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Aracely Xiomara Collazos Negrete
Oxapampa, 12 de JULIO de 2023
Develop on the sheet in a summarized way the biography of each character
International Characters:

1. Jacques Cousteau: Jacques Cousteau was a French naval officer, explorer, and
conservationist. He is best known for his extensive work in marine research and
filmmaking, which helped popularize marine biology and raise awareness about
ocean conservation. Cousteau co-developed the Aqua-Lung, pioneered marine
conservation efforts, and produced award-winning documentaries showcasing
the beauty and fragility of the underwater world.

2. Chico Mendes: Chico Mendes was a Brazilian rubber tapper and environmental activist. He
dedicated his life to protecting the Amazon rainforest and the rights of local communities.
Mendes founded the National Council of Rubber Tappers, advocating for sustainable rubber
extraction and land rights. His activism led to international recognition and ultimately cost him
his life when he was assassinated in 1988.

3. Vandana Shiva: Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, and

author. She has been a prominent advocate for sustainable agriculture,
biodiversity conservation, and farmers' rights. Shiva has been involved in
grassroots movements in India, fighting against genetically modified crops and
promoting organic farming. She has received numerous awards for her work and
is recognized as a leading voice in the global environmental movement.

4. Stella McCartney: Stella McCartney is a British fashion designer and

environmental advocate. As a pioneer in sustainable fashion, she has been at the forefront of
promoting ethical practices in the industry. McCartney is committed to using cruelty-free and eco-
friendly materials in her designs, emphasizing sustainability throughout her brand. Her work has
had a significant impact on shaping the fashion industry's approach to sustainability.

5. Elon Musk: Elon Musk is a South African-born entrepreneur and business

magnate known for his involvement in various groundbreaking ventures. He
is the CEO of companies like SpaceX and Tesla Inc., and has been instrumental
in advancing technologies such as electric vehicles and space exploration.
Musk has expressed a strong interest in sustainable energy solutions and has
been actively working to reduce humanity's dependence on fossil fuels.

6. Jane M. Goodall: Jane M. Goodall is a British primatologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of

Peace. She is renowned for her groundbreaking research on wild chimpanzees in Tanzania's
Gombe Stream National Park. Goodall's work has revolutionized our understanding of
chimpanzee behavior and has highlighted the importance of conservation and animal welfare.
She established the Jane Goodall Institute to promote wildlife research, environmental education,
and community-centered conservation.

7. Sylvia Earle: Sylvia Earle is an American marine biologist, explorer, and conservationist. Known as
"Her Deepness," she has dedicated her life to studying and protecting the oceans. Earle has led
numerous deep-sea expeditions and set multiple diving records. As an advocate for marine
conservation, she has been actively involved in raising awareness about the urgent need to
preserve marine ecosystems and establish marine protected areas.

Peruvian character:

1. Antonio José Brack Egg:

Antonio José Brack Egg was a Peruvian biologist and environmentalist. He

served as Peru's Minister of the Environment and played a crucial role in
promoting sustainable development and conservation efforts within the
country. Brack Egg focused on issues such as biodiversity conservation,
climate change, and the protection of natural resources.

2. Flavio Bazán:

Flavio Bazán is a Peruvian environmental activist and leader of the Ashéninka indigenous community. He
has been at the forefront of advocating for indigenous rights, land conservation, and sustainable
development in the Peruvian Amazon. Bazán's work has focused on protecting the rainforest from
deforestation, illegal logging, and mining activities.

3. María Rostworowski:

María Rostworowski was a prominent Peruvian historian and anthropologist.

Her research primarily centered around pre-Columbian civilizations,
particularly the Inca Empire. Rostworowski made significant contributions to
the understanding of Andean culture, society, and history. Her work has been
influential in shaping academic perspectives on Peru's indigenous past.

4. Emma Tapullima:

Emma Tapullima is a Quechua weaver from the highlands of Peru. She has become a symbol of traditional
Andean textile artistry and cultural preservation. Tapullima is known for her intricate textile designs,
which incorporate ancient techniques passed down through generations. She actively works to promote
the value and significance of indigenous weaving traditions.

5. Ruth Buendía:

Ruth Buendía is a Peruvian indigenous leader and environmental activist from the
Asháninka community. She has been instrumental in advocating for the rights of
indigenous peoples and protecting their ancestral lands from harmful development
projects, such as large-scale dams. Buendía's activism has received international
recognition, and she has played a pivotal role in defending indigenous territories.

6. Diana Ríos:

Diana Ríos is a Peruvian biologist and environmentalist. She has been actively involved in research and
conservation efforts in the Peruvian Amazon. Ríos focuses on studying and protecting the region's rich
biodiversity, with a particular emphasis on river dolphin conservation. She has worked to raise awareness
about the threats faced by these endangered species and their habitats.
7. Máxima Acuña:

Máxima Acuña is a Peruvian farmer and environmental activist. She gained

international attention for her fight against a mining company that sought to evict
her from her land in the highlands of Peru. Acuña's resilience and determination in
defending her rights and the environment have made her an inspiration for many
in the global environmental justice movement.

8. Albina Ruiz:

Albina Ruiz is a Peruvian engineer and environmentalist. She is known for her innovative work in waste
management and recycling, particularly in the informal settlements of Lima. Ruiz founded the
organization Ciudad Saludable, which promotes sustainable waste management practices and empowers
waste pickers in marginalized communities, improving their livelihoods and environmental conditions.

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