organization which has produced quite a number of prominent sports heroes. More than that, the NCAA has developed the sportsmanship qualities of our athletes coming from different members schools. I pray for another successful year of gamos, ‘competitions and passionate schools spirit. May God bless you all! PA £22 © Ree Lake pride being part in this year's NCAA ‘Season 92, especially so that San Boda is the host school of this most anticipated sports ‘event among participating schools. The NCAA? will surely be @ much awalted Bedan event this year for we are serving as the lead school preparing all the details to eneure ‘success of this oldest aports association competition in the country. Good luck to all schoo! athlates participating In the games. Allow me to commend fellow Badans led by Mr. Jose Marl Lacson, Prof. Mike Rubio, Goach Ato Badolato, Mr. Jude Roque and of course, the many brilliant minds behind the preparations for the NCAA 92 Season. May you be blessed a thousand fold for all your ‘works. And may the NCAA 92 Season be Abundantly blessed by our Almighty Father. 2 J San Beda is host of NCAA Season 92 Prof. Michael John Rubio, CAS Prefect of Academics for Student Athletes, and Mr, Jose Mar! Lacson, Chairman NCAA Management Gommitiea 2016. ‘These two dedicated and committed Bedans share their thoughts on the engagement of San Bode In this year's NCAA preparations. Plans of San Bada for the NCAA 92 Season ‘San Bada as hoat schoo! for Season 82 ensures ‘everyone that the toumament will run smoothly and that there will be stronger participation of the differant stakeholders of all tha member schools In the different games not just basketball. Further, San Bada is leaving no stones untumed to make sure that It will be a gracious host to everyone especially the viewing On this year’s NCAA being different from the pest This season will 296.4 new commissioner in the person of respected sports analyst, Mr. Andy Jao who bringe with him yeare of experience in bueketball and commissioner of different langues. There have bean changes in echedulos particularly that of the Juniors: basketball and some rule ohanges that will make the games more exciting. The season begins with an Impressive opening ceremony that will highlight all th sporting events Inthe NCAA calandar in a show of lights and sounds never before seen in the league's history. The alumni support needed to ensure the success of the NCAA All Badan alumniae are Invited to give thelr full support to tha NGA by watching the games live and giving positive reinforcements to all Bedan athletes. ‘Support in the form of assistance to the various teams will i860 radound to the benefit of the league as it makes out teares compeltive agalre the ether o0ls. ‘The NCAA remains relevant to the times We baliave that San Beda being an it NCAA has bean through the years davaloping charactor of the students as they cheer ard support their respective teams. It also helps bring together the communtty members as they collectively witness the triumphs end defeats of San Bada. Itinstils a sirong love for the school that Is clearly manifested In the community praying for and enging their athietes to excel and bring honer to the schoo! thet they represent. Joffre Alajar emailed me a few days ago seeking “an arile from [me] about [my] memories ofthe] NCAA during the early decades." Wh Benabarre just marked his 20'st bday but | dont go back that far (arn 78, in my Second Adolescance). in grade schoo! in Makati Elementary, I i, idolized Moro Larenzo of Ateneo. In 1955, | enrolled in San Beda cuz from Pasig to Legarda, 15 centavos. Beyond that, an unaffordable 20. and grew, rs here = fain ey , if not Redder today. Alltie love, that Fone en Tedéy Raniazap in my AB be as Red as at I Vameraet aren't sine In the 50's the NC was the glamour league and for many, the only game in town. The UAAP and MICAA could not hold candle to the NC then. Caley "Pomtret’ Loyzaga was the premler cager In the country then and Impressed elsewhere, as ‘well. What fun to watch him, Tony Genato, Eddie Lim, Bonnie Carbonnel, Cesar “Spinning J" Jota, ‘Tata Carranceja, et al. versus Frank Rabat, Mao Ballesteros, Ed Ocampo, Honesio Mayoralgo, ‘Tiny Literal, et al.. We hed the easy-to-sing Red and White, replaced by the more challenging Bedan Hymn, disturbing Cacti INS NCAA MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THESE hy Atty. Rene Saguiseg the Old Guard. Our harder-to-sing solemn Bedan Hymn of Raul Roco competes with Atensan Raul Mangiapus's rousing Fly High. Losers dd not hava to stay fo sing on court, unlike todey (In the NBA, even the losera are interviewed, but not on court; there's a decent interval). Then, the violence came in the 50's and 60's. | remember our Big Boy Reynoso, a Pasig fownsman, chasing Alaneo's Cris Arruyo in Araneta (in the 80's Cris was our - Jojobama Binay's, Ed Araulio's, at al. - playmate in St. ‘Scho's gym, a shorter court, for women, unlike the reguiar, for me, nekakalula. Cris and Ed would toss homerun pitches fo Jojobama and me}. Acctuclal loss to Ateneo would mean mourning on. campus for days when | first came here. APasig nelghbor, Jake Jacaine, was a second. stringer In Mapua, whose song was based on Trall the Eagle. As good as cur chear Is, Um-Pah, Umpah, tha indian Yell, always a clear second - at least - wae JRC's halftime show. its band would Play Bingo J, Bingo R, Bingo G, to the iting tune of Till the End of Time (1 adored Perry Gomo rer oF if). La Salle's was pattemed after Notre Dame's, The NC can be great again! At a time when, for good or Ill, Warrlors-Cavallers dominate and we may seem to know Curry and Lebron more than theF PBA, UAAP and NCAA stars. But It may be our time again in 2016. Pinagblyan ang Lotran last yoar. The Prez-olect was ourlaw stude, Digong Duterte,'72, lke Executive See designate Bingbong Medlaldes,'77, Justice Sec Aguirre, '71, and DOT Sec signate Art Tugade’72 (deceased pres candidate Roy Sefieres was also'72). ‘Veep-2lect Lani Robredo was my stude in our law grad school in 2013 but she had to leave on gatting elacted Bicol Cong. Below is our pix. Eat your hearts out. The Prez- and Veep-elect are Bedans) ‘The NCAA, the oldest collegiate sports organkzation In the country, Is dedicated ta the development of amateur sports in the country. Through the yoars, the NCAA has been at the forefront of sports development ‘and competition inthis country, Sinco ite Incaption In the 1920s, NCAA has produced athletes who represented our country In the Intemational competitions gaining fame. and glory, not only for themselves, but elsc for their respective schools ‘and country. Garlos Loyzega, a great Bedan, Is en example of an NCAAian who honed his skills in the NCAA hard courts, became a standout In the field leading San Beda to champlonships, and ‘eventually making his markin the Olymple scene. ‘The NGAA history Is replete with numerous achievers in different flekia. Ik provided players to the RP teams who played in the Olympics. Lauro. “The Fox" Mumar (Letran) and Edgardo Fulgenclo (JRU] were mombers of the team that played In the London Olymples [1848] where the Philippines placed fourth. ‘Some of the NGAA players who madi It to the Olymplos were Charile. Borek and Jesus Marzan of San Beda [Eediin 1936]. In the Helsinki ‘Olympks In 1952, except for a player from La Salle, seven players were NCAAian. They were Florentino Bautista [JRU, Letran], Anionia Genato, Carlos Loyzaga, Eduardo Lim, Penciano Saldafia, Meliton Santos [San Beda] and Marlano Tolentino [JRUJ. Likewise, In the Melbourne Olympics, 1956, six of eight players were NCAAian. twas not only in Baskatball that NGAA players responded to the call of the flag but also In other sports, Simeon Toriblo [Mapua] played In Track and Fleld in Amsterdam (1828) and Berlin (1936). Jose Padila [Letran] participated in boxing in tha Los Angeles (1992) and Barlin (1936). ‘Samblao Basanung [Letran] was a swimmer In the Hetsinik! Agapiio Lozada [Maps] was also in swimming In the Meboume Olympics (1956). seen nde Crracer ctor Boattroeah #72 PHILIPPINE NCAA HISTORY The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is an athletics association of elght colleges and universities Inthe Philippines. Established in 1924, the NCAA is the oldest athieticassoclation in thecountry, The Philippine NCAAIsnot, connactadtoths NGAAof the United States. The Policy Board and the Management Committee handles the affairs of the league. The Board and the Committes ara composed of representatives of the elght member schools, and determine the acceptance and suspension of member schools, game reversals and replays, and other official actions. During the nearly