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Date submitted 10-Aug-2020 9:45 AM

Name Kmc Aussi
Username Kmc Aussi
Result Pass
Score 73 / 80 (91%)
Grade Pass
Duration 01h:21m:04s

Page: 1 Time: 00:02:18

✓ 1. The 11-year-old patient fell of his kickboard and hit his upper anterior teeth against a fence.

Points: He presented at his dentist's office 25 minute after the trauma.

1/1 Tooth 11 had a chipped incisal edge involving the dentine grade with 1 mobility and slight percussion to sensitivity.
The initial examination revealed a complicated fracture of tooth 21 with grade 2 mobility and percussion sensitivity.

Considering the time elapsed since trauma:

The pulp is likely to have become necrotic and should be extirepated.

The pulp tissue in this case is superficially contaminated. ✓
Treatment can be delayed without consequences.
The pulp tissue is unaltered and no treatment is necessary.
Tooth 21 should be extracted immediately.

Page: 2 Time: 00:03:12

✓ 2. The most adequate treatment for 21 is:

1/1 Build up and crown placement as soon as possible.
pulpectomy and immediate root canal filling to avoid contamination.
pulpotomy followed by a minimum of 90 days of CaOH. ✓
pulpectomy followed by a minimum of 90 days of CaOH.

Page: 3 Time: 00:01:04

✓ 3. A tooth with an incomplete crown fracture :

Points: does not need to be evaluated with thermal and electric pulp tests.
1/1 requires placement of a stainless steel crown to provide good pulpal protection.
should be treated immediately with a direct pulp cap.
requires vitality tests for future comaprison . ✓

Page: 4 Time: 00:00:33

✓ 4. Many months after trauma to 11, the development of a greyish discolouration in the crown usually indicates:

Points: pulp necrosis. ✓

1/1 external root resorption.
pulp canal calcification.
internal root resorption.

Page: 5 Time: 00:02:00

✓ 5. Another 12 year old child presented at your office having sustained a traumatic injury to his maxillary central incisor.

Points: Clinically, the tooth is slightly mobile but has no coronal fracture.
1/1 Radiographically there is a visible fracture of the root horizontally about 3 to 4mm from the tip.
Electric pulp tests are inconclusive. The treatment of choice is to :
Do a vital pulpectomy and seal with gutta percha.
Do nothing but keep the tooth under observation radiographically. ✓
Do a vital pulpectomy and seal with gutta percha and do an apical resection.
Do a vital pulpectomy and seal with a silver point to act as a splint.
Surgically remove the apical fracture only.

Page: 6 Time: 00:01:32

✓ 6. Patient presents with eroded “Stumps” left over in anterior region.

Points: He says that he drinks 3 glasses of wine and has 40 cigarettes per day. He was diabetic type I and over-weight.
1/1 He needed to raise the bite to restore anterior teeth when he came back after that he quite smoking and lost weight.

He is suffering from:
Erosion. ✓

Page: 7 Time: 00:00:14

✓ 7. How will you know the process is still active?

Points: Dentine is unstained. ✓

1/1 Dentine is stained.
Shiny well demarcated facets.
Restoration margins elevated with dentine exposed.

Page: 8 Time: 00:00:34

✓ 8. Management of this case:

Points: Seal exposed dentine to prevent injury to the pulp.

1/1 night guard.
Treatment of underlying condition. ✓
temporary restoration.

Page: 9 Time: 00:01:43

✓ 9. Which of the following statements regarding erosion is true ?

1/1 Early enamel erosion shows a rough and dull appearance.
Toothbrushing immediately after vomiting or regurgitation is recommended to achieve remineralization.
Passive regurgitation in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and chronic vomiting in chronic alcoholism
have all been associated with acidic dissolution of dental hard tissues.

Acidic medicaments have been reported not to predispose teeth to dental erosion.

