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gant!” zie © Aberdeen Drilling Schools & ff cer’ Well Control Training Centre @ Horizontal Well Control Training Client Logo(s) see 99 Horizontal Well Controt é ct ) M27 \ CONTENTS 5 Section ReviDate 1 INTRODUCTION Rev.1/23-4-97 2 CLASSIFICATION OF HORIZONTAL WELLS. Rey.0/26-1-96 3 THE ADVANTAGES OF DRILLING HORIZONTAL WELLS Rey.0/26-1-96 4 TYPES OF KICKS AND KICK COMPONENTS Rev.0/26-1-96 5 THE FLOW EQUATION IN THE CONTEXT OF HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.0/26-1-96 6 RECOGNISING KICKS AND CONSIDERING KICK LENGTH Rev.0'26-1-96 7 KICK SCENARIOS FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS. Rev.0/26-1-96 8 MIGRATION Rev.0120-1-86 9 SEGREGATED AND DIFFUSED KICKS Rev.0:26-1-96 10 METHODS OF WELL CONTROL FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.026-1-95 11 SAFETY FACTORS TO BE USED IN WELL CONTROL Rov.0/26-1-98 12 KICK DETECTION IN HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.0/26-1-98 13 KICK SHEET FOR DEVIATED/ HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.3/13-5-08 14 EXAMPLES OF CASING PRESSURE PROFILES Rev.0/26-1-96 15 THE EFFECT OF ANGLE ON KICK HYDROSTATIC Rev.0/26-1-96 16 SPECIAL PROCEDURES Rev.0/26-1-96 17 TYPICAL BOTTOMHOLE ASSEMBLIES Rev.0/26-1-96 18 KICK TOLERANCE IN THE VERTICAL SECTION OF THE WELL. Rev.0/26-1-96 19 1ADC PAPER : THe IMPLICATIONSOF HGH ANGLE AND HORIZONTAL WELLS FOR SUCCESSFUL WELL CONTROL Moricontal Well Control 4 ») M27 \ CONTENTS Section ReviDate 1 INTRODUCTION Rev.1/23-4-97 2 CLASSIFICATION OF HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.0/26-1-96 3. THE ADVANTAGES OF DRILLING HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.0/26-1-96 4 TYPES OF KICKS AND KICK COMPONENTS Rev.0/26-1-96 5 THE FLOW EQUATION IN THE CONTEXT OF HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.0/26-1-96 6 RECOGNISING KICKS AND CONSIDERING KICK LENGTH Rev.0/26-1-96 7 KICK SCENARIOS FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS. Rev.0/26-1-96 8 MIGRATION Rev.0/26-1-96 9 | SEGREGATED AND DIFFUSED KICKS Rev.0/26-1-96 10 METHODS OF WELL CONTROL FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS Rey.0/26-1-96 11 SAFETY FACTORS TO BE USED IN WELL CONTROL Rey.0/26-1-96 12 KICK DETECTION IN HORIZONTAL WELLS Rey.0/26-1-96 43° KICK SHEET FOR DEVIATED/ HORIZONTAL WELLS. Rev.9/13-5-98 14 EXAMPLES OF CASING PRESSURE PROFILES Rev.0/26-1-96 15 THE EFFECT OF ANGLE ON KICK HYDROSTATIC Rev.0/26-1-96 16 SPECIAL PROCEDURES Rey.0/26-1-96 17 TYPICAL BOTTOMHOLE ASSEMBLIES Rey.0/26-1-96 48 KICK TOLERANCE IN THE VERTICAL SECTION OF THE WELL Rey.0/26-1-96 19 IADC PAPER : THE IMPLICATIONS OF HIGH ANGLE ANO HORIZONTAL. WELLS FOR SUCCESSFUL WELL CONTROL ~ Horizontat Well Controt EF @, \) 1. INTRODUCTION Row1/23-4.97 1.1 COURSE OBJECTIVES Conventional well control assumes a vertical well bore. In development drilling offshore substantial deviation is usually required and recent deviated techniques have been extended to include a horizontal well bore in the reservoir section. Horizontal drilling to precise targets is now possible with 3,000 - 4,000 ft. long producing intervals. This course seeks to highlight to the Rig Site team, the various differences that are likely ‘0 be observed when monitoring the drilling of the horizontal section of the well bore, and extend well control training to recognise and respond to the signals. The team members who are responsible will be the Toolpasher, Driller, Assistant Driller, Derrickman, Mud Logger and Mud Engineer. Well control problems which may be encountered in deviated wells shall also be covered. 1.2 FUNDAMENTAL WELL CONTROL PRINCIPLES ‘The fact that a well is deviated or has been drilled with its final section horizontal does not change the fundamental principles of well control during the circulation from the well of a kick. 1.2.1 KICK PROCEDURE Circulation is established and maintained at a constant drill pipe pressure sufficient to maintain the bottom hole pressure higher than the formation pressure. The drill pipe Pressure is controlled by adjusting the choke at a selected pump rate. If the procedure requires the use of a kill mud weight higher than the drill mud weight the heavier mud is displaced at constant rate into the drill pipe making adjustments as necessary to ensure that the drill pipe pressuze decreases in proportion to the amount of kill mud pumped until the new mud reaches the bit and the SIDP is reduced to zero. 1.2.2 KICK MONITORING ‘The kick procedure must be monitored throughout the circulating period to ensure thet flow from the formation is suppressed. This is done by observing the tend of casing pressure and pit gain. Deviated/Horizontal wells have casing pressure profiled during kick circulation which are specific to: a) The kick fluid and kick size; b) The profile of the well, in particular the amount of vertical hole above the kick off point (KOP). © \_) Horizontal Well Control As nearly all horizontal wells are development wells the kick fluid is known and its characteristics readily built into the pre-planning of the well. Similarly the profile of the well should be used to predict the kill characteristics which should be incorporated into the plan for well control in the form of a predicted casing pressure profile for a typical sized kick. 1.3 MEASURED DEPTH AND TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH An obvious feature of deviated and horizontal wells is that the measured depth is substantially different for the truc vertical depth because of the horizontal components of the well geometry, This fundamental fact can best be kept in mind by the use of the directional profile of the well for all well diagrams. See (Figure 1.1) Figure 1.1 MD 1 1 1 PRESSURE | (ps) ' ' 1 1 VOLUME 1 (strokes) if This is because: * Pressure is a function of True Vertical Depth (TVD) but + Yolume (pumped) is a function of Measured Depth (MD). ‘The shape of the well must always be considered when understanding well behaviour during a kill cycle. Always plot the horizontal and vertical components of the well depth on the same scale, this helps to project an image of the borehole shape. Horizontal Well Control > \ A CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS. ravove.s.06 ‘The degree 10 which control of horizontal wells differs from conventional practice depends on the well bore geometry particularly the depth at which deviation commences (the kick off point KOP). There arc three types of well . Short radius horizontal wells. Figure 2.1(a) SHORT RADIUS * Long radius Jong reach horizontal wells. KOP shallow and TVD less than 6,000 ft. Figure 2.1(b) LONG RADIUS SHALLOW (b) . Extended reach horizontal wells. Figure 2.1(c) EXTENDED REACH (ERD) a The first group of wells have most of the well bore in the vertical mode and the horizontal Part can be treated as a minor appendage. This group of wells are not common and in any case can be treated as normal wells except for the difference in measurement between TVD and MD. Internationally most horizontal wells belong 1o the second group with TVD less than 6,000 ft, and kick off point ranging from a few hundred feet below RKB to 3 - 4.000 ft. below RKB. In the North Sea deeper wells over 10,500TVD are now being drilled succesfully. (> Horizontal Wel! Control © Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) is a special application in this group of wells. Deviation is commenced at the top of the hole and developed into a long tangent section of 70° - 75° inclination. The catenary effect of this profile reduced drag and enables long horizontal departures to be drilled at shallow TVD. ‘The thicd group of wells involve deeper reservoirs with more than 4,000 ft of vertical hale before the deviation is commenced, Since gas kick expansion takes place primarily in the vertical section the well contrel response approximated closely to conventional practice. When the TVD is less than 6,000 ft the well geometry is dominated by the deviated and horizontal sections, therefore in this class of wells the kick behaviour will show the greatest difference from conventional experience. Itis this type of well which will form the principle subject for the course. 