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Oda class Worksheet Name: Practice Paper Standard: 8th Subject: Mathematics a. In the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral. 1. Name a ptr of adjacent sides Name a par of oposite sides, How many pais of adjacent sides are there? How many pais of Opposite sides ae there? Name apr of adacent angles. Name a pair of opposite angles. How many pais of adjacent angles are there? Hw many pairs of oppos angles are there? Q2. In. parallelogram ABCD, the diagonals bisect each other at 0. If ZABC = 30°, ZBDC = 10° and ZCAB = 70° Find ZDAB, ZADG, ZBCD, AOD, ZDOC, ZBOC. ZAOB, ZACD, ZCAB, ZADB, ZACB, ZDBC. and ZDBA, (3. Find the angles marked with a question mark shown in the figure, Q6. Aline lis parallel to line m and a transversal p interesects them at X,Y respectively, Bisectors of interlor angles at X and Y interesct at P and Q, Is PXQY 2 rectangle? Given reason. Q5. In the adjacent figure HOPE is a parallelogram. Find the angle measures x,y and z. State the geometrical truths you use to find them, E P ho 1Q6. In a rectangle ABCD, AB = 25em and Bi 5, In what ratio does the bisector of ZC divide AB? Q7. In the following figure, AB || DC and AD = BC. Find the value of X D_20em—¢ oem, Axim oP QB. The sides of @ rectangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 and its perimeter is 20em. Draw the rectangle. {Q9. What is the sum of the measures of the angles of a convex quadrilateral? Will this property hold ifthe quadrilateral is not convex? (Make anon-convex quadrilateral and try!) 10. PARSTU is a regular hexagon. Determine each angle of APQT. ‘QA. ABC isa right-angled triangle and O Is the mid-point of the side opposite to the right angle. Explain why O is equidistant from A, Band. 12. The angle between the altitudes of a parallelogram through the same vertex of an obtuse angle ofthe parallelogram is 60°. Find the angles of the parallelogram. {Q13. ABCD is a rhombus whose diagonals intersect at 0. f AB = 10cm, diagonal BD = 16cm, find the length of diagonal AC. {Q14. Inthe figure, suppose its known that DE = DF. Then is AABCisosceles? Why or why not? 0° {QAS. Construct a trapezium RISK in which RI || KS, RI= 7em, IS= Sem, RK= 6.5em and ZT QA6. Construct a rectangle whose one side is 3em and a diagonal equal to Sem, {Q17. Diagonals of parallelogram ABCD intersect at 0 as shown in the figure. XY contains O, and X, Y are points on opposite sides of the parallelogram. Give reasons for each ofthe following: 1.0B-0D 2. ZOBY = Z ODX 3, BOY = ZDOX 4, ABOY = ADOX Now, state if XV is bisected at 0. 48. In a quadrilateral ABCD, CO and DO are the bisectors of ZC and ZD respectively. Prove that ZCOD = 3(ZA + 2B). {Q19. Ina convex hexagon, prove that the sum of all interior angles is equal to twice the sum of its exterior angles formed by producing the sides in the same order. .@20. Arun was solving the mathematics problems. He was doing great in algebraic concepts but not in the geometric concepts. He had to solve few questions from quadrlaterals . Questions were based on the following figure. Help him to solve the following questions. Can you tell the what is this figure called as? Hexagon Pentagon Heptagon Octogon What is the sum of the measures ofits exterior angles x, 2,2, ¢? 360" 180° 270" 160° If all the interior angles in the given figure is equal to x/ 2. Find the value of x 120" 180" 360" 90"

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