LP - Nguyen Thuy Hang

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“Talking about personal interests” - British Council

Teacher Nguyễn Thúy Hằng

Age & Level Age: above 18+, Level: A2 Date 6/8/2023

Lesson Speaking Time 10:00 – 10:30

Outcome - Students can use useful phrases to talk about their personal

Procedures of 1. Warm-up: 3 minutes

- Students will engage in a game called “Pass the bear”

- T asks students to stand up and make a circle

- T says the topic and then open music

- While the music plays, students pass the bear around the
class and need to say a word relating to the topic. When the
music stops, the student with the bear has to do jumping

- The students could not repeat the word the other students
already say it. If someone break the rule, he/ she has to do
jumping jack. And, T changes the topic.


- If the topic is color, do you say the word “chicken”? No

- Do you say the same word that your friends already said?

- Do you pass the bear when the music stops? No

2. Vocabulary: TPR: 7 minutes

- T shows pictures: guess what the words:

- tired (adj) --

- hobby (n) --

- meditate (v) --

- hard (a) --

- T shows key words: pronunciation

- T show chunks: repeat and check pronunciation

- T practice with students “Do what I do and say what I say”

*Practice: T invites one student to do actions and the other

students say out loud chunks.

* Review: “What’s missing?” game

3. Lead - in: 2 minutes Prompt Questions

- T asks students “Do you know what to say when you talk
about your personal interests?”.

- T play the video “Talking about your personal interests” for

students to watch in about 1 min.
4. Present - Structure: 8 mins
- T asks students “Did you notice the useful phrases used for
talking about your personal interests in the video?”
- T shows students the useful phrases from the dialog:

What do you do when you're not working?

Haven't you got any hobbies?

I've recently started doing meditation.

I didn't know you did meditation. I do too!

How often do you practice?

Sometimes it's hard to find time.

4.1 Listen and repeat: T read out loud the phrases and
asks students to repeat one time.

- T read out loud the phrases and asks random students to


- T asks two random students to read out loud the phrases

- T listens to students’ pronunciation/ intonation and correct

their mistake if any

4.2 Shadowing: T asks students to read out loud together

after counting 1, 2, 3
4.3 Listen and read the transcript: T let the students
listen to the conversation again and read the
transcript. T highlights the learning phrases in the

5. Practice:
5.1 Controlled practice: Fill the blanks 3 minutes
- T divides class in 2 teams
- T shows the dialog with blanks and a word box
- Each team comes up to the board to write down the correct
words in the blanks until completing all.
- The team completing faster rings says “STOP THE BUS”
- T checks the correct answer and give stars. The faster team
will get 2 extra stars.


+ Do you say out loud the words? No, you don’t. You will write it

+ How many blanks can you fill at a time? One at a time

+ Do you say STOP THE PLANE when your team completes the
dialog? No

5.2 Less-controlled practice: Role-playing 3 mins

- Role-play in pairs: 1 min
- T covers some words and invites 1-2 pairs to practice role-
5.3 Freer practice: Write your conversation 2 mins
- T asks students to work in pairs to write about a dialog to
talk about their personal interests based on the target

6. Production: 2 minutes

Role-playing activity: To review the target structure, T

invites 1-2 pairs to speak out loud the conversation that they

7. Wrap - up: Recap everything. T asks students whether

they have any question.
8. Homework:

Practice to speak the dialog again at home

Review the phrases


A bear
Background music

If there is still time, teacher will open a song on the website

Back up
https://lyricstraining.com/ and ask students to fill in blanks of
the lyrics. Then, the whole class sing that song together.

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