2.1 BOREHOLE GEOMETRY CAN BE SIMPLIFIED FOR WELL CONTROL A typical well has three distinct components- + The vertical section from RKB w KOP. + A deviated section tuning the well from vertical to horizontal + The horizontal penetration of the producing formation. Figure 2.2 simpiirtep GEOMETRY FOR HORIZONTAL WELL, \d wosen on v0 sue For an understanding of well control behaviour, the deviated section can be depicted as one or more straight line sections connecting the vertical to the horizontal sections, Although the actual well bore will tum progressively with build up angles between 2 and 6 per 100 ft Its sufficiontly accurate for well control to use the simpler straight line geometry provided the MD of the actual well: + Inthe vertical section the MD = TVD; + For the deviated section the MD x Cosine Deviation Angle = TVD; + For the horizontal section there is MD only with no TVD. Horizontal Well Control @ 3. THE ADVANTAGES OF DRILLING HORIZONTAL WELLS Rev.0'26-1.96 Horizontal wells are drilled to improve production, it follows that a kick in a horizontal well could inflow more rapidly dian the corresponding vertical well. Figure 3.1 —_ Hostzontal Normal Wall Wall Productivity increases either because the longer penetration of the production sand or, in the case of fractured reservoirs, because more fractures have been intersected by the longer well bore. It is important to know which of these alternatives is involved prior to drilling the well. Figure 3.2 HoRizoNTAL WELLOnJECTIVES, aesucscam ————— SS ae aS oe INTERSECTS MORE FRACTURES A special case for horizontal drilling occurs when a thin oil reservoir exists with both an oil Bas contact and an oil water contact. The horizontal well bore allows production at lower drawdown reducing the “coning” tendency, GLY siessiitines 4. TYPES OF KICKS AND KICK COMPONENTS Revor2s-1-98 The function of horizontal wells is to enhance productivity of known reservoirs in tho development stage. It follows that a lot more is known about the nature of potential kick fluids than is the case with exploration drilling. This simplifies well control procedures which are often imprecise because the nature of the inflow is not known and the pore pressure can only be estimated If the potential well fluid is known before hand its behaviour can be predicted. For instance an oil kick will have only a small amount of gas relative to a gas kick and in most eases the gas oil ratio (cu.ft per bbl) will be accurately known, Expansion of the gas will only ‘commence when the pressures are less than the bubble point pressure see Figure 4.1. Altematively if'a gas well is being drilled the gas behaviour will be entirely predictable from the bottom (end) of the well to surface. Given that a kick will be cither oil or gas there are a number of kick scenarios which may occur. 4.1 KICKS DUE TO SWABBING This is the most likely type of kick to occur in any well. Swab kick behaviour in horizontal bore holes will depend on the position of the bit at the time of the incident. If the bit is pulled away from the end of the hole, for instance for a connection, the far end of the well will be the main contributor to the inflow, In this case the swabbing effect is similar to a normal vertical well. Figure 4.1 If due to error in pit monitoring the pipe is pulled out several stands from the end of the hole without realising that the well is being swabbed the entire section passed by the bit can contribute to the inflow and a much faster build up of a swab kick can occur. Horizontal Well Control &f @ ‘The well will only swab when the pipe is moved since the vertical component of the mud ‘weight is still available in the vertical and deviated part of the well. Flowing conditions will only be induced i the swabbing action continues past the beginning of the horizontal section. 4.2 KICKS DUE TO PENETRATION OF A PRESSURE BARRIER This type of kick could occur if the well bore crosses a fault into a zone which had not previously been depleted or had a different oil water content. Such an event is more likely to oceur if the well is drilled late in the development programme to improve productivity at low (depleted) reservoir pressures. A similar situation can occur if an existing development well is deviated 10 a new target with or without a horizontal component 4.3 KICKS DUE TO ERROR IN MUD WEIGHT Despite good information from prior wells a kick may develop because of insufficient mud weight or barite sag. This will occur cither at the beginning of the horizontal well at time of first penetration of the producing zone or it may occur in the pilot hole which is often drilled as a projection of the deviated section to check the formation thickness before choosing the optimum horizontal path. In either alternative the kick only involves the deviated and vertical sections of the well. The kick may develop in the well before the first casing string (usually 9 - °/,”) is set. This type of kick involving a long open hole section will follow conventional treatment except for the allowance to be made between MD and TVD because of high angle. [f pipe has already been set, the open hole will be very short albeit at high angle, Well control will approximate to conventional with little risk of shoe breakdown. Figure 4.2 WRONG MUD WEGHT DETECTED BEFORE HORIZONTAL HOLE DRILLED € \ ) Horizontat Welt Controt 5, THE FLOW EQUATION IN THE CONTEXT OF HORIZONTAL WELLS Pevoree-+.96 Kicks occur because the well is flowing. The rate of flow Q is dependent on dp the differential pressure into the well bore, the relationship of the well radius and reservoir radius and the function Kh/ {L Thus: Q = AP x CONSTANT x om Where K is the permeability of the rock and usually dominates the equation becauss h the exposed sand thickness is normally less than 100 fl. Lis the viscosity of the fluid and does not vary fora given reservoir, In a horizontal well h may be over 3000 ft compared with say one hundredth of this normal well Kick. From this itis apparent that if a vertical well would have inflowed a kick at 1 bbl per minute then the horizontal well bore would theoretically deliver 30 bbls per minute for the same differential pressure, 6. RECOGNISING KICKS AND EVALUATI Rrov.0'28-1-96 6.1 KICK RECOGNITION IN HORIZONTAL HOLE COMPARED WITH NORMAL, WELL Normal well control procedures include assessment of kick length from knowledge of kick density and difference between DP and casing pressures. In a horizontal well all the mud in the section can be displaced without there being any difference between DP and casing pressure because the kick has no component of vertical depth. If the kick is within the" horizontal section there is no difference between the SIDP and the SICP (see Figure 6.1). Figure 6.1 SAME TVD AS VERTICAL WELL Horizontal Well Control ef @ The only indication of kick size is pit gain, No deduction can be made as to whether oil or gas has entered the well, Fortunately in most cases the prior knowledge of the well objective will indicate which fluid is involved but there are exceptions, (see section). The kick length can be deduced from pit gain given two assumptions; + That the hole is circular and on gauge; + That the inflow has displaced the mud evenly across the annular area of the hole. These assumptions are reasonable if a kick has occurred during drilling or by swabbing off the end of the hole, When entry occurs across the entire horizontal section as with a secondary kick or with a swab kick considerably off bottom, the bore hole mud may not all be displaced. The shape of the bore hole may be oval over part of the section. The degree of ovality will depend on formation strength and the number of trips. Each time a trip is made some material is scraped off the low side of the hole, with poorly consolidated sands the effect may be substantial, Clearly volumetrics based on “standard” hole geometry may be suspect. 