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Creativity Series


Extract your superpowers, solve big

problems, achieve better results, make
smarter decisions and live your dreams
with fourth dimensional thinking.


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Some other Fast-selling Books By the author are:

• Kingdom Verities
• How to Enjoy Kingdom Currency (Vol. 1)
• How to Maximize Kingdom Currency (Vol. 2)
• Kingdom Currency for Students, Graduates and
Businessmen (Vol. 3)
• Unlocking Your Kingdom Creativity
• How to Make Millions as An Author-Preneur
• Why You Should Write a Book
• How to Turn Your Knowledge to Money
• How to Turn Wisdom Currency to Money
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You may never know how powerful you already are until you
stop and think. That is when you would tap into your latent
resource potential and extract the superpowers within.
Many people who are groping in poverty, mediocrity and
intimidation do so because they have not had time to
explore the powers which they have allowed to stay buried
inside of them. Power to make money in large amounts both
genuinely and legitimately, power to make smarter
decisions, power to crush your goals, power to outdo your
last best accomplishments and experience the fulness of
life. The power that we have is unlimited and the only
obstacle to what we can do or become is the barrier we place
on ourselves from within. The world we see today did not
emerge from the third dimension of existence. In other
words, the things we see with our optical eyes and touch
with our hands came from the invisible realm of the fourth
dimension. And only people who can tune into that
frequency can explore 4-D Thinking possibilities.

In this life, there are no lucky breaks. Things do not just

happen coincidentally especially things that border on
success and purpose fulfilment. Let me put it this way, “you
cannot successfully climb a ladder to the top by accident but
you can fall from the ladder by accident”. So, you must

understand the power of thinking in the right dimension
and frequency where you can pick up the right signal or
what we call idea. Every radio or television outputs images,
sounds or both depending on the signals it has picked up
and the strength of those signals. All the inventions you see
on earth today were once floating in the fourth dimensional
realm as signals. The signals you pick determine the
frequency you would operate in. So, the output of your life,
if it would be good, cannot not come by accident or a streak
of luck. Even when the grace of God brings uncommon favor
to a man, it is not a streak of luck.

There is a huge difference between being favored and being

lucky. Favor is a spiritual blessing but luck is a belief that
events happen by random, improbable chance whether
good or bad. When you are favored, you are enabled to
receive good but when you are lucky you are disabled and
left at the mercy of improbable chance. Trees do not grow
and then produce fruit by luck. They do because they were
planted in favorable conditions of soil, light, water and what
have you. The big break everyone desires can be achieved
but it all begins from your mindset. This book is designed to
let you know that big breaks are not products of lucky
breaks but they are results of a kind of thought pattern
known as fourth dimensional thinking.

You see, without the mindset I am about to communicate
with you through this book, you would continually grope in
the dark corridors of uncertainty and allow problems to rule
your life, cripple your joy and abort your creativity.
However, if you can grasp not just the letters, but the spirit
of this book and apply its principles, the possibilities are
endless. You stand the chance of becoming the go-to-person
in your organization, industry and nation at large, whenever
there is a problem to be solved.

We live in a world littered with problems that seem to have

no solution or better put, have solutions that have not been
pulled out from the fourth dimension, in order to be
brought into the 3-D world of space and time. This is largely
because most of us have become limited by our 3-D way of
thinking. The fact however, remains that the more problems
you can solve successfully, the more progress and
advancement that would come your way. Simply put, the
greater your contribution, the greater your compensation.
There is a reason why you have a mind with such a great
degree of power. But most people only exercise the 3-D
potential of their minds, not knowing that it could do more.
The goal of this book therefore, is to help you unleash the 4-
D thinking capacity of your mind in such a manner that you
would take a quantum leap. This would culminate in
superior advancement in your career or business pursuit
and it would ultimately enable you to live your dreams.

Before they began to live their dreams, every man who ever
did anything great in both ancient and contemporary times
underwent what I have defined as a mind surgery. Starting
from the men of old that were spoken of in scriptures to the
modern-day inventors and creators. That is why I believe
this book is a veritable tool that every pacesetter or aspiring
trailblazer should have in their toolbox. You need a mind
surgery if you must experience the kind of mind-shift that
births innovation, reinvention and creativity. And as you
read, your mind would undergo a surgical operation that
would shift your paradigm for good.

This volume contains some vital truths that would deepen

your foundation in the crux of creativity. There is so much
to be said about 4-D Thinking and I believe you have
decided to read this book because you want to harness the
power of fourth dimensional thinking in a manner that
would bring about that turning point in your life. If this
describes you, then lets rock and roll!!!



We live in a world full of men who are
distinguished by their dimensions of thinking.
Iredafenevesho Owolabi,
International Bestselling Author.

The Inspiration

One fateful day, as I was preparing for a seminar event in

my study chamber, an unbelievable discovery opened up to
me. This event had been set to hold the next day and I was
scheduled to deliver the keynote. I was putting my final
thoughts together while creating my PowerPoint slides as I
pondered on the words that welled up from my innermost
being. This was another golden moment when I would
stumble on a treasure as I treaded the adventurous path of
developing a material that would be used as a visual aid
during my lecture. That was when I heard the three words,
which have inspired me to put this work together. The
words were 4-D Thinking (Fourth-Dimensional Thinking).

The moment I heard it, I knew there was a new goldmine of
revelation to be unearthed, so I began to dig deep into what
this was really all about. The findings I made were
remarkable and too extensive to be exhausted in a 50-
minute lecture delivery. That was when I received the
inspiration to pen down this masterful piece of art.

We all function in different dimensions and our experiences

in life can be improved when we understand where we
operate. Even though the word “dimension” has mostly
been classified as a mathematical or geometrical
phenomenon, the concept of dimensions and
measurements has a bearing on how we live as humans in
this terrestrial plane of existence called earth. The Bible
makes us to know that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.
That means your thoughts ultimately control your life and
the kind of results you experience. It means that where you
are right now is a function of your thinking. What makes
this interesting is that when it comes to thinking, there are
dimensions to it. But before we deep dive into the different
dimensions of thinking, it would be beneficial for us to know
what a dimension denotes with respect to the ideas
communicated in this book.

What is A Dimension of Thinking?

In the context of this book, a dimension of thinking can be
seen as the way things, situations, problems and

circumstances appear to a person, when viewed from a
certain direction or perspective. Simply put, your
dimension can also be seen as your plane of existence or
plane of reasoning, and it reflects on how you see things.
This plays a pivotal role in determining how you view the
circumstances or problems you face at your home, office,
business, school and in life generally. Your dimension also
affects your approach toward problem-solving and this
holds a serious impact in how much you experience the
upward and forward movement we know as progress.

The Power of Dimension

You see, to be full of talent is not a one-way ticket to success.
There are many talented individuals who are nothing near
the accomplishment of success. More so, to be highly skilled
is not a guarantee that you would fulfil your destiny in a
grand style. There are billions of skillful and dexterous
people all over the world who are yet broke, depressed, and
frustrated. It gets even worse when they have skills but it
seems that their skills cannot deliver them. No wonder the
Bible says that favor is not necessarily guaranteed to men of
skill. By all means, talent and skill are veritable necessities
that could be used as tools on the journey to success and
purpose actualization. However, these do not guarantee
ultimate achievement or definite success. The prerequisite
for success in life’s endeavors is actually the right mindset
and that is the kind of mentality and thought process

produced by 4-D Thinking. I have met many skillful and
talented people who never fully exposed their potential.
They limited themselves by allowing their fears cage them.
They therefore end up always struggling in the local league
staying average and always seeking the path of least
resistance in pursuit of purpose. In the light of this, the
power of dimension is a major defining factor. What makes
a man with skill, talent or intellect become an achiever is a
function of the dimension of his vision, thinking and
mentality. Before we look into the dimensions of thinking,
please note that these concepts are my personal derivations
and revelations based on careful research, study and
observation. You may never find these concepts in these
fine details elsewhere except it was got from this book. Now,
let us look into the different dimensions of thinking.

Zero-Dimensional Thinking
A great man once told a story of an auto-mechanic who was
very famous for repairing what is now known as an old
model Volkswagen beetle car. He knew all the parts and
workings of this vehicle so well. He could even drop the
engine of this vehicle with ease. Everyone in the city knew
him to be the best Volkswagen repairer. All the big shots in
town who still had that vehicle knew his workshop.
However, as times changed, he began to lose his customers
because newer car brands came into the market and his
customers had upgraded their rides. Most of them finally

dumped their vehicles at his workshop to rot but this man
remained in that same spot, fixing outmoded Volkswagen
vehicles. Thirty years passed and the man grew old in that
same corner and died of poverty and frustration. Why? He
remained in the same spot, he refused to move or
change his thinking. He was a zero-dimensional

Zero-dimensional thinking is the kind of thought pattern

that keeps a man on a spot for a very long period in his life,
without any notable advancement. Are you stuck at the
same level or place for too long? Or you seem to be having
the same result for God-knows-how-long and you want to
break out of that cocoon of stagnation. Then you must do
away with what I call the zero-dimensional thinking. It
is a very subtle thinking pattern that comes with
complacency. That false feeling of self-achievement you
give yourself when you have refused to add more value to

When everyone in your little circle seems to flatter you with

praise because you are the one-eyed-man in the city of the
blind. The problem with most zero-dimensional thinkers is
that they surround themselves with sycophants. Sadly, we
have high ranking individuals in society with this dimension
to life. Some are so egoistic that they can go any length to
silence anyone who dares to challenge their zero-

dimensional approach thinking. They do this just to remain
in self-delusion that all is well when all is not well with their
thinking and living. We have leaders, politicians,
presidents, pastors, principals, husbands, wives, engineers,
doctors and people from different walks of life in this
dimension of thinking. These are people who refuse to
develop themselves and add value to themselves. Even
when they see other people making advancements, they say
to themselves, “that man is doing some shady deals, that is
why he is getting promoted”; meanwhile, they have no facts
to back such erroneous claims up. They only talk that way
because they do not want to examine themselves or push
themselves out of their comfort zones.

One of the best ways to jump out of this cage is this: when
you see yourself producing the same results
repeatedly, with nothing or no one to challenge you
to pace up and move you out from your comfort
zone, whether it be in your office, industry, society,
state or trade, you should begin to look for new
challenges. If you don’t, you would stay in one spot all
your fruitful years, then wake up one day to discover that
you could have become more and done more than what you
settled for. Refuse to be the one-eyed man who became king
because he was in the city of the blind. A lot of people do not
get to the peak of their creativity and productivity because
of the fear of risking their golden crown of mediocrity.

Hence, they have remained local champions when they
could have themselves become a global phenomenon,
making waves in a world-wide scale.

One-Dimensional Thinking

When I was much younger, I was very passionate about

singing. Trust me, I had a good singing voice and joined
both the local choir and the mass choir of my local church.
I became one of the best tenor back-up singers, if not the
best. I loved being a back-up singer because I had this
sonorous harmony that I brought to a song whenever I
backed up. I had a friend who was also an excellent singer
with an operatic voice. He was a very good lead singer,
praise leader, pianist and a guitarist. We were in the campus
choir and had an event in the city to plan for. My friend
spoke to me about being the lead praise singer for the event
that was coming up. He thought I could do well in that role
as much as I did in my back-up role and even better but I
thought otherwise. I resisted that thought so vehemently. I
just wanted to remain in that path of being the back-up
singer and stop there. But I had potential to become a lead-
singer. I had capacity for more and my friend who was a
great instrumentalist and lead solo worshipper, kept telling
me that I could do it. I refused and was afraid because I had
been a one-dimensional thinker with regards to my singing
abilities. I finally broke out of that paradigm and took the

challenge. As a result, I became one of the finest and most-
sought-for praise leaders of my day. There are a lot of people
whose potentials have been caged because they seem to be
doing well in one area, when they actually have the capacity
to do more in other areas of advancement. Such persons get
married to the mundane version of themselves and shun
opportunities for reinvention of themselves. If the founder
of Samsung company was one-dimensional in his approach
to the business which he established, it would not be what
is today. When Samsung was founded, it was a grocery store
selling noodles, dried fish, fruit, vegetable and other local
produce in South Korea. However, by refusing one-
dimensional thinking and embracing reinvention, it has
become a tech giant and a major player in the current digital

One-dimensional thinking brings about a linear but slow

progression and your output is mostly directly
proportionate to your input. As a matter of fact, sometimes,
input outweighs output bringing about reduced
productivity. That means as a one-dimensional thinker, you
have to work harder or work for a longer time or years to get
something close to average reward for labor. An example of
this progression is the civil servant worker. In Nigeria,
alongside some other African and Western countries, a civil
servant works for maximum of 35 years before retirement.
Any civil servant that wants to be wealthy from working for

government must climb to the top in his department or
ministry before such a person can start to earn above
middle class. The sad truth is 90% of them never climb to
this level because the chances for getting into the top 4%
where you can earn more are slim. You have hundreds and
even thousands of people who are qualified for a position
and at the end, just one person gets selected or as we see in
some developing countries, the government could decide to
come up with a policy that neglects the qualified ones to
favor someone less experienced. Those who finally get
selected or get promoted into those juicy positions are
already in their late fifties, sixties or early seventies before
they can really enjoy the fruit of over 28 years labor. Many
never get to enjoy these positions before their time is up and
they have to retire or be retired and sent home. This is why
you must refuse to be a one-dimensional thinker. Refuse to
put your visions and aspirations on the shoulders of men or
fallible systems.

One-dimensional thinkers put their confidence in

systems that are not future-proof. They think they
have job security so they remain one-sided in their
approach to life, business and career. If only they knew that
what secures a man’s job or business are not systems but his
ability to innovate and reinvent himself, his career or his
business. Systems come and go, policies change with time,
hence the only way to truly stay above and be in the top 4%

in your industry is to break out of the one-sided approach
that one-dimensional thinking produces.

While a zero-dimensional thinker does not make any form

of advancement at all, a one-dimensional thinker moves
unidirectionally but slowly, along one path, with one style
or method that he believes worked before for him or for
others. He therefore stays on this lineal path and makes
some little progressive movements while refusing to
diversify. Even when the opportunity or need for
reinvention shows up, he refuses to break out. He therefore
becomes stuck in a tradition and shuns innovation. People
who operate at this level continue to move in one pattern
and refuse to diversify even when such opportunities avail
itself. They are too regimented and maintain strict but
unproductive routines. This pattern of progress is not
totally bad. At least compared to zero-dimensional pattern
of remaining in one spot with no movement or progress at
all, it is much better. The challenge with this category
however is, the individual hardly ever explores his potential
to the fullest.

Many businesses have gone the way of dinosaurs due to this

one-dimensional pattern of thinking. It is a mindset that
sticks to a method because it worked for them or for others
previously. Even when the method seems obsolete, archaic
and is failing they hold fast to their limited progression.

They forget that radical change does not happen in
arithmetic progression or even geometric progression. It
happens swiftly and sometimes at the speed of lightening.
If change happens at geometric rate then we must advance
at an astronomic rate to pioneer great revolutions. Change
happens every moment even when we are asleep. Hence, we
must be changing too inwardly in our perception,
perspective and dimension of thinking. God has called me
to raise kingdom citizens who would pioneer the next waves
of industrial revolution if Jesus tarries and we cannot
achieve that with one-dimensional thinking. Since no great
invention or phenomenon ever came about with one-
dimensional approach to things, we cannot afford to get
stuck at this level if we would truly expose our potential and
extract our superpowers.

People in this box are too fearful of losing or sacrificing what

they have in their hands for the greater good. Instead of
channeling that fear of failure into proper research and
well-informed exploration to test, experiment and discover
new vistas, they hedge themselves in and fail to seize the
chance to remain relevant. The Nokia phone company is a
vivid example, they refused to diversify beyond their normal
style of producing phones. Even when Smartphones came
on the scene, they refused to reinvent their systems in order
to take advantage of the possibilities that were open to them
being that they were at that time the big boys of the mobile

phone industry. They stood aloof and watched Apple and
Android as they made the most of the revolution that came
with Smartphones. They ended up paying so dearly for it
and fast became an underdog in an industry they once were
lord of.

Two-Dimensional Thinking

While one-dimensional thinkers are too fastened to the

traditional ways of doing things and hence are incapable of
experiencing the dynamic results that creativity brings, two
dimensional thinkers are different. They move in a random
and haphazard manner as they head toward their dreams
and visions. Today they are up, nest tomorrow their energy
levels are down. Their trajectory has an undulating pattern
of up and down erratic movements. They are easily swayed
by every fad and trend. They easily lose focus, move with the
crowd and have no consistent and persistent approach
toward progressing upward and forward only. Two-
dimensional thinkers always compare themselves and
measure themselves with people. They are enslaved to other
people’s opinions of them and always try to please people.
Jesus knew not to commit Himself to the compliments or
opinions of people. He knew the nature of humans, that
they are very fickle in their admiration and compliments.
Today, men would sing your praise and try to associate with
your results, fame or wealth. However, with the next

available opportunity, these same people who sang your
praise would jettison you for your counterparts. They tell
you that you are the best in your department in the office
and the next thing you know, they do another comparison
with a new staff and the moment that staff displays better
results, you lose your “office fan-base” to the new kid on the
block. That is the nature of humans and the moment you
give into these immature submissions with the wrong self-
esteem, you are done for. You would live life everyday trying
to please and impress people. Do not estimate your worth
and importance by having your name in Forbes’ list of
wealthy and affluential people. While there is nothing
wrong with being recognized on Forbes’ list, it becomes a
problem when a list that would likely be recompiled with
new sets of people recognized at your expense is what you
use to measure your progress. Don’t live your life like an
undulating graph that moves up and down along the x and
y axis. Be better, put your mind and affections on things
beyond the earth and beyond the opinions of men. That’s
one way to stay in the fourth dimensional realm of thinking.

Three-Dimensional Thinking

Three-dimensional thinking is a very powerful dimension of

thinking that is currently being explored by millions of great
thinkers, researchers, scientists, inventors, engineers,

developers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, politicians and
others today and this is commendable. We live in a world of
time and space where we depend heavily on our natural
senses of touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. This is a
blessing because we live in a physical world and must take
advantage of the tools available to us for interaction with
our environment.

