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ModuI uuxIIIury verbs
Ocun, cun`L, couId
Obe ubIe Lo, be uIIowed Lo
Omuy, mIgIL
OmusL, Iuve Lo, need
OmusLn`L, needn`L
OsIuII, sIouId, ougIL Lo
OwIII, wouId
O cun express dIIIerenL LIIngs:
O permIssIon
O possIbIIILy
O cerLuInLy
O obIIguLIon
O udvIce
O requesLs, suggesLIons, oIIers & InvILuLIons
O meunIng depends on LIe conLexL
O LIey ure cuIIed moduI uuxIIIury verbs becuuse LIey
IeIp oLIer verbs
O IoIIow dIIIerenL ruIes Ior Lense IormuLIon:
O no -s In LIe LIIrd person sInguIur presenL
O no doJdoesJdId In quesLIons & neguLIves
O no InIInILIves & -Ing Iorms
ExpressIng ubIIILy: cun, couId & be ubIe Lo
O She con plc three instruments.
O e con specl jite lcnuces, uhile I con't specl cn.
O She con o to music room to prcctice.
O we use con Lo suy LIuL someLIIng Is possIbIe: LIuL someone
Ius un ubIIILy or un opporLunILy
O neguLIve Is connot or con't
O In IormuI conLexLs we use -0 o-0 to
O I -0 o-0 to come ij I jinish on time.
O e is ood uith computers, he 8 o-0 to urite
ExpressIng ubIIILy
O Ior ubIIILy und opporLunILy In LIe pusL we use cou/ or
o8070 o-0 to
O She cou/ pog the picno uhen she ucs jour. DR
O She o8 o-0 to pog the picno uhen she ucs jour
O II LIe ubIIILy or opporLunILy resuILed In u purLIcuIur
ucLIon, we use o8070 o-0 to, noL cou/
O %he ccr o8 o-0 to 8top -ejore the crcsh.
O e o8 o-0 to com0 -eccuse he jinished on time.
ExpressIng permIssIon:
cun, muy, couId & be uIIowed Lo
O usking permission cun, couId, muy):
O on I use our pen?
O ou/ ue -orrou our lcdder, plecse? more poIILe)
O og I see the letter? ruLIer IormuI)
O giving permission cun, muy):
O ou con ucit there ij ou lile.
O ould I -orrou our pen? - Dj course ou con
O ou mog telephone jrom here u wrILLen noLIce)
O reIosing permission cun`L, muy noL):
O cn ue stc here? - I'm cjrcid ou con't.
O iccles mog not -e lejt here. u wrILLen noLIce)
O 9ulking uboo9 permission[roles cun, couId, be
uIIowed Lo):
O cch pcssener con tcle one -c onto the plcne.
O In the :pzos ou cou/ drite uithout tclin c test.
O It 8n't oo0/ to smole in here.
ExpressIng permIssIon
ExpressIng obIIguLIon: musL & Iuve Lo
O we use mu8t & hoo0 to Lo suy LIuL someLIIng Is
necessury Ie LIere Is un obIIguLIon Lo do IL
O ou cre lectin school soon- ou mu8t thinl c-out
our juture.
O I hcte c lot to do so I hoo0 to uorl ct ueelend, too.
O mu8t Is used onIy In LIe presenL, In uII oLIer sLrucLures
we use hoo0 to
O I ho/ to tcle jijt excms to et c deree.
O e hoo0 to jinish uorl next ueel.
ExpressIng obIIguLIon
O we use mu8t wIen LIe speuker IeeIs LIuL someLIIng
Is necessury; LIe obIIguLIon InvoIves LIe speuker`s
opInIon - IL`s personuI
O ou mu8t exercise `m LeIIIng you)
O e mu8t -e quiet e`s LeIIIng us)
O we use hoo0 to wIen LIe sILuuLIon mukes someLIIng
necessury; IL Is u generuI obIIguLIon bused on u Iuw or
ruIe or on someone`s uuLIorILy - IL`s ImpersonuI
O I hoo0 to exercise %Ie docLor LoId me)
O e hoo0 to -e quiet %IuL`s LIe ruIe)
ExpressIng obIIguLIon
O hoo0 to Ius uII Iorms, mu8t does noL
O e mu8t o. - e ho8 to o.
O neguLIves do noL Iuve LIe sume meunIng
O mu8tn't meuns LIuL someLIIng Is IorbIdden; /on't hoo0 to
expresses ubsence oI obIIguLIon
O ou /on't hoo0 to -u cnthin in the shop, ou ccn just lool.
O ou mu8tn't stecl other people's thins - it's uron.
O hoo0 got to meuns LIe sume us hoo0 to
O hoo0 got to Is InIormuI & used muInIy In LIe presenL
O I'o0 got to mcle some scnduiches jor dinner.
ExpressIng obIIguLIon
O 8hou/ & ought to express mIId obIIguLIon,
suggesLIons or udvIce - LIey express wIuL Is, In LIe
speuker`s opInIon, LIe besL LIIng Lo do
O we oILen use LIem wILI thnk or /on't thnk
O ou cre clucs cslin jor mone. I thinl ou
8hou/ spend less. And ou ought to -e more
ccrejul uith mone.
O ou 8hou/n't smole thct much. ou'll et illl
MukIng requesLs
O Ior poIILe requesLs we use con, cou/, & ou/
O LIere ure Lwo wuys oI uskIng LIIngs:
O on gou help me? ou/ gou ite me c hcnd? W
gou pcss the sclt, plecse? Wou/ gou mn/ ucitin
here? OR
O on tcll to ou? ou/ hcte c uord uith ou?
O con Is more IumIIIur, wIIIe cou/ Is more IormuI
O ou/ & ou/ gou cun be used In uII kInds oI
MukIng suggesLIons & oIIers
O Lo express suggesLIons we use 8ho8hou/
O $ho ue o jor c ucll?
O $hou/ I open the uindou? It's c -it stujj.
O Lo express oIIers we use & con
O I ccrr thct -c. 1ust lecte it here.
O I con ite ou c lijt to the stction.
O Lo oIIer Iood or drInk we use ou/ k0
O Wou/ gou k0 c piece oj pie?
O Wou/ ongon0 k0 more cojjee?
OvIu e-muII Irenu-pIdvIpIr
OuL wwwss-cuzmuskoIeIr
by rene, zooq

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