6.2 EFFECTS OF MUD TYPE Many horizontal wells are drilled with OBM for reasons of lubrication and protection of the formation. When oil is the objective any kick will mix freely with the OBM either because of circulation or because of migration or to contamination during inflow. In a gas well, gas solubility in oil base or pseudo oil base muds changes with temperature and pressure and at low pressure the discrepancy between the measured pit gain fora disolved gas influx and a true gas influx volume is much higher than at high pressures. Figure 6.2 EXTRA GAS HELO INSOLUTION ‘Som coupanco ro wore FORTHE SAME FIT GAN. \ INFLUX: PIF GAIN VOLUME RATIO @ Horizontal Well Control 6.3 KICK FLUIDS 6.3.1 OIL Oil has already been mentioned as a common kick fluid in a programme involving horizontal wells. Crude oil normally contains gas in solution, the amount being dependent on the type of crude oil, its pressure and temperature. The amount of gas measured in cu {t per bbl of oil separated at the surface is known as the gas oil ration GOR Gas dissolves in crude oil as pressure increases and for a given pressure more gas is retained in solution at lower temperatures. ‘The typical solubility relationship between oil and gas shows about 500 cu.ft. of gas per bbl. of oil can be dissolved at a typical reservoir pressure of 3,000 psi and a temperature of 180° F. The lighter the crude oil gravity the greater the amount of gas that will dissolve. Heavy viscous crude oils may have very small amounts of gas in solution. If there is not sufficient gas available to achieve the GOR indicated by the pressure tomperature balance the oil is said to be undersaturated. Many North Sea crude oils are of this type. Until the pressure is reduced sufficiently so that it is below the solution pressure (bubble point pressure) corresponding to the amount of gas per bbl, no gas is released from solution and the kick bchaves as a single phase exactly as if it consisted of diesel oil only. If no gas is released there is litle possibility of significant expansion and the kick retains to iis initial size virtwally the seme until the pressure / temperature regime in the well or surface system initiates gas coming ont of solution, In circulation of kick from horizontal wells a significant part of the circulation may be contained in the horizontal part of the well. If the bubble points are likely to be reached in the well, the probability is that this will occur near the top of the vertical section If OBM is in use, the dilution of the kick by the base oil of the mad farther reduces the bubble point pressure and gas release may be even closer to surface, The low mobility and low ges content of viscous crude oils inhibit inflow into a well bore, consequeatly kicks involving crude oil are more likely to occur when the reservoir fluid is a light oil with 2 moderate gas oil ratio. Figure 6.3 Figure 6.4 LUNDERSATURATED HYDROCARBON SYSTEM KICK DISSOLVED IN ODM REDUCES BUBBLE, POINT PRESSURE ‘SuBaLE PONT PRESSURE 10 . Figure 6.5 THE SOLUBILITY OF GAS IN CRUDE OIL a 6.3.2 GAS KICKS Horizontal wells drilled into gas bearing formation usually have the objective of ‘compensating for low permeability thorefore gas kicks from such wells are not likely to be spectacular, however remembering that under some circumstances the kick can inflow from the entire well bore a relatively large volume of mud may be contaminated by the gas. Light gas will mix with the amosphere when vented from open mud pits. If confined in an enclosed offshore rig tank room there is a risk of explosion, consequently all kick gas should be separated in the poor boy separator or vented overboard. Ifa very thin oil column is being developed by horizontally drilled wells a situation may occur when crror in directional control projects the well bore either close to or into the gas zone overlying the oil column. Such conditions could result in a gas kick even although the expected reservoir fluid is oil. If'a disolved gas kick is circulated, expansion will start deeper in the well because the effective bubble point pressure of the OBM / oil / gas mix is higher than for the crude oil alone. This could be misleading if an oil kick had been expected. 6.3.3 WATER Salt water is an unlikely kick fluid in the context of horizontal well drilling, but the possibility needs to be kept in mind as a well may inadvertently be close to or at the oil water interface. If swabbed, salt water may be induced preferentially 10 oil, particularly if the oil phase is viscous. Another scenario which may be encountered involves penetrating a fault into a reservoir block which has a different oil water content to the expected objective. Salt water kicks are non expanding kicks. If salt water kicks contaminated oil based mud a difficult emulsion problem may occur. l Cy ee € 6.3.4 BEHAVIOUR OF GAS IN AHORIZONTAL WELL KICK Free gas in the well will follow the gas laws in its behaviour moving up the well. In the horizontal section there will be no volume change as it is moved by the mud circulation at constant pressure along the borehole. In the deviated middle section of the well and in the vertical section the reducing value of the TVD causes the gas to expand in accordance with Boyles Law at the same time there will be minor volume change due to the reduction in temperature and the change in compressibility factor “2”. Boyles Law states that the volume of a given mass or amount of gas varies inversely with its absolute pressure P. Van Vix $e The absolute pressure is gauge pressure plus one atmosphere (14.7 psi). It can readily be seen that this equation results in rapidly increasing volume as the pressure becomes close to atmospheric, ‘Temperature "'T"" on the other hand affects volume in direct proportion to the absolute temperature which is obtained by adding 460°F to the well bore temperature in °F. Thus 80°F is 540° Absolute. A small shift in well bore temperature has only a minor affect on volume, thus a change to 70° would reduce the volume by the ration 530 to 540 or less then 2%. ‘The full gas equation states vpev, x Pix tay Ze Po 7 & At pressures below 5000 psi the compressibility factor "Z" is less than unity, however for most shallow depth wells the correction for the combined effect of T and Z is not significant and need not be involved in kick calculations. ure 6.6 GAS KICK EXPANSION BOYLE'S LAW =PSIG + 147 xe GAS zB LAW 460 Zs COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR Horizontal Well Control 7. KICK SCENARIOS FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS Rewore6-1-96 7.1 SWAB KICKS The rate of entry fora typical swab kick will be very similar to a normal well swabbing action if the event occurs at the bit as the pipe is pulled off bottom as for a connection, This follows because the bil exposes only a short section of hole as it is pulled away from bottom and only this section is affected by the swab pressure, however it must be realised that gas can be swabbed in behind the bit. If swabbing occurs when the pipe is at the beginning of the hole then the entire length of the horizontal section is exposed to the differential swab pressure and a high rate of entry occurs. It can be readily scen that earliest possible indication of swabbing is necessary to avoid large swab kicks with the pipe a long way from the end of the hole. Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 SWAB OFF BOTTOM MINOR PT GAIN ‘WELL SWADDED WHEN MAKING TRIP SWAB BEHNOBIT INFLOW NOT ALWAYS. LIMITED To END SECTIOIN WAILE WAKING ‘CONNECTIONS INFLOW FROM ENTIRE SECTION [BEYOND PIT MAY BE soooft 7.2 PENETRATION KICKS If the bit penetrates a pressure barrier the resultant kick will develop in the same way that a typical drilling kick occurs in a normal well. Only the formation newly exposed by the bit can contribute to the inflow. ‘There will be a pit gain and the drill pipe pressure will build up when the well is shut in, The Casing pressure will be the same as the drill pipe pressure as long as the kick remains in the horizontal part of the well. A penetration kick can become an underground flow from the higher pressure formation to the lower pressure formation. If this occurs the SIDP and SICP will reflect the “flowing pressure” in the horizontal well bore. A kill mud weight based on this pressure will hold the well initially but will be inadequate 1o offset the pressure increase due to the inflow charging up the lower pressure formation. ort u“ || Horizonsat Well Control Figure 7.3 7.3 SECONDARY KICKS, Horizontal wells are vulnerable to secondary kicks because the entire formation section can contribute to the inflow if, by reason of poor choke control, pressure at the TVD of the horizontal bore is below it correct value. Obviously great care is necessary to avoid this situation, Figure 7.4 PAMARY KICK. AT SURFACE SECONDARY KICK INFLOWS ‘OVER WHOLE SECTION teiiiiid a e. 8. MIGRATION Rov0'26-1-96 8.1 INTRODUCTION Practical expericnce shows that deviated wells experience faster migration of low density fluids either oil or gas compared with vertical holes. This appears to be due to segregation developing in the bore hole with the lighter fluid tending to risc on the high side of the hole whereas heavier mud moves down the low side of the hole. Unfortunately there is litle data available on the rates of migration which may occur nor is the influence of angle of hole on migration rate properly understood. Horizontai Well Control Figure 8.1 Kick on LOWSIDE MUD DOWN HORIZONTAL Ifthe fluid section of the well was truly horizontal a kick eontained within this section could not migrate since there will be no gravitation factors other than the separation to the low side of the hole of any mud contaminated by the kick. Migration will only start when the kick is moved into the deviated section of the hole. Figure 8.2 TRaPpeD ar Man SPOTS Itis very unlikely that 3,000 ft or more of hole can be drilled without some undulating of the bore hole axis. The well may slope continuously in one direction either up (deviation more than 90°) or down, altematively the section may have one or more minor reversals in elevation given high and low spots similar to those on a surface pipeline. In such conditions gravity segregation can occur as a kick is moved along the horizontal section and parts of the kick may become stranded in high spots if the rate of circulation is low compared with the rate of segregation. A situation of this type would be more of a problem in a gas kick than for an oil kick since the latter has less density differences and if OBM is in use the kick will disperse readily into the body of the mud. Migration cannot be ignored but equally the effect of migration should not be over emphasised. The best solution to any problem of migration in horizontal well control is to get after the kick 2s soon as possible and move it to the surface as fast as possible, we will talk more on this later, 1s © \) Hortzomat Weut contro 9. SEGREGATED AND DIFFUSED KICKS Revores-1-96 In well control there is a difference between kicks which inflow while drilling and kicks which occur when circulation is shut down, ‘A “defused kick” will occur when drilling ahead because the mud delivered by the pumps is mixed with the inflowing kick. A kick of this type is longer than the equivalent kick “bubble”. A distributed oil kick in OBM will be completely miscible and emerge from the well bore as a modified mud mixture. A “segregated kick” develops if the well flows without the pumps running. In a vertical well a segregated kick tends to displace the mud column upwards and if a large kick is taken in this way the kick fluid is virtually uncontaminated at the initial stage of the kick. A segregated kick may occur either by swabbing or because the well flows on removal of the ECD. In a horizontal well bore it is not likely that a segregated kick will develop unless a fault barrier has been breached and sufficient pressure differential exists to cause the well to flow strongly from the end of the well bore. In most cases of horizontal well kick some degree of mud contamination is to be expected. The effect of this is to lengthen the kick causing early arrival at the surface compared with conventional well control predictions. Although more mud is contaminated there is some advantage on handling the kick because less gas per bbl of mud is handled at the MGS. Figure 9.1 Figure 9.2 DEFUSED DRILLING KICK SEGREGATED SWAB KICKS PUNP ON PUMP OFF eK TAKEN WITH PUMPON, 16 Horizontal Well Control @. \\ 10. METHODS OF WELL CONTROL FOR HORIZONTAL WELLS Fovor61-6 10.1 KEY DIFFERENCES FROM NORMAL WELL KILL. + Kill mud becomes effective in the annulus only when the annular volume of the horizontal sections of the well is displaced. In a normal well, kill weight mud starts to have effect as soon as it reaches the bit + When the kick is in the deviated part of the hole it will tend to migrate faster than in corresponding conditions in vertical hole. + If the horizontal hole has an undulating profile, kill Nuids may bypass Kick fluids at the “high” spots, this is particularly likely to occur at slow pump rates. + Heavy mud used to bull head may bypass lighter material in the deviated section. 10.2 ADVANTAGE OF DRILLERS METHOD The abnormal conditions outlined above can be largely overcome by using the Drillers method as soon as the kick is secured by closing the well. A majority of horizontal well kicks will be induced kicks, no mud weight change is involved, consequently the Drillers ‘method applies automatically. The important decision is get after it and move the kick before it can migrate. 10.3 NEED FOR HIGH CIRCULATION RATE On a surface instalation, slow circulating rates practised as a standard well control procedure have the disadvantage of accentuating by-passing and the effect of migration. Ifa drilling rate of say 5 or 6 bbls per minute has been in use without loss there is no reason why the same rate should not be used to move the kick to surface. The objective is to get the kick out with the least mud contamination, particularly if the kick fluid is expected to be cil. ‘The pump rate must be slowed down to suit the mud gas separation capacity before the kick reaches surface. Note that most kicks will occur either before the horizontal section is drilled or after the last string has been set before the horizontal section. “Fear of breaking down the casing shoe is minimal”, 10.4 PROBLEMS WITH HIGH KICK CIRCULATION RATE + When a kick is being circulated the bit will be off bottom. A mud motor in this, Condition will tend to over speed and may be damaged. This can be overcome by using a circulating sub in the drilling assembly, although it will still be necessary to pump for a time through the bit to get the opening ball to seal in its seat. 7 18 @ Horizontal Well Control + Choke line friction will increase substantially compared with “normal” well kill situations. This will be notiéeable in floating rig applications with long choke lines. Choke line friction may be a limiting factor in the rate at which a kick can be circulated, Mud has separator capacity which may also limit the pump rate However it is only necessary to adopt high pump rate to flush the kick out of a horizontal or highly deviated well bore, slower rate can be resumed in the upper part of the well as the kick approaches the surface. 10.5 MONITORING CASING PRESSURE ON FLOATERS High kill circulation rates mean higher than nonmal choke line pressure losses even if the floater is operating in moderate water depths (300 - 400 ft). At high rate the choke line pressure loss is substantial because itis a function of the square of the velocity of flow. To maintain proper control itis recommended that the annulus pressure daring kill is monitored on a kill line gauge instead of the casing gauge, This procedure will assist in avoidance of undue back pressure on the exposed formation. 