yeariong season from June to March, each scheol participates In 11 sports; sach sport Is conducted in two divisions: the Juniors for male high-school students, and the Seniors for college students. There are male and female Seniors divisions for some events. The dunlors and Senlors divisions each award a General Champlonship raphy at the end of the academic yearto the school whichhad the best performanca in all sports, based an thetetal amountof points scored in a Champlonshiptally. With basketball as the principal me gamesescalatedinto full blown brawls. The NCAA took eauures 9 prevent major such as the n of arenas into orters of differant of Season gue is nston The NCAA sponsors eleven ‘sports, which are divided into two divisions: the Juniors division for high school students and the Seniors division for college students, There are male and female Seniors divisions forsomesvents. Each member collage or university has an affiliated high school that competes In the Junlors division. For example, San Beda College's affiliated high school Is Its campus at Tayiay, Rizal, while Letran Collage’s high school is found ‘within ts college campus at Intramuros, While these hwo high schools are Intagrated within their colleges, De La Salle- College of Sint Banilda is notdirectly connected with its high school afillate, La Salle Green Hills (L5GH), except that they ere both administered by the Lasalian Brothers. As a result, LSGH labels "St. Benilde" Instead of *La Salle" on thelr Jerseys. The NCAA sponsors the following sports for Juniors and Senlore: basketball, chess, swimming, football, taekwondo, tennis, and track and field. Volleyball, table tennis, and beach volleyball are hosted on the Juntors and Seniors level as well as on both a men's and women's level. Chearleading is a demonstration: ‘eventand Is not used In the tabulating ofeach schoo!'s final score, and determination of the season's General Champion, The General Champion for the each division in sn academic year |s determined by a points system similar to the one used In Formula One, where the school with the highest accumulated score from all events In adivision wins the General Champlonship.A championship in an event entities a school with 36 polnts, the second placer 20, up ta eighth place, with ‘one point. For an axample, see the tabulation of points: for Season 8t ‘The dacision of tha Board of Directors to fila papars of Incorporation with the then Bureau of Commarce In 4936 led to protests from the University of the Philippines, which was the only public institution among member schools, saying that It would lead to commerelalization. Nailonal University and tho of the Philppines on the matter. This led Into the formation, via an Ariicls of Agreoment, of a triangular = meet among NU, UP and UST, with the Board of "| Control's condition that NCAA events should take precedencs. The league established came to bo known ac the "Big Three," and on 1932, the Ariicle of Agreemantwaeronewed. In 1836, the University of the Philippines and University of Santo Tomas withdraw permanently in the NCAA and continued with thelr own league, while jatern University (FEU) withdrew on its own. Six Colegio de Sen Juan de Letran, De La Salle College, José Rizal College, Mapda inetitute of Technology and San Boda College. Aisa In 1936, league games were transferred to the newly-completed Rizal Memorial Coliseum, ‘owing to Ite eocoselbllity among the echoole, for most schools were in Manila. In 1938, Far Easter University, Univeralty, the University of the Philippines ard the University of Santo Tomas formed the University Athletic Association of the Philippines, a rival Intercollegiate league. The NGAA experienced @ golden age during the postwar years. The Loyola Center at the Ateneo campus became the new hame of the league. Due to f the home court adventage of the Aieneo, Blue Eagles games were held onthe old Rizal Memorial. Early years The NCAA was founded In 1924 on the inidatlve of Dr. Regine R. Yianan, a physical education professor of the University of the Philippines (UP). The original members were the Ateneo de Manila, De La Salle College, Institute of Accounts, National University (NU), San Beda College (SBC), the University of Manila, the Unlversity of the Philippines, and the Universitye?Santo Tomas (UST). 