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11. S. Gahr and H.K. Birnbaum, Acta Metall. 26(1978): pp. 1781-1788. and Creep Strengthening of Coated and Uncoated Columbium Alloys," Final Re-
12. L.A. Gypen. M. Brabers, and A. Deruyttere, Werkst und Korros. 35. 2(1984): pp. port Contract No. AF33(615)-1727 (Columbus, OH: Battelle Memorial Institute,
37-46. 1966).
13. W.A. Spitzig, C.V. Owen. and T.E. Scott, Met. Trans. A 17A(May 1986): pp. 21. M.L. Torti. "Development of Tantalum-Tungsten Alloys for High Performance Pro-
853-858. pulsion System Components." unpublished data obtained from Contract No.
14. M.W. Mahoney and N.E. Paton. J. of Engineering Materials and Technology NOrd-18787. National Research Corp. (1959-1961).
96(July 1974): pp. 201-206. 22. A.S. Rabensteine. "Tensile and Creep Rupture Properties of Tantalum-10%
15. L.M. Adelsberg, G.P. St. Pierre. and R. Speiser, Trans. Met. Soc. AIME Tungsten Alloy Sheet," Marquardt Corp., Contract No. AF33(657)-8706, Report
239(1967): p. 490. PR 281-10-2 (Sept. 12. 1962).
16. B. Ladna. C.M. Loxton, and H.K. Birnbaum. Acta Met. 34(1986): pp. 899-904. 23. A.H. Cottrell and B.H. Bilby. Proc. Phys. Soc. 62(1949): pp. 49-62.
24. C.R. McKinsey, A.L. Mincher, W.F. Shealy, and J.L. Wilson, `Investigation of
17. J.E. Battles et al., Research on the Oxidation Behavior of Tungsten," ARL 62- Tungsten-Tantalum-Columbium-Base Alloys," ASD Technical Report 61-3, July
324. April 1962. 1961.
18. W.M. Allrecht, W.D. Goode. and M.W. Mallett. J. of the Electrochemical Society 25. P.L. Hendricks and J.W. Spretnak, Trans. AIME 236(1966): pp. 1657-1661.
106(Nov. 1959): pp. 981-986. 26. G.G. Bantle and W.T. Chandler, "Effects of Hydrogen Environments on Colum-
19. E. Veleckis, "The Thermodynamic Properties of the System Nb-H. V-H. and bium and Tantalum Alloys." AFML-TR-66-322, Part II, September 1968.
Ta-H." Ph.D. thesis (ASTIA AD282433) (Chicago. IL: Illinois Institute of Technol- 27. W.D. Klopp. "Oxidation Behavior and Protective Coatings for Columbium and Co-
ogy. January 1960). lumbium-Base Alloys." DMIC Report 123 (Columbus, OH: Battelle Memorial Insti-
20. B.C. Allen, E.S. Bartlett. and B.A. Wilcox, "Elevated-Temperature Ductility Minima tute. January 15. 1966).

A New Practical Index

for Calcium Carbonate Scale Prediction
in Cooling Tower Systems
P.R. Puckorius* and J.M. Brooke**


