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Page 1: Attributes, Hit Points, Initiative, Throw range, Hit location, Skill points, Damage bonus, Skills,
Sample weapons.

Page 2: Sample weapons (cont), Armour, Cover modifiers.

Page 3: Cover modifiers (cont). Range, Movement, Equipment, Healing.

Page 4: Damage, Sample Character/NPC templates.

Sample characters/NPCs, Scenario timelines: Page 4.

Page 4 & 5: Scenarios/timelines.

Page 5: Healing, Falling damage, Attribute tests, Bursts & Automatic fire, Critical hit, Grappling,
Critical hit, Optional rule.
Page 6: Aimed shot.

Character creation: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution: 1D10+8 or 1D8+10.

Hit Points: Head: CON, Arms/Legs: CON x 2, Torso: CON x 3.
Carry capacity: STR+CON+20. Move: (Crawl: 2M, walk: 4M, Run: 8M)

Each 5 second combat round, a character or NPC can engage in 1 action.

INITIATIVE: 1D6 plus DEX. Highest goes first.

Throw Range: STR x 2 + 4 Metres

Hit Location: 1: L-Arm, 2: R-Arm, 3-7: Torso, 8: L-Leg, 9: R-Leg, 10: Head.
Damage Bonus: STR 14-15: +1, 16: +2, 17: +3, 18: +4

Skill Points: INT x 20 + 140

Skills: Acrobatics, Melee, Unarmed, Climbing, Computers, Demolitions, Engineering, First Aid, Free
Fall, Listen, Medical, Observation, Piloting (Air/Ground), Navigation (Air/Ground), Persuade, Stealth,
Swim, Survival, Tech (Air Vehicle, Ballistics, Communications, Electrical, Electronics, Ground
Vehicles), Throw, Tracking.
Pistol, Rifle (Assault Rifles, SMG’s, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle), Heavy Weapons (Grenade Launchers,
Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers).

WEAPONS: (examples of modern or near future weapons)

Weapon abbreviations: S – single shot, B – burst, FA – full auto, 8I – 8 rounds internal.
ROF – how many shot or bursts per 5 second round. WT: Weight.

Heavy Pistol: RNG: 8/12/16, DAM: 1D10+1D6, ROF: 3, MAG: 7 (.2KG), WT: 1.5KG
Machine Pistol: RNG: 8/13/17, DAM: 1D8+4, ROF: 3, MAG: 21 (.25KG), WT: 2KG, S/B

SMG: RNG: 18/28/40, DAM: 1D8+6, ROF: 3, MAG: 30 (.5KG), WT: 3KG, S/B/FA
SMG (silenced): RNG: 18/28/40, DAM: 1D8+6, ROF: 3, MAG: 30 (.5KG), WT: 3.5KG, S/B/FA

Shotgun: RNG: 8/14/20, DAM: 4D8+8/3D8/2D8, ROF: 2, MAG: 8I (.25KG), WT: 4KG,
Takes 2 turns to reload.
Auto Shotgun: RNG: 8/14/20, DAM: 4D8+8/3D6/2D6, ROF: 2, MAG: 25-drum (1KG),
Damage: 8 Metres or less: 4D8+8, 8-14 Metres: 3D8, 14-20 Metres: 2D8.
Solid shot: 4D8+8 (all ranges).
Assault Rifle #1: 20/40/60, DAM: 1D8+6, ROF: 4, MAG: 30 (.5KG), S/B/FA, includes a 4 round
shotgun attachment under main barrel (see shotgun stats), WT: 4KG.
Assault Rifle #2: 20/40/60, DAM: 1D10+8, ROF: 3, MAG: 21 (.5KG), S/B/FA, includes single shot
grenade launcher under main barrel, WT: 5KG.
Grenade Launcher: 20/40/70, ROF: 1, DAM: 2 Metres or less: 4D10, 2-4 Metres: 3D10,
4-6 Metres: 2D10. All ranges: 1D3 hit locations.

