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In the past, we often have the subjective mentality that school violence is a very remote, rare and

uncommon problem. Also, people are not aware of the influence, impact and serious consequences
of this phenomenon. However, recently, it has become a hot issue in newspapers and websites.
Faced with this situation, how should we perceive and act?

School violence takes place a lot in schools, from elementary, middle, high school to university, but
most of it is in middle and high schools on a national scale. Just a very quick operation on google, we
can find a series of video clips of violent scenes of both female and male students. It seems that
school violence has become a trendy "fashion" of students, to assert their position with everyone,
let everyone know that we are better than people and that's why school violence takes place
strongly. stronger, louder.

School violence takes many different forms. Light slaps, punches, grabs hair, kicks, kicks, heavier
ones use a knife to slit the face, use a spatula, use high heels to hit the head... even cut off the hand,
cut across the body, dangerous to life. and spirit. School violence can take place between students of
the same school or different schools, between individuals or a group of people, between teachers
and students... There is an undeniable fact that the phenomenon of school violence today
happening more often and on a larger scale. It is not only schools in cities and towns that have
school violence, but even schools in suburban, mountainous or rural areas are not uncommon. Not
only "solo" in hand-to-hand combat, but the school violence phenomenon also has the participation
of groups of brothers and sisters in the school.

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