Some calcium carbonate scaling indexes are shown to be inef- In the past, calcium carbonate scale prediction in water systems
fective and inaccurate in concentrated cooling tower water at pH has relied upon various indexes. Most of these indexes have been
levels above 7.5. In addition, there is a misunderstanding by developed for drinking water. Those most commonly used for cool-
many water treatment vendors on the use of the indexes. This has ing water have been the Langelier and the Ryznar indexes. These
resulted in confusion by both end-users and vendors. More im- indexes have often been referred to as the saturation index
portantly, these indexes are shown to be inaccurate and ineffec- (Langelier [LSI]) and the stability index (Ryznar [RSI]), based on
tive for calcium carbonate scale prediction. This paper will review the saturation pH of calcium carbonate (Table 1). The develop-
many of the available indexes, the basis for their calculations, ment of the Langelier was for potable water quality rather than for
how they compare, and which are effective in cooling water sys- cooling water. The same is true for the Ryznar index. However,
tems. the Ryznar index has been more meaningful and accurate for
The development of a new index was started over 10 years cooling water than the Langelier index, even though many still use
ago and has been verified in operating systems. Since most cool- this index for cooling tower water scale predictions.
ing water treatment programs now operate at a pH level above Several problems occur in the use of the Langelier and Ryz-
7.5 and as high as 9+, the index provides a more accurate and nar indexes. One problem is that the results obtained by each in-
practical estimation of calcium carbonate scaling tendencies. dex often do not agree. With the same water characteristics, the
Case histories are provided to show a comparison with other in- Langelier index can indicate scale whereas the Ryznar index, no
dexes, such as the Ryznar and Langelier indexes. scale. Another problem is that both indexes can predict scale and
in actual practice, none occurs. These results cause confusion for
KEY WORDS: calcareous coating, calcium carbonate scale,
system operators in the prediction of the calcium carbonate scal-
cooling, cooling water inhibitors, cooling water system, corrosiv-
ing tendency in cooling tower waters.
ity, inhibitors, Langelfer index, pH changes and effects, predictive
Both the Langelier and Ryznar indexes are only for the pre-
calculations, scaling, water
diction of calcium carbonate scale and the degree at which it will
occur. When the indexes indicate no scale to be produced, the
values based on these indexes have been interpreted to mean
Submitted for publication August 1990. Presented as paper no. 99 at corrosiveness of the water (Table 2).
CORROSION /90 in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1990. As we know, the Langelier index provides values that are
*Puckorius & Associates Inc., 1202 Highway 74, Suite 210, P.O. Box 2440, positive or negative. The positive numbers indicate scale, with an
Evergreen, CO 80439. increasing scaling tendency as the numbers get larger. Negative
"Puckorius & Associates, Inc., 912 Old Ocean Ave., Sweeny, TX 77480. numbers indicate no scale. They are often interpreted as corrosiv-

0010-9312/91 /000085/$3.00/0
280 © 1991, National Association of Corrosion Engineers CORROSION -April 1991
These two developments have caused considerable confu-
TABLE 1 sion and frustration for end-users and even for some water treat-
Calcium Carbonate Scale Indexes ment service companies since the indexes do not relate to actual
operating results.
Langelier's Saturation Index (LS1) A major concern is that the Langelier and Ryznar indexes no
LSI = pH ac , - pH s + = scale longer provide valid information with the current treatment controls.
- = no scale This concern has resulted in an extensive study by the authors of
hundreds of cooling water systems from the mid-1970s to the cur-
Ryznar's Stability Index (RSI) rent period.

RSI = 2pH 3 - pH,, >6 = no scale


Practical Scale Index (PSI) As a result of this study, Puckorius and Brooke have devel-
oped the practical scale index (PSI), which provides a more accu-
PSI = 2pH 5 - pH. >6 = no scale rate indication of the calcium carbonate scaling tendency of cool-
<6 = scale ing water. The net result for the end-user is a much more
effective, practical tool to predict calcium carbonate scaling ten-
dencies of water and to optimize inhibitor dosages for scale con-
pH s pH of saturation
trol, often cutting treatment costs.
pHact Actual measured pH
The basis of this index is the pH of saturation of calcium car-
pH. Equilibrium pH based
on the total alkalinity value bonate, which is also the basis for both the Langelier and Ryznar
(see alkalinity pH e charts) indexes. To illustrate this, we will show how the PSI is calculated,
what values are used in its development, and how the PSI com-
pares with other indexes.
The PSI value is obtained with the following calculation:

Scaling Severity Keyed to Indexes PSI = 2pH s - pH e (1)