10.6 ROTATING BOP ON SURFACE BOP INSTALLATION Ifa rotating BOP is carried whenever a surface BOP is in use pipe can be worked back into the well bore without waiting for the first kill cycle. Rotating BOP’s provide additional protection when working in a loss / gain situation. They can only be used with adequate surface gas disposal equipment comprising mud gas separator and vent lines. 10.7 THE SPECIAL CASE OF A PRESSURE KICK IN THE HORIZONTAL HOLE If an undepleted zone is penetrated in the horizontal hole the W & W method will be required but it is not necessarily practical if the earlier part of the hole is at 2 low pressure and losses occur. This may happen particularly if fractured formation is involved. Although an effective W & W kill will remove any surface pressures from the DP and annulus there is a strong possibility of an underground blow out continuing which cannot be killed by conventional means such as dynamic kill or barite plug. In many cases the practical solution is to pump cement and redrill the well for a shorter target. Horizontal Well Control 10.8 NEED TO REDUCE SWAB RISK Cleaning up a high angle / horizontal well after a swab kiek takes rig time and can result in badly contaminated mud, Itis advantageous both in terms of rig time (Cost) and safely to avoid swabbing as far as possible. 10.8.1 AVOIDING SWABBING DURING DRILLING OPERATIONS Always keep the pumps running when moving pipe off bottom for hole cleaning and keep pipe movements slow. Keep clearances between drilling assembly and hole diameters as lange as possible consistent with drilling objectives. 10.8.2 AVOIDING SWABBING DURING TRIPS Move the pipe slowly until bit is above casing shoe. Believe the trip tank at all times. Adopt routine procedures, such as always using the same pill size and weight, so that true comparisons are possible with previous trips. 11. SAFETY FACTORS IN HORIZONTAL WELL CONTROL povore-s.06 A safety factor must be used in horizontal well control because there is a pressure drop over the length of the horizontal well bore annulus when circulating out the kick. The pressure at the bit must be kept high enough to ensure that the bore hole pressure at the beginning of the horizontal hole is higher than the formation pressure. When a floating rig is in use the choke line friction may be sufficient to provide the desired safety factor. Itis customary to adjust the slow circulation rate by multiplying it by the ratio of the kill weight mud to the drill weight mud. This provides a safety factor which increases as the kill mud reached the bit. This procedure can be used when mud weight is increased but gives zero safety factor for induced kick. A more satisfactory procedure is to add an arbitrary amount such as 100 or 200 psi to the circulation pressure. Alternatively the SCR can be increased by a percentage amount say 5 to 10%. The proforma kick sheet on Figure 13.2 provides for adding or multiplying the safety factor as, appropriate. The reason for using a safety factor is to suppress a secondary influx. 9 20 1) Horizontal Well Control 12. KICK DETECTION IN HORIZONTAL WELLS Revorne-1-96 12.1 FLOWSHOW INDICATORS These are installed in the flow line leading from the bell nipple. This records the return mud rate and any changes of flow within its range of detectability will be shown. Flowshow indicators require careful maintenance. It is important to ensure their proper performance before making the 8 1/,” hole section, since the previous drilling of large hole involves higher circulation rates and large volume of cuttings which may influence the flow pattern in the ditch/bell nipple, 12.2 HOLE VOLUME Theoretically any inflow volume should be detectable given the ability to determine changes in volume of the circulating system In practice the detection of small inflow volumes is difficult, particularly on floating rigs. Therefore it is important to ensure that all relevant equipment is designed and maintained for best performance. 12.3 PVT MEASUREMENT Sophisticated pit volume totaliser equipment is found on most rigs now in operation. this will maintain a record of all volume changes in the surface mad system. 12.4 KICK DETECTION A Kick can only be detected in horizontal well bores by pit gain or well flow since there is no pressure developed when the well is shut in. 12.5 VOLUMETRIC DISCIPLINE This means a systematic arrangement of recordings of all events relating to the volume of mud in the sysiem. Without close attention to detail itis impossible to place any reliance on PVT records to indicate small inflow when drilling. ‘Two rules are involved. The first rule is to conduct planned changes to mud volume in accordance with a prearranged schedule, The second rule is to avoid accidental changes to the surface mud system. Flow checks using the trip tank provide a more accurate means of measuring changes in hole volume since other surface tankage and their inbuilt risks of error are by-passed. Every effort must be made to improve the sensitivity of the rig crews to pit gain since small kicks may be missed. Horizontal Well Controt 12.6 DIFFERENTIAL MEASUREMENT Recent developments in instrumentation include a means of continuously comparing the amount of mud returning from the well, to the amount of mud pumped in. This differential flow indicator has proved successful in revealing relatively small inflows during drilling. On floating rigs, a computer correction can be applied to compensate for the rig heave. Differential flow measurements are not affected by the changes of mud volume in the surface system which complicate the interpretation of PVT records. 12.7 VOLUMETRIC FACTORS CONTROLLABLE BY RIG CREW ‘These include: + Flowback on pump shut down; + Mud weight changes; + Mud treatment including degasser and solids control; + Mud transfer, Flowback is a constant factor, but since the amount on some rigs may be over 60 bbls there is room for crew intervention to ensure it is reduced 2s far as possible. Careful comparison with previous flow back profile will help to identify inflow from the formation during Grilling shut downs to add pipe. ‘The factors associated with mud arc either quantifiable by careful supervision or can be scheduled so that variations when drilling are avoided. This of course means unproductive use of rig time and must be balanced against the alternative risks to rig safety by confusing kick interpretation. Tis common situation to find that mud weight is being adjusted because of indication of over pressure at the same time as drilling is progressing. In this situation particular aitention should be paid to the volume changes attributable to weighting up. Rig management should be sensitive to the risk in drilling ahead with the amount of rig time needed for mud conditioning. It may be prudent to delay making hole until a uniform mud system at the new weight has been established. 12.8 RANDOM VOLUME CHANGES, ‘These include temporary loss of circulation, surface leaks for instance from the slip joint or from spillage. When slow losses occur in the well duc to formation breakdown itis very difficult to make any positive kick interpretation of small inflow volumes. This situation gets progressively worse as mud weights increase towards the leak off mud weight equivalent, Other random changes such as leaks and spillage are usually avoidable given good supervision and dedication on the part of the crew members concemed, However sometimes water from wash down operations may enter the mud sysicm and be confused with bottom hole entry of salt water. Regular checks of water percentage in the active mud tank are required to eliminate this error. 