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The importance of the fact that … which frequently generated a great of heated

debate, has now becom even more controversial. Some people maintain that the
N might play a vital role in society, while opponents claim that such opinion is
untrue. This essay will elaborate the debate and lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the N could play an importance role
in any society, yet the most important on stems from the fact that the majority of
people need to be provided with such N excel in their future path. For example,
according to recent research conducted by scientists from Harvard University,
those who are equipped with the N are more likely to behave better in their
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some
people believe that the N might also bring some drawbacks which can
overwhelm its positive impact. This is largely attributed to the fact that based on
some satistics collected recently, the importace of the N has caused significant
effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been ultilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from personal perspective,
I’m inclined to believe that the issue that Lay nguyen has both pros and cons,
thus authority should strike a right balance between them.

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