19508 Ths 1950s will be known in the annals ofhistory=sone ofthe bestdecade ofths NCAA. Thestartaftha decade was the glory year of the fabled Letran Murder Inc. Eventually, twill be tha Ataneo de Manila Blus Eagles and Sen Beda Red Llons whe would be locking horns during the fabled era. a Frankie Rabat (Ateneo) among | others. on ‘The 1950s was elso known as the decade of the Crispulo Zamora Cup. The Crlepulo Zamera Cup was the trophy to be awarded by the NGAA for the ‘irstteam ta getthree champlonship crowns. The Letran Knights started with thelr 1950 campaign bannering thelr legendary Murder Inc. However , thay lost steam when Sen Beda and Ateneo traded champlonships thereafter. San Beda won the crown In 1951 and the 1952 season. Ateneo stopped San Beda In 1983 and securedthe 1954 champlonship. The 1955 season was the deciding yearfor the Crispulo Zamora Gup which San Bede eventually won. In the post Zamora Cup era, La Salie made thelr own statement by winning the crown in 1956. Still, Ateneo ‘wasundaunted and secured the 1957 and 1958 trophy. Athird straight post-Zamera crown was only folled by ‘San Beda in 1959 ending the lagendary decade of tha 50s. 196tato 19808 NCAA basketball champlons formed the core of the Filipino team sent fo international competitions during 41960 and 1961 In Japan. The opening of the Aranata Coliseum, the largest Indoor arena in the Phillppines, prompted the league to trensfer the championship roundthere. By the 1960s, the league experienced probleme such a8 eligibility of players and interscholastic hooliganism. Th to disagresments among member schools, and a the 1962-63 season was suepended, snd the following two sessone wore heldina loose conference format, where tha home and way system was used. San Sebastian Collaga - Rocoletos Joinedthe league in 1969. After the riotous games of the late 1970s, severalafthe founding membere lofi the league. Tho Ateneo do Manila University left the league In 1978 due to violence, which also marred 8 championship eorica with San Beda, while La Salle leftaftera rlotous game with Letran in 1980. Ateneo de Manila was accepted in the UAAP In 1978, whilo La Salle had to walt for six years to become a UAAP member. San Beda left the Igague in 1983, reasoning that the college will focus on school-based sports activities likeIntramural With the withdrawal of Ateneo de Manila, league, games retumed to the old Rizal Memorial and to the PhilSports Arer since the Loyola Center wasnowthe location of the UAAP toumiament. Also with the withdrawal of the three founding members, most dally publications tagged the NGAA as “an ironic journsy fromsportato violence. As the league was reduced to four memb: membership wes actively pursued. Perpetual Hel College of Rizal waa accepted as members Roots en arate Acting ck O72 year later, Trinity College of Quezon City became @ full member. However, Trinktywas not able to meet league. requirements and was dropped fram the league in 1986, the same year San Beda ratumed. Measures were taken to prevent major brawls from starting such as patrolling the behavior of the crowd by the respective faculties of the mamber schools, ware Implemented as part of the remedy to ensure the ‘secunty during theNCAAgames. The addition of Philippine Christian University and De La Saile-Collaga of Saint Benilda In the late 1990s resulted in the currant linaup of members the NCAA nowhas. Amalor breakthrough occurred when thelaague, upon the Inttlativa of host school San Beda, made a move that switchad the talevision coverage of NCAA gar from MCI group to ABS-C3N on March 18, 200: Previously, only tha Final Fourand the Championship games wore televised, but with the five-year contract Inked with ABS-CBN, a majority of the basketball games will beaired, giving the league bigger expasura fo fans, students and alurmnl. ABS-CBN would later alr the games on Its International affiliate, The Filipina Channel, making the games viewal lumi and fancabroad. Future expansion The NCAA has eet its plan of expansion. Division Il, a it will be called, will be composed of schools suoh as Arellano Unive College and the Lyceum of the PI In 1998, the afllated schools In the CALABARZON region and southern Metro Manila ootabliched NCAA South, an affehootofthe league. Tho achools of NCAA ‘South do not compete with the schools in the mai Teague. Theretum ofa Mapda Juniors