LSI PSI/RSI Condition The pH s is the pH of saturation of calcium carbonate and is easily
developed using tables, slide rules, or computers.' The pH s is cal-
3.0 3.0 Extremely severe culated using the following parameters of the cooling water: (1)
2.0 4.0 Very severe total dissolved solids, (2) temperature of bulk water, (3) calcium
1.0 5.0 Severe hardness (as CaCO 3 ), and (4) total alkalinity (as CaCO 3 ). Each
0.5 5.5 Moderate parameter provides a factor developed by Langelier, Ryznar, and
0.2 5.8 Slight Larson 2-4
0.0 6.0 Stable water The pH s value is used in the formulas developed by Lange-
6.5 No scaling, very slight tendency
lier, Ryznar, and the authors. However, the measured pH value is
to dissolve scale
7.0 No scaling, slight tendency to not used in the calculation of the PSI, as in the other indexes. The
dissolve scale basic concept is that the PSI converts the total alkalinity value,
-1.0 8.0 No scaling, moderate tendency which is used in the initial calculation of the pH s values, to an
to dissolve scale equilibrium pH (pH.), which is used in the PSI calculation. The
-2.0 9.0 No scaling, strong tendency to pH e resulted from the study of hundreds of actual case histories
dissolve scale recorded and evaluated by the authors over the past 12 to 15
-3.0 10.0 No scaling, very strong years. Brooke studied the water qualities and developed the math-
tendency to dissolve scale ematical formula

(A) No scaling, no tendency to dissolve scale. pH e = 1.485 log TA + 4.54 (2)

ity of the water and, as the negative numbers get larger, an in- for predicting the equilibrium pH based on the total alkalinity val-
crease in corrosivity, or more appropriately, the scale-dissolving ues as established in these case histories. A detailed reference
tendencies (Table 2). table is used for obtaining the proper pH 0 for the total alkalinity
The Ryznar index has values that are always positive. The measured (Table 3). The net result has been the development of
value 6.0 is considered stable water. Any numbers lower than 6.0 an index that provides a more accurate and useful value for pre-
indicate scaling tendencies and greater intensity as the number dicting scale formation.
gets smaller. Likewise, the opposite occurs when the numbers rise Verification of the PSI under practical, actual cooling system
above 6.0, the water is scale dissolving or often interpreted as cor- operating conditions has been obtained, resulting in much greater
rosiveness of the water (Table 2). meaning from an operational standpoint than a theoretical stand-
The use of these indexes has been greatly limited by two re- point, or laboratory testing as used for the LSI and RSI.
cent developments. First, new treatment chemical programs, oper- The case histories used in evaluating the LSI, RSI, and PSI
ating at pH levels above 7.5, often between 8 and 9.5, have re- incorporated evaluations of actual scale tendencies in the heat
sulted in greater inaccuracies with these indexes. A second exchange equipment of the cooling water systems. Also, scale-
development that has affected the indexes is the use of new scale monitoring test units were often involved in measuring the amount
inhibitors. Many chemicals used are solubilizing inhibitors. The in- and extent of calcium carbonate scale formation.
dexes are effective for this type of inhibitor. A second group of However, as its importance will be shown later in this paper,
new inhibitors, known as crystal modification inhibitors, allows actual monitoring for scaling tendencies should always be done
scale to occur. Because scale ingredients are removed from the and the ultimate criteria should not be the index to predict scaling
cooling water, these indexes are ineffective. tendencies but the use of monitoring tools simulating actual plant