We can borrow a lesson from mathematics in order to

understand what 3-D Thinking is really all about. In
geometry, the parameters for a 3-dimensional cube is said
to be length, breadth and height/depth. Now, there is so
much revelation and understanding we can derive from that
simple geometrical statement. First of all, we can clearly
deduce that there are three parameters that characterize the
third dimension. Drawing inspiration from that, I have
discovered that in third-dimensional thinking, the
individual is boxed in by the length, breadth, depth and
height of the foundations of his thought. I will explain what
this means briefly.

The length of man’s thinking represents how long he has

carried a particular thought which has now formed his
belief system. It also speaks of how long he has studied a
particular subject matter. This is part of what forms the
third dimension of thinking.

Another aspect of three-dimensional thinking is the breadth
or width and this speaks of how wide the individual in this
realm has gone in his explorative discoveries of possibilities
and realities that exist in this 3-D world. Some of the ways
to gain this kind of vastness is to be a frequent traveler or to
interact with different cultures and gain exposure. Reading
books can also do that for your thinking and make you vast.
Studying different courses to acquire new sets of skills and
to acquire several degrees can also make you versatile. It
can give you a knowledge of different things and make you
become a generalist. This is also a great thing to have but
there is definite more in the fourth dimensional realm than
this can offer.

Let us now talk about the depth or height of 3-

Dimensional thinking. This speaks of how deeply one has
researched a body of knowledge or how high he has climbed
in his thirst for knowledge. This is a powerful aspect of the
physical world or the 3-D world. A wise man once said that
there is nothing new under the sun. There is a natural law
at work in this world as we see history repeat itself every
now and then. The annals of history are replete with
different events, trends, occurrences and phenomenon that
man has witnessed in the process of time. People who
become specialists in a particular field are men and women
of depth. They have engaged in deep research and deep

thinking in that field and have become authorities by so

Most of the smart men on this planet today, function only

at this realm or in the other realms beneath the 3-D plane
of thinking, which were discussed previously. They get
astounding results and sometimes stumble on some signals
from the 4-D perspective without knowing. A few are open-
minded enough to use such signals for the good of all but
most of these people shut down these solution-signals.
Having said that, the challenge with 3-D thinking is that
there are no absolute results. The results are sometimes
based on empirical knowledge, estimations, postulations
and guesses. That means facts that we base our decisions on
in the 3-D world are transient and subject to change. For
example, that course you studied in school three years ago
has evolved and the knowledge you stuffed your brain with
now needs to either be updated or completed thrashed.
Science has evolved. What used to be a scientifically
accepted fact can change based on hypothesis and new
research discoveries. Hence, we cannot rely solely on third-
dimensional thinking. We have to upgrade to a better realm
and perspective in our thinking and living.

Four-Dimensional Thinking

A layman’s way of explaining 4-D thinking is, thinking from

the fourth dimensional realm and bringing those ideas into

the 3-D world where we can experience and benefit from
them. It also involves thinking in a revolutionary way or in
a manner that disrupts the status quo and births new
possibilities and realities. This is that producer of results
that can be measured in only exponential and astronomical
rates. The 4-D realm can also be seen as the realm of the
spirit. No wonder life is spiritual. 4-D thinking trumps 3-D
thinking anytime any day. It is from the fourth dimensional
realm everything that we see and touch today come from.
This is the realm where God exists and this realm has
control and power over everything that goes on in the third
dimensional realm. The solutions to your immediate
unsolved problems whether it be personal, career, business
or family-related, are floating in the fourth-dimensional
realm as signals and these signals require 4-D thinkers to
pick them up and produce them as solutions in the 3-D
world. When you pick up these solution-signals
from the 4-D realm, it becomes an idea. Fourth
dimensional thinking has no regard for the existing systems
or how long things have been done a particular way for long.
People who function in this realm study the systems of the
3-D world but flip the switch when it is time to proffer
solutions to the problems that embattle people and systems
in this realm. They pull out solutions in the form of
ideas from the 4-D world via 4-D thinking.

There was a man named R.G. LeTourneau. I like to refer to
him as a Kingdom business man. As a matter of fact, people
called him “God’s Businessman” in his days because he was
devoted to several kingdom-oriented philanthropic causes
and believed that he did not have to be a preacher to serve
God. He was of the belief system that God wants us to serve
him in the work places by the kind of work we do also and
this is such an excellent description of who a kingdom
business man is and how he thinks. He was the prolific
inventor of earth moving machinery. During the Second
World War, he supplied the Allied Forces with about 70% of
their machinery. This man designed and built machines
that were years and sometimes decades ahead of his time.
He secured over 300 patents that were related to earth
moving equipment. This man was a drop-out with no formal
education, he taught himself some of the things he later
learned but was able to pioneer the manufacturing
advancements of his day. Why? He was a 4-D thinker! He
was reported to be working at a construction site one day
when he began to see visions of earth-moving equipment.
At that time, they were still working with trucks and
shovels, but he received signals from the fourth
dimensional realms and impacted the third dimensional
physical world from 4-D thinking. He took note of those 4-
D designs and went into machinery production, thereby
impacting the 3-D world from the fourth dimension.

What do you think makes two men go check a piece of
property and one of them looks at the run-down property
and says, “nothing good can come out of this place, it is a
waste of time and money”; while the other person says,
“Wow, I see a great recreational and leisure center that will
attract visitors from all over the country”? One is looking
with a 4-D perspective, beyond what is seen, while the other
is looking from a 3-D perspective.

Fourth-Dimensional Creativity

From personal research, observation, insights and

revelations, I have derived an equation for creativity. That
equation says that [Creativity = Thinking + Production].
That is to say creativity is not complete until thinking is met
with production. In the light of this truth, I have taken the
derivation of this simple equation a step further to enable
you understand what 4-D Creativity means. Therefore, the
simple meaning of 4-D Creativity is [4-D Creativity = 4-D
Thinking + 4-D Production]. Simply put, Fourth
Dimensional Creativity is a concept that involves
inventing structures and infrastructures for the
production of the ideas that came about through
fourth dimensional thinking.

Henry Ford is famous for the invention of cars even though

he did not invent cars. Karl Benz, the pioneer of Mercedes
Benz was the actual inventor of cars but his cars were way

too expensive so Henry Ford came on the scene and brought
a crazy idea. Due to of how impactful Henry Ford was on the
everyday lives of Americans, his name became synonymous
to the manufacture and even falsely so, the invention of
cars. He believed that there could be a car in front of every
house. He wanted to make cars available and affordable to
average people and he didn’t consider the fact that it had
not been done before, when he nursed that vision. He went
ahead to bring transformation to global civilization because
he saw a possibility in what was once impossible. That was
4-D thinking at work. However, 4-D thinking alone could
not and did not deliver the results that emanated from
Henry Ford’s bright idea. He needed to solve the problem
that comes with problem solving. His 4-D idea was not
enough because there were no infrastructures on ground to
make it happen just the way it was in his head. He therefore
needed 4-D creativity to bring the 4-D idea he had to life.
He had to invent the structures and infrastructure to
produce millions of cars in record time. He had to invent the
assembly-line system of production in order to achieve his
4-D dream.

What we know as mass-production today was an invention

that came about as Henry Ford was trying to invent cheap
and affordable cars in numerous quantities. Now different
industries have adapted the assembly-line production
system. Some of the ideas you have pulled out from the 4-D

realm have to be implemented with the use of novel tools,
equipment, structures and infrastructures which may need
to be developed solely to make your idea a reality.

The Problem of Solving Problems

The problem that comes with problem solving is more
problems but it can be solved with 4-D thinking and 4-D
creativity. For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic that
began in China around late December 2019 and spread into
other nations around the world in March 2020, different
nations began to take measures to solve the problem caused
by the virus spread which was majorly loss of lives. In order
to curtail further spread of the virus therefore, big nations
and world powers like United States of America, United
Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, Canada, Nigeria and the
likes began to shut down their economies, borders and
countries. Offices, businesses, sports, airports, public
gatherings and everything was shut down, because they
were trying to solve the immediate problem of the spreading
Corona virus and the deaths it had brought to hundreds of
thousands of lives. However, they created new problems by
trying to solve the problems they were faced with. People
were made to stay at home or work from home. Then the
problem of hunger arose in some countries and the United
Nations began to predict that there would be food crises
because of increased demand of food and bulk purchases.
More problems surfaced as businesses began folding up,

people started panic-buying, while organizations were
laying off workers, football clubs were cutting down the pay
of footballers and sacking their staffs. Private firms could no
longer continue paying their workers except with
government intervention and lots more. Governments on
the other hand were embattled with the crisis as the burden
of governance increased with the need to either produce or
import test kits, produce or buy more ventilators, give
stimulus financial packages to cushion the effect of the
lockdown on their economies, while maintaining a balance
in society and ensuring security. Then hospital staffs were
compelled to work overtime due to the teeming demand for
medical care and attention worldwide. A nation like the
United States of America which had banned some nations’
citizens from getting immigration visas a few weeks before
the crises hit, began soliciting for doctors from all over the
world to come to their aid because death toll in the United
States had become the highest globally, and they needed as
much help as they could get.

All of these paints a graphic picture of how sometimes,

attempting to solve one problem begets more problems!
When trying to solve a problem, a more disturbing problem
rears its ugly head because most problems are like octopus
in behavior. That means, they have many different
extensions and could produce an unprecedented chain

reaction that bring about bigger problems. There is
however, a way to solve the problem that comes with
problem solving.

Only 4-D Creativity can bring a holistic solution to problems

and it takes being a person who is awakened to the Spirit of
God to function in this realm. That is why you must unlock
your creativity. This is so because, trying to solve one
problem begets other problems, hence only a 4-D thinker
and a kingdom creative can solve problems holistically. One
man produced cars to solve the problem of transportation,
but created other problems like need for petrol in large
quantities, global warming, etc. Another man invented
Steam engine for railway to solve a problem, but other
problems surfaced as a result. The need for coal and other
energy sources, the need for rails, the huge demand for
manpower, huge demand for steel, etc.
Only God the Creator knows the end of a problem because
He is the beginning and the end. He alone can give you a
series of ideas that would solve a problem and it's collateral
damage holistically. That's why you need to unlock your 4-
D thinking and 4-D creativity.

Thoughts to Ponder
• Do not wait for lucky breaks, there are no lucky
breaks, look within and allow the gem within to
break out.

• Never take pride in the fickle praise of men, you need

sincere criticisms to overcome one-dimensional
thinking syndrome.

• You must think beyond the 3-D world to get 4-D idea
that will impact this world and its systems in a
transgenerational fashion.



Creativity is the ability to think differently and
execute differently.
Iredafenevesho Owolabi,
International Bestselling Author.

Think vs. Think Different (IBM/Apple Inc.)

I n the year 1914, Thomas J. Watson became the

General Manager of International Business

Machines (IBM) and after 11 months he became IBM

President. Before Watson joined IBM, he was the manager

of sales and advertising departments at the National Cash

Register (NCR) Company. He had a slogan for which he was

commonly known and that slogan followed him from NCR

into IBM. This slogan was a simple five lettered word which

went on to become IBM’s motto and trademark even up

until the time of this writing. Thomas Watson used the word

as a tool to always motivate and inspire the staff at NCR and

IBM. This word became so knitted into the core values at

IBM because of Watson’s influence and constant belief in

the power of that word. What is this word which became so

relevant to the IBM brand that it was boldly tattooed on the

walls of all the rooms in every IBM building? What is this

all-important word that every IBM stationery, scratchpad

and matches bore its inscription? It was the five lettered

word known as think! IBM did everything to make this word

soak and sink into the conscious and subconscious mind of

its employees. This I believe was because they knew it was a

requirement if they would stay relevant in the scheme of

things as far as the information technology world was

concerned. Every employee was made to carry a “think”

notebook on which they would pen down inspirations as

they came. A monthly magazine called “think” was

published and also given to the employees. The “think”

culture was so intensely burned into every IBM employee

that you could not but use your thinking faculties as a staff

of this company1.

At one of their sales meetings in NCR before he moved

to IBM, Watson was found motivating and challenging the

staffs. In his interruptive charge he pointed out the reason

for most of the problems that we see in our world today

which seems to have lingered without being adequately

solved. Even though he was at the time speaking to sales and

advertisement staffs at the NCR, his assertion holds true for

all men, women, boys, girls, students, professionals and

even businessmen. He said, “The trouble with every one of

us is that we don't think enough. We don't get paid for

working with our feet; we get paid for working with our

heads”. That is to say that the real work is to think of

smarter ways to achieve results and not necessarily to do

tedious and unproductive work. Another famous quote of

Thomas Watson is "Thought has been the father of every

advance since time began”. ‘I didn't think’ has cost the world

millions of dollars." It is no longer news that the highest

paid profession in the world is not real estate, sales,

pharmaceuticals, engineering, sports, entertainment or

what have you. The highest paid profession as famous

American bestselling author Brian Tracy fondly says is

“thinking”. No wonder IBM has remained relevant in over

more than a century of its existence. As at the year 2018,

IBM was reputed for having the most patents generated by

a business organization for 25 consecutive years in the

United States. IBM is credited for the invention of the

mainframe computers, automated teller machine (ATM),

personal computers, the barcode, floppy disks and the hard

drive disk among others. They are known as one of the

world’s largest employers with 380,000 staffs in its employ

as at 2016.2More than 70 years after “think” had been

registered as a trademark in IBM’s corporate culture;

another world class tech giant came up with a different

approach to “think”. It was the Apple Incorporated

Company under the helm of Steve Jobs. Apple came up with

a slogan that changed the game for their business in 1997.

This slogan challenged the long-standing critics of the

Apple brand and registered Apple as a competent contender

amidst giants like IBM and Microsoft. This was the slogan

that revived the Apple Inc. business after the challenges it

faced in 1984 which led to the departure of Steve Jobs and

20% of its workforce from the company. It was obvious that

Apple’s choice of this slogan, “think different”, was in

response to IBM’s “think” slogan which had made it a top

ranking and high value organization 3. From that time up till

the time of this writing, Apple has dominated IBM with its

state-of-the-art reinvention and innovations which made it

possible to have personal computers in the hands of almost

everyone in the form of iPhones, iPads and Mac products.

From the study of these two tech giants, it is easy to see that

though thinking is known to be a non-negotiable necessity

in the world of business, thinking differently is a more

rewarding venture. In a world where people have already

gone ahead to achieve amazing feats, only those who think

differently in their approach towards meeting the need of

the hour can bring about the next wonder the world is

waiting to benefit from.

I totally agree with the fact that the highest paid

professionals in the world are not those in real estate, sales,

pharmaceuticals, engineering, sports, entertainment or

what have you. When I heard Brian Tracy say this in a

seminar and in his books, I was astounded because that was

true. He went on to say that the highest paid profession is

“thinking”. Now, even though there was a great deal of sense

in saying that “thinking” is the highest paid profession in

the world, I came to discover that there was more to that

philosophy! It was in the year 2018 I discovered through

careful observation that there are many wonderful thinkers

who are still struggling in their businesses and careers. I

began to wonder what their problem really was and I

discovered they were great thinkers but poor creators. As I

studied, prayed and researched, I then recognized

that the highest paid profession is not really

thinking in itself. Thinking is the ‘next highest paid

profession’ after “creativity”! Creativity therefore, is

the highest paid “profession” in the world. The reason for

this is that there are many people who are great thinkers

and are full of numerous wonderful ideas but have never

executed any of those ideas. Thinking alone would not

result to monetary returns if the well thought out plans and

ideas are not acted upon or carried out. That is where

creativity trumps thinking! Creativity is the ability to

think differently and execute differently.

[Creativity = Thinking differently + Executing


All the great achievers in the ancient and modern world

were known for their ability to execute their great ideas and

beliefs doggedly until they created what was once a figment

of their imagination. This includes people in sports, music,

entertainment, medicine, politics, business, academics,

science, tech, government, etc. They all have one habit

which makes them creative while attracting to themselves

large streams of income and a robust cash flow. That quality

is the ability to produce their ideas into creations and

inventions. They did not stop at thinking and imagining

great things but they went further to do those great things

they once visualized. Do not stop at thinking; in fact, do not

also stop at thinking differently. Move from thinking

differently to executing. Do not also stop there but move

from executing to executing differently and your creative

capacity would be released to its fullest. Before you can tap

into your kingdom creativity, you need to know what has

been before. This is too important because if you must

think differently from what people are thinking or

have thought of before, you must have a good

knowledge of what has been thought out before. To

think differently means to think beyond the box, to be

unconventional in your thinking and to deviate creatively

from the status quo. If you must be creatively

unconventional, then you must be abreast with the

conventional. This makes learning from or studying those

who have done something similar to what you intend to do

inevitable if you must break fresh and new grounds. In

studying these already existing thought processes, you are

not to try to reproduce them in exactly the same manner but

to spot the areas where improvements need to be made to

enable higher and better results. This is not the case

however in some circles of learning where students are

trained and wired to reproduce what men of the past have

discovered and harnessed under examination conditions.

That is why the pursuit of formal education must supersede

a quest for knowledge of already established thought

patterns. It must be inspired by a search for newer ways to

achieve better results or the same results that were achieved

by the scholars of time past with less time and resources if

possible. This must be the position of the student if the

formal pattern of learning would bring him its ultimate


Thinking beyond the 3-D Box

Your mind is limitless in its capacity to think and to

produce ideas. This capacity is heavily undermined when

one’s thinking is streamlined according to what people,

environment, or the state of the economy has conditioned

him to think. Thinking beyond the box is as old as the

creation and the recreation of this planet. It dates far back

into the beginning of the beginning when God established

His works. It is amazing to observe that God always thinks

beyond the widest imagination of man. God never

recognizes “boxes” when He wants to think because He is a

4-thinker and functions from the 4-D world. It is man that

acknowledges and recognizes imaginary boxes even when

they do not exist. When man thinks, he does so in three

different perspectives and that is what constitutes his

thought pattern. The average man thinks within the box.