Grenade Launcher (6 round mag): 20/45/75, ROF: 2, DAM: 2 Metres or less: 4D10,
2-4 Metres: 3D10, 4-6 Metres: 2D10 (All ranges: 1D3 locations), WT: 6KG.
Each grenade weighs .5Kg

Grenade scatter: roll 1D12 (12 being the direction of the target, and roll 1D3 for 1-3 Metres).
Hand grenades or grenades for launchers weigh 0.5Kg

Sniper Rifle #1: 30/70/120, DAM: 1D10+8, ROF: 2, MAG: 20 (.5KG), S-shot, Scope: +10%
WT: 4KG. Add suppressor: 0.5KG.

Sniper Rifle #2: 35/80/130, DAM: 2D8+8, ROF: 2, MAG: 10 (.5KG), S-shot, Scope: +10% WT: 5KG.
Add suppressor: 1KG.

Portable MG: 35/80/120, DAM: 1D10+8, ROF: 3 bursts or 1 x Full Auto. MAG: 100 (2KG), WT:

BLADES: Knife: 1D10 STR Bonus (WT: 0.25KG).

Long Knife: 1D10+4+STR Bonus (0.5KG).
Sword: 2D6+6+STR Bonus (WT: 2KG), 2-handed sword: 2D8+8+STR Bonus (WT: 3KG).
Axe: 2D6+6+STR Bonus (WT: 2KG), Club: 1D8+2+STR Bonus (WT: 0.5KG).

TYPE #1: Head – AV10, WT: 0.5KG, Vest - AV10, WT: 1KG, Arm/Leg Guards – AV – 8,
WT: 0.5KG

TYPE #2: Head – AV15, WT: 1KG, Vest – AV15, WT: 2KG, Arm/Leg Guards – AV – 10,
WT: 1KG. –1 DEX using Arm & Leg Guards.
Every time damage beats the Armour Value, it decreases by 1. Example: AV10 Vest takes 12 damage,
2 points damage the person, and the AV is now 9.

COVER: destructible/per metre.

Glass: Hit Points: 2, Safety Glass: 6.
Interior Wall (residential): 2D6 HP (to punch through).
Interior Wall (industrial): 3D6 HP.
Exterior Wall (residential): 4D6
Exterior Wall (industrial): 7D6
Wood Door: 2D6
Metal Door: 4D6
Tree: 2D6-4D6
If the section takes double damage, then the section is destroyed.
COVER: indestructible?
Big rocks, steel girders, etc.

Light cover (sparse tree & bushes): -5% (quarter cover).

Medium cover (Medium woods): -10% (half covered).
Heavy cover (dense woods): -15% (3/4 covered).

Poor (rain, light snowfall): -5%
Medium (light fog, twilight, heavy snowfall): -10%
Heavy (heavy fog, dark): -15

Night vision goggles or infrared goggles negate the above visibility modifiers (.5KG).

Aim: +5%/round, max 3 rounds.
Aim for Head: -10%
Aim for limbs (arms/legs): -10%
Walked: -5%
Ran: -10%
Crouched: -5%
Prone: -10%
Walked: -5%
Ran: -10%

RANGE: Short: 0, Medium: -5%, Long: -10%

MOVEMENT: Crawl: 2 Metres, Walk: 4 Metres, Run: 8 Metres.

Com Unit: 0.25KG, Light communication Device attached to helmet or around head.
Binoculars: 0.5KG, gives +10% to Observation Skill in good lighting conditions.
Binoculars (night vision): Negates bad visibility conditions, and gives +10% to Observation Skill,
Tool Kit: 5KG
Power Hand Tools: 35KG
Wheeled Vehicle Tools: 10KG
Tracked Vehicle Tools: 15KG
Aircraft Tools: 22KG
Excavating Tools: 20KG
Construction (wood) Tools: 30KG
Small Arms Tools: 3KG
Heavy Ordnance Tools: 25KG
Electrical Repair: 3KG
Electronic Repair: 3KG
Arc Welder: 75KG
Lock-pick Tools: 0.5KG
Personal Med-kit: 0.2KG
Doctor’s Med-Kit: 5KG
Back pack: 1.5KG
Combat Webbing: 1.5KG
Fatigues (boots, Socks, Camouflage jacket & trousers): 3KG
Canteen: -.25KG (holds 1 litre water)

Smoke grenades: 0.5KG, 1st round: 2Metres, 2nd round: 4Metres, 3rd round: 6 Metres.
Disappears 1D6 rounds after 3rd round.