2 Horizontal Well Control 13. KICK SHEETS FOR DEVIATED / HORIZONTAL WELLS - tevaitss-00 ile with deviated and horizontal bore hole components has a major effect on the kill sheet graph which is the start point in any well control exercise involving a change of mud weight Since most horizontal well kicks will be swab kicks a change of mud weight is not likely to be needed but itis important to understand the procedure if a mud weight change is, required cither before seiting the primary casing string or later if a fault penetration kick is involved. A kick sheet is prepared to guide the well control process as kill weight mud is pumped into the drill pipe. Swab kicks are controlled with the drill weight mud but a kick sheet is a useful guide to the progress of the kill cycle even when there is no change in mud weight. The simplified well geometry outlined in section 2.1 can be used as a basis for the construction of the kick sheet. Aconventional format for a deviated / horizontal well kick is shown in (Figure 13.2). The well bore is broken down into sections each with its specific drill string / casing specification and with its deviation angle. Most wells can be divided into three sections : Vertical to Kick Off Point (K.O.P.), K.OP to End of Build (E.0.B.) and Horizontal. Subdivision of each section is required to accommodate changes in drill string dimensions (Drill Collars etc). ‘The TVD of each section multiplied by the incremental mud weight gradient gives the pressure reduction required as the new mud weight traverses the section. The MD of each section is used to calculate the number of strokes required to displace the corresponding length of drill string. Sce typical kick sheet graph for horizontal well. The kick sheet can be used to record the sirokes required to displace the annulus sections. This is a guide to the casing pressure changes which occur as the kick traverses each section and provides the necessary guidance for the movement of the kick up the hole. Figure 13.1 mU pPe onessune 22 Figure 13.2, FS aeane oe PV Mame iste onal sai € Spesaned (SUBSEA BOP Stack) ees Name Date: _______ Well: Measured Depth: ft True Vertical Dopth : ___tt. Last Casing Shoe MD : ft. Casing Shoe TVD :___ A. Water Depth: AirGap:_ Read and Record SIDPP, SICP and PIT GAIN SLDPP. PIT GAIN SLEP. Day Oates ff Times MAXIMUM MUD WEIGHT surtaca Leak ot Lock OW Test casing EMD. Test Mud Weight Maximum Mud Weight psi] f} 10.052] + peg] = ea Feematin Breakdown Gradiont Meximum Mud Weight OR pst]! ]0.052] = pea MAASP Maximum Allowable Moe Mud Weight __Diiliag Mas Woignt ‘casing TV.0. Annulus Surface Pressure Pea pea} X [0.052] x a} = bs KILL MUD siope VD trom RKB curont Mud Woigit cil Mud Read and record - SLOW CIRCULATION RATE Pump Output PSCR - UPRISER CHOKE-LINE CLFL tivete 30 spm 40 spm [ [es al 50 spm 23 > Horizontal Well Control e =a CAPACITIES AND VOLUMES Bee an DRILL STRING DATA [~ Length XCapacty = Volume > Purp Ouiput = Total (M0) 7 eI” bbls) bblssik | Strckes ORILL PIPE -Surtace OKO. DILL PIPE -KOP. 0 E.0.8 strokes DRILL PIPE -£.0.8.10 BA £08 1oBR HWOP. DRILL COLLARS/ BHA TOTAL - Surface to Bit NA wa = Surface toBit ‘Strokes ANNULUS DATA Lengih XGapaciy = Volume + Pung Output = Total (M0) | BbUM | bbls] Boiss | Strokes (CHOKE LINE CONTENTS. DRILL PIPE IN CASING 1 DRILL PIPE IN CASING 2 Bitta shoe DP/RWOP IN OPEN HOLE Stems DC'S/ BHA IN OPEN HOLE| [Tora Bit to Surface NA NA = Bitto Surtace rokes ‘Note : Total Langth may not equal Measured Depth irchoke fine is longer tan Riser rok Length _X Capacty= Volume ~-bbisistk = Strokes DP/RISER DATA = "BOF to Surface OPEN HOLE DATA _ ‘Siow Cresttng Bito Shoe Stckes steep). Altto Shoe Time ANNULUS DATA ‘ton Crating tt SuscoStokes —Aao(crm) Bitto sutace Time i —— i ll TOTAL VOLUMES (Excluding Surface “ota Dasieg Total Annas Line Volumes) GGutacatooy (Buia Sree) Total syster Volume + = COMPLETE CIRCULATION Suitace Bt iio Surace Tou! Suokes Stokes Stokes to Wet + = 24 Horizontal Well Controt DEVIATED WELL CONTROL KICK SHEET (Subsea BOP Stack ) aaa PRESSURE STEP DOWN 1c. | Fc.P. initia circulating | Djaieg Final Creuatng p.sch_ _siep Pressure | p.soR xuns —_ Pressurg j+L_] jL_J}x = za a a | at “5 7s zal CIRCULATING PRESSURE AT K.0.P. (K.O.P. CP) FCP P_SCR KOP.MO Bit MO. icp - x + | + >>> soe! KOR. ie Kop.cP = - x + CIRCULATING PRESSURE AT E.0.B. (E.0.B. CP) FCP P.SCR £08.MD Bit MO. ICP Z . es ] fe >>> mel eee an wo re a] - ery PRESSURE STEPDOWN SURFACE TO K.0.P. Sn Rare RUE ese Supscry oti Stan = 8 = xX 100= PRESSURE STEPDOWN K.O.P. to E.0.B, _E0B.cP_ KoMmESD. Pressure Stepdown ps0 Strokes. = z x 100= PRESSURE INCREASE E.0.B. TO BIT ‘woe FP. £.08.CP £0. a BIT Pressure Increase psl/100 Strokes. - + = x 100 = ADJUSTED CHOKE LINE FRICTION- KILL MUD @ SURFACE CLEL psi Lue riginal Mud po: x + | Fram Surlace FemKOR SURFACE 1OKOP, WEB, Srakes [Press] [Stokes | Press (Kick OFF POINT) E.0.B. (END OF BUILD) Br T.V.D.= True Voriloa! Depth (MD, = Measured Depth @ ee 26 Horizontal Well Control 14. EXAMPLES OF CASING PRESSURE PROFILES Rev.0126-1.96 14.1 SWAB KICKS (Figure 14.1) shows the casing pressure profile for 20 bbl swab kicks. The full line refers toa gas kick. Note that the gas is expanding as soon as it start displacing into that part of the well bore with a component of TVD but distinct steps in casing pressure also occur as the kick enters sections of the well bore with different deviations, In an actual well the radius of curvature between the deviated sections would smooth out the casing pressure profile. No casing pressure develops as long as the kick remains horizontal. Figure 14.1 CASING PRESSURE PROFILE ‘as HOu i in] ‘The dotted line shows the corresponding behaviour for an undersaturated crude oil kick with @ bubble point pressure of 1500 psi In this case no expansion occurs until the kick is high up in the vertical part of the well bore but casing pressure increases in steps (without pit gain) as the kick traverses the angled sections. 27 &» Horizontal Well Control € 28 14,2 EFFECT OF WELL PROFILE ON CASING PRESSURES AND PIT GAIN 14.2.1 INTRODUCTION ‘The shape of a deviated / horizontal well profile influencing both the casing pressure trend and the pit gain during the circulation of a kick. Wells having different TVD may have the same MD and therefore the same total number of strokes to circulate a kick. Wells of the same TVD may have different deviation angles and hence different MD. Each will have a unique influence on the behaviour of a kick during circulation. 14.2.2 METHODOLOGY To illustrate this point theoretical casing pressure trends and pit gain have been calculated for each of these wells A,B and C shown in (figure 14.2). An induced kick is assumed to have occurred detected by an initial pit gain of 50 bbls. Pipe has been retumed to bottom an the kick circulated out through the choke. Calculations have been made firstly assuming « gas kick and secondly for alow GOR crude oil influx. A calculated gas density as shown in (figure 14.3) formed the basis for expanding the gas kick, The crude oil kick profiles were proposed using the formation volume factors appropriate to the borehole pressure above the assumed bubble point depth of 3000 ft TVD. Figure 14.2 z : 5 orzo Con Figure 14.3 GAS GRADIENTS USED FOR CALCULATION OF CASINGPROFILES 14.2.3 PRESSURE PROFILES FOR GAS KICKS. The casing pressure profile for the three wells are shown in (Figure 14.4) based on an assumption of 50 bbls of gas influx. The curves on the left of the figure are the casing pressure profiles for three wells of equivalent TVD, Note that the final pressure as the kick reaches surface reflect the increase of reservoir Pressure appropriate to the increasing well depths, ‘The corresponding profiles for the deviated / horizontal wells appear to the right of the graph reflecting the increase pumping time required at the longer drilled depths (MD). ‘The final pressure for well A is lower than that of the corresponding vertical well because some of the kick reaches the choke. The final pressure for wells B and C are the same as for the corresponding vertical wells because all of the kick is vertical when the kick Teaches the choke. Note that relative to each other the final pressure still reflect tie reservoir pressure al Figure 14.4 ‘COMPARISON OF CASING PRESSURE: PROFILES SO HII SWAD KICK GAS reel 7 2 LY sete . 