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Currently it is not being possible to populate the complete number of the Service Nota Fiscal
because the lenght of the field PREFNO (NFS-e Nº) in the screen. Considering that this
information it is required for the SPED reports in the TDF, it is recommended define this field
as obligatory when is created the incoming Service Nota Fiscal using the NF Type SE.

Diego Zanelli

Tcode or RICEFW SM30

System ECC Module MM

Path or Table J_1BAKHV

Currently it is assingned to the same Header Field Group the fields PREFNO and CHECOD, but
considering that it is required by Business Area to define only the field PREFNO as mandatory, it will
be necessary to split these field in two different Header Field Group.

 From:

 To:

It was considered the Header Field Group 98 do field CHECOD because this Header Field Group
currently is not being used for any other field and this number is reserved by SAP for the customer
Tcode or RICEFW SM30

System ECC Module MM

Path or Table J_1BAMHV

Considering that the field PREFNO (NFS-e Nº) need to considered as obligatory only for the NF Type
SE, it was necessary to create some new Header Screen Control.
 93 based on 03
 95 based on 05
 98 based on 08
 99 based on 09

Considering that the field PREFNO is assigned to the Header Field Group 21, it was necessary to
define the Header Field Group 21 as mandatory to Header Screen Control 93, 95, 98 and 99.
Additionally, it will be necessary to define the new Header Field Group 98 as optional in the original
Header Screen Control, otherwise the filed CHECOD will not appear in the screen for the NFS-e that
was already created in the past.

System ECC Module MM

Path or Table SAP Customizing Implementation Guide >> Cross-

Application Components >> General Application Functions
Nota fiscal >> Assign Screen Control Groups to NF Type

In order to have the field PREFNO as mandatory only for the NF Type SE, it was necessary to assign
the new Header Screen Controls during the creation and modification mode.
Tcode or RICEFW SE38

System ECC Module ABAP

Program SAPLJ1BB2

Screen 2800

According to Snote 1853104 the fields PREFNO and CHECOD need to be considered the length as 20
characters as the respective data elements, but the both field were considering only 8 characters.

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