team, which took a leave of absence beginning at the 2005-2006 eoason, would return at the 2007-2008 season, as the newly bullt Malayan High School would be fully operational. Malayan High School would represent the MapGa Institute of Technology, which is due to be renamed as Malayan Colleges by 2019. However, the return of the Mapda|uniors team on 2007 was held off. Hail Bedan Caloy Meera ua Ler Ya TT athe ari ks) PME ollale eo Lakes Liloy *Caloy"Loyzaga who to date Is considered by many as the greatest Filipino basketbell player CMG eu aie ei ere ND otc lt Rel Le) a Ceasar accu rt eae) finish in world basketball in Brazil Esmee ee nee afler a Canadian athletic great. Born in San Juan de Dios Hospital i ae au a Te eC ett ae Pal et oa Dee Ber ag UM ee elie loa) which he held not only In the country but even tha global eeu Na Pee eer anit) Piers e gee TT deta wily basketball quotient which he used DT POMC titel sg PR Rae ls ee ad eee UN etc Uma) lee Mune ural ry Te Rk IE eC RP Bee oe Coa er yen ts eet een hae kad eee ure ee EUs) We CR Cute la PE une UL) “Caloy’Loyzaga will remain San fe ee ale) of sports. Hall BedanCaloy! 18 ‘Benedict Cc. Adamos | HE beAC ee tny 19 Kenneth Louie P. Alas fi. peTsSeecsae | GAN ity | % f 8 “Robert Lee E. Bolick, Jr. Shooting Guard CAN BE] (| #wawes emery 12 Antonio R. Bonsubre, fr. eLeSiameaw \ GAN iE, a4 ah ACCEL PT | CAN | Devs 10 Javee D. Mocon Forward QP Fad ew inate we Chester C. Carlos Guard RPA ae 0 teed f PZ 21 William Raniel B. Navarro SAN. at tL Shooting Forward MPA Gao © Boxed 12 Arnaud Germain N. Noah Shooting Forward iy MYA O 6s ORY J 1 * Calvin John R. Oftana ¢ ie BEDA ( svsranenacecto meres 16 Davon Anthony B. Potts: ig Shooting Guard QaerEEE ap 4) | CAN a AN itty’ "Jose Mari Y. Presbitero ) Shooting Guard RAS Ese O trae 1] Roldan V. Sara A, is Point Guard € Rt A 6 ae O Aon - oAN BETA 44, ig 6 ‘Amiel Cris R. Soberano 4 A hooting Guard CAN ARIAL ssammmesceean 14 Pierre Donald Tankoua ~ gers O éae Bak v N 2 EDA a. 1S sa) oN Angelo V. A cAN BED ard YA G6 Ea ev 23 John Bryle A. Bahio .# Power Forw: sScet = SAS ON RETR ade 4 ( 5 ACceL is 1 DE ” Jerre P. Cabanag SAN 0 a Shooting Guard aT RVAO € ae | mak 22 Jeric D. Estrada eB ig Center PP race Emory N 4 NA ‘Season 01 of the NCAA tumed out great for San Bede's ‘Gemipaign efter all despite the failed titie-retention bide of the men’s besketball and football equade. In fact, It tuned tL od harkebaaphintootons Lershertcduucenat eee ee aa giana Det eet | cs 406 points, La Sal al See eur te Mrokieeshiced hak dic ected fecpss ick ghee eater Coe as In the last two years. Dl ee Rd RL) ‘swimming, men's and women’s soft tennis, women's table pe a nn ee ‘SBC gamered a totel of €325 points, oulpointing CSB by merely five points, to win its fourth ganeral champlonship bata aeahendas pinlocag monecee ot iy ersten sere third place. SBC wins NCAA Double General , Rounding out the top 10 were Lycoum (376), Perpetual Pee eek aie Ma ete ed es aa as Samara) aos DDD sae piemhartilisrdsne ar ulsdioot cae Recta) trea geen OO caigiete ie gellpetala ilar ony meh ete Herre yeh’ Coy te Eee sports ace meres Pe ieee ny cat ccd eer] eo ant: PT ee ee et ns Re ek cep ee Doe TE Te Rede Tay ee ee ad year, SBC will host the 92nd NGAA Season. We can ee Te Te te De tr end a Perhaps the most peculiar—f not the most famous—cheer in collegiate sporis is San Beda College's “inafan Yel.” Its thundering beats herald the entry of chubby school kids, known as the Littie Indians, during halfime performances. Excitement builds up even before they emerge from the dugout, Tapping the Little Indians to perform the “Indian Yell” at NCAA basketball games was, the Idea of the most venerable cheerleader in San Beda history, Ramon Ventosa. fondly known in the campus as Tito Mon or Sefior/Don Ramon, though he preferred everyone call him Mon. Itwould be misleading to think that the Little Indlans going the “Inglan Yelnot to mention his other accomplishments—s his greatest legacy to the Bedan community. More than that, Tito Mon touched many lives on campus. Bly vold Tito Mon's death last November left a big vold In San Beda; up until his passing, he was sitll very active, watching the games, cheering his lungs out forthe Red Lions. During the school's 26-year title drought, he was moderator of the San Beda Cheerleading Aasoclation (SBCA) and did his