30 14.2.4 GAS KICKS / PIT GAIN Pit gain in excess of the initial 50 bbl influx is shown in (figure 14.5). As in the pressure figure the left hand side of the figure shows the equivalent vertical wells. Asis to be expecied the pit gain tench for the deviated / horizontal well appears on the right hand side reflecting the increased number of strokes dictated by the MD. Pit gain does not occur until the TVD starts to influence the kick hydrostatic pressure as the main vertical part of the borehole became involved ‘This factor is more clearly seen by reference to (Figure 14.6) which shows the respective pit gain for well B vertical and deviated / horizontal equivalent. In this graph the pit gain is shown in terms of the percentage of the total strokes need to circulate the kick out of the hole. Figure 14.5 COMPARISON OF PIT GAIN E Figure 14.6 f f Horizontal Well Control fe 14.2.5 CRUDE OIL KICKS | CASING PRESSURE PROFILES Expansion of a crude oil kick can only occur when the kick 1s moved above the bubble. point depth into lower pressures where the gas starts to come out of solution. ‘The lower graph of (Figure 14.7) shows the casing profiles for the deviated / horizontal wells A,B and C. At depths below the bubble point the casing pressures are only influenced by the deviation angle. The deeper the KOP of the well the greater the vertical section of the well and the quicker the casing pressure increases, The well A having the shallowest KOP reflects the lowest casing pressures in the earliest part of the circulation, The well also shows the lowest final casing pressure because the bubble point is in the deviated part of the well, Well B and C have identical casing pressure profiles above the bubble point because only the vertical part of the well is involved. Figure 14.7 COMPARISON OF CASING PRESSURE AND PIF GAIN PROFILES 14.2.6 CRUDE OIL KICKS PIT GAIN ‘This is illustrated in the upper graph of (Figure 14.7). Pit gain in excess of the initial 50 bbl influx does no occur until the kick rises above the bubble point in this case at 1500 psi or 3000 for TVD. Pit gain for well A begins at a lower stroke count because the bubble point is encountered in the deviated hole. The pit gain profiles for wells B and C are identical because in each well the kick encounters the bubble point pressure in the vertical section of the well u l Co Horizontal Well Control € Figure 14.8 WELLA : I Figure 14.9 WELD i — E N 32 Horizontal Well Control [{ @ \ 15. THE EFFECT OF ANGLE ON KICK HYDROSTATIC Rev0/26-1.96 Kick hydrostatic is a function of TVD therefore as the angle of deviation increases the kick hydrostatic decreases because the component of TVD reduces. When the well bore is horizontal there is no kick hydrostatic because the component of TVD is zero. With no kick hydrostatic the initial SIDPP and SICP are the same for all sizes of kick. Movement of a kick up the liole with no expansion will still increase the casing pressure because the kick hydrostatic progressively increases as the angle reduces requiring a compensating increase in casing pressure to offset the effect of the change. Consider the effect of moving a 1000 ft kick progressively from horizontal to vertical if the kick is a crude oil kick of 0.35 psi/it Component of Angle, Cosine, T.V.D., Kick Hydrostatic Angle Horiz. Sec. Cosine Vertical Depth Pressure 90 1000 - - - 85 1000 0.0872 87 ft 30 psi 60 1000 0.500 500 ft 175 psi 30 1000 0.866 866 ft 303 psi 0 1000 1.000 1000 ft 350 psi The casing pressure will rise without pit gain. If the choke operator interprets the increase as an indication that the kick is expanding and alters the choke setting he will induce a secondary kick, Figure 15.1 EFFECT OF ANGLE ON KICK HYDROSTATI VERTICAL 350 ps! CRUDE OIL SLICK 0.35 psilft 1,000f LONG 303 psi = 30 psi wei zs EEE HORIZONTAL, 33 € \) Horicontat Well Control Figure 15.2 (COMPARISON OF INFLUXES CASING PRESSURE INeneAse err oam cas exearsion! YES |] YES seorcr| YES || YES onzovrae rox nove rovernens | YES || NO WELL BORE [ 16. SPECIAL PROCEDURES Rev.0/28-1-96 16.1 BULLHEADING Bullhead procedures in horizontal wells are only effective in displacing mud to the beginning of the horizontal section. Displacement past this point will not change the surface pressures and may not move kick fluid if the bullheaded fluid enters the formation near the beginning of the section te this drawback bullheading may be needed because there is no pipe in the hole or the bit is at shallow depth. If buliheading is attempted it should be done as soon as possible to avoid by-passing of the kill mud past the bore hole contents in the deviated part of the well. In most instances the casing shoe will be set in or close to the beginning of the horizontal Section therefore there is no risk of shoe breakdown due to high bullhcad pumping Pressures. If in doubt on this point start the operation slowly to get the mud column moving then increase rate for the displacement to continue. 16.2 STRIPPING If a kick is swabbed in while tripping it is necessary to get the bit back to bottom, that is to the end of the hole, in order to clean up any kick fluid left in the well, Horizontal Well Controt if @ In conventional vertical well drilling there is usually sufficient drill pipe weight available to overcome both upward pressure across the annular (BOP) and friction through the BOP element. In horizontal drilling nearly all the available weight is used to overcome well bore friction leaving little margin for stripping through a BOP. Getting pipe back tp bottom in these circumstances may only be possible by first bullheading the well to remove casing pressure. If the well is dead the pipe can then be run back in the hole with the BOP open. Ifa long section of horizontal hole is involved it will be preferable to circulate the well in stages from an intermediate point or points before the bit is finally repositioned on bottom. Kick fluid displaced out of the horizontal section after bullhcadiag and with pipe run back will develop casing pressure due to the upending of the kick as well as from expansion near surface. It will be necessary to close the BOP and complete the circulation through the choke. 16.3 TOP KILL This procedure may be effective in removing kick fluids from the upper part of a well bore if circulation is not possible or there is no pipe in the hole. ‘The well is alternately pumped up with kill mud then rested to allow migration to bring gas and / or oil to surface where it can be bled off. Remember that kick fluid may still be trapped in the horizontal section. Pipe must be run back as described in section 16.2 to finally clean up the well. In most cases bullheading will be preferable to top kill. ‘) Horizontal Well Control \ 17. TYPICAL BOTTOMHOLE ASSEMBLIES REVOI28.1.06 Figure 17.1 INCUNOMETER ——__AZMUTHAL upper Lowen Taawomirren Gan (Gee) GAMMA,RN) an) TRANSMITTER — hr ADJUSTABLE Positive BEARING ASSEMBLY — yieicore sus ecieven sueeve bisPLAcEMENT en WITH STABILZER eavaneertoies) ANTENHAS (15 42m) STABILIZER MOTOR NOTE With this system the wellpath is adjusted Hydaulically by Powered Expandable Ribs, that generate a radial steering contact force from the borehole wall. The steering direction is defined by the amount of pressure distributed selectively to every stabilizer pad. thus forming a resultant force vector. The wellpath is defined by the three contact points, ie. drill bit, N bit stab and top stab 36 Figure 17.2 BASIC STEERING CONCEPT FOR AUTOMATED DRILLING SYSTEMS (ao DIRECTIONAL Mwo witt +} -aonimionat STEERING FUNCTIONS ACTUATING Data, TRANSMISSION 4 ACTIVE STABILIZER PADS AUTOMATED DRILLING SYS Posinve DISPLACEMENT MOTOR SLEEVE STABILIZER vives TRANSMITTER