Page: 10 Time: 00:02:01

✓ 10. Ironically, a healthier lifestyle may set up a chain of events leading to dental erosion. Increased amounts of strenuous exercise,
for example, can lead to dehydration and xerostomia.
1/1 What other sequel may be expected from increased amounts of exercise that may lead to erosion of teeth?

Increased grinding of teeth due to increased energy.

Increased intake of acidic sports drinks. ✓
Increased intake of water.
Clenching of teeth during strenuous exercise.

Page: 11 Time: 00:01:48

✓ 11. If this patient exhibits signs of wear, limited to the edges of the anterior teeth.

Points: Attrition is best described as:

Chemical wear of teeth caused by acidic food intake.
Mechanical wear of the dentition usually caused by masticatory or parafunctional habits. ✓
Chemical wear of teeth caused by acid regurgitation due to gastrointestinal disorders
Mechanical wear of teeth caused by chewing on objects.
Chemical wear of teeth caused by acidic processes of a bacterial infection.

Page: 12 Time: 00:01:18

✓ 12. Abfraction lesions are typically noted on the cervical region of the buccal surfaces of teeth.

Points: They are thought to be caused by mechanical loading of teeth, which causes wedge-shaped lesions in the cervical areas.
1/1 These lesions are usually misdiagnosed as :

Abrasion. ✓
Occlusal trauma.

Page: 13 Time: 00:00:48

✓ 13. What is the most common cause of hot/cold sensitivity?

1/1 Exposed dentinal tubules in recessed gingiva. ✓
Root caries.
None of the above.

Page: 14 Time: 00:01:07

✓ 14. An old patient has pain under his full upper and lower dentures.

Points: The pain increases when he wears them during the day and stops immediately after removing the dentures.
1/1 His doctor thinks it is due to mental nerve compression by lower denture and refers to you for the second opinion.
What investigations will you perform other than checking denture borders?

Retention of the denture.

Assess vertical dimension. ✓
Palpation of muscles.
Occlusal prematurities.
Soft tissues under denture.

Page: 15 Time: 00:00:28

✓ 15. What is the likely cause of pain?

1/1 Increased vertical dimension. ✓
Decreased vertical dimension.
Over-extension of borders of the denture.
Under-extension of borders of the denture.

Page: 16 Time: 00:00:28

✓ 16. What is the clinical symptoms of mental nerve compression by the denture borders?

Lower lip numbness. ✓

Page: 17 Time: 00:00:36

✓ 17. When evaluating vertical dimension of occlusion, method(s) can be utilized?

1/1 Phonetics.
Evaluation of posterior support.
Interocclusal space.
Facial appearance.
All of the above. ✓

Page: 18 Time: 00:00:27

✓ 18. Angular cheilitis is often associated with candida albicans. The appearance of angular cheilitis most often results from:

1/1 Decreased vertical dimension of occlusion. ✓
Ill-fitting dentures.
Poor oral hygiene.
Compromised medical condition.

Page: 19 Time: 00:00:55

✓ 19. In patients wearing complete dentures, the most frequent cause of tooth contact (clicking) during speaking is :

1/1 nervous tension.
incorrect centric relation position.
lack of vertical overlap.
unbalanced occlusion.
excessive occlusal vertical dimension. ✓

Page: 20 Time: 00:00:26

✓ 20. A facebow is used to record the :

Points: vertical dimension of occlusion.

1/1 horizontal condylar inclination.
relationship of the maxilla to the horizontal hinge axis. ✓
incisal guidance.

Page: 21 Time: 00:00:32

✓ 21. Patient has been treated with post crown 5 years back on maxillary right central incisor. Now it has become loose.


What investigation will help?

Probing. ✓

Page: 22 Time: 00:00:38

✓ 22. What could be the cause that has least favorable prognosis?

1/1 Vertical root fracture. ✓
External resorption.
Internal resorption.
External replacement resorption.

