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Theme: Fase 4

Subject: Ingles II sección 4


Andrea Nicoll Garcia Henríquez- 119200013- 9977-4429

Glenda Marisol Ortez Flores- 12302005- 3345-5469

Professor: Seiny Sarahi Cerros Navarrete

Date: 01-07-2023

Andrea: Glenda! Is that really you? I can't believe we're finally seeing each other
after all these years. How have you been?
Glenda: Andrea! It's incredible to see you too! Time really flies, doesn't it? I've been
doing well, thanks. Life has been quite the rollercoaster. How about you? What's
been happening in your world?
Andrea: Oh, where do I even begin? So many things have changed. After we lost
touch, I went back to school and completed my master's degree in psychology. Now
I'm working as a counselor at a local clinic. It's been fulfilling, but challenging at
times. How about you? Did you pursue your passion for music?
Glenda: That's fantastic, Andrea! Congratulations on your master's degree. As for
me, music has remained a significant part of my life. I formed a band a few years
ago, and we've been performing at local venues and even did a small regional tour
last year. It's been incredible to see the positive response from the audience.
Andrea: That's amazing, Glenda! I always knew you had a special talent for music.
I'm so proud of you. Are you still writing your own songs?
Glenda: Thank you, Andrea. Your support means a lot. Yes, I've been writing a lot of
new material. In fact, we're currently working on our first album. It's been a creative
journey, and I'm excited to share our music with the world. I'd love for you to hear
some of our new songs.
Andrea: I'd be honored to listen to your music, Glenda. Your passion has always
been inspiring. Speaking of which, do you remember our long conversations about
traveling the world? Did you ever get the chance to explore new places?
Glenda: Oh, how could I forget? Those conversations were the highlight of our
friendship. As for traveling, I've been fortunate enough to visit several countries. Last
year, the band had the opportunity to perform at a music festival in Europe. We
spent some time exploring different cities and experiencing new cultures. It was a
dream come true, and I can't wait for more adventures in the future.
Andrea: That sounds incredible, Glenda. I'm thrilled to see you living your dreams
and making memories. You've always had that adventurous spirit. You know,
catching up with you makes me realize how much I've missed our friendship.

Glenda: I've missed it too, Andrea. We had so many great times together. But no
matter how much time has passed, true friendship never fades. We may have taken
different paths, but our bond remains strong. Let's make a pact to stay connected
this time, no matter what life throws our way.
Andrea: Absolutely, Glenda. I couldn't agree more. Let's make it a priority to stay in
touch and support each other's dreams. Friendships like ours are rare and precious.
I'm grateful to have you back in my life.

Glenda: Me too, Andrea. Here's to the memories we've shared and the new ones
we'll create. Cheers to friendship and the exciting journey ahead!

Andrea: Cheers, Glenda. Here's to our extraordinary friendship and the adventures
yet to come. It's good to have you back, my dear friend.

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