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Uploading Journal Entries

Uploading Journal Entries

Explanation Screenshot

Would you like to know more

about how a general ledger
accountant uploads multiple
general ledger (G/L) account
documents using a single
upload file?

If so, follow this interactive


1. To open the app, select

the Upload General Journal
Entries tile.

2. Choose Download

Uploading Journal Entries

Explanation Screenshot

3. Select the language and

MS Excel Workbook format.

For this tutorial, these have

been selected for you.

Choose Download.

4. Choose Save as and save

the document locally.

5. In the template, enter

1710 as the company code
and press Enter.

6. For this tutorial, the fields

for the Header and Line
Items have been completed
for you.

Choose Save.

Uploading Journal Entries

Explanation Screenshot

7. To upload the completed

template, choose Browse.

8. Select the prepared MS

Excel file and choose Open.

9. The MS Excel file is

uploaded and you can see
the data entered.

Select the uploaded file.

10. Choose Post.

Uploading Journal Entries

Explanation Screenshot

11. The journal entries are


Choose OK.

12. To return to the

launchpad, choose SAP.

You have successfully

uploaded multiple G/L
account documents using a
single upload file.

This concludes the

interactive tutorial.

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