Page: 23 Time: 00:00:20

✓ 23. If this tooth is extracted, what is best method of restoration which is long lasting?

1/1 Implant. ✓
Fixed bridge.
Cantilever bridge.
Removable partial denture.

Page: 24 Time: 00:01:15

✘ 24. Concerning maxillary and mandibular posterior implants:

0/1 95% survival rate for mandibular implants and a 65 – 85% survival rate for maxillary implants were reported.
Bone quality and favorable loading are important factors for success of implant - supported restorations.
Minimum thickness of 1 mm of surrounding bone is required for optimal osseointegration.
Stress to the implant is primarily affected by implant position. ✓
All of the above. ✘

Page: 25 Time: 00:00:47

✓ 25. The minimum crown-to-root ratio of a tooth to be utilized as an abutment for a fixed partial denture is:

1/1 1:1 ✓

Page: 26 Time: 00:01:16

✓ 26. Which of the following muscles has two separate functions in mandibular movement?

Points: Buccinator.
1/1 Geniohyoid.
lateral pterygoid. ✓

Page: 27 Time: 00:00:22

✓ 27. While working with Dental materials, C factor ( (configuration factor) is associated with :

Points: Polymerisation shrinkage. ✓

1/1 Tensile strength.
Condensation force.
Carving of amalgam.

Page: 28 Time: 00:00:36

✓ 28. At his first post insertion appointment, a patient with a new removable partial denture complains of a tender abutment tooth.

Points: The most likely cause is:

Overextended borders of the partial.
Improper path of insertion.
The occlusion. ✓
Inadequate polishing of the framework.

Page: 29 Time: 00:00:31

✓ 29. What is the advantage of over-denture in comparison to full denture?

1/1 Proprioceptors. ✓
Simplicity of elaboration.
All of the above.

Page: 30 Time: 00:01:05

✓ 30. Endodontic treatment has failed on an upper first molar; the patient is keen to retain the tooth.

Points: There are persistent symptoms from the tooth.

1/1 Radiographically there is evidence of periapical radiolucency although the three canals are obturated with good length and
What is the best course of action?
Re-treatment with an iodine solution as irrigant.
Re-treatment with hypochlorite solution as irrigant.
Re-treat the tooth, looking particularly for additional canals. ✓
Surgical apicectomy.
Extract the tooth.

Page: 31 Time: 00:02:18

✓ 31. Which of the following are considered effective methods for the management of dental fear?

Points: Reassurance - shaming - scolding.

1/1 Indifference - reconditioning - over correction.
Reconditioning - explanation - reassurance. ✓
Ridiculating - over protection - rejection.

Page: 32 Time: 00:00:38

✘ 32. Palatogingival groove is found in :

Points: Maxillary first molar.

0/1 Maxillary first premolar. ✘
Maxillary lateral incisor. ✓
Maxillary second premolar.

Page: 33 Time: 00:00:30

✓ 33. What is the best way to cement a Maryland bridge?

1/1 Zinc Phosphate cement.
Oxide Zinc and eugenol.
Resin. ✓

Page: 34 Time: 00:00:54

✓ 34. Which of the following areas CAN NOT be determined by survey analysis of partially edentulous cast?

1/1 Areas to be revealed as blocked out to properly location.
Areas to be shaped to properly location.
Areas used for guideline planes.
Areas used for retention.
Areas used for support. ✓
Depth of rest seats.

Page: 35 Time: 00:01:32

✓ 35. Tooth 4.5 was treated endodontically 2 years ago and is now sensitive to percussion.

Points: There is an isolated, narrow 8mm periodontal pocket on the buccal surface of the tooth.
1/1 Radiographic findings are within normal limits.
The most likely diagnosis is a/an :
endodontic lesion.
periodontal lesion
periodontal-endodontic lesion.
vertical root fracture. ✓

Page: 36 Time: 00:01:34

✓ 36. What is the reason for chipped porcelain?