CORROSION—Vol. 47, No. 4 281


operations. Monitoring the system at the specific operating condi- INDEX COMPARISONS
tions is crucial to determine whether scale is occurring and to what
degree. Then this criteria may be used to modify or readjust the
index if necessary. We would like to illustrate the discrepancy in this prediction
with six case histories. The first two cases are cooling water sys-
tems using lime-softened makeup water. Often a low total alkalin-
ity and high pH occurs. The tests show how the different indexes
compare (Table 4). As can be seen, the Langelier index shows
BASIS OF THE PRACTICAL SCALE INDEX both these waters to have a very severe scaling tendency, the
Ryznar index indicates both to be moderately scale forming, and
To show how these indexes compare, we will illustrate the the practical scale index indicates both to be non-scale forming.
validity of the PSI and how the indexes vary from actual operating Both waters have a slight to moderate tendency to dissolve scale
conditions. and are frequently interpreted as being slight to moderately corro-
After calculating the pH s value to develop the PSI, the next sive. In actual practice, both these waters are non-scaling and are
value that must be obtained is the equilibrium pH, pH e . This pH corrosive.
value was originally drawn from historical information on several Both the Langelier and Ryznar indexes would predict the wa-
hundred different cooling water analyses over the past 12 to 15 ter as being very scale-forming in tendency and requiring a scale
years. This pH e value is derived from the total alkalinity measured inhibitor. These predictions are found in actual practice of the
by standard titration of the water: Langelier and Ryznar indexes. The PSI indicates no scaling ten-
dency of the water and no need for scale inhibitor. Certainly, the
pH e = 1.485 log TA + 4.54 (3) big question is which index is correct. These examples showed no
scaling tendency of the waters and, in fact, the waters are very
aggressive, with considerable corrosion or scale-dissolving quali-
where TA denotes total alkalinity (Table 3). For example, a total ties. One aspect of the investigation illustrates that the total alka-
alkalinity of 150 ppm would have a pH. value of 7.73, while a total linity at 50 ppm or 100 ppm shows an actual measured pH of 9.5
alkalinity of 510 ppm would have a pH e value of 8.51. and 8.9, which cannot have any bicarbonate alkalinity present and
It would be worthwhile at this time to discuss why this equilib- little carbonate. Hydroxide alkalinity is the predominate species of
rium pH is used rather than the actual pH that is measured. First alkalinity. Therefore, the waters are unlikely to have calcium car-
of all, the pH that is measured is certainly correct for a pH mea- bonate scale to the extent as shown by either the Langelier or the
surement of the water when promptly taken, but it does not relate Ryznar index.
directly to the tendencies of the water for calcium carbonate scale Additional examples of the variations shown by the different
formation at pH 7.5 and above, particularly in the pH range of 8.5 indexes are shown in Table 5.
to 9.0. As noted by these four cases, the Langelier index in all ex-
amples shows a scaling tendency and, in most cases, a moderate
The basis for this reasoning is quite fundamental. Calcium
to severe scaling tendency. The Ryznar index shows two exam-
carbonate scale cannot form from anything except calcium ions
ples with scaling tendencies and two with non-scaling tendencies.
and bicarbonate or carbonate ions found in the water. Specifically,
The calculations for the PSI shows that all four cases are non-
the most soluble bicarbonate ions are engaged in the formation of
scale forming. These values were all verified by monitoring for cal-
calcium carbonate scale by the following simple equation:
cium carbonate scale formation by system inspection and deposit
monitors, and no scale was found. All four case histories involved
Ca(HCO 3 2 —. CaCO 3 + H 2 O
the use of scale inhibitors, and upon their discontinuation, no scale
formed. This was verified by standard monitoring techniques de-
The calcium bicarbonate will react under heat and water to form scribed in the referenced paper.'
calcium carbonate scale, a traditionally understood reaction. With
cooling water treatment programs of higher pH, there are fewer
(often none) bicarbonate ions and more carbonate and hydroxide IMPACT OF TREATMENT CHEMICALS
ions present in the water. The presence of hydroxide is not un-
usual in waters of pH 9+. The number of bicarbonate ions is It is important to consider the different chemical treatments
much less above pH 8.3. The predominate species are carbonates that can be present in the cooling water system and how this will
and hydroxides. impact the validity of the indexes. Let us first take the phosphate
treatment programs used extensively today in place of chromates.
The simple question arises: Can calcium carbonate scale
With a phosphate-based program, the PSI, LSI, and RSI cannot
form only with hydroxide alkalinity and calcium hardness? The an-
be used because calcium phosphate is the controlling scaling spe-
swer is no. However, with a blend of hydroxide alkalinity and car-
cies, not calcium carbonate. If any of these indexes are used, as
bonate ion, scale can form but at a greatly reduced rate because
has been done by a number of vendors, the results are in error
the presence of carbonate is much reduced in the water. The
and invalid. This is often misleading to the end-user who believes
chemical treatment programs in use today result in higher pH val-
the indexes are providing valid information. These indexes cannot
ues where less carbonate/bicarbonate is present and more hy-
be effectively used with a phosphate-based treatment program.
droxide alkalinity occurs.
However, if the treatment programs are using zinc, molyb-
What has been done to eliminate the hydroxide effect on the date, or chromate, and no phosphate is present, the predominant
pH as used in the Ryznar and Langelier indexes? The carbonate species that will occur from a scaling tendency is often calcium
and bicarbonate ions, the most important factor, produce a lesser carbonate. In this case, the indexes can be used; however, it
effect on the pH than hydroxide ion. Since these are the only two should be remembered that if any phosphate is present, even from
ions that will form calcium carbonate with calcium hardness, the the degradation of phosphonates, the index is not accurate to the
elimination of the hydroxide effect on pH is very important to ob- extent of phosphate present.
tain a valid index for predicting calcium carbonate scale. The Ryz- In the process of evaluating these indexes, a variety of differ-
nar index and Langelier index use the actual pH measurement, ent inhibitor programs were being used in the cooling systems.
which results in a prediction of a greater scaling tendency when, in Usually, various phosphonates and polyacrylates were being
fact, there is not. added either alone or in combination. The water quality was evalu-