His thought pattern is always within the range of the length,

breadth, depth or height of reasoning. The length of man’s

thinking speaks of how long he has observed a trend or

studied a phenomenon. The breadth of man’s thinking

speaks of the width of his thought base; that is how wide he

has studied and how vast his experience or the experiences

of those he listens to and learns from are. The depth of his

thinking refers to how deep he can dig into the historical

past or into the available data and information at his

disposal. While the height of man’s thoughts is all about

how high he has been able to climb the ladder of his chosen

career, business profession, art or science. All of that puts

man in a box of his own making. Man has never been able

to comprehend the length, breadth, depth and height of

God’s thinking. This is because it is man’s education and

understanding that defines what length, breadth, depth and

height is for him. From God’s own perspective, when He

thinks, He thinks according to His infiniteness and

according to His limitless capacity. God does not regard

length, breadth, depth or height because He is infinite in all

of these dimensions. That is to say, if you were to measure

the length of His reasoning capacity, it would be pointless

because He spans from age to age and from generations to

generations. If length speaks of how long He has had a grasp

of all knowledge, the answer would be infinity. If you were

to estimate the breadth of God’s thoughts you would never

get to the end of it. This is because God’s thoughts are too

vast for man’s estimation. The depth of His thoughts is

unending and the height of God’s reasoning is

unfathomable. No wonder the Bible says that God is infinite

in all His ways. On the other hand, when man thinks, he

does so with respect to his education, upbringing,

experience, knowledge, or background and connections.

Man’s thoughts are heavily limited by his five senses. His

mind is severely dominated by what he sees, hears, smells,

tastes and touches. Education, moral upbringing,

experience and all the other sources of information from

which we receive through our five senses are wonderful.

However, the issue is that the average man allows all of

these to cage his thinking instead of using them as a

launching pad to project him into creative reasoning. It

takes a man who has cultivated kingdom mentality to

launch himself into the world of creative and innovative

possibilities that would impact and shape the world in

which he lives.


neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.





Isa 55:8-9 NIV

Even though the term “think beyond the box” is said to

have originated within the late 1960s to the early 1970s, the

concept behind the phrase had already been in existence. It

is amazing to know that the concept of thinking beyond the

box dates as far as the ancient times when man had not yet

discovered the coinage “think beyond the box” or “think

outside the box”. Even though this coinage seems to have

lost its real message and impact by reason of wrong use or

overuse, it still remains something that needs to be

thoroughly understood. Thinking beyond the box simply

means relieving oneself of the ordinary thoughts that the

average human mind can produce. It requires plugging into

a higher source from where higher thoughts can be

contacted. God’s thoughts are the highest kind of thoughts

and they are the source of creativity. 4-D creativity requires

that we function at the frequency in which God thinks and

creates. That is also what it means to think God’s thoughts

after Him. The thoughts of God according to the above

verses are far removed from man’s reach. Only those who

cultivate kingdom mentality and train their minds to think

high thoughts can truly think beyond the box. Some thought

leaders in trying to motivate people say things like, “there is

no box” or “think like there is no box”. While that sounds

wonderful, it is far removed from the reality of things and

the true meaning of the coinage “think beyond the box”.

This is so because the expression does not necessarily mean

that there is a physical box somewhere. The box actually

typifies the experiences of the past, of others and the

limitations that traditional way of doing things imposes on

us. As long as you are in this world, you always have a battle

that takes place in your mind trying to make you remain

ordinary or to conform to the norms prescribed by the

opinions of people. As long as you do business in the society

where people with different experiences and thoughts

interact, there is a box to deal with. There is no point trying

to tell someone there is no “box” just to sound cool or to

make him feel nice. It serves no purpose because the truth

is, we are constantly hedged in by many thoughts and

opinions that are subtly but surely suggested to our minds

in a way that may cause the untrained mind to get boxed in

and unproductive. All these limiting opinions contribute to

the imaginations and thoughts that make the average mind

fail to function to its fullest potential. This results in men

that are afraid to be extraordinary and refuse to take action.

The concept of thinking beyond the box stands on the fact

that there is a tendency to be boxed in by virtue of man’s

fallen nature. The concept is one that recognizes the

presence of a “box” and refuses to be hedged in by every

such “boxes”. No wonder scripture instructs us to cast down

imaginations, thoughts and arguments that try to contend

for our destiny and its fulfillment. God is the greatest

thinker that you can ever think of. He thinks

beyond man’s “box” all the time. It may surprise you

to know that all through scripture, God never performed

any miracle the same way twice; He always put a twist to it

every time He performed a miraculous feat. Why? It is

simply because God is a Creative Creator. He brought out

water from the rock in the wilderness of Sin for the

Israelites to quench their thirst once. Several years later, the

same need arose in the wilderness but instead of applying

the same old solution which He introduced previously; God

decides to think beyond that conventional method and

tweaks the miracle a bit. The need was absolutely the same;

the problem that came as a result of the need remained

unchanged. However, God being an innovative and

inventive Creator decided to solve that same problem

unconventionally. As a result, God put a twist to His past

method of solving the thirst problem of the Israelites in the

wilderness. Even though God knew that the same method

would have delivered the result of bringing water out of the

rock, He told Moses to engage a new invention. Let us

examine this very impactful illustration from the account of

scripture below:

The whole Israelite community set out from the

Desert of Sin, traveling from place to place as the





replied, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do

you put the Lord to the test?" But the people were

thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against

Moses. They said, "Why did you bring us up out of

Egypt to make us and our children and livestock

die of thirst?" Then Moses cried out to the Lord,

"What am I to do with these people? They are

almost ready to stone me." THE LORD

ANSWERED MOSES, "walk on ahead of the

people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel

and take in your hand the staff with which you

struck the Nile, and go. I will stand there before

you by the rock at Horeb. STRIKE THE ROCK,


PEOPLE TO DRINK." So Moses did this in the sight

of the elders of Israel.

Ex 17:1-6 NIV

This verse shows how God brought fresh water out from

the rock in the wilderness in order to meet the need which

the Israelites had, thus solving their thirst problem. The

service that was to be provided was water for over six

million Jews to drink along with the animals which were

with them. God in His awesome power and creativity told

Moses to strike the rock in order to fix that need. As soon as

Moses struck it, water came gushing out of the dry rock and

the Israelites had more than enough to drink. When the

same problem arose much later, Moses held on to the same

method which God had already discarded and that singular

act was what stopped Moses from making it into the

Promised Land. The reason Moses’ career experienced an

abrupt end was because he did not obey God’s instruction

for a more creative new approach to problem solving. Moses

failed because he refused to present God before the people

as the Almighty Inventor who does not dwell in His past

accomplishments but constantly brings new solutions to old

or new problems. This brought his leadership career to a

tragic end. Below is the account of how God intended to

perform a miracle in a different way from the way He had

done it before:


COMMUNITY, and the people gathered in

opposition to Moses and Aaron. They quarreled

with Moses and said, "If only we had died when

our brothers fell dead before the Lord! Why did

you bring the Lord's community into this desert,

that we and our livestock should die here? Why did

you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place?

It has no grain or figs, grapevines or

pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!"

Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the

entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown,

and the glory of the Lord appeared to them. THE

LORD SAID TO MOSES, "take the staff, and you

and your brother Aaron gather the assembly



will bring water out of the rock for the community

so they and their livestock can drink." THEN



OUT, and the community and their livestock


Num 20:2-8, 11 NIV

This proves God to be an innovative God. There are two

cardinal objectives that drive new innovations. These

objectives are driven towards reducing cost of production

and, or increasing efficiency of the product or service being

offered. If Moses had heeded the instruction of God on how

to perform the miracle of bringing water from the rock, he

would have expended less energy and yet gotten a better

result. Notice that even though Moses chose to hold onto a

past method, the water still came out. He got results but he

got it at a greater expense and effort. That is easy to see

because Moses needed to strike the rock twice to get a result

he would have got with less effort if he had accepted God’s

strategic solution. He would have got a better result with

even less effort if only he spoke to the rock as God

instructed. God was actually trying to teach Moses the

secret to getting more results with less effort which is a

cardinal objective of innovation and reinvention. But Moses

preferred to do it the old conventional way out of

disobedience, anger and emotional attachment to an

outdated method. With the way God rebuked Moses, you

can tell that God takes glory and honor in always creating

and innovating new solutions to problems.

But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "BECAUSE



you will not bring this community into the land I

give them."

Num 20:12 NIV

God counted it as honor to be displayed before the people

of Israel as a creative Creator. God also told Moses that he

did not present Him before the Israelites as holy. The word

“holy” means to be separated, set apart and sanctified unto

an exclusive class. That singular act of repeating an old

method as opposed to the instructions of the Chief Creator

of all the galaxies brought the career of Moses to an end.

This was what led to Moses not being able to enter into the

land flowing with milk and honey with the Israelite.

Every student, professional or business man who wants

to get into the perfect destiny design of God for their

academics, careers and businesses must be ready to do away

with their convention of what worked previously for them

or for the previous generation. They must be open to more

unique and peculiar ways of achieving greater results in a

faster and a better manner. They must be on the move and

press to the mark of the high calling of God in their

respective pursuits. They must do away with past methods

that worked before and previous approaches that were

applied by introducing more innovative methods. That

means that it is not only when something fails to work it

should be changed but sometimes even when the old system

still works, an upgrade would add greater value and

increase productivity. Failure to do this may mark one out

from entering into the milk and honey of their life’s pursuits

and endeavors the way it did for Moses. When Moses was

supposed to begin enjoying what he had labored for, his

failure to put his mind on the same frequency with God cost

him what would have been a fulfilling and happy end in his

life and career. God always looks forward to doing new

things because He is always creating new ways to impact the

earth with the systems of the kingdom of heaven. The

average man revels in his accolades and degrees without

knowing that the moment another day passed by, these

achievements lost its real value. This is so because while

earning a degree is wonderful, it is only a proof that you

studied what obtained in your field of study as at the period

you were in school. The moment you come out of school new

things are being discovered that would require an update in

the knowledge you must have acquired in school for you to

remain relevant in that field. That was why God had to keep

instructing the children of Israel to forget the former things

they had accomplished and look out for new things. In order

to receive new things or to do new things, it would require a

new set of thought processes. God is and has always been

ahead of the times, predicting and perceiving change long

before it happened. That is why He is able to produce new

solutions and answers to the questions of humanity.



Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am

making a way in the desert and streams in the


Isa 43:18-19 NIV

Many centuries after the Israelites came out of

captivity, God still speaks through Isaiah the prophet on the

need for them to forget the former things and press forward

into new things and new ways of doing things. Right from

the time He took Israel out of Egypt, crossed the red sea,

went through the wilderness, and finally got them into the

land of Canaan, God employed different ways to teach the

children of Israel to be innovative. All through the reign of

Joshua, the Judges, the Kings, the Priests and the Prophets,

God sought diverse ways to get this message across to the

Israelites. Whenever any generation grasped this message

and heeded God’s instruction along innovative lines, the

Israelites were untamable, undefeatable and indefatigable.

However, the moment they began to neglect God’s “beyond

the box” instruction they began to fail again. God always

wants to do new things and create new possibilities. That is

why He always instructed the Israelites to forget the former

things and watch out for something new. The Israelites on

the other hand could not keep up with God’s speed of

innovation. This is because God never dwelt in His past

accomplishments either. By reason of this, the children of

Israel could not comprehend God’s operations. They always

tried to predict God but He always outwitted their


According to the World Economic Forum in its Global

Competitiveness Report for 2016, Israel was said to be the

second most innovative country in the world. This report

ranked the competitiveness of 138 countries in the world

based on 12 categories. These categories included

innovation, technological readiness, business

sophistication and higher education. It shows that the

impact of God’s innovative influence on ancient Israel still

speaks in the Sovereign state of Israel even to this day.

When it comes to innovation, Israel according to the report

was found to be second only to Switzerland. Israel was

ahead of nations like Finland, the United States of America

and Germany in the list of top five most innovative

countries in the world4. At the next World Economic Forum

which was held in October 2017, it was also reported that

Israel retained its position among the world’s top three

innovative countries. It was noted that the Jewish state

earned its reputation as a startup nation due to a large

number of inventions and innovations it produced since it

became a sovereign nation in 1948 despite the many

challenges it faces5. That is amazing isn’t it? But from God’s

constant training of Israel, it is clear how this nation seems

to be ahead in research and development. The impact of

Israel in the global front of tech advancement is one that

many wonder at, considering its present challenges. Many

pundits keep getting confused as to how it is that Israel

which was only 70 years old as an independent city state at

this writing has become a force in the world of innovation,

science, military, defense, technology and lots more. Israel

as a nation dazzles the world as a miracle itself. With a

population of about 8.5 million people, surrounded by

enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, it

indeed is a miracle that this nation is a major contributor to

the advancement that is being experienced by the human

race on several fronts. More interesting is the fact that with

no significant amount of natural resources, the state of

Israel produces more start-up companies than several

respected, large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan,

China, India, Korea, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Today, the sovereign state of Israel is home to major players

in the high-tech industry as most of the top foreign high-

tech firms have a strong presence and sophisticated

research centers in Israel. In fact, research has it that there

are over 250 Research and Development Centers in Israel

owned by multinational companies like Google, Amazon,

Facebook, General Electric, IBM, Apple, Microsoft,

Dropbox, etc6. In 2012 alone, Israel was said to have 8,337

full-time equivalent researchers per million inhabitants.

This figure shows a great distinction for Israel as against the

United States which accounted for 3,984 per million

habitants7. Israel is known to have one of the world's most

technology savvy populations. As a matter of fact, present

day Israel now displays a knack for creativity and

innovation, an attribute that was built into them over the

millenniums when God had dealings with Israel as His

firstborn. God basically unlocked their creativity over the

centuries and what we see today is only a remnant of what

many previous generations received from their dealings

with God.

Thoughts to Ponder

• Creativity is idea plus production or thinking plus


• God is the source of 4-D thinking and 4-D creativity.

He is the creative God. Connect to him to be in the

frequency of 4-D solutions to problems in the 3-D


• To be a 4-D thinker you must forget the past

achievements you have made and do something new

or perform a new feat.



If you would explore your potential to the fullest and

fulfil your 4-D destiny, reinvention is a non-negotiable


Iredafenevesho Owolabi,
Author, Creativity Expert.

Reinvention is the life blood of business and

professionalism. Kingdom creativity pushes you into a

constant consistent habit of outdoing your past successes.

As Dr. Myles Munroe always said, “the enemy of your next

accomplishment is your last success”. How true! If you, your

business or profession would experience the best of what it

can be, then reinvention is a requirement. Most of the

world's many profitable brands and establishments have

achieved their long track record of enduring success by

constantly reinventing themselves. These companies have

emerged and are able to sustain their progress because they

always improved and modified their systems. They were

quick to allow their products, services, product lines and

even business strategies evolve on a most regular basis. This

caused them to stay one step ahead of their customers'

needs. They literally underwent metamorphosis, a constant

change of state and improvement. This enabled them to get

to the state of splendor and resplendence that we see today.

It would amaze you to know that the oil giant Shell

Company that we all know about today, started as a

business for the import and sales of actual sea shells. What

is known as Shell Global Company today, that has now

become a great and influential player in the oil and energy

industry today, actually started in a little shop ran by

Marcus Samuel centuries ago. In 1833, he decided to

expand his business so he added oriental shells to the

antiques which he sold. He did this in order to meet up with

a growing fashion demand that involved using these shells

for interior design. In order to meet the need created by this

growing demand, Samuel swiftly began importing shells

from the Far East. Little did he know that he was laying the

foundation for an import-export business that would

eventually metamorphose into one of the world's leading

energy companies1. This came as a result of reinvention.

Even God has designed every kingdom citizen to operate

with the principle of reinvention. He wants us to keep

changing our state of existence by consistent and constant

transformation. He gave us the greatest key to constant and

consistent success. He told us that as long as we commit to

daily, weekly, monthly and yearly change, transformation

and transfiguration, we position ourselves for timeless

success. No wonder Paul the Apostle spoke about this

principle in his second epistles to the Corinthian church.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass

the glory of the Lord, are CHANGED into the same

image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of

the Lord.

2 Cor 3:18

The word “changed” in the above verse comes from the

Greek word “metamorphoo”. It means to be transformed, to

be transfigured or to be changed into a completely different

form, function, condition, appearance, quality or state. One

of the best ways to illustrate this concept is to study the

English word metamorphosis, which was derived from the

Greek word “metamorphoo”. When the butterfly undergoes

metamorphosis, there is a marked difference it exhibits at

each stage of its life cycle. The butterfly experiences

transformation in its structure and morphology in such a

manner that it gets better adapted for its living. When the

beautiful, successful, adorable butterfly begins its journey,

it does not begin functioning at its full potential. It takes

series of transformation and reinvention before the

butterfly finally emerges as the glorious entity that adds

color and beauty to the fields. The butterfly begins its life as

an egg, from which it transfigures to becoming a larva or

what is known as the caterpillar. At the larval stage the

butterfly is not yet exuding its inherent capacity to the

fullest. It has in it the ability to fly, but must reinvent itself

through a progressive change of state to express its full

potential. As long as it remains a caterpillar, the butterfly

never flies; but rather it struggles to climb on plants by a

slow locomotive motion. And chews the leaves of a

particular kind of crops until it experiences another

transfiguration, a phenomenon I consider as reinvention

based on the context of this writing. After the larval stage,

the butterfly changes its state to become a pupa. By this

time, it is beginning to develop new features, functions and

new organs to give it more competence for flight. Enclosed

wings are being formed and antennae are developed while

it is a pupa in preparation for adulthood but the butterfly is

still immobile and sometimes defenseless. When the

butterfly finally emerges as an adult, it functions differently

from the egg, larva or pupa. It now sucks the nectar of

flowers for food meanwhile in the larval state; it chewed the

leaves of specific plants. At the butterfly state, it looks and

functions differently because it has undergone the painful

processes of reinvention through metamorphosis. This is an

example of how God designed us to continually reinvent

ourselves, whether as a student, professional or

businessman, etc. He wants you to keep beholding His

mirror which gives you greater visions of what more you can

be and do. The more you focus on that mirror, the less you

would be satisfied by what you achieved. Dr. Myles Munroe

has always said that your potential is what you can be that

you have not yet fully become or what you could do that you

have not yet done. Potential is not measured by what you

have accomplished but by what you could yet accomplish if

you placed more demands on your God given abilities. That

is why Paul the Apostle instructs us to keep looking into the

mirror of God for better visions of what our businesses,

talents, professions, careers, and academic contributions

can be.