1/1 Thin porcelain.
Rapid firing.
No vaccum.
Inadequate frame work ✓

Page: 37 Time: 00:00:33

✓ 37. Which material used for FPD restoration in patient with teeth grinding habit?

1/1 Gold. ✓
Base metal.

Page: 38 Time: 00:01:03

✓ 38. Which of the following impression materials is NOT recommended for making a final impression for fabrication of dies for a
porcelain fused to metal crown?
Condensation silicone.
Addition silicone.
Irreversible hydrocolloid. ✓

Page: 39 Time: 00:00:46

✘ 39. when considering PFM restorations:

0/1 It is more conservative than porcelain alone. ✘
Shoulder is needed overall.
Metal ceramic bond is weaker in facial veneers as compared to full PFM crown.
Metal sub frames with low AU content provide less consistent bonding to porcelain. ✓

Page: 40 Time: 00:00:37

✓ 40. Maximum dose of ibuprofen that can be taken in a day by healthy adult?

1/1 1000 mg.
1800 mg.
2000 mg.
2400 mg. ✓

Page: 41 Time: 00:00:41

✓ 41. Which of the following should be performed to confirm a diagnosis of pseudomembranous candidiasis?

Points: A complete blood count.

1/1 An excisional biopsy.
Cytological smear. ✓
An incisional biopsy.

Page: 42 Time: 00:00:40

✓ 42. Which of the following is incorrect/ with the action of NSAIDS ?

1/1 It acts mainly peripherally.
It acts centrally & peripherally.
GIT symptoms are common.
It interacts with ACE inhibitors or captopril.
It acts mainly centrally. ✓

Page: 43 Time: 00:00:32

✓ 43. All of the below are features of TMJ dysfunction, except:

1/1 Crepitus.
Facial paralysis. ✓
Jaw deviation.
Myofacial pain.

Page: 44 Time: 00:00:26

✓ 44. What is TRUE in regard to the preparation of occlusal rests:

1/1 Use an inverted cone bur.
Parallel to occlusal plane.
Use a flat fissure bur.
At right angle to the long axis of tooth.
None of the above ✓

Page: 45 Time: 00:00:55

✓ 45. Circumferential clasp, what is incorrect?

1/1 Flexible 2/3 above survey line & rigid 1/3 below. ✓
Cross section is circle.
Rigid 2/3 above survey line & flexible 1/3 below.
Should always engage deepest undercut.
Should engage a predetermined undercut.

Page: 46 Time: 00:00:25

✘ 46. In metal-ceramic restorations, failure or fracture usually occurs:

0/1 In the porcelain. ✓
At the porcelain-metal interface. ✘
In the metal.
None of the above.

Page: 47 Time: 00:00:33

✓ 47. In cementing Maryland or Roche bridges, the effect is generally to:

1/1 Darken the colour of the abutment by the presence of metal on the lingual.
Darken the abutment teeth by incisal metal coverage.
Lighten the colour of the teeth by the opacity of the cement.
Have no detrimental colour effect. ✓

Page: 48 Time: 00:00:27

✓ 48. For a porcelain fused to metal restoration, the metal surface:

1/1 Must develop an oxide for chemical bonding. ✓
Requires some degree of mechanical retention.
Should not be heat treated.
Requires a well polished surface.

Page: 49 Time: 00:00:42

✓ 49. Maximum support in distal extension RPD gained through:

1/1 Occlusal rests.
Proper tissue support by denture base. ✓
Indirect retainers.
Use stress breakers.

Page: 50 Time: 00:00:22

✓ 50. The best method to take X-ray of the maxillary sinus is:

1/1 Reverse Towne’s view.
Waters view. ✓
Panoramic view.
Lateral cephalograph.
Periapical radiograph.

Page: 51 Time: 00:00:20

✓ 51. What is the main advantage of acrylic resin over Cr-Co?