1D3+CON Bonus/day (CON 14-15: +1, 16: +2, 17: +3, 18: +4)
Medical attention: 1D6+CON Bonus/day (CON 14-15: +1, 16: +2, 17: +3, 18: +4)

DAMAGE: if area damaged is reduced to 0Hit Points, then that area is disabled until further medical
advice is administered. If the head is reduced to -1HP, then the target is no more (Game Over). If the
head is reduced to 0HP, then the target has 1D3 rounds to be healed (stabilised). The same applies to
Torso Area.

SAMPLE CHARACTER/NPC TEMPLATES (average character types):

Soldier (Infantry):
Combat Skills: Melee: 50%, Pistol: 40%, Rifle: 55%, Heavy Weapons: 35%
Climbing: 45%, Demolitions: 35%, First Aid: 40%, Free Fall: 30%, Persuade: 35%,
Unarmed: 40%, Observation: 45%, Pilot (ground): 40%, Navigation (Ground): 45%,
Stealth: 45%, Swim: 45%, Survival: 45%, Tech (Ballistics): 45%, Throw: 45%, Tracking: 45%
Assault Rifle (1D6 mags) or Shotgun (24 Shells, or 2 drums for Auto Shotgun), 1D6 grenades, Knife,
Type 1 armour, Personal Med-Kit.
Soldier (Support – Heavy Weapons):
Combat Skills: Melee: 45%, Pistol: 40%, Rifle: 35%, Heavy Weapons: 55%
Climbing: 45%, Demolitions: 35%, First Aid: 40%, Free Fall: 30%, Persuade: 35%,
Unarmed: 40%, Observation: 55%, Pilot (ground): 40%, Navigation (Ground): 45%,
Stealth: 45%, Swim: 45%, Survival: 45%, Tech (Ballistics): 50%, Throw: 45%, Tracking: 45%
Portable MG (2 x 100 round mags), 1D6 grenades, Knife, Pistol, Type 1 armour, Personal Med-Kit.

Soldier (Combat Medic):

Combat Skills: Melee: 45%, Pistol: 45%, Rifle: 40%, Heavy Weapons: 25%
Climbing: 45%, Demolitions: 30%, First Aid: 60%, Free Fall: 30%, Persuade: 40%,
Unarmed: 40%, Medical: 55%, Observation: 45%, Pilot (ground): 40%, Navigation (Ground): 45%,
Stealth: 45%, Swim: 50%, Survival: 45%, Tech (Ballistics): 40%, Throw: 45%, Tracking: 40%
Assault Rifle (1D6 mags) or Shotgun (24 Shells, or 2 drums for Auto Shotgun), 1D6 grenades, Knife,
Type 1 armour, Personal Med-Kit x 5, Doctor’s Med-Kit.

Soldier (Sniper):
Combat Skills: Melee: 50%, Pistol: 45%, Rifle: 60%, Heavy Weapons: 35%
Climbing: 50%, Demolitions: 35%, First Aid: 40%, Free Fall: 30%, Persuade: 35%,
Unarmed: 40%, Observation: 50%, Pilot (ground): 40%, Navigation (Ground): 50%,
Stealth: 55%, Swim: 50%, Survival: 55%, Tech (Ballistics): 55%, Throw: 50%, Tracking: 50%
Sniper Rifle 1 or 2 with 3 mags, 1D6 grenades, Knife, Pistol, Type 1 armour, Personal Med-Kit.