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we]

continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a

mirror the glory of the Lord, are CONSTANTLY



from one degree of glory to another; [for this

comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.

2 Cor 3:18 AMP

There is a difference between the natural mirror we see

and use in the world today and what Paul refers to as the

mirror of God. The mirror of man only shows him what he

looks like and does not show him what he can be. However,

the mirror of God is different; it shifts man’s thinking from

the immediate to the future. It makes man to stop

celebrating his past glory and makes him to reinvent

himself by metamorphosis for the greater glory ahead.

Robert Louis Stevenson, a Scottish novelist and poet said

something very profound. He said, ‘‘Wherever we are, it is

but a stage on the way to somewhere else, and whatever we

do, however well we do it is only a preparation to do

something else that shall be different.’’ This statement fully

expresses the urgent necessity for reinvention. Many

business organizations and even nations have been flushed

out of the global market due to a complacent approach

toward reinvention and re-creation. A lot of businesses have

died natural deaths because even though it was making

impact in a particular market, it did not know when to

rediscover new markets and re-create new products and

services. Nokia and Blackberry have learned these lessons

the hard way. The Nokia Company was previously the

darling of modern technology until the advent of Blackberry

Smartphones. Blackberry Smartphones did so well in the

market that they controlled more than 50% of the market

share in their heyday. After Nokia experienced tremendous

success, Blackberry came on the scene with something

unique that took Nokia by storm. However, because these

two companies were too slow to reinvent their products, the

Apple Company took advantage of their complacency and

invented the iPhones in 2007. Before long both Nokia and

Blackberry were out of business. The same company that

pioneered the mobile phone industry and produced phones

that became a must-have became almost lost in the

forgotten past and sold out to Microsoft as a result. Nokia’s

hesitance to adjust its products and services to the drastic

change which the customers required was one factor that

led to the devaluation of this mobile giant. The company

took way too long to embrace the Smartphone revolution

until Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world in 2007.

Nokia remained complacent even after the release of the

iPhone until it noticed a heavy drop in its sales and market

share after several years. What a tragedy! Some of the

world's most profitable and enduring companies have

achieved their long track record of success by constant

reinvention. To reinvent means to take actions that bring

about a change in someone or something (product, service,

organization, nation, etc.) in such a manner that it results

in an entirely new and better appearance or outcome.

According to an article by Dave Roos, titled “10

Companies that Completely Reinvented themselves”, IBM

would have died a natural death if it did not step up to the

demands of reinvention many years ago. By reason of the

invention of the Personal Computers, IBM had literally

become the master of the computing world in 1984. IBM’s

success was traceable to the fact that it did not try to do

everything itself. IBM bought hardware components from

smaller manufacturers, assembled them and shipped its

PCs with Microsoft Windows already installed in them. This

was unlike Apple, which wrote every of its software from

scratch to finish and built every piece of hardware for its

computers. Sadly, and interestingly, due to a lack of

innovation, the very strategy that crowned IBM as king of

the computing world, almost led to its death. This was

because before long, some other upcoming companies

cloned IBM’s PCs. These small companies swarmed into the

market with cheaper products, each running on the same

type of Windows operating system. Slowly but steadily, IBM

began to lose its market share as quick-thinking

competitors had succeeded in undercutting its prices. As a

result of this, IBM recorded a loss of $8 billion in 1993

alone. This was the biggest loss in the history of corporate

America at that time. The company, which had pioneered

some of the greatest technological revolutions by

developing the mainframe computers and IBM personal

computers, was in a fix. It was forced to choose between two

unfamiliar options which were to either reinvent itself or die

a natural death. Good enough, IBM braved up and

abandoned the core of its business model. It shifted from

developing and selling low-margin personal computers,

computer chips, printers and other hardware into supplying

computing services and IT expertise to businesses. It

invested massively in its server business and in the year

2013, became the number one in the sales of enterprise

server solutions globally. Today, the evolution of IBM is

used in business schools as a case study and as a perfect

example for corporate reinvention in the information age2.

A lot of professionals soon become irrelevant in their

organizations or industries because they did not increase

and develop their capacity through reinvention after they

got employed. The same could be said for those

professionals who are self-employed. They keep applying

the same approach, method and expertise year in year out

without a marked improvement in the way they carry out

their chosen profession. Yet they never take out time to

access, review and analyze their results with respect to the

efforts they put into what they do. This kind of life according

to Socrates, is an unexamined life. Socrates, a famous

philosopher is known for so many profound quotes. One of

his quotes says “an unexamined life is not worth living”.

When a professional or a businessman refuses or neglects

the place of constant improvement, revision and rebranding

of himself or his business, he is living an unexamined life

and that kind of an individual most times never reaches his

full potential. Such a person remains stagnant and

retrogressive for years but sees no problem with what he is

doing neither is he dissatisfied with the kind of results he is

getting. They have become like the cicada which never

completes its metamorphosis. The cicada is an insect that

spends 17 years as a nymph, and does not go through the

pupa stage before becoming an adult. It spends 17 years as

a nymph underneath the ground when it has the capacity to

fly above the earth. It possesses in itself great potential for

flight but remains grounded 99% of its life cycle because it

does not undergo complete metamorphosis. When it

becomes an adult, it only survives for at most four weeks

before it either dies or is predated upon other creatures.

This is exactly how some professionals live their lives

because of a lack of reinvention. They spend the most part

of their lives living below their full potential when they have

what it takes to soar like an eagle in their chosen careers.

They remain grounded for life because personal

transformation is a painful and uncomfortable process

which they do not want to experience. They think that they

are doing well as long as they are getting by with their past

knowledge, skill, and exposure. These are the people who

become redundant and unproductive in an organization

especially in a world that is fast evolving.

I cringe when I see professionals who work in the

private sector or in government parastatals get into the

system and work for 35 years of service and afterwards

retire into abject poverty. They become impoverished and

begin to murmur when they discover that their pension

alone cannot cater for their needs and the needs of their

family. The problem worsens if they have not reinvented

themselves to be better off than they were when they first

joined the civil service. Most of them lived like the cicada,

in one state of existence for the most productive years of

their lives. They acquired no new skill, learned no new trade

and developed no new talent apart from sitting behind a

mahogany desk and performing a routine task for several

years. Their lives lacked the sauce of kingdom creativity

because they felt as long as there was a monthly paycheck,

everything was under control. They forgot that one day they

would become too old to do the same things they did with

ease a few years ago. They forgot that one day they would

either be retired or fired and hence would stop receiving

that same salary. For some they would be left to survive with

a meager pension and gratuity while for others they would

be sacked with no benefits. That is why most times, when

some folks get their gratuity, they lose it almost

immediately because they never learned other things like

how to trade and invest discreetly. They fall victims to bad

investments, get-rich-quick schemes, or reckless spending

and lose in a hurry, everything they worked so hard to earn

in a lifetime. One outstanding reason why reinvention is a

non-negotiable necessity for a student is that a change in

technology or market preferences by consumers can render

what one has studied in a formal institution almost

irrelevant to the fast-changing society we live in. An

economic shift can make a particular skill obsolete almost

overnight. Someone who is gainfully employed with a

wonderful “nine to five job” could find himself or herself out

of work on Monday because of a rapid change in the

marketplace, the company, or decline in the demand for his

or her work.

Brian Tracy is another professional who reinvented

himself. Today, he is an international speaker who

generates a six-figure income or more from speaking. As at

2017, he had spoken professionally in 75 countries. At the

time of this writing, he was said to have started, built,

managed, or turned around 22 different businesses. He is

said to have worked with more than 500 corporations, given

more than 5,000 talks, and addressed over 5,000,000

people in his professional speaking career. He addresses

more than 250,000 people each year throughout the United

States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The interesting

aspect of this man’s story is that he had very humble

beginnings but by constantly reinventing himself, he has

experienced a high level of productivity. When he was 21

years old, he worked as a construction laborer, getting up at

5:00 a.m. in the middle of a cold winter and taking three

buses to work all day carrying building materials from place

to place. One day while sitting in his room, he realized that

God had given him all he needed to make his life better. He

discovered that it was now up to him and absolutely no one

else to become the best of what he was designed to be.

Immediately he discovered this, he decided to put his past

behind him and to reinvent himself for the first time. He

looked far into the future as much as he could and asked,

‘‘what do I really want to do with my life?’’ he discovered he

needed a better job. He therefore went into a bookstore on

his lunch break from his construction job and bought books

on a variety of subjects that he felt would be helpful to him.

He spent hours each night reading and underlining the

books. The more he learned, the more his confidence grew

and before long, he began to write letters to companies

applying for white-collar jobs. For a long time, he got no

responses, but eventually someone hired him in direct sales

of office products. That was his start! Over the years, he has

reinvented himself in different jobs and in different

industries, moving up through sales into sales management

and eventually becoming the vice president of an

international company with the responsibility of developing

six countries. Later, he got a real estate license and

reinvented himself into a real estate developer, reading

books, finding financial partners, and ultimately developing

more than 100 million dollars of real estate over the years.

He went further ahead to reinvent himself into an importer

and a distributor, bringing in a complete line of Japanese

cars and setting up 65 dealerships to sell tens of millions of

dollars’ worth of automobiles. At each stage of reinvention,

he would sit down and reevaluate his life. Once he noticed a

need to make a new turn, he would make a decision about

his next step or next career. Then he would get books and

articles that would develop his knowledge of that field,

interview people and ask questions about that career path.

He always explored the business industry as much as he

could and then plunge in as soon as he could. From his

many experiences, he has learned that reinvention is not a

rosy, straight lined path. He discovered that there were

numerous setbacks, difficulties, and even temporary

failures on the path to personal progress and

transformation10. That is why it is important to know when

it is time to reinvent yourself. The moment you get that

signal for reinvention, pray for direction, get a good idea of

where you are to go and take action. Keep trying, never give

up and keep pressing forward until the new you surface. You

may not have been to school, nor have a university degree,

do not let that stop you from reaching your full potential.

You can unlock your kingdom creativity and when that

happens, you would become respected and appreciated by

even veterans in the academic world. The moment you tap

into your innate creative capacity, you would be amazed at

the kind of value you would release. You would not only

solve your personal problems by this, but also that of your

organization and your nation at large.

Thoughts to Ponder

• Take out time to access, review and analyze your

results with respect to the efforts you put into what
you do and look out for signals of reinvention.

• Do not allow your business die a natural death due to

complacency and unwillingness to embrace change.



Every government owes it to itself, its citizens and the

nation at large to engage in consistent reinvention in a

positive and constructive manner.

Iredafenevesho Owolabi,

International Best-Selling Author.

There are a couple of things that should remain

consistent as reinvention and transformation becomes

necessary at different levels and phases of an individual or

of a corporate organization. These are foundational and

cardinal ingredients that should define the core of any

individual, corporate or national pursuit. Without these

core aspects remaining intact, any individual or corporate

pursuit for reinvention would lead to confusion. These

cornerstones are the intricate details that keep an individual

focused on his overall vision despite the fact that he is

reinventing himself. They are the platforms upon which

organizations should build their castles and skyscrapers in

order not to be swayed in the wrong direction by the tides

of change and development. Nations would lose their

identity in the process of reinvention if these factors are not

in place. They are:

1. Individual, Corporate or National Purpose

Purpose is a very foundational aspect of every

establishment. It is the bedrock upon which every

sustainable accomplishment is built. Purpose determines

priority for an individual, a corporation and even a nation.

When the awareness and understanding of purpose is

lacking, there is not much that can be done in the path of

progress because such an entity

(Individual, corporation or nation) would grope in the

dark corridors of confusion. Awareness of purpose is

important for reinvention and sustainable development to

take place in any entity. This is because when purpose is not

captured in the whole reinvention process, it could result in

abuse of the very fundamentals upon which the entity

stands. For example, a man who does not have a true

understanding of the essence behind his masculinity could

transform himself into a transgender woman in the name of

reinvention. A church that loses sight of its actual

foundational purpose could end up closing the doors of its

halls to worshippers and opening it up to be used as a pub,

social center or commercial event center in the name of

reinvention. A professional who lacks understanding of

purpose could become a fraudster because his career is no

longer a lucrative one or because his industry has gone into

extinction and he needs some “reinvention”. In a nutshell,

an individual, corporation or nation that loses track of the

actual reason and essence for its origin, incorporation or

establishment could become a victim of identity crises in the

marketplace because purpose defines identity. The more

purposeful a man is, the more productive he becomes

because he prioritizes things that drive him toward purpose

and easily avoids distractions. In the same vein, the more

purpose driven an organization or business outfit is, the

more productive it becomes, and the more business

opportunities and profits it attracts. During a time of

financial crises, many professionals and business men get

into the frenzy that comes with the crises. They begin to

pursue profit without productivity, productivity without

priority, and priority without purpose. This is the reason

why many companies either go bankrupt or are forced out

of business during such times. The approach that should be

engaged at such times should be for purpose to be reviewed

and revisited during such stormy times. A revisit of purpose

with respect to the crisis of the moment informs what such

individuals or corporate businesses should prioritize in

order to continue achieve the ultimate purpose despite the

economic crisis. When purpose is well known and well

understood, reinvention can really be a productive

endeavor. But when the priority of purpose is lacking, any

attempt towards reinvention would be a destructive

attempt. When individual, corporate or national purpose as

the case may be, is in view, then reinvention becomes a

purposeful endeavor. It becomes something that is geared

towards a certain kind of result which ultimately aligns and

resonates with the fundamental purpose of the individual,

organization or nation.

2. Individual, Corporate or National Vision

Vision is a clear picture of the desired and expected

future that you have of yourself, company or nation and it

forms the basis for every pursuit of every individual,

corporation and state. Any company where there are no

properly laid out visions has no guarantee of survival when

the perishing storm of change arrives. The thing about

change that many CEOs do not realize is that you cannot

avoid it or fight it. You can only make change work in your

favor and fight for you. And if you fail to make change fight

for you by being able to respond positively to change, it

would fight against you. When the tides of change flow in

your direction, it is the visions that you have of the future of

your business, profession or nation that keeps you anchored

in the direction of progress rather than regress. Your vision

is to your corporation, what a compass is to the ship. Just as

the compass gives the ship captain a sense of direction in

the midst of the storms in the middle of nowhere, so does

vision give an individual, corporation or nation a sense of

direction in the face of crises. It is vision that guarantees

that one’s destination is reached. Without vision in place,

life would be reduced into a merry go round and we would

continually engage in activity without productivity. When

you know exactly where you are going, even when there is

an obstacle that seems to constrain a change of travel path,

getting to the predetermined destination is still guaranteed.

When the unexpected call for change comes, it would not

distract the individual or corporation from its awareness of

where it intends to go. It would only lead to engaging a

different course toward the envisioned destination. For

example, after a ship captain charts the course to a

predetermined destination, he also plots all the possible

paths through which that destination that was envisioned

can be reached. In the event that there is a storm on the way

as they voyage on a particular course, another path can be

navigated and the same destination would be reached. The

reason why the destination can still be reached despite the

obstacles, storms or tides of change is because before the

journey began, the ship navigator had a vision of here he

was going. Therefore, for reinvention to be productive and

not destructive, the visions of the individual, corporation

and nation must be well built into the subconscious of each

one who makes up these different entities.

Every nation must have a vision that has become

common knowledge among its citizenry and even among

other sovereign nations. When there is no vision in place,

the people would become unproductive and this would

ultimately sink that nation. The onus therefore rests on

every national and political leader to always be driven by

national vision and not personal ambition. Nigeria is faced

with its current problems on many different fronts because

her leaders lack a national vision for the country. That is

why the nation suffers heavily from divisions on many

different fronts. This is because nature abhors vacuum,

hence where there is no vision, division carries the day. This

is a nation with many different ethnic groups, religious

groups, and political groups that are internally divided for

lack of a common vision. This lack of vision is what breeds

sectionalism, favoritism and nepotism in a society.

3. Individual, Corporate or National Core


Your personal core values are among the fundamental

decisions that can help you navigate your path towards

personal transformation and reinvention. This would go a

long way to shape how you live your life and how you

respond to change. For example, a person who has no solid

core values would bow to the pressure of compromise when

the tide of change comes. There are individuals and

companies that begin to engage in corrupt practices because

the wind of change seems to have affected their industry.

Truth be told, no excuse can justify corruption in any sphere

of life. That is why one must have deep-seated, deeply

rooted and sound core values that are in alignment with a

person’s ultimate purpose, vision and beliefs. As a person,

you are a reflection of the fundamental choices you make.

Core values provide the goals and criteria that should

influence all personal decisions as a professional, student or

businessman. When we live by personal values, our

motivations and actions become aligned with our visions

and ultimate purpose. It is said about companies that stray

from their core values that they may not perform as well as

those that adhere to them. The same can also be said about

individuals who do not have any valid core value upon

which they build their personal brand.

Many companies find it difficult to adhere to their core

values. For them it is just a piece of writing inscribed on a

prominent part of the office walls and reception rooms of

the company. For some other companies, their core values

represent for them a lofty set of values which are merely

outlined on the company website. The core values are

clearly spelt out but play little or no role in the company’s

mode of operations. The truth however is that every

company, big or small, must have core values not just for

the sake of having it but for it to shape the ethos and culture

of every aspect of the company from top to bottom. Core

values are the basis upon which every member of a company

makes decisions, plan strategies, and relate both with each

other and with their customers. A customer is any person or

organization that is impacted in some way by you as a

professional or businessman or by the company you own or

belong to. Core values reflect what is regarded as important

by every organization and to every one of its members. It

also defines the identity of an individual or corporation.

The leaders and front liners of a company are

responsible for identifying the core values of the company

and projecting it into every aspect of the company

operations and its members. Core values work the same way

for a company as they do for an individual. For example, an

individual may value diligence at work and prudence in

saving money, while another individual value traveling and

exploring new places. These differences would make a huge

difference between these two individuals in how they plan,

strategize and make decisions. Even if they both start out

with the same resources, each individual would make totally

different decisions and devise strategies that are peculiar to

their core values. Individual, corporate or national core

values affect strategy and how revenue generated is saved

or spent.