282 CORROSION —April 1991


Equilibrium pH (pH 6) Used
to Calculate the Practical Scale Index (A)

Hundreds 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

0 6.00 6.45 6.70 6.89 7.03 7.14 7.24 7.33 7.40

100 7.47 7.53 7.59 7.64 7.68 7.73 7.77 7.81 7.84 7.88
200 7.91 7.94 7.97 8.00 8.03 8.05 8.08 8.10 8.15 8.15
300 8.17 8.19 8.21 8.23 8.25 8.27 8.29 8.30 8.32 8.34
400 8.35 8.37 8.38 8.40 8.41 8.43 8.44 8.46 8.47 8.48
500 8.49 8.51 8.52 8.53 8.54 8.56 8.57 8.58 8.59 8.60
600 8.61 8.62 8.63 8.64 8.65 8.66 8.67 8.67 8.68 8.70
700 8.71 8.72 8.73 8.74 8.74 8.75 8.76 8.77 8.78 8.79
800 8.79 8.80 8.81 8.82 8.82 8.83 8.84 8.85 8.85 8.86
900 8.87 8.88 8.88 8.89 8.90 8.90 8.91 8.92 8.92 8.93

(A) pH e = 1.485 log TA + 4.54; total alkalinity (ppm CaCO 3 )

Index Comparisons Index Variations

Water Quality/Conditions Case Number

Condition Case No. 1 Case No. 2 Condition 3 4 5 6

Temperature (°F) 120 110 Temperature (°F) 110 120 110 110
TDS (ppm) 1000 1500 TDS (ppm) 1000 1000 1000 3000
Calcium hardness (ppm) 200 250 Calcium hardness (ppm) 500 500 100 800
Total alkalinity (ppm) 50 100 Total alkalinity (ppm) 50 100 200 60
pH (measured) 9.5 8.9 pH (measured) 7.5 8.2 8.8 7.8
pH s (calculated) 7.47 7.16 pH s (calculated) 7.15 6.77 7.25 6.90
pH e (from chart) 7.03 7.47 pH 8 (estimated) 7.03 7.47 7.91 7.14
Index Index
Langelier (LSI) +2.03 +1.74 Langelier (LSI) +0.35 +1.43 +1.55 +0.90
Ryznar (RSI) 5.44 5.42 Ryznar (RSI) 6.80 5.34 5.70 6.00
Practical (PSI) 7.91 6.85 Practical (PSI) 7.27 6.07 6.59 6.66
Actual conditions No scale in all examples