1/1 Cost.
Plaque control.
Ease of adding teeth. ✓
Better thermal conductivity.

Page: 52 Time: 00:01:40

✓ 52. Each of the following is associated with acute herpetic gingivostomatitis EXCEPT one.

Points: Which is the EXCEPTION?

1/1 A self-limiting disease lasting 10-14 days.
A viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus.
Initial oral lesions start as vesicles.
Mucosal scaring after lesions are healed. ✓

Page: 53 Time: 00:00:54

✓ 53. In a dental office, all of the following should be used to reduce the risk of Hepatitis B infectionfor staff and patients EXCEPT :

Points: standard precautions.

1/1 chemical sterilization. ✓
steam sterilization.
medical history.
staff education.

Page: 54 Time: 00:02:06

✓ 54. For an onlay prep during the restoration of a tooth, which one of the following is the most
effective means for verifying adequate occlusal clearance?
Visual inspection.
Proper depth cuts.
Articulating paper.
Wax bite chew in. ✓

Page: 55 Time: 00:00:39

✓ 55. Following the removal of a vital pulp, the root canal is medicated and sealed. The patient returns
with apical periodontitis. The most common cause is :
Lateral perforation.
Pulp tissue left in the root canal.
Incorrect medication.
Over-Instrumentation. ✓

Page: 56 Time: 00:00:36

✓ 56. Impression material for making final impression for implant prosthesis is:

1/1 Reversible hydrocolloid.
Polyether. ✓
Condensation silicone.
Additional silicone.

Page: 57 Time: 00:00:18

✓ 57. Which impression material is the best when more than one cast is to be poured?

1/1 Condensation silicone.
Additional silicone. ✓
Reversible hydrocolloid.

Page: 58 Time: 00:00:59

✓ 58. Which of the following impression material has the longest working time ?

Points: Condensation silicone.

1/1 Reversible hydrocolloid. ✓
Polyvinyl siloxane.

Page: 59 Time: 00:01:05

✓ 59. You re-implant the avulsed tooth and splint it. When should the endodontic treatment be
commenced in this case?
After 1 week.
After 2-3 weeks.
After one month.
Immediately after re-implantation. ✓

Page: 60 Time: 00:01:28

✓ 60. Failure of denture is commonly due to:

1/1 Insufficient denture bearing area.
Wrong freeway space. ✓
Increased occlusal plane.
Decreased vertical dimension.

Page: 61 Time: 00:00:45

✓ 61. Epinephrine should be administered immediately in which of the following emergencies?

Points: severe angina attack.

1/1 mild asthmatic attack.
severe anaphylaxis. ✓
severe hypotension.

Page: 62 Time: 00:00:47

✘ 62. Radiograph for periodontal diagnosis:

0/1 Bitewing. ✓
All of the above.

Page: 63 Time: 00:00:48

✓ 63. Taking impression with elastomers for maxillary fixed bridge using custom tray, the special tray should be:

1/1 Having space of 5mm.
Having space of 3mm. ✓
Tray can be flexed.

Page: 64 Time: 00:00:29

✓ 64. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Down's syndrome?

1/1 An increased susceptibility to periodontal disease.
Congenitally missing teeth.
Macrodontia. ✓
Decreased neutrophil function.

Page: 65 Time: 00:00:16

✓ 65. Lethal dose of paracetamol 500mg if taken once is:

1/1 20 tabs. ✓
16 tabs.
25 tabs.
15 tabs.

Page: 66 Time: 00:00:28

✓ 66. Which of the following is seen in benign mucosal membrane pemphigoid ?

1/1 Scarring of conjunctiva. ✓
Intraepithelial vesicles.
Tzanck cells.
Histology like apthus ulcer.

Page: 67 Time: 00:01:14

✓ 67. Which of the following “in office preventive procedures is most practical and effective for
unco-operative 4 years old patient ?
Oral hygiene instruction.
Dietary counselling.
Fluoride varnish every six months.
Fluoride supplements.
Pits and fissure sealant on all primary molars. ✓

Page: 68 Time: 00:00:35

✓ 68. Which is the most potent according to third molar model?