best In motivating the Bedan community to comprise the biggest crowd In the NCAA. Buthe also showed that to love one's school went beyond winning basketball trophies. “The Don ef San Beda cheerleading was & man of loyalty and service,” sald one cheerleader, Dennis Dy, Ina writtan post after Mon’s death. Dy recalled that Tito Mon’s contributions to ‘SECA were very much appreciated in the early 1990s—a time when the varsity basketball team was not doing well, the cheerleaders lacked Inspiration, and the ‘support of the Bedan community was wanting. “Iwas thers when he first came to halp,” said Dy, “Ha would eventually appoint me as chief cheerleader. in Ais first year with us, he was able fo secure full sponsorship for our Jackets and shirts.” Dy added that, although he hated the jacket duo to its retro design—‘it looked like it was from the 70s"—he loved the cheerleading team's new mentor. Dingdong's Initiation In the late ‘0s, Dingdong Dantes, then a freeh high echool graduate from Ateneo de Manila, traneferred to San Beda for college. Much to ‘everyone's surprise, he jolned the SBCA. Tito Mon had imposed initiation rite fir new San Beda cheerlsaders—thay had to sland in the middle of Mendiola Street, facing Centra Escolar University, and thon perform a Bledan cheer as loud as possible, or approach random gir on the street and give her flowers. Dingdong was not apared from this; when his tum came, 2 huge crowd tumed out. It looked IIke there was a concert on Mendiola that day. Though it saddens us that there will be an—other vacant seat at the San Beda galery in the coming ‘92nd NCAA season, the Bedan community knows that Tito Mon will ba watching from above, along with Mang Roger and other Bedan dlehards who have gone to heaven. Rest assured we will treasure our memories of Tito Mon and preserve his legacy—not Just In cheerleading but also In Ilving Ife like @ true Bodan, carving school, county and Cities ULM LL or nos tare tears (ase Redemption 2.0 Saldana cnn one | HN Rat yearold league. back to glory : * By Judo Roque Its now upto this batch of Lions, mora than half of ‘who ere incoming rookies in the NCAA, to radaam the school after lasing the crown to the Letran Knights last season. Butlt’s not the first time this happened. In 2008, the Red Lions also lost grip of the NCAA title after holding it for three years, from 2006 to 2008. But San Sebastian averted the four-peat attempt of the Bedans that year. The next year however, redemption was achieved in sterling fashion as the Red and White squad bounced back strong and dlaimed the champlonship via an Incredible 16-0 seraep ofits games, = ‘This 2016 season, the current Liane, undersecond- || yeercoach Jamike,Jerin, emtorepeat thefeat rom | 2010 and avenge their dafeatin Season 91. | But itwill be easier said than done. Not only have the other schools improved their rosters but also the present Mendlole-based team will have elght firsi-timersin the league, Gone are the usual gems for San Beda by the name of Baser Amey, Arth Dela Griz and Ola ‘Adeogun — a dreaded triumvirate that wreaked havoc Inthe league from 2012 to 2014. Also no longer in the roster are the other key figures In a four-year title run, namely Jaypee Mendoza, Michole Sorela and Ryusei Koga, along with last year's rockle Ice Reyes. Playmaker and new team captain Dan Sara will ‘sult up for San Beda for the last time thle year. Ho will lead the rest of the Lions thls season, most of who ara below 21 years old. Third yaar ons Javee Macon and Radge Tongco will provide the leadership and stability In the team, along with Sare and sophomore center Piarre Tankoua. Mocon, who wowed the NCAAwith his splendid play n Game 2 of last year's finals, has {grown te be one of the top all-around players In the Ieague today. He has drastically improved hisnumbers In scoring and rebounding. Tangoo Is slowly developing Into a potent scoring polnt guard. Other sophomores retuming for Season 92 are AC Sobarano and Joa Presbits. Soberang, a transferee from Tarlac State University, is the wam's esignated three-pointspecialist. Inhis first three games inthe last Fil OW Gup, he unloaded aix triples sach gama to become the team's leading scorer In the pre-season tournament. Presbitero, who moved to Mendiola from the Aterieo de Davao, is a defensive master and an ‘excellent passer off post