ated to determine the scaling tendencies of the water and the ef- The third class of inhibitors are not principally solubilizers;
fectiveness of the inhibitor. This provided a basis for evaluation of they are mainly crystal modifiers. The modifiers are products such
different dosages and an extrapolation of the effectiveness of as polymaleic acid (PMA), sulfonated styrene maleic anhydride
these inhibitors under various scaling tendencies. The result is that (SSMA), high-molecular-weight polyacrylamides, and some copoly-
inhibitor concentrations can be optimized to prevent excessive- mers. These inhibitors prevent the use of the indexes because
treatment levels. Often much lower treatment costs can be real- they allow scale to occur, but modify the scale crystals to a nonad-
ized and the use of a scale inhibitor may even be eliminated when herent form, and thus, do not stick to heat transfer surfaces. When
it is unnecessary. an index value is calculated on these programs, the index is
It is not unusual to obtain cost reductions of 50 to 75 percent slightly on the scale-forming or non-scaling side (5.8 to 6.0). The
from the recommended dosages of the vendors. In a number of higher scaling values developed with other treatments are never
cases, it was shown that no scale inhibitors were necessary be- obtained because the water is in a precipitation or scaling mode
cause the water was truly non-scale forming. This was verified and the scale is being formed as sludge or suspended solids con-
when the scale inhibitor was eliminated and no scale occurred. ditioned by these new inhibitors.
Inhibitor programs for calcium carbonate scale involve three There are treatment programs that use both the solubilizing
basic varieties that are common today. 6 The older treatment pro- inhibitors like HEDP or polyacrylate along with the crystal modifi-
grams use two phosphonates, 1-hydroxy-ethylidine-1, 1-diphos- ers. This means that the system is in a solubilizing mode before
phonic acid (HEDP) and amino-methylene phosphonic acid (AMP). these inhibitors are exceeded and pass into a precipitation mode.
Newer phosphonates are also very effective for calcium carbonate Thus, the index can be used to predict scale, but less effectively in
scale control. These all perform by increasing the solubility of cal- the absence of the crystal modifiers.
cium scale components and are frequently referred to as solubiliz- Our study of many cooling tower system waters has resulted
ing inhibitors. They affect the scaling indexes by shifting the stable in the use of the PSI to quantify the amount of certain scale inhibi-
water value for the indexes to different values, usually 4 to 5. tors to be used at various scaling tendencies. The phosphonate
The second basic scale-control chemical used is the HEDP for calcium carbonate scale control can be used at the lev-
polyacrylates, also identified as polyacrylic acids. These products els and scale tendencies shown in Table 6. The other
also solubilize scale and shift the stable water value as high as phosphonate, AMP, is very similar. These levels are as "active"
4.5. phosphonate, not as the formulation.

CORROSION-Vol. 47, No. 4 283


Phosphonate Inhibitor Dosages Polyacrylate Inhibitor Dosages
for Calcium Carbonate Scale Control for Calcium Carbonate Scale Control

Practical Scale Practical Scale

Dosage HEDP Dosage Polyacrylate
Index Value Index Value )

(ppm) Active (ppm) Active

Stable Water (A) Stable Water <

0.0 6.0 0.0 6.0

0.5 5.5 0.5 5.5
1.0 5.1 1.0 5.0
2.0 4.6 3.0 4.5
3.0 4.0 4.0 4.4
4.0 3.9 5.0 4.5
5.0 4.0 10.0 5.0
10.0 4.6
(A)Stable water; no scaling, no tendency to
(A) Stable water; no scaling, no tendency to dissolve scale.
dissolve scale.