Soldier (Technician):
Combat Skills: Melee: 45%, Pistol: 40%, Rifle: 50%, Heavy Weapons: 40%
Climbing: 45%, Demolitions: 45%, First Aid: 40%, Free Fall: 30%, Persuade: 35%,
Unarmed: 40%, Observation: 45%, Pilot (ground): 40%, Navigation (Ground): 45%,
Stealth: 45%, Swim: 45%, Survival: 45%, Tech (Air Veh, Ballistics, Comms, electrical, Electronics,
Ground Veh): 55%, Throw: 45%, Tracking: 45%
Assault Rifle with 1D6 mags, 1D6 grenades, Knife, Pistol, Type 1 armour, Personal Med-Kit.

A PC can start with any of the above templates, or select a profession from above with all stated skills
at 20%, then add skill points (INT x 20+140). Max: 50%
NPC’s: Create as normal, but they are taken out if their Head or Torso HP is reduced to 0.

Near Future: the weapons listed earlier are near future, but can also be used for modern.
The armour can be used for modern or near future.

HEALING: 1D3 per day as listed earlier.

Personal Med-kit (1 use): 1D6 HP recovered. More than 1 can be used in a day if necessary.
Doctor’s Med-Kit: 2D6 HP recovered. After 10 uses, the Med-Kit needs re-supplying.
Near future Special Forces armour: Helmet (AV17, night vision goggles, built-in comm. Unit, mini
HUD unit which flips down over left eye for tactical data): 1.5KG.
Torso Armour: AV17, WT: 2.5KG. Arm/Leg Guards: AV14, WT: 1KG/pair.

FALLING DAMAGE: 1D6 per 3 metres.

ATTRIBUTE TESTS: roll 2D10, equal to or less than Attribute.

Example: Strength test: a PC wants to un-jam a door that has become stuck. He has a STR of 14. He
has to roll 14 or less on 2D10.


A person firing a burst (3 rounds), rolls 1D3 (1D6/2) to see how many rounds hit.
A person firing a full auto burst rolls a dice relevant to the amount of rounds fired:
10 rounds: 1D10, 20 Rounds: 2D10, and so forth.
Roll location and damage for each round that hit.

BURST MODIFIERS: 2nd and 3rd burst: -5 (not accumulative).

Full auto burst: -10 (if more than 20 rounds/shots, -5 if 20 or less)
GRAPPLING (Procedure):
Both the attacker and the defender roll their Melee skill or Unarmed.
If successful, then the attacker can give unarmed damage (1D4+1+STR bonus), or Melee damage of
melee weapon.

The defender cannot move until they win a Melee/Unarmed skill roll.

If unsuccessful, then the grapple has failed. The defender can act normally.
Each round, a Melee/Unarmed skill roll is made to see who gets the upper hand.

If the attacker succeeds, then he can give unarmed damage.

The attacker can specify an area to damage (-5 to hit).

Melee damage: damage of weapon + STR bonus. Melee strike: once per round.
If using a blunt club type weapon (rifle butt, bottle, etc), then: 1D8+STR bonus.
Baseball/cricket bat: 1D8+2+STR Bonus.
Club with 6-inch nails: 1D10+2+STR Bonus.

CRITICAL HIT (Ranged or Melee): +1D8 extra damage. AV is halved (round down).

If damage received is equal to or less than a target’s AV by 2 points, then the target receives –5% to
ALL skill rolls for the next turn, unless they make a con roll with a modifier of +3 (die roll).
Example: a target takes 8-10 points of damage to his torso, which has AV10 armour.
The target must make a con roll +3 to die roll or suffer –5% to all skill rolls for a turn.
If he fails, then he suffers disorientation (-5% to skill rolls) for a turn.

AIMED SHOT: takes place after the character has spent one action aiming his weapon. A target must
be visible in both the aiming and firing phases for the aimed shot to take place.
The character must inform the GM which target they are aiming at.
If more than one shot/burst is fired in a turn/phase, only the first counts as aimed.
All subsequent shots/bursts are considered quick shots (-25%).

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