1/1 Aspirin.
Ibuprufen. ✓

Page: 69 Time: 00:00:27

✓ 69. Blood test for INR should be undertaken:

1/1 24 hours prior to the surgery.
48 hours prior to the surgery.
72 hours prior to the surgery.
On the day of the surgery. ✓

Page: 70 Time: 00:01:25

✓ 70. Immediately, following an inferior alveolar nerve block, the patient exhibits facial paralysis.
The needle has penetrated
Sphenomandibular. ✓

Page: 71 Time: 00:00:41

✓ 71. EDTA is most effective for which of the following use :

Points: Decalcifying small canals to allow instruments to negotiate to length.

1/1 Lubricates canals to facilitate instrumentation.
Bacterial elimination from canals.
Removing smear layer after cleaning & shaping. ✓

Page: 72 Time: 00:01:17

✘ 72. When a patient wearing complete denture makes a whistling sound while (S) sound, it is caused by:

0/1 Too great a vertical overlap.
The anterior teeth being placed too far labially. ✘
The anterior teeth being placed too far lingually.
The palatal vault being too high and narrow. ✓

Page: 73 Time: 00:02:31

✓ 73. When using matrix bands for posterior proximal amalgam restorations, the band should be trimmed to which dimension?

Points: The band should not be trimmed.

1/1 To be equal with the adjacent marginal ridge.
0.5mm below marginal ridge height.
At least 1mm higher than the adjacent marginal ridge. ✓

Page: 74 Time: 00:00:38

✓ 74. Which of the following procedures may require antibiotic prophylaxis for a patient with a prosthetic heart valve?

Points: Making an alginate impression.

1/1 placement of interdental wedges. ✓
Restoration of occlusal caries.
Postoperative suture removal.

Page: 75 Time: 00:01:09

✓ 75. For dental caries to progress in dentine :

1/1 Diet must contain simple carbohydrates. ✓
Enamel must contain glycoproteins.
Pulp must contain complement.
The dentine must contain soluble collagen.
Diet must contain polysaccharides.

Page: 76 Time: 00:01:12

✓ 76. In an X-ray the mesiobuccal root of upper first molars is elongated because of:

1/1 High angulation.
Too small vertical angulation. ✓
Too big vertical angulation.
Mesio angular horizontal.

Page: 77 Time: 00:02:46

✘ 77. 45 year old man has an asymptomatic impacted mandibular third molar detected on radiograph.

Points: What are the treatment options that you would choose from :
0/1 Surgical extraction mandatory.
Just observe and follow up on a 6 monthly basis. ✘
Wait and watch for several years.
No treatment required. ✓

Page: 78 Time: 00:01:09

✓ 78. An anterior cross-bite of a permanent maxillary incisor in a mixed dentition is often associated with:

Points: unexplainable genetic factors.

1/1 a functional shift.
lingually situated supernumerary teeth.
prolonged retention of a primary incisor. ✓
premature eruption of a maxillary incisor.

Page: 79 Time: 00:01:43

✓ 79. Symptoms free patient comes to you after four weeks of an endodontic treatment and you find
on radiograph the canal is over filled with what it seems to be a cone of Gutta Percha 1mm beyond
Points: the apex with a radiolucent small area.
What is your initial management?

Ask for a recall and observe in three-month time. ✓

Re-obturate the root canal.
Seal the pulp chamber and keep it under observation.
Start apiectomy through a flap and surgery.

Page: 80 Time: 00:03:37

✓ 80. In the construction of partial denture, the surveyor is not used to:

1/1 Identify any undesirable undercuts.
Determine the location of indirect retainers. ✓
Contour the wax as part of the fabrication of the working cast.
Locate the guide planes.

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