When determining the PSI or scaling tendency of the water, if New polymers and new treatment chemicals are being used,
the PSI is appropriate for your system conditions, the inhibitor lev- which indicates a need to obtain more data on these new treat-
els can be adjusted to control calcium carbonate scale without us- ment programs in actual systems and to determine their impact on
ing an excessive amount of inhibitor. Substantial cost reductions the indexes. We need to know if the indexes are meaningful and if
are possible by eliminating these overdosage levels. they can be used to help predict scaling tendencies in the pres-
For example, if a PSI value of 5.5 is obtained for the water ence of these inhibitors. The best criteria is to evaluate the scaling
quality in the cooling water system, then a dosage for HEDP, tendencies. This can be done primarily with deposit monitors on
which should be maintained in the system, is 0.5 ppm. Even if a heat transfer surfaces in actual systems and by comparing them to
safety factor of 50 percent or higher is used, this would mean a the indexes found under those conditions. 7
dosage of 0.8 ppm. This could involve a substantial reduction in
chemical usage particularly if the current use level is from 3 to 5
ppm of HEDP. The result is greater than 80 percent savings. If the
PSI value is 4.6, a savings of 50 percent is likely. Notice that In conclusion, the PSI is a new development that supercedes
HEDP and other phosphonates have a limit as to how much scale- the LSI and RSI, particularly with the new treatment programs
driving force can be controlled. The PSI limit is roughly 4.0, al- where pH levels are above 7.5. It provides an accurate tool that
though 3.9 does occur in the chart but reverses back up again. can reduce or even eliminate scale and chemical costs by properly
The increased scaling tendency actually decreases the ability of identifying the scaling tendencies, in contrast to the errors occur-
the phosphonate to prevent calcium carbonate scale. The effect is ring from the use of the Langelier or Ryznar indexes. The PSI is
that calcium phosphonate scale forms. The hardness reacts with an effective tool for cooling water systems since it was developed
the inhibitor giving a net result of decreased effectiveness. and optimized specifically for cooling water systems rather than
The second category, polyacrylates of a molecular weight any other water systems. However, we caution that conditions
from 1000 to 2500, show a lower level of effectiveness compared should be monitored with scale detectors that are sufficiently sen-
to the phosphonates for calcium carbonate scale control (Table 7). sitive to identify the presence or absence of scaling tendencies
The maximum scale control for a PSI value of 4.4 is commonly and that the index be adjusted to fit the specific system conditions.
used. Again, higher levels of polyacrylate create an increase in
scale, this time as calcium polyacrylate.
The third category, the crystal modifiers, cannot use the PSI
to optimize treatment levels because scale is forming when they REFERENCES
are being used. The index is meaningless since the value is sel-
dom less than a PSI value of 6.0, regardless of scale intensity.
1 P.R. Puckorius, Power (September 1983): p. 79.
The calcium carbonate is forming and being removed from the wa-
2. W.F. Langelier, AWWA J. 28, 10(1936): p. 1500.
ter. 3. J.W. Ryznar, AWWA J. 35, 4(1944): p. 112.
The authors are developing charts for various types of phos- 4. E.T. Larson and A.M. Buswell, AWWA J. 34, 11(1942): p. 1887.
phonates, polyacrylates, and new multicomponent polymers that 5. P.R. Puckorius and J.M. Brooke, "Effectively Evaluating Cooling Water Treatment
Programs," CORROSION/88, paper no. 17 (Houston, TX: NACE, 1988).
can maintain good calcium carbonate scale control, particularly
6. S.D. Strauss, Power (June 1984): p. S-4.
those functioning as solubilization rather than as crystal modifica- 7. S.D. Strauss, Power (May 1989) p. 31.
tion. We hope this will be the basis for additional technology, 8. J.M. Brooke, "The Calcium Carbonate Story," CORROSION/83, paper no. 284
which can be reported in the near future. (Houston, TX: NACE, 1983).

284 CORROSION-April 1991

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