Every developed nation has some core values

considered critical to its development. These core values are

built into the kind of policies that are promoted in the

governance of that state at all levels. If you study nations

that have produced a lot of innovation and patented

discoveries, you would notice that the culture of research

and industry is built into the system. The body language of

the leaders toward innovation and research is a reflection

on the national core values of that country. There are a lot

of nations that are yet under developed because the

leadership of such nations celebrates pop stars who deface

the moral value of its citizenry through their immoral habits

as displayed in irresponsible music. This is appalling

especially when there are no structures on ground to

celebrate the novelty and industry that comes through

education and research in such nations. When the winner

of a reality show, known for promoting illicit and immoral

sexual behaviors, is awarded millions of naira or dollars and

the best graduating student of an entire university is not

even recognized by the state, then something is wrong with

the core values in that nation. This can send a wrong

message to the industrious, studious and intelligent class of

citizens and render them passive towards reinvention.

4. Individual, Corporate or National Integrity

A lot of people do not know the importance of integrity

and the role it plays in an individual, organization or a

nation. The word integrity is akin to the word “integrated”.

It means to be in oneness with purpose. It means to be

wholesome and unimpaired. Never sacrifice your integrity

on the altar of change. Many people want to achieve great

results on the foundation of compromise. Little did they

know that any feat that is attained by compromise would

have to be sustained through same. Therefore, reinvention

must be driven by an integrated value system that cannot be

bent to favor inconsistent character or dishonest practices.

This is what many scientists who begin to develop crazy

theories that question the creativity of the Almighty Creator

lack. That is why they go ahead to make destructive

assumptions and theories that seem to permit the ordinary

man to become vile in his thoughts and actions. There are

many companies and businesses that manufacture and

create products and services which they know are

destructive to people. They used to be known for integrity

but lost their integrity because they have integrated many

dubious and devious schemes into their businesses all in the

bid to make more money as they respond to the changing

times. As you pursue after individual, corporate or national

reinvention, you must maintain integrity as a constant

because that is the only way to maintain a solid value system

and corporate culture.

5. Individual, Corporate or National Drive for

Selfless Service

The quest for constant transformation, improvement

and reinvention must be driven by the personal or corporate

goal of satisfying your old and new customers. This means

that you must not produce or reinvent products simply

because you can. Instead, you should work to develop

products and services that offer high value to customers and

that reflects commitment to rendering customer centered


The basic drive for Amazon’s exceptional customer

centered services is founded on its founder’s drive and

philosophy towards customer satisfaction. Jeff Bezos’s

business philosophy is to focus on long-term customer

loyalty over short-term profits and to stimulate a never-

ending expansion into new businesses. This philosophy has

surprisingly remained consistent over the years despite the

different economic tides and storms that have hit Amazon.

Every national leader who wants to drive his nation in

the path of reinvention must be sure it is not for personal

gain and self-enrichment. Many political leaders and

national take initiatives and develop policies that are not in

the best interest of the people who he was elected or

appointed to serve. There are only a few leaders in the world

today who like Nelson Mandela, would sacrifice his life for

his country’s betterment. He was offered wealth for him to

drop his cause but he prioritized the people’s needs over any

selfish interest. He would rather go to jail than enrich

himself while watching his people suffer under the force of

the apartheid. Even after he came out of prison and became

president, he chose to step down after his first tenure,

against the wish of people because of his philosophy of

selfless service.

The Pain of Reinvention

The eagle is a very special and unique bird from which

we can learn a lot. The eagle did not emerge as the king of

all birds by coincidence. It possesses many remarkable

qualities that distinguish it from several other birds. The

eagles fly alone and they do so at high altitudes. They don't

compete with other birds; they do not fly with sparrows,

ravens, and other small birds. They know that they belong

to a class of their own. That is why the idiomatic expression

that says “birds of a feather flock together” does not apply

to eagles. This is so because even if the eagle could fly with

other eagles, they do not fly in a flock. They always fly alone,

at high altitudes. When other birds hide from the storm, the

eagle soars with the wind of the storm. The eagle is such a

powerful bird that has very sharp eyesight. The vision of an

eagle is sharper than that of a human. While the human only

sees within a 180-degree visual field, the eye of the eagle

gives it a 340-degree field of vision. The eagle vision is five

to eight times sharper than that of the human’s perfect

vision. What a human sees clearly at four to five feet, an

eagle can see with the same crystal clearness twenty feet

away. These and many other qualities make the eagle an

expert hunter and an outstanding bird.

One thing that strikes me about the eagle is how they

are able to renew their strength. The lifespan of an eagle is

about 40 years but the eagle normally extends its lifespan

by 30 years through rejuvenation, a principle similar to

reinvention. When the eagle grows old, his feathers become

weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it normally

would. This makes him weak and could make him die. In its

forties, the eagle’s long and flexible talons can no longer

grab preys which should serve as its food. When such an

eagle gets to this point, it has to make a very hard and

crucial decision. It has to choose whether to die or to go

through a painful and excruciating process. If it wants to

live for another 30 years, it then flies to a very high

mountain top. After it retreats to a place far away in the

mountains, it undergoes a painful process of rejuvenation.

While there, it plucks out the weak feathers on his body

which have become too thick for it to fly swiftly. It knocks

its beaks and claws against the rock until it breaks. After

pulling off its old feathers, breaking its beaks and claws

against the rocks, it becomes completely bare. This indeed

is a very bloody and painful process for the eagle but it

accepts to go through the pain nonetheless because it does

not want to come to the end of its life yet. The eagle knows

that if it would remain at the peak of its game, it needs to

renew its strength. So, he stays in this hiding place until it

has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then it

comes out flying higher than before. This is another perfect

description of what reinvention is all about. Although some

scientists have argued that this story is a myth while others

maintained that it is a fact, it is worth learning a lesson

from. One of such lessons is that change is a painful process

that we must not only expect but sometimes initiate if we

want to remain relevant in any of life’s endeavor. We

occasionally need to shed off old methods, ways and

patterns of doing things no matter how difficult it may be.

As we grow, we must be able to analyze our lives. What are

the things you are doing now that needs to be improved and

what are the sacrifices that needs to be made for that

improvement to take place? The things that add no value to

our lives should be discarded without emotional


attachment. Do not get married to your past successes if you

care to woo a future of greater successes unto yourself.


Thoughts to Ponder

• You must cultivate the habit of renewing strength

and reinforcing your competence if you would stay

on top of your game as an entrepreneur or


• Personal and corporate vision is your anchor and

protection against the storms of distraction.




Peak performance refers to the maximum value that

can be achieved or attained by an individual within a given

period of time. A lot of people are performing way below

their capacity. They are like the man who has a power bike

but only used the power bike to outrun bicycles when they

ought to compete with fast cars and even outrun them. It

reminds me of the mythological story of an eagle that was

born in the nest of a hen and grew up among chickens. The

eagle grew up with chickens and died thinking it was a

“great chicken” not knowing that it was born to soar above

the highest mountains. Many people painfully have a

similar story. They were born as eagles but instead of being

high fliers, they end up competing with chickens and are

satisfied with little results. Peak performance is a great


necessity for any student, graduate or businessperson that

desires to release his or her full potential. It is relevant for

maximum achievement and can be applied to anyone and

to any area or endeavor of life. When you begin to perform

at peak performance creativity, you begin to harness fully,

the potential of your mind as a kingdom citizen.

The creative power of a kingdom citizen’s mind is so

limitless that no matter how much you have achieved, you

can always do more, achieve more and make more impact.

The performance of your mind is heavily connected to how

effectively you allow kingdom creativity to dominate your

thought processes. Imagine driving a car with manual gear

transmission which has a capacity to run at 180 miles per

hour. If you never engage the gear system from one to two

and you choose to run a journey of 200 miles on only the

first gear, what would happen? You may knock down that

engine because it was designed to work efficiently and

maximally when all its gears are engaged from first to fifth.

On the other hand, when you begin to engage all the gears


from one, two, and three until you get to the fifth or to the

highest gear, you would discover that it becomes easier for

the vehicle to move and to reach your destination faster.

That is because the vehicle begins to run on full throttle

when the gears have been adequately engaged to maximum


How to Achieve Peak Performance Creativity,

Productivity and Profitability

Most great achievers in the academic, professional or

business world have something in common. They always

want more because they are never satisfied with their status

quo. They always push themselves toward peak

performance and maximum creativity. There are several

ways to boost performance, scale up productivity and

increase profitability as a student, professional or a

businessman. Below are a few:

• Define your major goal:


Your major goal represents the kind of result you want

to get in the future in any area of pursuit in which you find

yourself whether as a student, professional or

businessperson. To define your major goal goes beyond just

having a wishful desire to become something wonderful in

future. Before even setting a goal, you must have a clear

vision of what you want and this must be in alignment with

your purpose. Your purpose is the reason why you exist and

what your existence would contribute to mankind while

your vision is a definite picture of where you are going.

When purpose and vision are in perspective, your major

goal becomes the kind of result you want to get as you move

in the direction of purpose and vision accomplishment. For

example, the purpose of a man could be to affect the

finances of individuals and nations positively. His vision

could be a picture of becoming a professional banker who

would add immense value to the banking sector of his

country and emerge as one of the leading players in that

industry. To achieve this wonderful vision, he needs to


define his major goal. This could be a goal of becoming the

Regional manager of XYZ bank in 5 years.

• Discover the one thing you must do today to

achieve your major goal and accomplish

your vision:

If you have a vision to become a major distributor of a

farm produce like mangoes, you need to have a major goal.

The major goal may be to harvest twenty baskets of mango

fruits. After setting such goal, you must begin to take that

one step every day, week, month and year that would lead

to the achievement of the major goal and ultimately to the

fulfillment of vision.

That means the one thing the farmer may need to do is

get a land that is arable for planting. After that step, the next

step that should be taken is to weed the plot. Next thing to

do is to plant viable seeds and on and on, one step after the

other. At the end of the whole process, you would discover

that more than one step was actually required to reach the

goal. And that is where the beauty of doing one thing every


day that leads you to your destiny begins to make more


The best way to get maximum results and productivity

is to find out the one thing you must do every day starting

from today, in order to propel your life toward the direction

of your major life goal. As you do this, keeping purpose and

vision in focus, you become definite and precise in your

approach to life. Take the little steps if you must or

take giant strides if you can but by all means begin

to make moves toward that goal and vision. The

saying, “take one step at a time” can be a great guide as you

begin to boost your performance. The most important thing

to note in a bid to increase your productivity is to know that

you must take one step every day to get closer to your

destiny or destination. Do not preoccupy yourself with the

burden of trying to too many things all at once. That is the

tendency when you become too anxious for instant results.

There are no such things as overnight successes. Every

genuine success came as a result of tiny dedication and


determination to follow through with the law of process.

Have you ever tried to move a car from the first gear to the

fifth without engaging the second, third and fourth one after

the other? So, follow through with the process and do not

forget that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one


• Do not get Complacent with previous


I remember when I wrote my first book and got it

published. It took me twelve months to write, publish and

launch that book and it was indeed a great success at that

level. Despite the wonderful achievement, I was dissatisfied

because I had a vision to write many books in a lifetime and

I knew that I would not be able to accomplish that by writing

and publishing one book per year. What did I do? I

sharpened my writing speed and skill. I then set a new goal

for the next year to write and traditionally self-publish four

books in that year. In six-months I was able to write, publish


and launch three out of the four books I proposed to write.

That feat was one of the most astounding things I

accomplished that year and I did it in six months. The first

manuscript out of those three books took me three months

to develop. The second book took me two months to

complete while the third book I published that year was

done in just thirty days. This was definitely an amazing

experience for me because my very first book the previous

year took me twelve months to write. Mind you the first

book which took me a whole year was one hundred and

sixteen pages. While the three books that followed the next

year with an overwhelming six months work contained five

hundred and ninety-eight pages altogether. So, I was able to

boost my performance from writing, self-publishing and

launching a book of one hundred and sixteen pages in one

year, to producing three books containing five hundred and

ninety-eight pages in six months. What shocked me most

was how that in one month I was able to write the fourth

book with same number of pages that took me three months

when I was writing the second book. If you do the


mathematics correctly, you would discover that I achieved

ten times the result of one year in six months because I was

dissatisfied with my previous accomplishment which was a

great one for that season. You may never write a book, you

may not be an author or a global speaker like me; however,

if you read between the lines, you would get a hold of some

principles that can be adapted into your line of expertise.

Never get comfortable with your past successes because

they could hinder your future accomplishments and limit

your ultimate potential. Collate your achievements in your

most important activity and multiply your results by ten.

That is what can happen to you when you achieve peak

performance creativity. Creative peak performance is what

results when you unlock your kingdom creativity. Can you

imagine that my performance received ten times boost in

that area within six months? I cannot begin to explain how

that changed my whole life but just imagine you could

achieve ten times what you achieved within the last twelve

months in the next six months of your life. Calculate what

you earned last year and multiply it by twelve. What would


it be like if you could increase your finances by six times in

the next six months? I increased my profitability at a rate

twelve times more than it was just a year before. That is

what results when you reinvent yourself toward peak

performance creativity and productivity both as a

professional and businessperson. When this is attained, it

causes a scale up in your profitability. There is never an end

to peak performance productivity and profitability no

matter how much you earn already because you can always

earn more. It is a function of your mind, how much more

you think you can perform and what more results you think

you can achieve. That is why the Bible says that as a man

thinks in his heart, so is he.

Mind you there were some principles that helped me

achieve this. First, I defined and redefined my major goal

with respect to my purpose, vision and previous

achievement. I decided to think beyond the box of writing

one book in a year which was okay for the past phase I was.

The next thing that followed was that I narrowed my major


goal of writing four books in a year into the present moment

reality. I asked myself, what one thing can I do now and

every other day in order to reach the major goal of writing 4

books? I discovered that if I wrote at least 2,000 words

every day, I would have written 60,000 words in one month

and that would give me one book. It took me three months

however to achieve that goal of 60,000 words on the first

book I had on my goals list. I encouraged myself because it

was a milestone worth celebrating, but I pushed myself

further and placed more demand on the wisdom of God

resident in me. As a result, the next book I wrote was

completed in 2 months. I celebrated that feat and took a

little break and then began almost immediately to work on

the third book in a row and amazingly I was now operating

at peak performance. It was as though I was running full

throttle and on the fifth gear where my mind was moving so

fast and my hands were as though it had become

synchronized with my mind. As the thoughts poured into

my mind my hands would register it almost immediately.

Before I knew it, I had begun to write 3,000 words on some


days and 4,000 words on other days. Every cell, tissue,

organ and muscle in my body became aligned with

achieving that goal and like I said I was running full throttle

at this point. In one month, I was done with the manuscript

for the third book. That was one very practical experience I

had which really expressed to me in a unique way the

difference between performing at the average level or below

average level and performing at your very maximum

capacity. The amazing thing is that those three books are

making serious waves and touching lives immensely all over

the world in ways I cannot imagine. What if I had allowed

myself to be boxed in with the fact that I had neither

publisher to publish nor money to self-publish the books

when I conceived the idea of writing three books in such a

short space of time? I would probably have reduced my

performance rate and placed a restriction on my capacity to

do more than what I had accomplished the previous year. I

was able to boost my performance and scale up my

productivity and that gave me a greater financial reward

that was five times the reward I received from the previous


year when I could churn out only one book. You may not be

a writer but this personal story and experience of mine can

be adapted to you. You can actually scale up your profits if

you would decide to boost your performance and scale up

your productivity.

• Be different or be forgotten

In 1997 when Steve Jobs came back to Apple Company,

the business outfit had 350 products to its name. However,

Steve Jobs was able to skyrocket the company’s

performance, productivity and profitability in one year by

focusing on improving just 10 out of the 350 products that

Apple was already known for. He diverted attention from

the other 340 products and channeled all the company’s

focus on only 10 products. No wonder Tim Cook, the CEO

who took over the company after Steve Job’s demise once

said something that further buttresses the power of

thinking different and being different. His statement goes

thus, “a traditional management philosophy taught in

business schools is to reduce risk by diversifying your


product offerings. Apple represents the anti–business

school philosophy. Apple’s approach is to put its resources

behind a few products and commit to making those

products exceptionally well”. 1 This is one of the ways they

were able to break out of the box of traditional business

strategy. It is amazing to see that 10 products out of 350

products represent approximately 3 percent of all Apple’s

products at that time. This supports the principle that was

named after an Italian philosopher known as Vilfredo

Pareto called the Pareto’s principle. According to Richard

Koch in his book titled, “80/20 principle”, this

phenomenon when studied more narrowly implies that 10

percent of a man’s activities are what accounts for 90

percent of his productivity. It explains the fact that not all

things matter equally and that some are trivial while a few

are vital. He made it clear that if we focus all our energy,

attention and resources on the vital few, the trivial

many would automatically be addressed with little

or no effort. Extraordinarily successful companies always

have one product or service they’re most known for or that


makes them the most money. With that one product or

service they break even and attract customers towards the

other products and services they offer. Steve Jobs had a goal

and narrowed the activities of his company toward this goal

by doing something differently against popular opinion.

• Do not compare yourself with others, peak

performance is relative:

Never try to compete with others if you truly want to

unlock your kingdom creativity and achieve peak

performance. Do not compare your creativity performance

with another because you are different, hence your

performance should be measured based on your unique

differences and not based on traditional standards. Peak

performance is relative to you. By all means allow the

performance of others to inspire you but make sure you

remain focused on your own key creative competence.

Everyone has a key area of creative competencies where his

genius comes alive the most. Discover the area peculiar to

you because that is where your peak performance lies. Then


strive toward besting your previous achievement at your

next opportunity. Never be comfortable with your last great

performance because you can always outdo your last best

performance. With all these in place, you would always be

ahead and in a class of your own where creativity,

productivity and profitability is what you are known for.