playsand penetratons. Alotofweight now falls on the shoulders of Tankous, who now assumes the role of main center wth the exodus of Adeogun, For the first time since Samusl Ekws, Sudan Danial and Adsogun, San Beda will have a main canter nottallar than 65". Ekwa and Daniel ware listed at 618", while Adeogun at 69". But Tankoua has proven to be an fiective post player, using his remarkable skills and footwork. Third year player lun Bonsubre will ba Tankeua's main back up at the center position. The former Red Cub has developed a short-range jumper. ‘As for the debuting players, all of them have a lot of promise. Former La Salle Green Archer Robert Boiick is, the new starting shooting guard for the team. His defense and ecoring ability have been evident In pre~ season games. Inlast year's National Championship, made if to the Mythical Five along with fellow rookie teammate Davon Potts. Potts is a remarkable outside ‘gunner who played two years of NCAA Diviston 2 In the States. He normally starts for the Red Lions at amall forward. Gameraonian Amaud Nosh will ke the team's other in player. A former NCAA AlFStar slam-dunk champlon here, the 6'3* Noah Is an exquisite slasher, He provides a lot of quickness at the power forward position. debuting for the team are two wing players that tand 6'4" - William Navarro from Greece and vin Oftana from Dumaguete. Navarro ‘with dribble penetrations and has a decent sot thot. Both arereliable rabounders. Benedict Adamos of Albay Is an athlotle contor ith an accurate short-ranga shot. Former Red Cub Alea substitutes ss big forward end has lent timing off the boarde, whlo ox-La Galle nhilla guard Kyle Carlos completes the polnt guard rotatlonforJarin. After a two-week training In Las Vegas, USA, the Red Lions went 6-2 in the racant Fil Oil Cupwith wins over the University of the East, Lyceum, Mapua, Adameon, Letran and Ateneo. They jell short against the Green Archers after leading for three quarters during their (Lions) third game In three days. In the quarterfinals, the Lions had thelr wore! shooting game In the tournament and bowed totheArelianc Chiefs. Today‘n ronter may nothava the dominance of Adeogun, the effectiveness and wits of Dela Cruz, and overall brilliance of Amer but they are surely quicker and hungrier. We can foresee @ much improved running end presaing game this year, the way Jarin wania i. This year's batch shoukibe more excltingtowatch. And witha deep bench, Jarin can afford to apply the full-court press: for 40 minutes. Like in previous years, tha Red Lions should have the deepest bench agaln thisseason. But the experts agree that this season may be the most, competitive in the last five years. Many beliove that upto six teams may be Snough to snatch this years plum. Arellano looks impressive with Jo Jalaion playing Temarkably for the Chiefs as well as. tremendous improvement in the games of Dioncee Holts, Michael Salado, Zach Neholts, Donald Gumary and bul-strong rookls Lorvin Flores. Joss Rizal U is almost Intact, with, fop gunners Paolo Pontejos and Tey Teodoro stil in the roster. Defending champion Letran sill has a sold starting unit, headed by notable scorer Rey Nambatac and key players Jomarl Sollano, Jerick Balanza, Felix Afreku end John Calvo. Kier Quinto and Medour Luits are valuable players offthe bench. Relgning MVP Allwall ‘Oraeme, plus a platoon of outside sniping quards will banner Mapua. Perpetual Help U is dangerous with the oulstanding Bright Akhuelia and his parfnerin-crima 6'10" Prince Eze. ‘This may be an ambitious quest for the Red Lions but Redemption 2.0is certainly not animposaible draam, A PLOT ALPHA BNNs UREN e Enterprise solutions for your 360° business transformation Oe re eee ee ee eee te ete he oe ee You needa reliable ICT partner for innovative soltions leveraged on social motile, analytics, and cloud Er tet eee ete ee eee digitally powered journey lowards continued succes. epee eae DON eee eee Tee a ho UNO) You have always counted on us as your partner and we continue to strive in making success easy for you. We have helped you transform now into Bossings by being your partner we for growth. | ail £ But as entrepreneurs, your business SS tees } = has to be part of a bigger nation. 4 iC Ltt £3 PLDTSMART smenatTion =| Technology, Mobility and Beyond. 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