RECEIVER ANTENNAS. AZIMUTHAL, GAMMA INCLIOMETER: Lowen Horizontal Well Control EF @. \ Figure 17.3 TRANSMITTER - ADJUSTABLE Kick OFF SUB BEARING ASSEMBLY ACTIVE WITH STABILIZER, STABILIZER PADS DIRECTIONAL DRILLING AND NEI W STEERABLE SYSTEMS . ‘OLERANCE IN TI ICAL SECTION OF THE WELL Revoi26-1-96 When a gas influx has entered a well there are 2 critical locations for the influx: a) — When the influx is at the bottom of the well. In this case the SICP must not exceed the MAASP, if the formation is not fractured at the casing shoe. b) When the influx has been circulated up to the casing shoe, by a constant bottom hole Pressure method. In this case, the pressure at the choke must not exceed the MAASP. Kick Tolerence depends upon:- Formation strength, fracture pressure or fracture gradient. Mud density or gradient. Gas influx density or gradient. Formation pore pressure, gradient or SIDPP. Drill string and wellbore geometries. ‘The maximum tolerable length of gas influx in the annulus at any position between bottom hole and the casing shoe is:- H (Max) Where:- ou Sg MAASP Gfrae Ds SIDPP. MAASP - SIDPP(Eqn!) G,-G; im Gj mud gradient (psi/fe) influx gradient (psi/ft) (Gfrac - Gm) x Ds (psi) formation fracture gradient at the shoe (psifft) TYD to the shoe (ft) shut-in drillpipe pressure (psi) 38 Horizontal Well Controt ff € : Figure 18.1 KICK TOLERANCE: DRILLED KICK PRESSURE DEPTH (TVD) Shoe H max (gas) Horizontal Well Control DEFINITION |: for akick taken while drilling into a high pressure formation. Kick Tolerance is the maximum allowable influx volume, for a known or assumed SIDPP, which will not cause the formation to fracture when either the influx is at the bottom of the annulus or when it is circulated and expanded to the casing shoe by a constant bottom-hole pressure method. (Usually the Driller’s method). ‘Thus the kick tolerance is either a) vig = FL x veca poi (itis L8e) Capa where H is calculated from Eqn 1 OR Pfrac x (MAASP - SIDPP) yy) b View Ppore x (Gy, - G) x Csa ‘The Lower value of V1g calculated from a) and b) is the Kick Tolerance. Where:- Vaca = Volume of DC/OH annulus, (bbl) Lae = (Vertical) length of drill collars, (ft) Cadea = _—_ Capacity of DC/OH annutus (fbb!) Cdpa = Capacity of DP/OH annulus (ft/bbl) Csa = Capacity of annulus (fbb!) at the casing shoe - this will probably = Capa, but on occasion it may = Cdca Pfrac = _ fracture pressure at shoc (psi) Ppore = __pore pressure at bottom of hole 49 Horizontal Welt Controt Ge») DEFINITION 2: for @ kick taken while tripping out of the hole. Kick tolerance for a swabbed kick is the maximum allowable influx volume which may be swabbed into the bowom of a well, without fracturing the formation when the well is closed in, and when the mud gradient is at the least equal to the formation pore pressure gradient I is assumed that prior to tripping, the mud weight was correct. In this case, when the bit is eventually back at bottom SIDPP=0, although initially SIDPP should = SICP (no float) when the well is closed in and the bit is above the influx MAASP. , Sy Inthis caso Hmax = and the kick tolerance is either vie= Axveca Ide or Vig = Vaca + (=Lded Capa (A graphical method for showing Kick Tolerance, as related to tolerable SIDPP, is shown overleaf.) Horizontal Well Control a. Figure 18.2 KILL METHOD DETERMINATION (BIT ON BOTTOM) 121/4" Hole Example ove (eoues9]04 YI) (19) SWN10A XNINI ee het 1 L oe 09 or 1 L 1 oz SOURIOIOL 4914 UIYRIA, (M8 MW) oor E o0e (ISd) ddais WELL CONTROL IN HORIZONTAL WELLS Introduction Characteristics of horizontal section Kick avoidance Kick detection and well shut in Kill operation 1 AP is very small between the beginning and the end of an horizontal section (hydrostatic conditions) 2 drain volume is imortant => Kick size can be very important 3 no gas migration in horizontal section 4 specific kill sheet and calculations INTRODUCTION Causes and behavior of influx are different: e Reservoir pressure known => Kick while drilling should be avoided e High productivity = Swabbing is a problem However no one should ignore the possibility of encountering an unexpected high pressure zone while drilling... INTRODUCTION 3 main aspects: 1. kick avoidance: = normal procedures apply 2. kick detection => normal procedures apply 3. kill operation => special kill sheet INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PROBLEMS: 1. Large section => rapid and large influx due to: small underbalance swabbed pressure 2. Horizontal section: e SIDPP = SICP e No gas migration e Flow rate influence e Gas trapped e Heavy mud injection in drill pipes: correction needs to be made according to the well bore trajectory KICK AVOIDANCE THREE MAIN ASPECTS 1. good planning = accurate and correct mud weight (be careful in completion phase!) 2. before tripping => appropriate rheology (Yv &Vp) 3. tripping => swabbing: e underbalance ¢ poor cuttings transport (packing off) => hole filling and displacement problems POOH recommendations In open hole: POOH slowly with circulation At shoe: circulate bottoms up (1st trip after entering the reservoir) Check carefully displacement volume RIH recommendations RIH slowly to avoid squeeze and losses (difficult to stop) If motor: Reduce flow rate in the build- up section Rotate & circulate in the open hole Bottoms up: expansion of gas bubbles Delay for gas bubbles to arrive at surface Kick detection and Well shut-in Causes of kick 1. mud weight drop 2. entering a sealing fault 3. entering a loss circulation zone Kick detection and Well shut-in As with any kick: The earlier it is detected The easier it will be to handle! Kick detection and Well shut-in Recommended procedures 1. Good monitoring Be careful on floating rigs! 2. Be careful during mud transfers 3. Check and test safety equipment daily 4. Calibrate sensors & detectors 5. Crew training - kick drills - meeting to ensure awareness or personnel prior to commence- ment of the horizontal section Kick detection and Well shut-in FLOW CHECKS ARE NOT A DEFINITIVE INDICATOR OF A SWABBED KICK! e No gas migration e No drop in Bottom hole pressure Y THE WELL WILL NOT FLOW INFLUX IS THE HORIZONTAL SECTION: SIDPP = SICP Difficulty in determining the type of influx Kick detection and Well shut-in FAST SHUT IN PROCEDURE! Kill operation DRILLED KICK SWABBED KICK CONCLUSIONS ABBREVATIONS Pf: Formation pressure BHP : Bottom hole pressure HPs : Hydrostatic pressure in string Hpa : Hydrostatic pressure in annulus ICP : Initial circulating pressure FCP :Final circulating pressure KMW : Kill mud weight PLs : Pressure losses in string PLop: Pressure losses in Drill pipes PLoc : Pressure losses in Drill collars PLeit : Pressure losses at Bit PLa : Pressure losses in annulus PLc.: Pressure losses in choke lines SWABBED KICK ONLY ONE DEFINITIVE INDICATION: GAIN/VOLUME DISPLACEMENT A NEGATIVE FLOW CHECK DOES NOT MEAN THAT THERE IS NO INFLUX BE WATCHFUL WHILE RIH AND POOH BE READY TO SHUT THE WELL IN RECOMMENDATIONS WHEN THE WELL IS SHUT IN: e USE THE DRILLER’S METHOD WITH AN APPROPRIATE CIRCULATING RATE (up to drilling rate if possible) e IN CASE OF A LARGE INFLUX AND DOUBTFUL SURFACE EQUIPMENT CAPACITY A “STAGED KILL METHOD” CAN BE USED Every stage: Stripping 2 to 5 stands (according to hole size) then circulate out with Driller’s method. Heavy mud injection in drill pipes: vertical string 70 55 40 Half volume pumped = Kill mud at the middle of the hole and pump presure at the average pressure: (ICP + FCP)/2 Heavy mud injection in drill pipes:drilling string + bit influence ICP Heavy mud injection in drill pipes: dual string & internal volume influence 10 m* 10 m’* half volume pumped =kill mud is not at the middle of the well Heavy mud injection in drill pipes: deviated hole 1/3 volume pumped 1/3 volume pumped = kill mud at the middle of the height of the well BHP ICP Heavy mud injection in drill pipes: deviated hole ICP FCP FCP GOHLAW LHOISM GNV LIVM YO GOHLAW S:.4ATHAC

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