Beyond the Box of Market Saturation

Every creative businessman must be quick to anticipate

market saturation and to creatively avoid being a victim of

this phenomenon if he must remain in business. Market

saturation is responsible for most of the setbacks and

deaths that many businesses and establishments experience

today. Only professionals and businessmen who actually

adopt a “beyond the box” mentality would avert the plateau

of market saturation. I call it a plateau because when market

saturation sets in for a company’s product or services, it

keeps the sales, growth and progress of the company at a

particular level. And if that phenomenon is not smartly and


creatively addressed, it could lead to the extinction of that

company. A company’s market becomes saturated when the

majority of customers has benefitted from its product and

has no need of the product or service again. This is one of

the telltale signs that there is a need for a board meeting, to

review the vision, mission, goals and performance of that

organization. It is a sign that something needs to be done

about research and development. Many companies that

have sustained their relevance in the industry know that if

they are to stay ahead in the market, they must be a step

ahead in providing new improved solutions. This is why

most of these companies invest large chunks of money in

research and development. Market saturation could happen

as a result of fierce competition from other players in the

same industry in which the business operates. It could also

be caused by reason of a sharp decline or reduction in the

consumer market's need for the product or service which

the business provides. Another thing that could lead to

market saturation could be when an entire customer base

has been serviced, and there are no new customer


acquisition opportunities for any firm operating in the

industry. Many companies handle the problem of market

saturation by changing their revenue models, when they

notice a reduction in rate of product sales. For example,

IBM changed its business model toward providing repeat

services the moment they saw saturation in the large PC

market. Another area that requires “beyond the box”

thinking in order to overcome market saturation is the area

of marketing. Adopting unique marketing strategies is a

very good way a company can position itself as outstanding

in a saturated market.

Reinvention and Innovation: The Way Out

Creativity is a necessity for any organization which

intends to surmount the challenges posed by a saturated

market. A company's product or the service it offers has to

be more innovative than that of its competitors for it to

entice customers to buy from them. There are two

fundamental attributes that distinguish the leading tech


companies of the world today from the average one. They


• their ability to manufacture new products, provide

uniquely new services, create new solutions and

innovations by Reinventing their products and services. The

other trait is; and

• their ability to stay ahead in their field by virtue of

gaining fresh ideas and acting on them promptly before

their competitors get a wind of the idea.

The largest tech company in the world at this writing is

the Apple Incorporated Company. These two principles

outlined above are among the greatest things that give them

the long-lasting edge in the tech world. In 2017, Apple Inc.

broke its own record and became the most valuable publicly

traded company in the world with a market cap of $776.60

billion.2 I began to wonder what has made this company

which was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in

1976 so successful till date. As I began to track and study

their history, I discovered that the Apple Company is always


doing a new thing and beckoning on the world to forget

about the former things they have produced. I noticed that

the Apple Company is either always leading its competitors

with better ideas and or reinventing its products and

services year in year out. The company produced the Apple

I computers in 1976 and in the next year it produced the

Apple II. From then on, the Apple Company kept

reinventing its products and creating new ones every single

year till the time of this writing. In my research on their

product timeline, I discovered that the Apple Company has

actually produced new products every year from 1976 to

2017 summing up to about 576 hardware products. These

products ranged from desktop, laptop, Mac, Devices, iPods,

iPhones, iPads, accessories, processors, etc, and they had

many different versions of each product. 3 This was exclusive

of the software services it offered which included iTunes,

iBook, Appstore, Apple Music, iCloud, health kit, Apple

Maps, etc. In July 2017, 10 years after the Apple Inc

launched its first iPhone product, Tim Cooks, the Chief

Executive Officer of Apple reported that the company had


sold over 1.2 billion iPhone products in the past decade. 4

Remember also that anytime Apple sells an iPhone to a

customer it meant they had also secured a new subscriber

for their software services. This global tech giant leveraged

on the principle of always reinventing new products and

services in a bid to add more value and provide greater

customer satisfaction with their services.

As a matter of fact, they are currently known as the most

valuable company in the world. This is because they are

always ahead of the market. They have become known to

always create something new, improved and amazingly

inviting every given year. Before their customers get used to

what they have just released into the market, they reinvent

their products and upgrade it to meet a more unique need

of the moment. They then put something new into the

market and then tell the world to forget the former product

and go for the new. They even go as far as fixing a deadline

within the range of 1-3 years from the release date of the

new release. On or before this deadline, the sales of the


product would be discontinued because a better one has

been produced already.3 The moment I discovered that

their strategy was in consonance with the principles which

the greatest Manufacturer and Creator of all time had

already established, it was no longer a surprise to me why

they kept making much progress in business.



Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am

making a way in the desert and streams in the


Isa 43:18-19 NIV

Let me paint you a picture. Imagine God to be the CEO

of the largest conglomerate in all of creation called heaven.

And He sends some of His products and services down to

the market called earth. His customers are always being

awed by how much improvement has been made on the

product and services that this heavenly Company produces.

And they begin to ask questions about the old but wonderful


product because they had already become used to the

former. Then in a bid to help these customers who are down

on the earth’s surface to appreciate His new latest product

and new improved service, this Great Manufacturer tells

them to forget the former things. He does that constantly

because His Company is always getting better ways of doing

things and achieving results. The moment you cultivate

kingdom mentality you would begin to function like this

because that is how God our Creator King functions. If you

were a student and you possessed this kind of thinking, you

would always be ten steps ahead of your peers. While your

contemporaries would be thinking of reading to pass the

exam, you would be thinking of discovering new formulas

to the equation. Your value system and your standard of

reasoning would be higher and greater than that of your

teachers. Your testimony would be like that of one of the

greatest kings that lived upon the face of the earth known as

King David.





Ps 119:99 NLT

David unlocked his kingdom creativity and discovered

that it placed him on a pedestal that was far removed from

the realm where his teachers found themselves. He

achieved that by upgrading his thinking. He cultivated his

mind to function with kingdom mentality where he thinks

of better ways to achieve what his teachers have tried to

accomplish in an orthodox manner. He also imbibed that

culture into his son, Solomon. King Solomon learned some

of the wisdom he displayed through the mentoring

parenting of his father. He was able to align his thoughts

with that of a higher being (God) through the principles of

His word which he constantly meditated upon. The word

“law” in the above scripture refers to the established

principles of the Almighty God. If you are a professional and

you cultivate this kind of heavenly mentality, you would not


only be an expert but would become a legend and an icon in

that profession. By becoming a legend, we are talking about

being one who is known as a person of extraordinary and

revolutionary achievements in that field. This is actually the

mind of God for every kingdom citizen who represents the

kingdom of heaven here on earth as a professional in an

organization, institution, industry, government, etc. God

did not destine anyone of His children to be a professional

with no relevance but to become one with a difference. You

were not sent to that profession just to earn a living. Your

life is more than earning a living as a kingdom citizen. It is

now more about invading earth with kingdom mentality,

thereby causing a revolution in whatever industry you

belong. As you invade earth with this mentality, you become

a thought leader and you would begin to release new ideas,

possibilities, policies and philosophies. Becoming an icon

on the other hand is not about being popular. It refers to a

person who has become an epitome. This is one who can be

said to be the best description of a particular profession

because of the value he or she releases through that


profession. You now become the best description of God’s

design for that field and this is by reason of the impact you

have brought about through kingdom creativity.

As a business man and entrepreneur, just imagine that

your company is known for the reinvention of its products

and services. Imagine that your product catalogue is

arranged in a new way and the products displayed thereon

are not only newer but much better than what was before.

What do you imagine would become of your business? It

would become known for uniqueness and innovation. You

would command a great percentage of the market to which

you belong. This is how a kingdom citizen ought to function

in his career and business. This is how your company should

be. One way to do that as a student, professional or

businessman is to constantly ask yourself some critical

questions at each new stage of your accomplishment. If your

past or current course of study in school were to become

obsolete or irrelevant by virtue of technological

advancement, a government policy or an economic


recession, what else would you do or how else would you

thrive either as a student or graduate? When Henry Ford

invented the horseless carriage and mass-produced cars for

millions of Americans, a lot of professionals who had built

a career around making horse carriage were out of jobs.

Despite this trend, thousands of new jobs were created but

only people with the relevant skill sets could adapt to the

change. You must ask yourself such honest questions

because change is a constant in life. If you learn to prepare

for change you would become a champion of change rather

than being a victim of change. As a professional, what would

become of your career if you lose your job unexpectedly? I

know God will not allow that happen to you, but don’t you

think it is time to become a better version of yourself? The

earlier you think of becoming a better you, the easier it

would be to move on to something new and do something

bigger and better when the need arises. Can you at least

think of a way to make yourself so valuable that your boss

would go any length to keep you? Your answers to these few


questions would give you an idea of where you stand. It is

time to think beyond the box.

Thoughts to Ponder

• God is the greatest thinker that you can ever think of.

He thinks beyond man’s “box” all the time.

• Thinking beyond the box simply means relieving

oneself of the ordinary thoughts that the average

human mind can produce. It requires plugging into

a higher source from where higher thoughts can be


• God’s thoughts are the highest kind of thoughts and

they are the source of creativity.

• Kingdom creativity requires that we function at the

frequency in which God thinks and creates. That is

also what it means to think God’s thoughts after



• Never get comfortable with your past successes

because they could hinder your future

accomplishments and limit your ultimate potential.

• Take the little steps if you must or take giant strides

if you can but by all means begin to make moves

toward that goal and vision.




No matter how wonderful things are today, it can

be made better with 4-D thinking.

Iredafenevesho Owolabi,

International Bestselling Author.

1) Brainstorm, Mindstorm and Spiritstorm

nderstanding the difference between

brainstorming, mindstorming and spiritstorming

is very crucial to functioning in kingdom creativity

and operating at the peak of innovative thinking.

When you brainstorm, you use the mind to dig out

ingenious solutions from the brain based on the

information, knowledge and experiences that are stored in

its memory. The brain is such a powerful organ that is


reported to have more than 100 billion cells. It is also said

that the greatest scientist only used 3 to 10 percent of his

brainpower. The mind can be harnessed and used to tap

into the brain in ways that beggars description and

imagination. Mindstorming on the other hand involves

digging and tapping into both the conscious and

subconscious mind. The mind is such a powerful

instrument that God created in the species called man.

Despite the mind of the ordinary man can perform great

feats, the mind of a kingdom citizen has a greater capacity

for problem solving, creativity and innovation. The best that

the mind of the natural man who is estranged from kingdom

life can do is to brainstorm and mindstorm. However, the

mind of the 4-D thinking kingdom specie has the capacity

to brainstorm, mindstorm and spiritstorm. This is what

differentiates the average inventor who lacks 4-D creativity

from the extraordinary ones who have unlocked theirs. The

ability to use their brain, conscious mind, subconscious

mind and spirit on a frequent basis in their inventive

endeavors sets them apart. To spiritstorm involves the use


of the mind to dig into the spirit of man. The spirit of a man,

who has become a kingdom citizen by the new birth, has

access to revelation and information that are far beyond the

reach of the brain or the subconscious mind. If you study

carefully, brainstorming, mindstorming and spiritstorming

all have something in common despite their distinctiveness.

They all involve the use of the mind at different levels. Now

let us study these three thought provoking phenomena a

little more closely.


To brainstorm means to investigate a matter and solve

a problem by troubleshooting the brain. Wow! That is an

amazing way to describe it right? Whenever I think of brain

storming, the concept of troubleshooting in computer

language comes to mind. When a computer has a

background problem, one of the ways to resolve it is to

troubleshoot the system. The word troubleshooting

according to Cambridge English Dictionary means the act


of discovering why something does not work effectively and

making suggestions about how to improve it. When you

troubleshoot a computer system, you trigger problem

solving activity in its processor in such a way that the

computer diagnoses the problem with its system and tries

to proffer workable solutions for them. In a similar manner,

when an individual is faced with a problem, he has the

capacity to troubleshoot his brain which is even more

powerful than a computer, in order to get solutions to that

challenge. The brain is known to be the memory storage and

processor of the human. Scientists have said that the brain

has the capacity to store 4.7 billion books worth of

information in its memory. That means there is so much

information stored in your brain that may not be readily

available at your disposal per time until you engage in

brainstorming. When you engage in this exercise with a

problem at hand, you would begin to see ingenuity in the

way your brain would create innovative solutions by

connecting and combining several data that had previously

been stored in it.


The brainstorming principle can also be applied in a

group scenario which is known as the Mastermind group.

Many years ago, the concept of brainstorming became

popularly known and used in a group setting. This creative

technique became known to involve a group of people

meeting together in a bid to stimulate themselves towards

idea generation by suspending any kind of criticism or

judgment. It became known as a group-based process that

has the capacity to stir up the creative genius in the

participants toward reaching a solution for a specific

problem or a series of challenges. A mastermind group

fosters activities like brainstorming within a group of

people and provides an accountability system that helps

them to go from idea generation to taking action on the

ideas generated. When the right group of people is involved

and the right tools are used, a very notable development is

achieved in terms of creativity and brilliance. The phrase

“mastermind group” was discovered by Napoleon Hill and

he coined the concept in 1925 in his book titled “the Law of

Success”1. Napoleon Hill explained this phenomenon in a


very wonderful manner. He defined brainstorming as a

coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of

harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment

of a definite purpose. In another of his book titled, “Think

and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill explains the energy that is

produced when a group of people brainstorm in harmony.

He said, “The brain may be compared to an electric battery.

A group of electric batteries will provide more energy than

that a single battery will provide. An individual battery will

provide energy in proportion to the number and capacity of

the cells it contains. The brain functions in a similar

fashion.” He went further to make a profound statement

when he said, “A group of brains coordinated or connected

in harmony will provide more thought-energy than a single

brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more

energy than a single battery.” Napoleon Hill also explained

that, “When a group of individual brains is coordinated and

functions in harmony, the increased energy created through

that alliance becomes available to every individual brain in

the group”.2


During a brainstorming group session, part of the rule

is that criticism is not allowed. Members of such groups are

also not allowed to judge the ideas of others. Participants

are encouraged to freely allow their thoughts to fly high and

generate ideas that may be perceived impossible. Such ideas

end up becoming the golden ones that make the difference.

In a brain storming session no one is allowed to be afraid of

saying anything that comes into his mind as an idea. This

atmosphere ensures that people are able to think more

freely. By virtue of that, they suggest many spontaneous

new ideas as possible. All the ideas are noted down and are

not criticized and after the brainstorming session the

generated ideas are evaluated. By reason of this complete

freedom, better and a greater number of ideas are

stimulated. The greater the number of ideas generated and

written down, the more alternatives and solutions would be

discovered. These solutions are thoroughly considered and

modified through combinations of the different ideas that

have been harvested thereby processing solutions that can

address whatever problems are on ground. Everyone


contributes not just ideas of his or her own; they equally

suggest how ideas of others can be improved, or how two or

more ideas can be joined into a better idea.

Andrew Carnegie was the owner of the Carnegie Steel

Corporation, the largest of its kind. Till date he is still

ranked as among the world’s richest men. He was known to

have a Master Mind group that involved about 50 staffs and

he credited his entire success to the fact that he engaged the

Master Mind principle. Andrew Carnegie surrounded

himself with these approximately 50 men and they

channeled their brains toward a clearly defined purpose.

The purpose was to manufacture and market steel. Andrew

Carnegie’s fortune came as a result of the “beyond the box”

thinking that these men along with himself engaged in on a

regular basis2. Franklin D. Roosevelt engaged the power of

brainstorming when he became President. He raised a team

he referred to as his “brain trust”. These brain trust groups

were made up of think tanks. Think tanks are a group of

people, who are experts in their various respects, who come


together to brainstorm ideas for solutions to various

problems. This group of advisers contributed massively to

the success of Franklin’s administration more than

anything else. This brainstorming technique was also what

President Franklin D. Roosevelt employed to bring the

United States of America out of the great depression and

enabled them finance its Second World War efforts2.

History is replete with many great personalities including

great inventors who harnessed their creativity to a much

greater degree by engaging in brainstorming sessions.

Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding, John

Burroughs, Luther Burbank and Harvey Firestone also

engaged in brainstorming sessions and with this gave

themselves motivation for the amazing things they went on

to accomplish. Henry Ford, though initially poor, illiterate

and ignorant, went on to become a globally renowned

phenomenon on account of this technique. Within a period

as short as 10 years, he overcame those limitations and

within 25 years he became among the wealthiest men in the

United States of America. Ford’s most outstanding


accomplishments began from the moment he started to

hang out with these great minds2.

Make conscious and concerted efforts to always engage

in brainstorming sessions on a regular basis. You can

coordinate a group of critical thinkers for this purpose or

have moments in your daily schedule for troubleshooting

your brain as an individual. Every organization must build

into its plans, timely brainstorming sessions involving

different groups and departments on regular intervals.

Remember that it is only deep thinkers that can perform

spectacular feats. Every individual in the organization must

be made to imbibe the culture of ideation. These regular

brainstorming sessions allow the free exchange of ideas and

experiences among participants. This way intrapreneurship

would be developed in all the staffs as everyone would have

the freedom and liberty to express his own creative capacity

for problem solving. A lot of organizations today have

continued to stagnate because the attitude of

intrapreneurship absent. There are no platforms for the


employees within the organization to take risks and

spearhead innovative tasks. This is because most businesses

barely create the atmosphere and environment for the

employee who is not a manager to be a part of the solution

creation process. Another problem that silences the

intrapreneurship spirit within an organization is

micromanagement. When a manager tries to wield too

much control and gives excessive attention to minor details

pertaining to the work of his subordinates or employees,

micromanagement is said to be at work. The micromanager

devotes his productive energy towards monitoring every

step of a business process. He does this instead of giving

instructions on smaller tasks through delegation and then

focusing his time and attention towards the supervision of

major concerns. They micromanage the performance of

their staffs so that they can take credit for positive results

and shift the blame for negative results to the subordinates.

When subordinates make good decisions that fall within

their level of authority, micromanagers are usually irritated

because they were not consulted. This business


management style has a negative influence on the

productivity of employees and makes them develop cold

feet toward making suggestions. Another mistake many

business owners and managers make is that they stifle the

creativity of employees who are intelligent and innovative

with or without knowing. They try to overshadow bright and

ambitious individuals who have great prospects to bring a

new dimension into the company’s mode of operation. They

do this through a micromanaged structure and a

bureaucratic process. This approach to leadership leaves

these talented staff with little or no opportunity to flourish

or to express hidden genius.


