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Just like the stars that grace the night sky, you, Latin Honors Awardees, have

shone brilliantly through your unwavering dedication, resilience, and intellectual

brilliance. Every star we admire in the night sky has traveled a long journey and
conquered the challenges of the vast universe. You, our awardees, have also embarked
on an educational voyage, navigated the realms of knowledge, explored uncharted
territories, and conquered the peaks of academic excellence. Your commitment to
intellectual pursuit has propelled you to the forefront of academic achievement.
Just as stars guide lost wanderers through the darkness, your achievements
illuminate the path for future generations. You have become beacons of inspiration,
igniting the passion for learning, and instilling to others the belief that they, too, can
reach for the stars.
This event is our treat for you. Your academic success is a testament to the
countless hours of hard work, sacrifice, and determination you have invested in your
studies. But let us not forget those who have nurtured you, guided you, and supported
you along this journey. Behind every shining star, there are parents, mentors, and
educators who have played an integral role in your accomplishments. Tonight, we
extend our gratitude to them, for their unwavering support and belief in your potential.
Welcome everyone on tonight’s Academic Stars Gala! Just like stars that
continue to shine, may your light endure, inspiring others with your achievements.

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