This involves engaging your conscious and

subconscious mind in ideation and problem solving. The

average human uses only his conscious mind to solve

problems, strategize and make decisions but the conscious

mind alone is not capable of producing unconventional


results. Mindstorming goes beyond the use of just the brain

to think up ideas and solutions; it also transcends the logic

of the conscious mind. It involves the use of the conscious

and subconscious mind to make decisions and create

solutions that are “beyond the box”. These are not only

“beyond the box” solutions but they are the best solutions

that can be provided within a given context and scenario.

Many renowned and successful people know how to use

their subconscious minds to solve seemingly difficult

problems. Through the concept of mindstorming, they go

beyond the use of their conscious minds which operate with

all the reasonable facts and data that are available to it or

that it has been exposed to. They use the subconscious mind

to solve these problems which their conscious minds could

not resolve. They also employed this technique when it

came to making critical decisions. The United States

President at this writing, Donald Trump, told a story of how

his subconscious mind saved him from taking a wrong step

and making a wrong decision when he was a businessman.

He had already decided what decision he would take with


regards to investing in a project when his subconscious

mind came up with a different solution to his dilemma. The

papers were already being drawn up but he woke up one

morning and it did not feel right anymore to make the

investment. His subconscious mind had worked on the

problem and “mindstormed” a better approach to be taken.

Trump listened to the conclusion of his subconscious mind

and changed his decision. He did not invest in that project

despite the fact that many experts and his conscious mind

had said he should go ahead with the investment. It was

several months later when the company that was engaged

in the project went bankrupt and the investors lost all their

monies that it dawned on Trump how his subconscious

mind had saved him from the loss.

Whenever Thomas Edison the great inventor had a

problem that his conscious mind was unable to solve, he

would go into a darkened room and lay down. He refused to

be disturbed until the solution came to him through his

subconscious mind. Innovative thinking is a deliberate art


that does not happen by chance. It is something that can be

initiated and propagated. Albert Einstein was a renowned

scientist who was famous for his ability to always think

beyond the realm of popular convention and tradition. That

singular attribute set him apart as a legend in modern

science. Interestingly, Albert Einstein was an addicted

thinker who had a very deliberate approach toward

thinking. Brian Tracy gave a beautiful technique that can

aid mindstorming in his book titled “Goals”. I have

practiced this technique ever since I discovered it and the

results have been phenomenal. He stated that one of the

best ways to mindstorm is by writing out a problem you

would like to solve on the top of a sheet of paper and

generate ten, twenty or more ways to solve that problem.

For example, let’s assume you want to solve a problem that

involves boosting sales for your business or generating

revenue for your nation as an elected official, this is what

would be required for effective mindstorming to take place.

Write on the top of a sheet of paper, “How can I boost sales

of my product (service)?” or “How do I generate 50% more


revenues for my nation?” After doing this, begin to ponder

on this question and write down every idea that comes to

mind. As you do, both your conscious and subconscious

mind gets to work. The more ideas you write down the

closer you are to getting something unique out of your

mind. After writing 20 or more answers to that question,

take out one of the most compelling ideas and repeat the

process until you are able to break it down to what you can

begin right away. That means, assuming your most

compelling idea in the list that has to do with sales is to

“improve the selling skills of your staffs”; you would repeat

the process with a new heading. That heading could be,

“How do I improve the selling skills of my staffs?” As you do

this, you would be amazed the kind of innovative solutions

you would generate as you keep repeating the

mindstorming exercise until you get it right.

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out

knowledge of WITTY INVENTIONS.

Prov 8:12


God has endowed us with His wisdom for a deliberate

reason. He wants us to find out knowledge of witty

inventions. One would expect that since you are already full

of wisdom and spirit filled, you do not need to find

knowledge of witty inventions. A lot of people sit down

and do nothing to find this knowledge; they expect

the knowledge to find them. This contributes largely to

why most people are boxed into traditional ways of doing

things and solving problems. Most of the successful

companies in the western world have emerged today

because of the value they placed on intrapreneurship. For

example, the Apple iPhone product was not completely the

brainchild of Steve Jobs alone, even though most of the time

he takes the credit, the glory and the shine. The iPhone

invention which has transformed the tech world today came

as a result of the creative explorations of the employees in

the Apple Company. In his book, “The One Device: The

Secret History of the iPhone”, the author Brian Merchant

makes that clear. Brian Merchant happened to be the

Motherboard Senior Editor of the brand and he said that


“the iPhone began as an experimental project undertaken

without Steve Jobs’ knowledge. It became an official project

at the prodding of his executive staff and was engineered

into being by a team of brilliant, hard-working

programmers and hardware experts3.” This statement

confirms that when a company has an atmosphere that

embraces intrapreneurship, it positions itself to be super

productive and super creative. Brian Merchant also said

that Steve Jobs had solid belief in a wide variety of talent,

“from new blood to veteran hands 3.” A Chief Executive

Officer who never listens to the genuine suggestions of his

board will soon get his company grounded. When the

executives of a company subconsciously or consciously

create an atmosphere that does not encourage novel

suggestions, the productivity of that enterprise becomes

limited by the whims of a few. The same thing happens

when a national leader or political leader does not surround

himself with innovative minds and technocrats. All he

would have around is a bunch of sycophants who have

nothing positive to offer. When new ideas for innovations


are not given adequate attention in a nation or business

entity, the nation would never know progress and the

business enterprise would gradually lose its competitive

edge in the market.


This is a very powerful and important aspect of the

creativity process but unfortunately the world has yet to

become conversant with it. Even in the body of Christ today,

only a microscopic few have caught this technique and are

putting it to use. As a matter of fact, this noun may appear

strange to a first-time reader of this book. Despite that, this

technique is clearly revealed in scripture and the earlier we

begin to understand it and put it to work, the better the

world would be. At this writing, no English Dictionary

recognizes the existence of the word spiritstorming. Despite

that, I have come to know by the Spirit that such a word

exists and needs kingdom men like me to bring them to

light. It took a man like Napoleon Hill to coin the term


“mastermind” and enlighten the world about it through his

books. It also took a man like Brian Tracy to establish a

technique for mindstorming, as I heard about it for the first

time while reading his book. In the same manner, it would

take one man to tell the world that a coinage known as

“spiritstorming” exists, and I may just be that one man. If

we are to analyze the concept of spiritstorming, we would

need to study the word which has been given for us to

explore God’s Kingdom more clearly. The word brainstorm

means to investigate and solve a matter by troubleshooting

the brain in order to generate new solutions to problems.

Mindstorming on the other hand, involves searching deep

into the conscious and subconscious mind in order to access

solutions that may not seem logical based on the available

information but proves to be the best when considered.

Spiritstorming therefore, is the searching and scanning of

the mind of God by the spirit of a man who is born again, in

a bid to get a hold of secret solutions that have not yet

entered into the mind of any man.


The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord,



Prov 20:27 NASB

The scripture makes it abundantly clear that man is a

spirit and has the ability to commune with God in order to

receive the ideas of God for every particular problem or

situation he faces. This is one privilege the man who is not

a born-again kingdom citizen cannot have. The spirit of

man is like a lamp that you turn on in a dark room when you

are searching for something very important. The Bible calls

it the lamp of the Lord and says it can be used to search the

deepest and innermost parts of God. Remember the God we

are talking about is the Omnificent Creator who is the very

source of all creativity. He is the one who made all things.

When you turn on the lamp of your spirit and use it to delve

into the heart and mind of God, you would come out with

creative thoughts and innovations that no other person has

yet contemplated. Become intentional and begin to use this


kingdom creativity technique from this day forward.

Whenever you pray, ask God for illumination, tell Him to

grant to you, ideas that no man’s mind has conceived. Tell

you want to make manifest His glory for all in the world to

see. Keep a pen and a notepad within reach every time

especially when spiritstorming. You would be amazed the

kind of solutions God would reveal to you. George

Washington Carver was a man who took advantage of what

spiritstorming was. By virtue of that, he came up with about

300 uses for the peanut and sweet potatoes. When people

asked Carver how he came up with so many innovative and

unusual ideas for these plants, he answered, “I don’t make

these discoveries”. He went further to say, “God has worked

through me to reveal to his children some of His wonderful

providence.” Carver always told the following story and this

describes a little bit of how spiritstorming works:

One day I went into my laboratory and said, “Dear Mr.

Creator, please tell me what the universe was made for.” The

Great Creator answered, “You want to know too much for


that little mind of yours. Ask something more your size,

little man.” Then I asked, “Please, Mr. Creator, tell me what

man was made for.” Again, the Great Creator replied, “You

are still asking too much.” So, then I asked, “Please, Mr.

Creator, will you tell me why the peanut was made?” “That’s

better,” God answered, “what do you want to know about

the peanut?” This man was one who understood how to

unlock his kingdom creativity. In the year 1921, Carver

addressed the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on

Ways through which the peanut could be used to improve

the economy of the South. After his speech, the chairman

asked him, “Dr. Carver, how did you learn all of these

things?” Carver responded saying, “From an old book.”

“What book?” And he said, “The Bible,” the chairman

retorted, “Does the Bible tell about peanuts?” And his

response was, “No, sir, but it tells about the God who made

the peanut. I asked Him to show me what to do with the

peanut, and He did.” Carver won “a tariff for the peanut

industry and national fame for himself by virtue of that

encounter4. This man was a wonderful spiritstormer who


knew how to search for hidden truths and secrets in the

realm of the spirit.

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind

has imagined what God has prepared for those

who love him." But it was to us that God revealed

these things by his Spirit. FOR HIS SPIRIT


GOD'S DEEP SECRETS. No one can know a

person's thoughts except that person's own spirit,

and no one can know God's thoughts except God's




FREELY GIVEN US. When we tell you these things,

we do not use words that come from human

wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by

the Spirit, using the Spirit's words to explain

spiritual truths. BUT PEOPLE WHO AREN'T



FROM GOD'S SPIRIT. It all sounds foolish to them

and they can't understand it, for only those who

are spiritual can understand what the Spirit

means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all

things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated

by others. For, "Who can know the Lord's

thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" BUT



1 Cor 2:9-16 NLT

Spiritstorming takes place when a spirit filled believer

begins to search out the deep things in the realm of the spirit

and bring them into being. God is the only Creator that was

not created. He existed even before the creation of this

world when the present universe had not been brought into

being. All knowledge, wisdom and understanding can be

found in Him. When one searches the mind of God by the

Spirit, he is scanning through the divine portal of insight for


creative and witty inventions. The Spirit then brings the

wonderful discoveries into the heart and mind of the man

who engaged in the Spiritstorming exercise. Men who

search into the mind of the Infinite God, who is all knowing,

get access to knowledge that has not yet entered into the

mind of any man. They connect with revelations and

creative insight that no inventor, scientist, scholar,

philosopher, sage, writer or thought leader has ever


2) Mine your mind extensively

When you unlock your kingdom creativity, your mind

becomes full of great treasures like a mine. The quality of

your life right now is a direct reflection of how much you

have mined your mind. The deeper you mine this great

mine, the greater the treasures you end up pulling out of it.

The quality of the treasures that comes out from your mind

mine is a function of the depth of your digging or thinking.

Any architect or civil engineer that wants to build a


skyscraper or a structure with great heights must be ready

to dig deep into the earth to cast his foundation before

erecting the structure. When the builders are digging the

earth surface, it appears to be extremely difficult at first. At

this level, no one may even appreciate the work done

because all that is seen above the ground is the heap of sand,

rubble, dirt and the excavated earth. Even when the

foundation is being laid several feet underground, it seems

as though nothing is going on. In a similar manner, deep

thinking is required if you want to build great

accomplishments in any of life’s endeavor. When deep

thinking is going on, nobody really can see or appreciate

what is taking place inside until the thing you have been

contemplating begins to come into the visible reality. The

Bible describes God as a deep thinker and that is one of the

reasons why He does great things that beggars description.

How spectacular are your works, O Lord! How

very deep are your thoughts!

Ps 92:5


This verse makes it clear that God is a deep thinker and

that is why He performs spectacular works. If you must do

great things you must solve great problems and to solve

great problems, you must engage in deep thought. The mind

has been built by God to be the womb from which

innovation is birthed. The mind is one of the greatest tools

that God has given to man. Many years ago, the richest men

in the world were those who discovered gold mines,

diamond mines and oil mines. They were men like John D.

Rockefeller who became the first billionaire by building a

fortune out of the oil revolution in the early nineteenth

century. This man became rich by drilling oil wells in

Cleveland and by controlling the oil market through his

company Standard Trust Oil. Those who drilled deep into

oil wells and tapped into the resources in those wells

became extremely wealthy. Andrew Carnegie became

stupendously wealthy by mining iron ores from iron mines

and blasting the ores in a furnace to produce steel. Several

others have amassed great fortunes by mining the gold,

silver and diamonds from their mines and refining them


into valuable products. The interesting truth however is that

the next generations of “trillionaires” are those who would

mine the golden ideas in their minds. The mind is actually

the greatest mine which the world is yet to discover. That is

why deep thinking is a required necessity, if you would be

able to pull out great thoughts and ideas from your mind.

The valuable resources that can be got from mining the

mind are beyond enumeration because they are

innumerable. The more you can mine the treasures

embedded in your mind, the greater and more spectacular

works you can perform. And the more spectacular your

works and contributions to the betterment of humanity are,

the greater rewards you would be entitled to. This is because

in life, everyone would be compensated according to the

level of his contribution.

In developed and even underdeveloped cultures today,

people are beginning to recognize the value of mining the

mind. They now value ideas the way a real estate property

is valued and most times to even greater measures. These


are ideas that have been produced into equivalents that can

be of benefit to others. They even go as far as calling them

intellectual properties and have various organizations that

recognize the creativity of individuals, organizations and

nations. An intellectual property is the outcome of

creativity. That means, when an idea is conceived and

produced into equivalents that people can benefit from with

any of their five senses, it becomes an intellectual property.

The beauty of an intellectual property is that an unlimited

number of people can benefit from it without the product

getting exhausted. For example, a song can be listened to by

billions of people and still not be depleted. The same goes

for a book, a poem, a formula, a design, and lots more. They

can be consumed by a vast number of people without

getting diminished. That is why they are more valuable than

traditional properties like gold, crude oil, silver, diamond

which gets depleted the more they are mined from their

deposits. Many decades after am gone, my books would still

hold value and still benefit generations yet unborn because

intellectual properties unlike traditional properties, outlive


their owners. Owners of patents, trademarks and copyrights

would be remembered for the creations of their mind which

were patented in their name. People now even get into real

trouble for trying to steal another man’s intellectual

property or for using it with permission or due

acknowledgement. Individuals, corporations and even

nations are found to be in copyright lawsuit contentions and

intellectual property disputes that linger. This goes to show

that ideas have become more valuable than cars, houses,

money and other material things that people spend a

fortune to protect from loss.

3) Question the status quo

Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime minister of

India and at the time of this writing, she was the only female

who ever handled that office5. Despite having similar

names, she was not related to Mahatma Gandhi in any way.

This lady said something worth contemplating when she

said that “the power to question is the basis of all human

progress.” A lot of people want answers for which they have


never asked a question. The fact however is that life only

gives to man as much as he demands from it. If you ask

nothing from life, then life will give you nothing in return.

If you ask for a penny in life, you only get a penny. Thomas

Edison has 1,093 patents in America alone to his name

because he asked more than a thousand questions and

would not stop until he got an answer. On one of his

innovations, he kept asking questions repeatedly for more

than 1,000 times until he got the answer that made the light

bulb discovery possible. Today we still benefit from the

solutions that were contained in an answer that came from

asking one question repeatedly. He kept demanding an

answer to his questions for more than a thousand times

until the answer that contained the solution which we all

benefit from today was given to him. Answers contain

solutions that come from questions. The quality of any

answer is directly determined by the quality of the questions

that are asked. It is no longer news therefore, that every

discoverer and inventor begin their quest with a

transformative question that challenges the status quo. No


matter how wonderful things are right now in your life, your

profession, organization, corporation or nation today, it can

be better. It will only get better however, if you or someone

daring enough would question the present situation of

things whether these things are working fine already or not.

Until one man questions the validity of a popular belief

that has become entrenched into the tradition and culture

of institutions, societies, organizations and even nations,

nobody would wake up from the state of slumber which

conventional and traditional beliefs places on people. The

Catholic Church of the medieval period taught that people

needed to pay money in order to secure the afterlife and

avoid punishment for their wrongs. Until Martin Luther

King began to ask questions, nobody noticed the insanity in

the practices of the Catholic bishops and pope. Many people

are living ordinary lives today because they asked ordinary

questions yesterday. They are asking for an increase in their

minimum wage when they ought to be seeking ways

through which they can make their offices, enterprises and


nation more productive. They are asking for a means of

livelihood when they ought to have asked for the solution to

the vast needs in their nation. The truth is that no amount

of minimum wage was designed to be enough especially in

underdeveloped countries. When Jeff Bezos retired from

his well-paid job, he was asking for something greater than

a paycheck. He was asking for a better means to get books

to readers. He never knew the answer to that question

would produce a multidimensional solution provider in the

world. Today, Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world

because he founded Amazon, the answer to the questions

that caused him to resign from a high paying job. Amazon

today does not only sell books to its customers as it did

when it earlier began. It now sells everything to everyone. It

now even provides secure cloud services to the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA) as at the 2018. It also provides

scores of other web-based services to merchants all over the

world. All this came as a result of groundbreaking questions

that produced groundbreaking solutions to problems

clothed in their answers. Great questions are clearly


the quickest and surest paths to great answers and

sometimes questions are more important than


The amazing thing about life is that it gives you what

you demand from it. The quality of a man’s life is a direct

reflection of the quality of what he has demanded for. In

other words, the kind of life you are living now is a product

of the kind of requests you have made. To further break it

down, the total outcome of your life today is the sum total

of the questions you have asked or not asked. If you ask the

wrong question from life, you would get the wrong answer.

On the other hand, if you ask the right question, you would

get the right answer. Every ground breaking discovery

came because someone was curious enough to

engage in groundbreaking search, looking for

groundbreaking answers to groundbreaking

questions. If you would dare to ask the more important

questions possible, the answer you would get can be life

transforming. Questions actually hold the keys to our lives.


The kind of questions we expose ourselves to determine

how we are going to think and what we are going to do about

what we think. This may sound very strange because all

through our lives we have been programmed by educational

institutions that the intelligent ones are those who know the

answers. That is why many times those who come out tops

in schools by memorizing the already thought out answers,

end up becoming employees to those who had genuine

unanswered questions to which they found a peculiar

solution and answer to. No wonder a famous French

philosopher and writer said “judge a man by his questions

rather than his answers”. The quality of questions you ask

would go a long way to shape your life.

Brian Tracy made an observation when on a speaking

engagement with some companies. He discovered that most

times, people knew who the top salesmen in an organization

were but none of the other salesmen ever went to ask the

salesmen questions on how they got to the top. As long as

they never asked questions, they never made it to the top.


There is so much untapped wisdom and creativity around

you waiting to be unlocked by one intelligent question from

you. This was what Sir Francis Bacon, an influential English

philosopher that impacted the scientific revolution meant,

when he said “A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.”

The Socratic method of teaching is about one of the oldest

teaching methods but yet is reported to be the most

powerful teaching tactic today. This is because it fosters

critical thinking by focusing on giving students guiding

questions, rather than answers. The Socratic teaching

method stimulates the mind to engage in critical “beyond-

the-box” thinking by inquiring and continually probing into

a subject matter with questions. This method of teaching

through questions which is more than 2,400 years old is still

embraced by some of the most renowned educators today.

Even the scientific method also uses the method of asking

questions to bring about a whole process of discovery. It

begins by asking questions that in turn stimulate research

with which a hypothesis can be developed, followed by an

experiment before a conclusive reasoning can be inferred.


This is because questions engage our creative and critical

thinking capacity and in turn unlocks our hidden genius.

There is a difference between asking critical questions for

genuine solutions and asking questions that makes the

problem appear too difficult to be solved. You should also

use the instrument of questioning the status quo in a

positive light. Your question should be driven towards

brainstorming fresh solutions.

4) Observe Negative Historical Trends and

alter its repetition

There was an island in the Caribbean that was called

Hog Island. It was someone who named it that way. And for

years people called it by that name and that was how it was

labeled on the map. It took someone who came along one

day and questioned the idea behind that name. He said “I

don’t like that name. It is not a good name”. He then went

on to rename the place Paradise Island and now that is what

you see on the map. When it was known and referred to as

Hog Island, it was just a piece of landmass used for farming.


However, since the name was changed for better, it has

some of the most expensive real estate in the country.

There is no problem that faces any man today that has

not been before. If you check through history, it is easy to

note that most of the challenges which individuals,

businesses, organizations, governments and nations are

facing today are not new. They are most times not even

peculiar because someone somewhere has gone through the

same challenge. Believing and accepting this school of

thought is a great way towards solving any problem at any

level of existence. The problem is that when you are not

aware that someone has gone through that same challenge

and do not know how they overcame it if they did, then you

can easily become a victim of circumstance. Some people try

to reinvent the wheel without knowing because they have

isolated themselves from the vast knowledge that is

available to this present generation. Hence, they are still at

the mercy of the same challenges and problems that were

faced by men of old. They are trying to solve the problem


without finding out what solutions are already available so

they can probably improve on it or adapt it to their peculiar

situations. Negative trends of history can only be altered by

students of history, hence be sensitive to ways by which you

can rewrite history by paying attention to the occurrences

that take place around you.

5) Master the principles and Reinvent the


Thinking innovatively does not necessarily mean that

one should ignore the underlying principles that govern a

particular activity, process, discovery or invention. Without

principles the world would be a confused place to live in

because nothing would be predictable. Everyone would do

things by guesswork and no one would be sure of the results

to expect from any action. For example, if the concept of

sowing and reaping or planting and harvesting was not an

established principle, every farmer would be confused

about how to generate a harvest from his farm. Everyone

can predict the outcome of the application of principles


because principles do not change. However, methods are

supposed to be subjected to change and improvement in

order to achieve greater results. For example, despite the

fact that the principle of sowing and reaping has been

established, the methods engaged in order to put the

principles to work does not have to be rigid, traditional or

conventional. These methods must constantly be subjected

to reinvention protocols so that the best can be got from this


6) Look at what you have with Fresh


When you study what you have, you look at it from a

different angle and a new perspective. There are many

hidden potentials in what you already possess which may

never come to light if you do not look at them with fresh

eyes. What you have transcends money or material

resources even though it is also part of the things you must

see from fresh perspectives. Whenever God wanted to do

something for people in scripture, He always asked them for


what they had already and most times their response

showed that they were looking at what they had with the

wrong mentality. At such occasions God helped them to

look at what they had with fresh perspectives. The first

encounter Moses had with God was when he heard a voice

come out from a burning bush. During this encounter, God

helped Moses change his perspective on the rod he always

carried about like an ordinary walking stick. Scripture gives

us the account as follows:

Moses answered, "What if they do not believe me

or listen to me and say, 'The Lord did not appear


IS THAT IN YOUR HAND? A STAFF, he replied. The

Lord said, "Throw it on the ground." MOSES


SNAKE, AND HE RAN FROM IT. Then the Lord said

to him, "Reach out your hand and take it by the

tail." So, Moses reached out and took hold of the

snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.


Exo 4:1-4NIV

When God showed Moses that what he was carrying

about in his hand was a rod that could work wonders when

subjected to the right processes, he was awestruck. Many

are like Moses today, carrying about ideas, resources,

qualifications, talents, skills and think all of these things

they have are just like an ordinary staff. They do not know

that these same things can produce billions of dollars for

them and solve national problems if only they could see

them from a fresh perspective. You would be dazzled at

what can become of that thing in your hand that seems little

or ordinary to you. Moses ran away from his own staff which

he had carried about for many years as a shepherd. He was

frightened with what that ordinary staff could become when

he followed God’s creative instruction. From that moment

forward, Moses began to see his staff from a fresh

perspective. He had the boldness to walk around holding

just that staff because he knew that what was in his hands

could be used to perform wonders. He could dare Pharaoh


and all the host of the Egyptian army because he had seen a

new dimension of the staff he used to consider as ordinary.

What do you have in your hands? It may be a

Smartphone and some free time. Do you know that you can

actually achieve so much if you can start seeing your

Smartphone from a fresh perspective? With that

Smartphone, you can acquire unlimited knowledge than

what you would have received in a formal institution.

Unfortunately, many only use their Smartphones to engage

in conversations and chit chats that are highly

unproductive. Yet they complain that they do not have

anything with which to live their dreams. I wrote the first

few chapters of my first book with a Smartphone. I had no

personal computer or laptop as at that time because I gifted

mine to a friend for his university project. The moment I

conceived the brainchild of writing my first book, I

discovered that I needed a laptop to develop the

manuscript. I had no money at that time to hire a

professional writer so I was stuck with a book idea and no


instrument nor personnel to work on my book. It was not

long before God helped me unlock my creative reasoning to

recognize that I could start working on that dream book

with my Smartphone. I discovered that my phone had

keypads that could aid typing at a reasonable speed. It also

had the software that could enable me create the

manuscript as a Microsoft word document. The moment I

saw my phone with a fresh perspective, I turned it into a

mini office. I used it to do a lot of research and to kick start

my writing career. It was after I had already written a good

part of my manuscript, I got money to complete what I had

been saving up to purchase a laptop of my own. Till today, I

am amazed at how my ability to see what I had with a fresh

perspective made a huge difference in my life at that phase

that I was in. You may be reading this book and you think

that you do not have what it takes to become a wonder unto

many. If only you can cross examine yourself and look at the

things God has put in your hand with a fresh perspective.

You would shock yourself at the kind of result that you

would begin to command in no time. There are many


wonderful things that you have right now. Forget about

what you do not have at the moment. It is not what you do

not have that is the issue but actually what you have but do

not know how to use. That is where kingdom creativity

makes the difference because it helps you recognize every

possible resource that God has gifted you with. Allow God

show you another perspective to your little gift, talent, idea

or possession and you would marvel at what would become

of it. Moses went on to divide the red sea with that same rod.

He struck a rock with the same rod and water gushed out

for the Israelites in the desert. Moses did numerous

wonders with that same rod that people marveled at. You

too can do amazing things, solve global problems and

become a wonder unto many if you would look at what you

have no matter how little, with a fresh perspective.

7) Prioritize Research and Development

Most of the richest and greatest nations in the world

today invest billions of dollars in Research and


Development yearly. They are doing this because the only

way to stay relevant as a nation, organization or individual

is when you invest time and resources in research and

development. If you want to know the future of any nation,

look out for its research and development spending. If you

want to project into the vibrancy of a nation’s economy over

the next decade, check out its plans and budget for research

and development. Every nation’s economic future does not

lie in how much natural resources it possesses but how

much she is able to develop products and services. The

global market is moving at such a pace that any nation that

wants to remain relevant in the global market place would

be the nation that prioritizes research and development on

a national scale in its budgeting. You can tell the future of

an individual from the priority time and resources he places

on personal research and self-development. You cannot

separate a nation, organization or an individual’s

investment on research and development from their

economic stability, innovative capacity and financial

prosperity. No wonder it is popularly said that what you


learn is what you earn. The world is so dynamic that any

nation, company or individual that wants to stand out must

be one that is given strongly to research and development.

Japan has no significant amount of natural resources

but is a major manufacturer and exporter of products and

services that play a significant role in the global market. It

is said that 75% to 80% of Japan’s landscape is covered with

mountains and is the most earthquake prone area in the

world6. Japan has recorded more earthquakes than any

other nation in the world because it sits on an active seismic

site. This nation has experienced several tsunamis and more

than 450 volcanic eruptions. As a matter of fact, Japan is

said to be the most disruptive geographical location because

of the rate of natural disasters and catastrophes that she has

experienced7. Despite the unfavorable geography of this

nation, she has the third biggest economy in the world

according to the World Economic Forum in 2017. 8 This is

not a coincidence because when you study the priority

investment which Japan has given towards research and


development over the years, you would understand that it

did not happen by chance. Japan’s ability to withdraw its

dependence on foreign research in the 1980s in order to

carry out independent research and development led to its

great advancement. According to UNESCO data in 2016,

Japan was also ranked third in the world in terms of biggest

research and development expenditure. Today Japan is a

member of the G7, a group of seven countries with the

largest advanced economies in the world9. All these did not

happen by luck, coincidence or magic. They came as a result

of a deliberate effort towards research and development

which is critical for active innovative thinking. Japan is a

major exporter of automobile, electronics, pharmaceuticals,

petrochemicals, etc. Her manufacturing industry depends

heavily on importation of raw materials and export of

finished products. Any nation that wants to improve its

influence in the global market space must be ready to

engage in serious creative thinking. It would need to

dedicate a good amount of funds to create an environment

conducive for research and development. If a country like


Nigeria can leverage on this strategy, it would experience a

robust growth and would become a major exporter of

finished goods instead of being an exporter of raw materials

and importer of finished products. At this writing, Amazon

is the highest spending company on research and

development as far as the world is concerned. When Jeff

Bezos, the founder and CEO of this company was asked in

2011 about the rationale behind such “crazy” spending on

only research and development, he made some remarkable

statements. He said “Look inside a current textbook on

software architecture, you'll find few patterns that we don't

apply at Amazon. And while many of our systems are based

on the latest in computer science research, this often hasn't

been sufficient: our architects and engineers have had to

advance research in directions that no academic had yet

taken. Many of the problems we face have no textbook

solutions, and so we happily invent new approaches10.” Can

you imagine that? This company thrives on solving

problems that have no textbook solution by investing

heavily on research and development. What a


phenomenon! No wonder they have been on top for quite a

while now. Ensure that research and development is a

priority in your personal and corporate affairs and

innovation would be second nature to you.


Thoughts to Ponder

• To brainstorm means to investigate a matter and

solve a problem by troubleshooting the brain.

• To mind storm is to engage your conscious and

subconscious mind in ideation and problem solving.

• To Spiritstorm is to search and scan the mind of God

through the spirit of a man who is born again, in a

bid to get a hold of secret solutions that have not yet

entered into the mind of any man.

• The quality of your life right now is a direct reflection

of how much you have mined your mind.

• Sometimes questions are more important than




1. Thomas J. Watson – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,,
accessed 6/5/2018.
2. IBM – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,, accessed 6/5/2018.
3. Will Heilpern, "The best ad Apple produced from each year
since its watershed 1984 Super Bowl hit" - Business Insider,
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4. Einat Paz-Frankel, “World Economic Forum: Israel Is 2nd
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5. Israel Hayom, “World Economic Forum Lauds Israeli
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6. List of multinational companies with research and
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7. Science and technology in Israel – Wikipedia, the free
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2. Dave Roos, "10 Companies That Completely Reinvented
Themselves", January 10, 2014,,
reinvented-themselves1.htm, accessed 9/5/2018.
3. Brian Tracy, “Reinvention: How to Make the Rest of Your
Life the Best of Your Life”, (New York:Amacom, 2009) pg

1. “Steve Jobs' Strategy? ‘Get Rid of the Crappy Stuff’ - Fast
Company”, August 10, 2010,
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2. Kif Leswing, “Apple just broke its own record as the most
valuable publicly traded company of all time”, Business
Insider, May8, 2018,
accessed 12/6/2018.
3. Timeline of Apple Inc. products – Wikipedia, the free
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4. Mark Rogowsky, “Race to $1 Trillion: Tim Cook, Apple
Redefining 'Winner Take All'” – Forbes, August 3 2017,
new-peak/#1715484d4391, accessed 5/6/2018.


1. Mastermind group – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,,
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2. Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich”, (London:
Vermilion, 2004), pg197-199, 82.
3. Zameena Mejia, “Steve Jobs proves even the smartest
executives need help making decisions” - CNBC, June 19,
executives-need-help-making-decisions.html, accessed
4. David B. Calhoun, “Knowing & Doing Summer 2013 -
George Washington Carver”, C.S. Lewis Institute, May 25,
ver_FullArticle, accessed 3/8/2018.
5. Indira Gandhi – Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia,, accessed
6. “Japan”,,
accessed 9/6/2018.
7. Devika Narula, “Top 10 countries that are most prone to
earthquakes” –ListSurge, March 29, 2016,
earthquakes/, accessed 9/6/2018.
8. Alex Gray, “The world’s 10 biggest economies in 2017” –
World Economic Forum, March 9, 2017
biggest-economies-in-2017/, accessed 12/6/2018.
9. UNESCOPRESS, “How much do countries invest in R&D?
New UNESCO data tool reveals emerging players” –


UNESCO, September 14, 2016,
unesco_data_tool_re, accessed 14/6/2018.
10. Jeff Bezos, CEO, “Why I, Jeff Bezos, Keep
Spending Billions On Amazon R&D” – Business Insider,
April 27, 2011,
4?IR=T, accessed 17/6/2018.


Other Books by the author are:

➢ How To Turn Your Knowledge To Money

➢ How To Make Money From What You Understand
➢ Unlocking Your Kingdom Creativity
➢ How To Make Millions As an AuthorPreneur
➢ How To Maximize Kingdom Currency
➢ Kingdom Currency for Students, Graduates and
Business Men
➢ Kingdom Verities Volume One
➢ How To Enjoy Kingdom Currency

Each of these titles can be ordered in bulk quantities from

Forcible Publications when contacted via details provided in
the copyright page.

To contact us for feedback, testimonies, and partnerships or

to schedule the author for presentations, keynotes and other
matters of discussion, please send a mail to:

Or call (+234) 8173862018

Social media handle: iredafeowolabi



Iredafenevesho Owolabi is a Creativity Coach with the goal of
helping individuals and organizations move from idea to
profitable creations. He redefines public speaking with
cutting-edge kingdom insights. He is happily married to
Pharm. Dr. Precious Owolabi, the love of his life and together
they are affecting lives.

He holds a BEng Chemical Engineering; University of Benin.

The literal meaning of his first name is “the kingdom of God
has come into my house”. That is why he is popularly called
"the Kingdom Man".

He is the CEO Forcible International, a Software Developer

and a Business Consultant. He facilitates seminars, trainings,
workshops and conferences for schools, banks, businesses,
churches, organizations and governments around the world.

He runs an online coaching program tagged Creativity

Accelerator for people who desire to make an impact in the
world, guiding them to reach their highest potentials through
this program.

Some of his talks and seminars include:

Millions from Book Idea: Discover how to grow and
generate a six to seven figure enterprise from a book idea.
Learn the hacks of the book development process, book
publishing process, book sales process and and the book
marketing process.

Leadership Mastery: How to bring out the leader in you,

your staffs or any group of individuals. How to be a more


effective leader in every area of business and life. Discover
how the top leaders think and act in every area of personal
and business life. Identify your personal and corporate
value, commit to your inner self and position yourself for
leadership success.
Becoming a Kingdom Businessman: Discover the
secrets of profound kingdom businessmen who lived in
modern contemporary times with extraordinary results.
Discover kingdom keys to becoming God’s kind of business
professional who has superior skills, strategy and solutions
for real problems.
Corporate Creativity and Intrapreneurship: How to
create, invent and proffer solutions for the benefit of
mankind in a profitable manner. How to release your
creative potential and that of those who work with you and
for you.
Peak Performance Creativity, Productivity and
Profitability: How to multiply your results and scale up
profits through innovation and 21st century thinking. How
to create value in which customers would find continuous



Currency Converter: Helps you understand intangible

currencies and convert them to any physical currency or
material wealth that you can enjoy here and now. Helps you
identify your true wealth and shows you how to tap into it.
Also helps you build genuine wealth from the scratch. It


reveals to you the secret of money and shows you principles
and strategies that would help you generate large sums of it.

Creativity Accelerator: Refines your critical thinking

and complex problem-solving skills in a way that positions
you for greater promotion and opportunities. Helps you to
initiate positive change in your career and business. Shows
you how to stay relevant and gain prominence in your
industry as the Fourth Industrial Revolution approaches.


Iredafenevesho Owolabi would carefully customize his talk
for you and your audience. Call today for full information
on booking Iredafenevesho Owolabi to speak at your next
meeting or conference. Visit,
phone (+234) 8187960599 or send a mail to or

Social Media Handles

Instagram: @iredafeowolabi
Facebook: @iredafeowolabi
Linkedin: @iredafeowolabi
Twitter: @iredafeowolabi


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